A new day for The Outriders (dnd ttrpg PM Siobhan before joining to see if she can handle another)

Nuada bows slightly to the priestess before sitting. "Thank you for the warm welcome. It is a refreshing changel. We have come seeking knowledge. Our client thinks their son has been lured away by a cult of one of the old gods who has returned as a demon.
From what they told us this cult is offering long live and happiness in return for sex. Worshiping this demon Erash. Is there any information about this that you can share with us"
The woman smiled "well. Thank the gods you haven't come thinking this is a brothel." She laughed and poured tea. "Erash is a thorn in the temple's side. From time to time her followers rise up, always seeking entry to the halls of power. It is fortuitous that you have come here this day." She got up and moved to the stairs, calling "Khadija. Come down."

Descending the stairs was a woman of the desert, black hair spilling from a scarf covering most of her head. She was garbed in leather armor, and a well used scimitar hung at her side "Khadija is a paladin of our order who is here investigating these very things. A few nights ago, a young and virtuous woman was returned to her house after being missing some time. Gone were her youth and her beauty. We suspect that the cult is offering not only sex to those in power but the lives and attractive looks of others less fortunate. The woman was on hard times and agreed to be staff at a party in the hills. Khadija was going to investigate the property tonight. It was wise of you to be forthright. I think that you and she might be of some use to each other."
Nuada gets to feet and introduces himself and rest of the group. "We have just come from a inn near the market. One of owners daughters went missing a few day ago. She to is good looking and virtuous. Her family want her returned so it sounds like there is much we can do to aid each other. How far from the city is the party?"
Trilan walks over and holds up his hand for Khadija to shake. “Looking forward to working with you, Khadija. The woman who was abducted is named Cemile, if you wouldn’t mind keeping an eye out for her yourself while we’re there.” Trilan described her as well he can, secondhand as the description is.
the paladin laughed "why don't you keep an eye out for her, when you come along? If the gods put you on this path, master gnome, why would you not see it through to the end?"
Trilan smirked. “Oh, I’ll be coming, alright. I won’t let my role in this sputter out in a premature conclusion.”

He shrugged. “I just thought: extra eyes make light search, you know what I mean?”
Bubbles continues to look down at the ground avoiding eye contact.
"How long until you were planning on leaving here to go and investigate the property?"
Nuada "We do not know how many we face, we may have superior night vision, I think a stealthy scout about may be best way to get an idea of how they are set up. Is there some kind of blessing or spell that you improve your night vision Khadija? I also wonder why they returned that poor woman they drained, there is nothing to be gained from it except to prove they are evil"
Khadija nodded to Nuada "What you have to understand I think is that everyone has a line, and most people's line is murder." She poured herself some tea. "Joining a sex cult whose demonic entity can convince you that modern standards are just too puritan and that this is a case of love that's been unfairly oppressed is one thing. Even taking the youth and beauty of a non-believer is probably beyond most entry level cult members. Killing the person for their youth and beauty would probably sow some doubt and some discord among a group that is reliant on both sticking together and secrecy. if even one higher level cultist gets squeamish over a murder, they could blow the cult wide open through their penance. The trick in these things is to keep all your activity just palatable enough that your other hooks on your members stay in place. The poor woman who was kidnapped has no memory of events. Likely she was kept drugged the whole time and so presents no real difficulty for the members, or her memory has been magically erased."
Nuada nods "A fair point, I assume that we will be facing opposition that has been brainwashed alongside the inner circle members. They will both be capable of violence towards outsiders they see as a threat. I do not know how we will be able to tell, and so we may well end up killing some of those we aim to help."
“I don’t suppose there is an easy way to either drug or knock people out, tie them up and then work out later if they are friend or foe? I would say it’s a simple as killing anyone wearing the uniform but then you have all those brain washed souls… I’m not sure I feel comfortable killing someone who is brainwashed and not acting if their own accord… would a simple detect good and evil work in this case? Or is there some spell that could help determine it?”
Bubbles ponders for a while…
“Though I guess if tonight’s mission is a simple reconnaissance mission and we are just sitting back and watching then that should be a lot easier. I’m just worried that we are going to go in to scout things out and wind up finding out that tonight is party night and we need to go in and rescue without any real plan or being adequately supplied”.
Khadija nods "a sleep spell will put large crowds of normal people to sleep. Do you have a wizard or a bard that can cast such a spell? if so having a few of them ready would be a good way to go." She smiled at the little gnome "I admire your dedication to a peaceful resolution. While I am trained for war, my inclination is peace. It is comendable that you wish to spare some of those that might still be saved. The goddess will smile upon you.' She made a gesture that might have been some sort of holy thing, but despite being a cleric, Bubbles was not a local. Still it felt like a benediction. "Whatever information you can find that you or any friends you have in town have will be useful. Let us return here tonight, after nightfall. Then we will make our way. As a local, and a member of the clergy I will have quite a bit of sway if we are stopped by the constabulary."
“It would take a bit of time to prepare a sleep spell,” Trilan says with a nod. “But I think it would be prudent even beyond tonight. Being a part of a mercenary company, I have kept my ready repertoire leaning toward the evocation school, but I imagine as we endeavor to reinvent ourselves that a more diversified arcane arsenal will be increasingly required. I’ll get started on that.”
“I am pretty much ready to go but I would love a nap before we head out if that’s okay? I have a feeling we have a long night ahead of us so getting some rest now is probably a good idea…”
"I wonder if I have time to get back the plantation and gather the rest of the troops its a couple of hours there , say an hour to prep and depart then a couple of hours back? Trilan what do you need to prepare? It will be a long night, Khadija is there somewhere Bubbles can get a nap, also how far is it from the city to where the cult are? "
“Just a bit of time to gather some of the rather plentiful sand there seems to be around here.”
"Bubbles whilst we will try to minimize casualties on both sides, if it is a choice between them and us then I an am sure Trilan and Khadija will do the same. You are not a sworn member of the Outriders and you can pick up and leave now. No one will judge you for it. We will come and find you afterwards and see if you still want to join. Not long ago you were living at a hermit and now we are on the verge of a battle. Once we start this there will be no turning back."
Bubbles thinks about it for a little.
"I don't think I would be able to live with myself knowing that there are young woman being abducted and I could have helped but chose not to... So I am in. I just am not sure I will be a big help I am not much of a fighter but I will do my best to help out in any way I can. I just need to sleep off this booze first. I don't think I am ever drinking again. I should have stuck to my milk..."
"Ok Bubbles, I am sure they wont mind of you have a nap , am glad that you are determined to come along. Its always a good thing to have a healer on hand - do you need any materials for healing or to decrease the mana cost when doing the healing?"
"My supplies are all good to go. I tend to keep everything in a topped up state as I never know when I will get a chance to re-stock. The whole living alone and away from civilisation tends to keep me prepared like doomsday is just around the corner. I'm surprised that my backpack closes some days with the amount that I keep in it. Unfortunately it does mean that I tend to only keep what's important as I don't have room for anything sentimental... and I am rambling... I think its best I go and get that nap and sober up before tonight's mission. If someone could show me to a bed that would be amazing..."
Hours later, rest was had, spells were readied, and the cool evening air settled over the city. As it grew dark, the trio met Khadija outside a large walled property on the south side of the City. Greta was already inside, having made her way in with a troupe of performers who had been hired to play an event. As the group watched, they saw any number of armed parties enter, and so their presence might not arouse suspicion right away. Often an important looking man or woman arrived with an entourage of bodyguards and the like. Khadija watched the gate a bit, then looked to the trio "I'm for going over the wall here in the back, then simply breezing about as if we have a right to be there. I find an air of confidence often convinces people not to confront you. I am, however, quite open to other suggestions. I'm sure you're all quite capable, and the three of you probably know each other and your capabilities far greater than I do. So what do you all think?"
"Yes that sounds like a plan to me. We three can be your entourage, so let's find a suitable spot" Nuada pulls out a coil of silk rope thin and very strong. He fashions a foot hold at one end.
Trilan scratches his chin, considering if he should spend himself casting spells to solve this problem. “I think that’s a good plan. I’m not much of a climber, but I’ll give it my best!”
Khadija smiled "I think between me and the elf we can hoist a small one like you and the girl over the wall, my gnomish friend. Not to wound your pride but you're the size of an 8 year old. While its a bit big to carry around I can easily hoist you and I am guessing your friend can as well." She stooped a bit "once the elf is up on the wall, I'll hand you up, and then ... Bubbles was it?"