all of a sudden passion suddenly

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It's not broken, not in any way visible
anyway. I like you like this;
reading glasses, a lock of hair fallen
across a forehead creased with origami
folds of perplexity and concern,

lips, kissable mature lips, pressed
tight together in unwarranted
tension. Let me soften your face.

Set aside those details
that absorb your attention. You've
forgotten what it's all about.

Love, love, love -

a poem in itself, this love.
I've heard it heals everything,
even this.
"I will drink another monster
instead of taking a nap"

and I will drink another coke
instead of water


my body screams for water
and I refuse it
again, again
because it is mine
and because I can
"But why would married folk be writing to each other?"

and I scowl at the naievite
why indeeeed?
judgement presses down on shoulders
of a swimming man
he says
and I smirk
retired, love of literature, how could he not know

I sit to write a poetic answer
and nothing comes out except

why would married folk be writing to each other
why indeed?
where did this come from?
this silver spoon that sits there on my desk
it does not match our set
it is silverin content not just color

sarah ann
from Japan

someone's drawer is missing a spoon
maybe it was their good silver
the kind you never use without company
and it sits here on my desk
yellowed, blackened
sticky with ice cream and cereal bowls
the edges sharp with the teeth of disposer blades

handle patterened with rose and vine
someone said
this! this is the one!
and handed to her fiance
dragged along for the ceremonial selection

sara ann
"Very nice. I like the simple, bare images

and the way

you don't overstate

the conceit you've come up with."

what the....

killed the cat

I will take my chances
see if there is something to learn

cut paste rule shush it for one minute

con·ceit ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kn-st)
A favorable and especially unduly high opinion of one's own abilities or worth.
An ingenious or witty turn of phrase or thought.

A fanciful poetic image, especially an elaborate or exaggerated comparison.
A poem or passage consisting of such an image.

The result of intellectual activity; a thought or an opinion.
A fanciful thought or idea.

A fancy article; a knickknack.
An extravagant, fanciful, and elaborate construction or structure: “An eccentric addition to the lobby is a life-size wooden horse, a 19th century conceit” (Mimi Sheraton).

tr.v. con·ceit·ed, con·ceit·ing, con·ceits
Chiefly British. To take a fancy to.
Obsolete. To understand; conceive.
i just need to hear someone say
'put away the hacksaw'

a nap can cure it all,
for a time

and my good doctor
just prescribed me one.

we have an appointment
later tonight.

un poem
thrown out
and into
a guilty party
face first
face the first
thirst quenching
fuck and monster
choke me on this
chain and
see how much i dig it
internalized more
here it is.
to scratch this itch
i appeal to your sense
of treason

spit in the face
of duty delayed,
obligation echoes
a reverb still ringing
long since after
.58 persuation

and we can fly
transit, boarding, departure
or just a step from an outer limb
into an urgent kick start
of instincts

betray something real
to gain a hyper reality freebase
and palm to palm
intoxicate me
through dermic
transferrable highs

piss on your principles
just this one day
and kiss those promises,
a fair weave of arcadia,
in welcome
saldne said:

... I love more than yesterday.

Today I believe more than ever before.
Today my faith is renewed,
My heart beats once more with passion
Still missing my beautiful Beloved.

Today I see the clock ticking
I realize that time is running out,
Yet time is eternal
As long as we both draw breath

Today I am in love with an Angel
I must rescue her from the depths of Hell
And in turn together,
In blissful embrace, experience Heaven.

Today I realize all can be overcome,
No problem that can't be solved
Approached with an open mind,
And of course, an open heart.
saldne said:
Spit in the face, pressed
chest to chest
as he screamed and threatened
to take her life,

she runs to her room,
children follow in fear
because he goes in their rooms
at this time of night, late
when they sleep
to snoop.

He's nothing better to do;
high on Meth, already
adding to paranioa,
and all she did was ask
if he smelled gas
thinking there was a leak.

and when the police were called,
she got a double dose of anger;

shouting, degrading men
blaming the victim for allowing
him in her presence, not taking him away.

They probably beat their own wives,
not caring who's out there
but dunkin donuts
that have their holes
they eat around slowly
which could be her skull
next time.

Tonight, she'll sleep on the floor
right next to the door
without a lock and pray
with one eye open
and one eye shut,
and hope to live another day.

kicks in the gutt,
stomps to the floor.
Say nothing, he screams,
once more. Shut your hole.
Never, NEVER ... tell !!

running all your life,
seems but a dream now.
once love catered to us,
now she runs ... runs

never far enough, darkness
always in the dark. No
sleep for the weary.

shadows dancing
on the walls. night Shivers
creeping through the room.

a couch ... cover
Never enough, to warm
this heart of Fear.

police, no they help not.
think they want to,
just some unknown hand
Stops ... holds back the Help.

locks, yes count them.
all three on Each door.
you know, they will
NOT keep him at bay,
If he so Wishes ...

dark again outside.
counting the stars
wishing, on the moon
Praying like hell ...
No ... Not this night,
Not Again ...


NOT a personal story. This was told to me.
Very -- Very close to reality.
again i must
lest i bust cause
baby, this passion just
gets to me
gets to be
too much for
one such
fanatical cat
rooted way o'er yonder
who watches this big
red sun come up
and knows you won't see
it for hours
i'll send you flowers
lend and extend any
bit of all
that i can
i'd swing a machete
through these roots
catch a ride with trouble
consider it done
the minute
you say the word-
The clouds it seemed
had been combed back
with wide teethed combs
that left
wide scars across the sea

From afar
the diffuse shape of the islet
above the pink hued mist
with its snowy peak

I dreamt of being at your side:
talk to you

But the volcano is silent
This cinder
sharp edged and pointed
among siblings
forged inside
the same furnace.

Unique - this one

This pain
sharp edged and pointed
to be held close
warm inside
the same embrace.
no other reason
aside from the obvious
this tricked out
pumped up
on an endless shelf
of other's passions
i claim this spot
to reaffirm
and define
what i imagine is mine
a 2d cross country
kinda thing, holding
more weight than most
other things in me.
he is in me

came forth with force
a cyber solar connection
atonement in a singular sense
in the least
i repeat
that i want to walk you
like the hot sands of
the southmost shore
feel your burn on my soles
on my soul
flushed and elated
as that infarred, you
climbs tall through
my limbs
fulfilling the willing
a stellar join-up
breaking free of
a poisoned atmospheric
to refresh
red and redressed
and absolutly
your sweetness is to me.
It hurts

It hurts here
she said,
tiny fingers
in vice grip,
trembled white
clenched to her chest

He touched here?

Gasping brown eyes
hissed it!
then brimmed,
vibrated shame,
shuddered fear

It screams here
Recoil and rock
as arms clasp
above head,
demeanor fetal,

fatal expression
of pained echo
freckled skin chafed
by tears bled.

You left me!
I hate you!
I hate you...

beating bellows
into my heart

as I tried to hold
to contain,
to absorb
her perfidy
of feeling safe

Ride dark whispers,
wandering mist in
immersed blackness.

Rain falling,
rattled pebbles
on steamed pavement.

Leaves, introverted ovation,
evasive ovulation with
budded apprehension

and cower
under abrasive grumbling
scathing eruptions

of thunder
another flash of lightning
shatters refuge

riveting senseless swarming
blind sighted
uprooted and scorched
Faltering courage
hope marred by indecision
life, love, nearly passing me by
foolishness and faith become one
my heart revealed in 7 digits
a scrap of paper slid across the counter
your smile melts my defences
as your hand brushes mine
accepting my offering
before you walk away
leaving me waiting
as my courage falters once again.
RE: SEARCHING FOR THINGS TO WORSHIPWhen I sort the fluttering debris

When I sort the fluttering debris
of those thick days, only you
remain lush. The rest is brown.
The tangle of jungle has dried
with our absence. And the cold sky
that wakes, yawning on the horizon,
is more than a tired morning

Pat, I would loose 'The rest is brown.' It slows up the dance you had going.
This is something I enjoyed reading. I found the last verse a place I would
want to be in. Moving poem for me. :rolleyes:
Pitú Cuppa

A bit of what you fancy
in the fine china tipped
with a bit of what you need
to still the stigmata flutter
in your chest.

Come, sit, watch sub level wisps
spread through the heated promise
of redemption spreading from inside,
black leaves bowing to your wishes,
kissing virginal clear into character.

Then fill a thumb's width worth
of sugar cane fire, shipped north
from myths and barrel beats.

At first, just lift the dark pool
and inhale, taste vapor of
promise and respite, before
finally a scalding urface tension
clings to your lip and a sip
slips silently by.

You know that moment
as well as I, when the event horizon
creeps back to the tip ofa tongue,
when all is redeemed, forgotten,
and in the rush of the ruse,
possibly healed.
separation stretches my capacity
pulls me in directions
I don't wish to explore

doors await decisions
to open or ignore
hiding perhaps

darkness and desparation
or possibly
my salvation


awaits action
or even the lack of it
so I sit
pose and

hone my perception
hoping for some clue
to the mystery
of how my life
will unravel

slowly like a ball of string
rolling across a floor
or snapping
as a rubber band
pulled beyond limit

in a last gasp
at containment
she is on my tongue
like absynthe
sweet thick
slding down my throat
burning consuming
my entirtey

she is absent
yet not
See him?
In his chair, sitting, panting
heavily after yet another fit
of coughing. His smoking
jacket's reminiscent of another
time when smoking was vogue
and cured consumptives
of their cough. Wiping

blood from lips once kissed
by a virgin love, wiping
tears from eyes once dried
by his mother's handkerchief.

Once, once --
but no more.

A grimace of pain clouds
his face, lines of laughter
across a brow now twisted
by a different grin. Tamp out
the pipe and swab out that
sticky bit of toxicity.

I take a path not travelled
by my ancestors, this road
was not open to them. I
shall open my lips to poison
but one shall cure this cancer
and cleanse the bowl
that is my mind
of ire and free my soul
of toxic tar.

Let poetry be my chemotherapy.

Anguish of love
A broken heart
Cried ragged drops
Upon keys
Of mahogany
And ivory

The story sighed
Silk curtains falling
Brushed against skin
Soft bare warm breath
Followed by wet heat

how she gave herself
Even now
That she is alone
So bare

Torrents in silence and grace
Of a swan splashing
Upon still water
a misted day

Trickled behind her lips
Salted kiss
Yet nourished the starving
Of each beat of anything
She could glance upon

Eyes diamond
So full of expression
Saying so much
Asking why?

I am sorry

And he wrote back
He had to go
How painful
It sears every
Breath he can find
To breathe

To tell her this
It is his duty
They called
He was trained
By the best

They need him now
He could not
Even kiss her goodbye
To remember
An always linger
Lighting him afire

With a blaze and fierce
But with the strength
Of a sunset wind graze
Beating softly
In his hands
As he gazed upon her

Sleeping by his imprint
Still warm
And how angry
He became
At the injustice
Of losing her

there is a difference
between fucking
and fucking instinctively
ya gotta try it

let all the rage fly
be an animal
doing what you want
and you want to fuck

forever constantly
you'd swear
you were live wired

and if i wrote anymore
this would be a
cowgirl poem
lets talk about fucking
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