A question about meeting someone from bondage.com

By the way,

I met bitchboy on bondage.com. he approached me, and I must say the only sub who has approached me correctly before him (the way I like it) has been sissy.

It just goes to show, it all depends on what the intentions are in the first place.


WriterDom said:
Anytime, Lance.

And I like your new av better than the old one.


I think it's more manlyman than a toy beaver in a twig car.

Your AV, by the way, is on the sign at the top of the driveway to a couple's cottage down the lake from mine....

i LOVE it when ebony gets angry. she's really cool. (and really nice under the scary-ness!)
tassie said:
i LOVE it when ebony gets angry. she's really cool. (and really nice under the scary-ness!)

Thanks tassie, I just hate it when the man bashing starts!

unless it's bitchboy or sissy and you're doin the bashing?:D
* looking at my map *

lilminx said:
Well, I need to be physically attracted to that person as well as mentally attracted to them. I have been disappointed one too many times. I have also seen pics of someone, found them attractive, and tehn got to know them and realized that they were not my type. It can go either way, but I want it all: looks, brains, and the ability to see to my needs. Now, I know a certain someone who has all that, but he is a few thousand miles away from me...

I think I'm a few thousand miles away from you. ;) :kiss: :rose:

aka "Mr. Bootie"
tassie said:
unless it's bitchboy or sissy and you're doin the bashing?:D

Sigh, it's a dirty job, and someone has to do it! They keep coming back for more!
