Aft Nacelle (discussion all things sci-fi)

Don’t forget She-ra. I guess it isn’t surprising that love of sci fi and sexuality overlap so well.
Yes. Also a great fan of Lady Jay.
One was epitome of proper and sadistic dominatrix.
The other more hands on, blue collar, rough and​ tumble.

I always liked Lady Jaye. She was badass, took no prisoners, and didn’t take any shit from Shipwreck.

Also, the character of Marissa Fairbourne from the third season of the original Transformers, was supposed to be Lady Jaye’s daughter with Flint. That didn’t explain why she had an English accent, though.

In the recent IDW Comics, she (Marissa) was still Flint’s daughter, but her mother was someone else.
Ever watch Star Blazers? I think I was a virginal college freshman when I watched it on VHS tapes. There was one arguably sexy scene in one episode. They were somehow in an area of space where time sped up (if I remember correctly), and this caused their uniforms to age and fray. Nova, a rare female character, had her tight uniform fray right across her breasts, presumably from the way it stretched there, and this revealed the underwear beneath. This was not portrayed salaciously at all, but my mind instantly went to thinking that soon she'd be in a room full of guys while most or all of her clothes fell off. I was watching this in a room with just three guys. No one said anything about this, but if I had blurted out my feelings at the moment, I could have said, "That is rather erotic for me. I'm getting kinda wet right now." (Considering the guys I was with, those words probably would soon have led them one after the other to excuse themselves to go to the bathroom to quickly jerk off.)

Yes, her uniform did feature an arrow that pointed right to the heart of her crotch.
I didn’t realize it at the time but the wave motion gun was pretty phalic
Ever watch Star Blazers? I think I was a virginal college freshman when I watched it on VHS tapes. There was one arguably sexy scene in one episode. They were somehow in an area of space where time sped up (if I remember correctly), and this caused their uniforms to age and fray. Nova, a rare female character, had her tight uniform fray right across her breasts, presumably from the way it stretched there, and this revealed the underwear beneath. This was not portrayed salaciously at all, but my mind instantly went to thinking that soon she'd be in a room full of guys while most or all of her clothes fell off. I was watching this in a room with just three guys. No one said anything about this, but if I had blurted out my feelings at the moment, I could have said, "That is rather erotic for me. I'm getting kinda wet right now." (Considering the guys I was with, those words probably would soon have led them one after the other to excuse themselves to go to the bathroom to quickly jerk off.)


I freaking love that cartoon! I have Quest for Iscandar and The Comet Empire on DVD. I’ve been meaning to see how the reboot Yamato 2199 is.

I’ve also been wanting to put together one of the Star Force uniforms for a cosplay.
Okay, fellow sci-fi aficionados, I find myself on an unplanned three week vacation (shelter in place due to Coronavirus), and need recommendations of shows to binge.
If you haven’t yet watched them I recommend the Expanse or Westworld
Spoiler free thoughts on the season finale of Star Trek: Picard:

There are going to be some pissed off fanboys who don’t like changes to the status quo - just look at the Doctor Who blowback - but I think there could be some interesting story possibilities from this. So, I will wait and see what season 2 brings, once things have calmed down enough for the cast and crew to get back to work.

On a personal note, I fucking love Raffi! I think she’s my favorite of the new characters we’ve been introduced to. Again, I look forward to seeing what comes next with her.

As with all new shows, the early seasons can be rough. Hell, it wasn’t until season 3 when The Next Generation finally hit its stride. This show had some rough spots, but it was, overall, very enjoyable:

And now for a tangent. LeVar Burton recently got blanket permission from Neil Gaiman to use his shirt stories in the LeVar Burton Reads podcasts. That doesn’t surprise me in the least! Mr. Gaiman also did the same for teachers who want to use his stories for online learning. It’s nice when one of my favorite authors does something that restores my faith in humanity, especially with all the fear in the world right now.

Live long and prosper, fellow geeks. Be safe out there.
I was a Dr Who fan for a while, until I became tired of the same villains being killed and revived ad nauseam, the sidekicks who want to shag the doc, and easy-peasy space travel. One Timelord companion was supposedly an equal partner but then was downgraded to just another sidekick. Years ago I thought a female lead was long overdue, but now is too late and they have apparently run out of competent writers.

The series I still love is Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (not the movie remake). I recall watching some of two episodes of Dirk Gently, the first and the reboot. If the shutdown lasts a year maybe I'll watch more of that. Meanwhile, there are plenty of books with competent storytelling.
Thoughts on Mystery Science Theater 3000. Who was the best host? Your favorite Mad? Which bad movie was the most unwatchable?

For me, it was Mike, TV’s Frank, and Manos, the Hands of Fate.