all of a sudden passion suddenly

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I wish I could write a poem about you
a poem that would capture the essential you
using simple words to describe the inner you
words such as beautiful and lovely so suit you
but I know I would fail in a poem about you
because I’m too poor a poet to write a poem about you
Keats, Shelley, Byron, Betjeman, Yeats
they are the ones to pen a poem for you
only they could write a poem worthy of you
so for now I will just smile like a fool and gaze at you
my head and my body singing with desire for you
and thank my lucky stars that I am in love with you

This is actually an old poem of mine but at the time it was written with passion and quite suddenly and so, because I want to, I'm going to post it here. Why do I want to? Well, it promises to be a sunny day and I'm thinking sunny thoughts about someone so I think thats reason enough. Don't you?
I ride the buzz of the high tension wire
transformer hums and sparks in my mmmm
oisture of memory

brought in to today as you position me
three dimensions
chin up
chin ...yes... a bit to the left
like a school photographer who wanted to be

but you do not take my picture baby
you take my mouth
my throat open for you

and I kneel wishing I had two more senses
so I could swallow you down seven times

seven such a holy number
you so wholly mine
my attention , yours

I breathe in the scent of your day
fermenting under cotton, see your eyes
demandiny mine
they drill you inside of me
deep beyond feeling and into
that place between the devil and the
deep blue something

something filled with the saline sky of tears fallen,
mine, yours, mine
evaporated from shoulders

I taste this salt there beneath you
and I want you to fill me

I wait
mouth oopen
eyes closed

I wait for you to fill my mouth
and open my eyes
and baby you know I will
*grins wickedly*

Get'm Anna~~~ :D


tha man in the mirror
Oh, what a sight to behold
wishin I wasn't warin no clothes.

take his towel, tie'm up real tight
Oh, baby this is gonna be a fun night.
goin in for the close up
watchin him squirm
hmm what's this, mmm a worm

flappin my feathers out
squakin with immortal glee
as I pant, around his pee-pee

long slurpy licks, nice'n ... smooth
my lil birdie tongue gettin in da groove
feathers go flyin, as the wormy does grow
thinkin this lil birdie, has got a long row to hoe

mirrors foggin up, steamy ... hot
knowin I finally, hit da spot.
diggin in deep, goin down fast
takin in all that worms mast

wigglin lil booty, fluffy lil shakes
this worm so hot,
I need some shake and bake

eating my meal, with fiendish delight
sucking all the juicy juice
outta that worm

my man he trembles,
head falls down to the ground
no sighs ... whimpers,
no ... not a sound

lickin my pouty lips,
sighing my utmost content.
his head raises up,
with a devilish, evil glint ...

Thank you...

Thank you ladies!

I am in turn blushing
and modestly smiling.
Even childishly grinning,
but you have to stop,
or my head will start spinning!

Wait and the bluest eye
will film with the cracked deceit
of its falter. The sky will break
alarums of dawn. This morning
sighed me awake too early,
but someone has a plane
to catch.

Not me. I'm an accessory
to the crime not
a perpatrator, just a navigator
through these blind waters.

Stir the pot little darling.
Get on your knees, propose
promises, spill a teacup
full of vaunted please. What
do you suppose pleases
the court?

I awoke early, brewed
the day brown as breathing
mud and sipped
cups of earth flavored dawn,
dropped the last veil, annointed
you in calendula and honey,

the land beyond the pale
of night. Arise, clear
the horizon, lift fingers
to the heart of revelation
dressed in plain clothes
and unadorned swallows
of unfettered air look you
here and there a contrail
of a day to come--

cool mist and promise
fill our hands.
Come Join Da Fun~ a twist on Todays submissions~

Come join the fun.
Da party has just begun.
Grab some coffee.
Snuggle in close,
to a bag full,
of poetry prose.

Some mystical
knights of the realm.
Fighting with soul,
together they might
beat the foe.

Classic ... Sad
Oh, how I love thee
Together forever,
they wanna be.

A muse who
whispers to clouds,
of moonlit walks
upon the moors.

Some women who
make their men sing.
Wayyyy out Loud.

Hunger dominates
these lusty gurls,
as her whip snaps
uncurls ...

A young lad
on a horse ride.
Fallin' into poo
and doo.

Mythical lights,
across the sky.
So beautiful,
makes the heart cry.

Broken hearted
maidens of peace.
Whose heart is torn,
as if by disease.

I heard the monster,
in the cellar.
Screaming through,
that young mans mind.
Please I ask ... Beg....
Do Not open that door,
nope not even one time...

A cute gurl
with boobies so big.
Leanin over the counter,
givin' rise to
a young mans prig.

Oh a serpent
in our midst.
Hell warmed over
the earth.
With the release
of pain ... misery.
Tell me,
how much
is that worth?

Tales of hunger.
A tingling so bad.
Without her love,
the maiden
shall forever,
be sad.

Tongues lapping,
succulent juices.
As the dogs
are waggling,
the paws
of their muses.

Can you feel
the excitement,
in the air,
Passion ...
Greed ...
Hatred ...
Lust ...

All to be had here,
filling one so full,
of a poets tricks.
Filling as if
they will bust.

So come,
join the fun,
had by all, here
at Lits' Poetry Hall...

How erotic you are, hold
on dreams hold on.

Halfway between awake
and sleep.

One leg over body pillow, turning
this hard into that soft,
strrretch and toe currrl.

It is Sunday, sunny bright
with fresh breeze cracking blinds.


Look through hazy morning eyes;
this white cotton cocoon
is interrupted.

"Damn damn, got to take a piss."
breathless manifestation
of a whole 'nother me
losing myself
filling a void vast
expanse at last
not without
intense pay ups
drawing on this
shrinking reserve
that i reserve
only for you.

glad you have me?
neonurotic said:
How erotic you are, hold
on dreams hold on.

Halfway between awake
and sleep.

One leg over body pillow, turning
this hard into that soft,
strrretch and toe currrl.

It is Sunday, sunny bright
with fresh breeze cracking blinds.


Look through hazy morning eyes;
this white cotton cocoon
is interrupted.

"Damn damn, got to take a piss."

I love those hazy eyes
that slowly smile
as if in recognition
or remembering
the night before
Bedroom eyes I say
and throw off the sheet
to see your lean body
sun brown but for those
two white globes.
sun hot

sun hot promise of a Monday working boring morning
wrestling anew with the weekday pain of leaving you
you sleeping naked and wantonly knowingly spread

one last tempting caress, one last loving kiss upon skin
made sexily brown by wickedly sinful topless summer sun
then off to spend impatient time until again I kiss your skin

no release

touch me anywhere
with your lips
nipping teeth
rumbling breath

use your tonge
wet my skin
blow cold
on nipples
so they will rigid stolidly

as your teeth
and clamp
while you shake your head
growling deeply

but do not kiss me
do not lay your lips
to graze upon mine
no battle of tongues
no submission

no sharing endorphined
spiked spittle
and no orgasm
I will not give
these again
The bottom broke out of my underware drawer
it took me all day to collect up the stages
they have gotten smaller and smaller
and smaller down to what's the point

it is not the cotton panties or satin strings
that caused the drawer to explode,
it was the other things.

hidden where else, underware drawer
could I be more ocvioud?
or obvious?

I re-wrapped the gift she sent to me,
wrapped as I have never wrapped a present, with heavy brocade paper gold inlay
oprple and green metallic tissue

and the box itself

all to hold
a wooden box
carved from a single piece of wood
holding air
your air

it has been months since I have opened the box and breathed the scent of you

rewrapped tucked bagged

hidden with the photos
and letters

blah blah blah bored of writing my own fucking poem, that is a bad sign

this poem had so much promise
The bottom broke out of my underware drawer
and the poem fell to the floor
the promise of
a poem
and the scent
of a far off man
alone with all those
things tucked away
under boxers and socks
letters i'll only
re read when he's dead
packrat syndrome
i guess
but i'll be getting
my very own box
and when its opened
surely there will be
a transparency that
almost looking just
like him.
she smiled once
a laugh held back
eyes spun diamonds
face glowed pixie dust
felled glimmer
slow in sunlight

from what I have known
from her this
past month
frightened, angry

In a world of adults
blindly entwined
in denial
materialistic plasticity
masked hopelessness
of life.

She was beautiful
when she smiled
and once again
the child.
How erotic you are, hold
on dreams hold on.

Halfway between awake
and sleep.

One leg over body pillow, turning
this hard into that soft,
strrretch and toe currrl.

It is Sunday, sunny bright
with fresh breeze cracking blinds.


Look through hazy morning eyes;
this white cotton cocoon
is interrupted.

"Damn damn, got to take a piss."
Damned damn call of nature,
full bladder and piss hardon.
Damn, curl back in here
nest with me.

"Ignore it, it'll go away."

Wrap round my waist
while night time stiffness
stretches along limbs
limber and just long enough
to hold on.

Come back to bed.

me n my rig
all 18 wheels down
full load full on
back up on the beltway

tired of hearin songs
from lily ass boys
never sat 12 hours
running down the state borders
check, check, check
this aint romantic
inner loop down to Greenspring
and it aint really the blues either

out my sideview VW vixon has her finger
on the trigger
down the elastic of her skirt
and I got my semi-permanent
half a hard on
n half a mind to ride her side
all the way North just to see the finish
Heat Wave

hot days ... hotter nights
will the heat come to an end

mid summer day scorching
heat waves all around.
cooking bodies slick with
sweat for some relief
we go dipping in the creek

frolicking frenzy
cascading sheets
of cool mountain water
splashing ... giggles
everything drenched
my lover ... me

leave me my nights
of cool satin sheets

heating them up
sliding all over
pink body blushes tingle
red wine flows satiny smooth
dripping down our bodies
eager, thirsty mouths
... schmoozing

lightening strokes spreading
liquid molten folds seeping
limber bodies curling, into one
upon cool satin sheets ...
at this time
of our night
i begin wishing
that the sun wouldn't rise
for a few days
no surprise
i just
it to stop
that stroke
inside out and
right on top
could keep me locked in
tight, with nothing but
chinese pasta
and cajun.
fake it for five
until i think
i'm not faking
or making this
like a sunset on the 'sound
driftwood and jellyfish
a wish
a mantra
your name in my brain
otherthings elsewhere
i'll wear you like
my favorite worn out t
and smell you all day long
frankinsince and man
that i'll pick up on it
with canine ease
house it in my
til i get
for real.
the roofer sweats
and hammers his thoughts

bathes in the backyard
all is well ... cant ya tell
my smile .. shines
hair .. waves to ya
eyes .. flutter and sigh
heart has been with you ... all day

I miss you, my love
when are ya coming home
the days pass with slow ... wanting
nights of pure ... lonesomeness

time has robbed me ... once again
taking not only my best friend
my lover ... my one ... my everything

standing by your side
wishing all could ... change
turn back those hands of time
when we were together ... you were mine

now I lay in wait ... waiting
tracking time on the calendar
one more day down ... another day apart
alone here ... you have my heart

my thoughts ... are miles away
dreary days pass
raining ... in my soul
thunder spears my mind
with each ringing ... of the phone

should I answer ... yes
can I take another day ... away
will he want to talk ... just say hi
please let it be ... this day
that he says ... I am coming home
meet me ... lets be together ... finally

again my love ... I am fine
give me a call ... you will see

my smile .. shines
hair .. waves to ya
eyes .. flutter and sigh
my heart has been with you ... all day

Tathagata said:
i think she does most days
: )

lucky is she,
who smiles.
daily she knows,
wondrous feelings
from above.

rainbows arching,
blending colorful waves.
slow tender breeze,
along loves cheek

sunrise whispering,
through the room.
yellow rose blossoms,
beginning to bloom.
fresh dew upon berries,
making taste buds burst.

she who smiles,
feeling carefree.
knowing loves course.
lucky ... she knows,
nothing, is better
than, loves sweet smile

:) :rose:
tender as a soft shell crab
come to me with that sideways crawl
hide under this coral bed

who cares what may float by
lets tuck in
grow new shells
and head for the shallows unafraid
two months
collective back and forth
passionate exchange
in and out of sight
you're in my sights
and i say it too much
but now i smell of you
and wear your jewelry
my poems, delayed
waiting to appear
wanting to go public
more than this
what's happened to
my single word lines?
where'd they go?
it's my style, you know
questions do not belong here
even rhetorical ones
only my
endless supply
for you,
my dear.
bouncing afar

taking a breath
letting it sink,
soft ... low

filmy smudged
long forgotten

weedy sticks,
fallen over.
torn toys,

chipped paint,
used to be white.
so white ...

papers afloat,
in what was
the garden.

ashen heap,
the barn.

hinged gate
as if to say
Welcome ...
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