Absolution (closed)

Valentina walked with Brogan through the market, holding his hand tightly as they looked over everything that the market had to offer. She saw yarns and fabric that she was sure Kitty would like, but she was having a hard time making a decision. One of the other vendors, a kindly old woman, approached them and offered them both a freshly made sweet bun. Valentina took hers with a thank you and looked up at Brogan as the two conversed about how she was doing since the market had been reopened.

Valentina left his side, taking small bites of her roll as she continued to look before she came to stop in front of a stall that had all manner of fabrics. "You're from Italy?" Valentina asked the man working the counter, the young girl recognizing many things from Italy mixed in with his wares.
The middle-aged man leaning on the stand stood up straight and smiled down at Valentina. He had dark Mediterranean skin and black hair like her father, but he was a bit darker. "Greece originally," he spoke in a mixed accent. "But home is back in Rome now. What about you?"
"Venice." She said as the man took an interest in her, explaining that he was from Greece but now Rome. "But now I live here."

"I'm looking for something special for someone to make them happy. I was thinking some yarn or a nice piece of fabric." Valentina explained to the man.
The man stepped over to some baskets and crates beside the stand, kneeling to show Valentina boots of cloth and skeins of yarn. "I have mostly wool cloth, but a bit of Indian silk as well, and plenty of colors... Any ideas what this person likes?" He offered her another smile.
"She has a grandchild coming soon." Valentina offered. "Maybe something that she can make for the baby?"
"Softer fabric and softer colors," he nodded, pulling out a few bolts for her to see and feel. A soft forest green, dark navy, and a warm burgundy were laid before her, all a very soft wool.
"Maybe some of each?" Valentina asked as she reached for her coin pouch.

She had been working alongside her father for all of her life and Vincenzo had made it a point to pay her for her services. He had taught her that her skills were valuable, and even if it weren't as much as she would one day make in her life, it was enough for her to buy something from time to time.
The vendor nodded, getting a pair of shears to carefully cut off enough of each bolt for a couple articles of clothing each for a baby. He rolled the sheets of cloth up and tied them with twine for Valentina, handing them over in exchange for her coins. "Thank you, dear," he smiled.
"Thank you." Valentina said with a small smile as she took the cloth and her sweet bun to go and find Brogan again. "I'm happy you're here in Inverness."
Brogan was close by, looking over a Tailor's wares for sewing materials and yarn needles. He turned as Valentina approached, smiling to see what she'd found. "She'll love those," he encouraged, taking them for her to put into his saddlebags.
"I thought she could use them for Selena's baby." Valentina said as he took the cloth and packed it away securely in his saddlebags. "And maybe it can be something we work on together."
"Anythin' else you want t'get?" He asked. "I've got plenty o' money fer somethin' fun, maybe some ingredients fer those new recipes o' yours."
Valentina immediately wanted to say yes but she stopped herself, thinking about Brogan’s offer. “Papa says it’s important that I work hard and earn things on my own.”
"It is," he assured her. "But let yer big brother spoil you on occasion." He leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Even if it's jus' somethin' small."
"Maybe a few things." Valentina said softly as Brogan insisted that he be able to spoil his little sister. "But I'll pay for the rest."

She took Brogan's hand and pulled him along, making a small pile of things that she wanted to try to cook and things that she wanted to try out on the rest of the family.
Brogan gladly let her lead the way, glad to see how independent she was. Once they had everything gathered up, Brogan helped her back up into his saddle and they headed back to the keep.
Once they were back, Valentina helped Brogan to unload their things. She carefully stored her things away in the kitchen where Chessie directed her and then she bundled up her new fabric to take to Kitty. She found Kitty dozing in front of the fire, her father sitting there beside her quietly writing in a journal.

"Papa?" Valentina said softly as she stood there in the doorway, looking to where Kitty was sleeping and then at her father. "Can I come in?"
Vincenzo, settled in a chair with one leg crossed over the other as he wrote, glanced up as he heard Valentina's voice. "Come in, cara mia," he murmured, glancing to Kitty before setting his journal aside and welcoming Valentina over. "Now what have you been up to?" He asked with a smile, seeing the bundles in her arms.
"Brogan took me to the market and I got a few things. I thought that maybe I could make something for Selena's baby with...Ma." Valentina said, her eyes holding a little bit of hurt as she used that title for someone else beside Ashelin. "If she doesn't feel well, I can come back later."
"Bambina..." Vincenzo murmured as he heard her hesitate at calling Kitty her Ma. "... I think that's a lovely idea. She's just having a nap. Why don't you go get tea and a few snacks and I'll wake her up." He rose and leaned down to kiss her forehead. "... Ashelin would be proud, you know," he whispered. "She wrote me letters all the time talking about how she looked forward to when she could finally share you with your mother. That way you'd have all the love you could ever ask for between four parents."
A wealth of sorrow crossed Valentina's dark gaze as Vincenzo mentioned Ashelin being proud of her. She wanted her mummy more than anything in the world, but she knew that she was never coming back.

"I'll be back soon." Was all that she could say as she turned to go and get some tea and a midday meal from Chessie.
Vincenzo remained where he was a while, knowing his little girl was deeply hurt and would be for a long time. Slowly he rose and went to Kitty's side, leaning down to kiss her cheek. "Cara mia," he murmured, coaxing her awake.
Kitty opened her eyes as Vincenzo kissed her cheek and gently woke her. After her mood that morning, she had steadily felt worse and worse as the day wore on. She was depressed, but she did her best to hide it from everyone.

"Just a few more minutes, Vincenzo." Kitty said softly, not wanting to wake up just yet.
"Our daughter wants to make something with you," he told her softly. "She just got back from the market."
"With me?" Kitty asked, her brow furrowing as Vincenzo told her that Valentina had come back with a project for the both of them to work on. "Are you sure?"