all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Meet me on Yahoo baby.
You know I long to sit
and click my passion's
lyric out in time signatures
of lust and longing.

First a playful three-four waltz
across the flirting hello
I've missed your conversation
make me smile for just this hour
I can find for you.

Your politics and my love poems
make strange bedfellows
until we samba to a two four
staccato accent on each word
I love you so.

Meet me on Yahoo baby
and I promise that the cha-cha
of those impossible stretches
of six-eight bars
will slow down and drag
me into politics
and love poetry
until you catch your breath.
Formidable words.
Simple tatting
or the venomous spit
of a web. That deadly
beauty sparkles
and sticks to your skin.

The spider's polarity
weaves and spins,
and I can paint a picture
of the pattern. I am not

without admiration
from the cerebral
remove of the garden
I tend. I saw the first
round promise
of a poem under the leaves
while you were busy
scratching at the screen.

You said I've never
been happier.
I swallowed the web
and wrote this.
neonurotic said:
lake pontchartrain soft-shell crabs
come along a coupla times a year
beer batta' em
fry em while you can

them boys r good eatin'

mmmm's coronary in the making

With a pair of scissors
go about a ¼ inch behind the eyes
and snip off eyes and mouth.

Pull up shell from shoulder and
remove gills on both sides.

Lift up belly flap
and clean or remove belly flap completely.

she does not seem to mind
being snipped and lifted
you do not hear any complainnts
of being Blinded
as fingers dig down in
removing feathered gills
wishing he could remember to take her heart as well...

clean, crisp, eaten

She will find her way
through artery and vein
trailing pieces along the path
to his
beats harder to pump through hardened pathways

she does not seem to mind being cleaned and eaten whole
or in bites

you do not see regret for coming out of hiding too soon
before the shell had a chance to grow
they never seem to take us
hard, invulnerable

gently at first, it begins
tender soles rolling across
firm skins, applying pressure

juice filled orbs
stretch and burst,
warm flesh oozes,exposed

as the weight increases
and the strokes speed
showing no mercy

life's blood is squeezed,
sweetmeats are trampled
underfoot,wrenching out all

that was one fresh
and succulent, until only
an empty, bitter hull remains

and having emptied you,
she retires to sip the wine
and consider future harvests
Loco motive

If you listen carefully
her haunting howl reaches
your ears long before
she comes into view


she turns the curve,
her whistle mesmerizing
freezes you in your tracks,
as she bears down

the ground beneath rumbles,
sends shockwaves up your legs,
through your groin,
shudders your heart

you are overrun, she is gone
crossties form your crucifix
as you await the inevitable end
a wild kinda passion
thats miles long
and ten stories high
lie is not a lie
you see,
this is me
fearless for the moment
bared to the bone
and telling you my truth
my troth
don't let it
fall out your other ear,
keep it
and see it 4
what it is
to a certain degree
my decree
is made up
radiation burns the roses dead
they bleed dew drops red

poison our planet
one day at time
and still we want more

monochrome gray rainbows rise

the world turns black, now
there's nothing left but our futures

wastelands bare, living in the raw

don’t cry, go out of your head
we all still get to
dance around in the acid rain
weird motherfucker riding
last night’s panic, screaming
out to no one

looking in the mirror, see him rant
listen and say nothing

turn around
walk the other way
pretend he doesn’t exist

but no one can stay
away forever

we all have to go home one day
lie down and bury me deep
whisper in one ear whatever you want

wishes granted, go out the other

remember you only get to keep
what you need

don’t be greedy, baby
you can always have more

tomorrow or the next day

not going any where soon
because I fall, still fear nothing
mismatched shoes
stranger parts

fucker, who really cares?

still get to walk Highway 9
cross the road

get there, they card at the door
but nobody will stop you
because no one really knows

or cares

we are all freaks in own way
no one stands alone, no one
captain trips crashes the gate
lets loose his super flu
pukes in the punch

but its still a party
easter lilies, black roses
six 66-tier cakes

bubbles of dreams all drown
we drink it down with champagne
then we eat the plague like caviar
go barefoot
doing away with
anyones shoes
cause they only
get wet in the rain
what started as
a whisper once
can't stay
i wear it on my
i wear you like a
purple badge
of passion
and i'll catch you
grab you up
and not let your feet
touch the ground

Color My World~

color my world
nice ... bright
taking loves hand
for the longest flight

leading the way
to temptations temple
tasting the colors
bright ... simple

long slow kisses
tender ... free
moving in closer
bringing you .... to me

red for pure passion
we hold tight ... close
green for dazzling growth
all is abloom ... a roses smile

yellow for heartfelt happiness
cheer ... hot
blue for many many memories
we capture ... have got

orange for the all consuming joy
bringing to each other ... boundlessly exciting
brown is poetry
slow simmering growth ... igniting

black is the stuffy sadness
having it to balance ... good ... bad
white for purity
all that is so pure ... all we have

you color my world
invade my heart
shown me things
from the start

love is pure
lusty ... giving
you are what makes
my life worth living ...

Tathagata said:
she meanders through her garden
stooping here and there
like a schoolmarm
to encourage, chastise, embrace
her babies

many of her plants are red
she grows hearts
because she can't wear them

her first tomato
pregnant with seed and rain
is but a kiss on my lips
and slow roasted jalapenos
sunday morning spooning
which transforms
to slow shut eye love making

it is a garden watered with tears
in which she grows
she misses

missing those smiles.
from so long ago. watering
times shadow. simply slow, to
grow. bursting forth
blooms, radiantly happy.

bubbling within loves shiny
smile. oozing pure joy, upon
gardeners hand. soft gentle
touches to encourage

raining down
love, sweetly soft ....

smiling memories sinking
sensuously within. producing
all consuming honor from
loves open hand ...

nothing missing.

all is accounted for.
in this garden planted,
from the heart. inhaling
all scents of harmony.
and love ...
ozone heat,
spatula and frozen cornbag,
flyswatter and heavy reverb, with
VU like jet engines-

to the
middle 8

deeper in the dankest
the sherpa leopard pants
"seduce me like a poet but fuck me like a whore"

oh fuck I cant even write about this land mines and pot holes
and the innocent the innocent
most wonderful
generous bystanders
generals who are talented at one

ah you fuck me like a whore, simple enough
simple enough with the smack and twist and bent over the railing
I know the drill

but how much of myself do I show you
enough to make yuo want to seduce me?
but not so much to make you stop wanting to admit I am a whore


off to the prostitute for the cock sucking
my wife kisses my kids with that mouth
remember that, one of the Corleonnes

and mister I stand tall,
strong, whatcha got for me
I only turn whore
in the presence
make me believe make me believe make me believe
takes a genius to make me believe
I can cower
knowing you will
build me build me builde me up
back out of shadows

seduce me like a poet
fuck me like a whore
"seduce me like a poet
but fuck me like a whore"

i'd been trying to think
of a way to balance this issue
for months

how to take make my long legs
step with my feminism
and be taken seriously

maybe it was the way i blushed
and he didn't notice
the first time
or maybe it was the way
i notice how hard the neck
of the wine bottle was compared
to my fingers

i waited to become a christian until after
i was sexually liberated
go figure

now what am i supposed to do
imagine Christ stern and loving
while i rot
longing for any touch
untouched by wrong
by god

its not even about God or what I would give
its about whats left uncovered
unaccounted for
my thighs trimmed
unseen by no-one
the way i push down my moans
into my belly like Eve's on the edge
unable to take it anymore
and because of that
needing it more
seduce me
says you to me
what a night
for lovers to be

long legs shaking ... strapped around
lovin tender
all to be found

showin a lil bootie
for he likes it nice ... tight
takin what I want
for this night

I love him
make no mistake
I wanna have it all
a lot is at stake

givin the shimmy shake down
I take it hard ... rough
then give more
I want to stay around

hot slow licks
to his muscle of love
grinde to the dust
all from above

chocolate drips
to the nether region
suckling up
milking the legion

I am a slave
taking and giving
I only promise
not to behave

carless shackling
a high-jacking
to be honest
He will find in me
no slacking

wrapping around
twinkling tight
all to be found

I worship my love
from morn to dusk
all that is required
a lil grub

love me long
feed me good
for tomorrow
I shall be gone

take me
bend me to your will
all of this
is but a thrill

this I say is true
I love my love
he leaves me
in da morn light
alone ... so blue

apart though we may be
my heart
yes, it belongs to he

seducing my love
all the night long
taking what we want
giving all we have
'tis written in the stars above

my love .... me
together will be
hide and watch
all is here
for you to see ...
Tathagata said:
still stunned
from what feels like
a midnight interrogation
sleep deprivation
or coming up
for air
after lounging near the bottom of the sea
a deck chair on
some ghost liner
monday morning
mainlining iced coffee
to replace the embalming fluid
someone snuck in
tap dancing to shatter
rigor mortis
to melt the caul of silence
like a stalled movie
burnt cheese brain
and get back to being

burnt cheese brains
and mosquitos another
hot one today and we
just drink iced everything
dream about 25 inches
of snow on the deck

there are reasons
for silence that have
nothing to do with sun
or ice or love

poetry on the mind
thinkin i should give in
let it loose
to prowl ... find

hunt the prey
shoot for the moon
take what I want

for its a long drought
take his hand
lead him ... home
a colorless boulderfield is
embroidered by the last winters moon-
as prevailing currents reflect
high beams and ice light mimicry
along riveroads while a silver rail recalls
mudfoot canyons and the braile of
migrating birds.

the cabbage mill fallout
corrodes the hardest wooden floors
where the industry is underfoot

and all that is forgotten
softens in longer days
and the blooms in the algae weaveries
beg the sun...

to stand again caped in vestments
anchored in blue clay.
this is the time of diamond and inomite
pick a word
a loaded wiord

just say it laszy mother fucker
say it




might as well just say the word
baby it speake the poem for you

go to sleep girl cos you got it you got it you got it bad

wedding bands tucked into pockets
virgin mary wears your smile

you catch my ocean in your chalice
for the drinjk?
for the burn?

do you catch the oils of another
in this the shallow sip of matches

come over me shoulder through thigh
spread me wicked
spread me true
find your way through
baby hemispheres I got two
double vision mind fuck
I am already there baby
just mae me believe it
I will follow you anywhere
burnt an inner
concealed layer

a blind man hears
the sound of light
the speed of sound
in a slow motion
rolling round

found it, found out
curling fingers speak
and call me near
through blackness
sense of smell is clear

must be pine i'm smelling
my brain my heart
idle indistinctly
linear time closes in
waiting for another flood

it'll come.
For you...

Is it the right thing to say...?
"Glad to see you back my love! Now kindly take off your clothes..."
Would it be acceptable to say...?
"I've missed you so much! Now quickly get on all fours..."
Is it polite to declare...?
"Time without you was so dull! Now slowly spread your legs for me..."
And can I finally state...?
"I love you my darling! Now fucking brace yourself, I'm coming home..."

this wick you burn runs parallel to my spine
but down the front side

or bent

my limbs are pointless
you take my torso
spine and lines of desire
pack me over your shoulder
carry me wick spine and core
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