all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Through the pin hole
she views her narrow world
in the negative.
Sighs of pleasure bracketed
by foot-stamping tantrums.
Patience is a virtue or so
they say but so is trust
wanting only peace
and satisfaction I step
aside easily smiling.
Where did he go, when will he come back.
This mythical man, pulls at my soul.
Somber nights spent spinning tails, of spectacular
suspense. Shaking me to the ground. Trembling
terror takes over titillating my senses with rhythmical
rhymes serenading my soul, again.

He breaths wantonness into a willing body of want.
Whirling words whispered in the night, welcoming.
Whitewashes the need with lustful brush of mouth
upon lips, tongue. Hot heavenly haven ... hatches.
Hills he climbs, my valleys he parts. Pathways open
to him. Pulsating pulp trickles, as he tickles my fancy.

Arrival of my phantom love is imminent. Interesting
my interior of innocence, incomplete ... without him.
Aches of alley cat forming in my nether region.
Nectars formulate. Fantasy or phantom, either is
welcome, into this dreamland, of devout dwelling,
for him. He alone can ease this accused, ache.

eagleyez said:
I flipped the Halibut in your honour.

The music shakes the sheetrock,


You shake my sheetrock
hammer my nails to the wall
and spackle me silly.


(ps--it's haddock damnit, not halibut!)
ruminator said:
A random unattatched deck would complement the wayward dyke balls perfectly.

One might even cosider it poetic.


You do realize your first sentence would be indecipherable to anyone outside this forum. I think you're talking poet speak. :)

dyke balls defying imagination
tripping disco ladies, fandangos
stunned by black light
spun across a polished floor
in wayward dance a dream
deterred or simply night
deferred when the moon
swallows sky and Diana
crosses the moor
resplendent and solitary

he asked,
I could not tell,
it was a secret,
I promised,
not even to write
it down,

never speak of it
again she said

It hurts,
white razor streaks,
stark harsh,
raw strokes,

not even her
to speak
to understand
a little.

I will not make
a promise
of anything
being a secret
and never to tell
Angeline said:
You do realize your first sentence would be indecipherable to anyone outside this forum. I think you're talking poet speak. :)

dyke balls defying imagination
tripping disco ladies, fandangos
stunned by black light
spun across a polished floor
in wayward dance a dream
deterred or simply night
deferred when the moon
swallows sky and Diana
crosses the moor
resplendent and solitary

Mysterious forces
bounce out loud
pulling some in
chasing others away.

Welcome only
by special invitation
excitedly extended
shared in special ones play.

Don't underestimate
the power
of dyke balls
if they bounce your way.

hey,....echo_s...nice work. I can feel that conflict in reading it.
annaswirls said:
it is not the chains
that is too easy
these cancerous roots that erode his face
digging pathways to his center while Conquistador trunk
grows sunward
wrapping his thoughts without purpose
into heartwood,
protects with its loose grip
air flows through

he sees his fate
it is tilted downward
and to the west
but it is not these chains that hold him here
but hold him together

perhaps it is the wood
that births the man into feathered hats
perhaps the face sees fate

someone please tell me the time

and now?

are we moving forward?
do we peel or layer tonight?

your inspiration...thank you :kiss:

It has been too long
I have groaned toward the sun,
instead lay here naked,
uninterested in playing
everyday life,
I make my own.

Many say it is insanity
yet still I am a hermit
in a castle of idle dreams,
there is no time here,
just space without thought
and only survival pre-existing

Some say it is egotistic
even sadistic
but you know
here, I taste peace
and slowly find enough love
to share once again.
passions thread, needles pointingly
sticking a lovers rib. robbing the blind taking
sight, fixedly sedates weapons sport.

chasing, spinning, rolling the wave. stopping
on a dime. slicing the cut of weavers dream,
exacerbating the lions share. torn from cloth,
shaken to the core, heart throbs a breath away.
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LeighPouty said:
passions thread, needles pointingly
sticking a lovers rib. robbing the blind taking
sight, fixedly sedates weapons sport.

chasing, spinning, rolling the wave. stopping
on a dime. slicing the cut of weavers dream,
exacerbating the lions share. torn from cloth,
shaken to the core, heart throbs a breath away.

it was for a second I forgot how to breathe
everything still, crashed silence of stone-fill
numbness closed

and cast it's spell, dreamed comatose
feeling spaced in a universe
of what still is but not really here
you are not my stroke
or my E ticket to poetland
the hard bargain
was driven
right into my
marshmallow armor
not impenitrable,
but sticky quick sand
and suffocating
its a non issue,
you already know
and will never have
a chance to forget
cause baby, i'll remain
in your face
saying your name
assuring and leaving
no lingering notion
that ive not been
sucked in far to your
black and bruised world
never wanting to be
anywhere else.
not even south america.
baby you cant feed a starvin woman
that much then leave her
an hour
two hours
longing for my fill

has it been three

my belly is bloated with the hunger for you
shaking like a junkie
bring me your love
my toes dig in the sand
pulled with your currents
vertigo did not notice I am miles from my blanket
and I dont give a damn

I leave it behind for you tonight
sinking quick
sand trap
take me down
drown me in your love
pictorial of addict one
itching to fix,
missing the man
he came and went
like a alleyway ghost
the broken glass that
under my heels
is a beautiful reminder
to always be on time
even in South America
the rivers carry shit down stream
metals leech from the mud
sand sparks with mica

foams with the madness of
maids just like me
smackin the dirt from my mans underclothes
down on the rocks
down on the rocks
we beat the shit into the river
wave it to the ocean to the bay
pray the amphibians forgive us all
no place is anything
its cracked up to be
cracked and dented
shot slap out, is
what i've heard,
lead me to believe
there's just no place
no place like rome,
but what i
what i
what i'm gettin at heer
that i found this lil cubbyhole
and i plan
to stay tucked in
his shirt pocket
and right there
under his thumb.
my ghosts too
sometimes sneak down the alley
they know it is where I keep all my best gardens
the hosta crowd each other for the sun
shasta daisy fire their yellow glares back at the sun, daring it to keep up

my ghosts too take the alleyway
they do not recognize the front door
everyone sees what happens in the back
but no one has the nerve to say what goes on
down the back steps
hidden in garbage cans
torn by a human shredder
so no one reads the future

if I had a chimney, I would invite them down
but we stick to the alley
where all good secrets are stored
yeah bloom where you are planted
she always said that and fuck you
I wrote in my diary
fuck you I will not bloom where I am planted

one place is not as good as another
I swore

I will carry my seeds to fertile soil
I will not be planted
I will not be planted like some goddamn bean in your garden!

but soon I learned
David letterman is pretty much the same
no matter where you park your petals
by way of bricks
and charred parts
of a heart or two
i just let that slow burn
go on
transparency and
interpertation and
sand falling too quick
through an imagined hourglass
that says, hey times up..
or time again
my sundial's broke,
it dont work in the dark
good thing i dont hafta be
anywhere but here
fly me round the globe once
twice got my atomic clock strapped on

hear the ticks slow from your side of the atmosphere?

baby I got the numbers on the dial
tick for your tock
try as you may
all the vodka in the world will not preserve your blood
I will never catch you
you gotta come

step in time
step in time
we can only make it stop
what a perfect fucking truth
she said
it dont ever happen when
i'm in my own hand
put on pause,
my heart giving in and
loosing the beat
struggling again
to find that magic solvent
that is only sold in bulk
with a picture id membership card
thats the stuff,
above chloroform or absinthe
or stagnant pond water
that i can use to
get this goddamn
grudge cleaned off my hands.
Gushing, flowing
Wet and running

Laughter, squeeling
Bathe and dripping

Splash, splatter
Happy and clean
perhaps it is the hurricaine that forces our eyes open
with it's low pressure
nothing to hold us together I feel my mind rising slowly over my brain
out from protective shell like an egg cracked in space it seeps outward, upward

palms cannot hold this crack skull together

you swat the mosquitoes
I gently remove the wooden picks from your eyes
we make bug gut h'ordourves serve them uop with pride
and blink when we want to blink
think what we want to think

let us talk about Brad and Angelina darling
did you hear
a new baby from Ethiopia
let us talk about Jennifer
she does not want revenge
she just wants to move on
don't you think?
dont you think

these things are so important
in keeping our eyes closed
toothpuicks placed where they best belong
in our snacks

life gives good crunch
let us bite through
to the core
then eat that too
swallow bits
crunch bones

I want to feel the cuts on the inside
cheeks and slicing all the way


but until then, can I whip you up a smoothy

I have a bear full of honey and a basket full of fruit
are you lactose tolerant?
shall I get you a straw?

let us talk about the ugliest dog in the world
and you can chase me with an abstract ceramic penis
I promise not to scream
only laugh

close the windows! someone is coming with a new death toll
find me under blankets
under the stairs
under the chemicals that slow the fire in my brain

quick press frappe
and bring me a straw
the bendy kind please
I am too tired to lift my head

come lie beside me
we can compare scars and birth marks
exchange fourth greade stories
when all that mattered was all that mattered

what I need is a solid ending
what I need is closure
and come on give me something to tie this together into a pouch
filled with

stingers and wire and this broken clock
I will need them later
A rabid funk barks
shins like that goddamned glass
table you know about
and know it and know it
and do it anyway. Pain
squeezes from the corners
of your eyes like that basement faucet like
it will never stop. Damn this glass
that bruises but
You strike it with pens and cups
till the sparks and splinters fly, lodging
under your skin
where the bruises bleed
black funky blood
a melancholic pool at your feet.
I still hear your heart beat
in each breath I take
you are yet my sustenance.
Even though I can never
touch the pulse
that beats at your throat
where my lips long to kiss
I feel your warmth.
Do not imagine that my soul
does not call your name,
Michael, first in heaven
you revealed where glory
lives, inside your love.
Tell me a story he said,
wanna hear a good one.
About kings, castles,
big black horsies and mud.

Mud, said I. Please tell me, why?
Son looks into my eyes, lil squinty smile.
Mud, says he, is all gooey and fun.
Oh my, thought I. What a son.

So I went along with my tail.
A king, his son, with a dream
of a horse. The only problem,
what about the mud.

So I pondered... thought ...
Hmm, what a predicament I'm in.
OK says me. Here we go.
So I dive right in ...

The king you see. Had a son.
Who loved horses. Of course,
I told him with long winded
groans, moans, and screams.

The king, gave his son a horse.
Hmm, I said that didn't I. Any who.
The horse well he liked to play,
in the meadow far, far away.

When he came upon a stream, off
the son flew, Oh, how he did scream.
The king hearing the scream got
all his men at arms away they ran.

The boy, well he hit the goo,
splatters all amuck. He was
down on his luck, when he fell
back into poo. Oh my...

The king, his men, hundreds of horses.
Are a witness to this coo. Oh,
what a mess. The kings son did re-dress,
shakin off the doo doo.

All the men did snicker. The horses
noses, they flickered. The king, he
is still a quiet red hue.

The boy got on his horse. Crying,
wailing all the way home. For he
could not get it all off, of course.

My son did laugh, Oh how hee-hawed.
He loved the horse, the poo, and doo.
He wants to go there, he says. On
a horse just like the kings' son.

I asked him, tongue in cheek.
Son what happens, when you
are the one. To fall into and land.
In the land, of the doo doo.

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