all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Pet me sweetly.
Show me kindness.
Whisper words of love,
in my lil ears.

Pet me some more.
Let me feel, your fingers
upon my skin.

Nuzzle me,
Let me learn, your voice.
Your touch.
Your command.

Encourage me,
to do your bidding.
Praise me,
with your admiration.
Cover me,
with your liquid desire.

Show me how.
Fly high in your arms,
touching the sky.
Bringing back stardust,
within my fingers,
for you ...

strings torn tell their own story
hold their own fabric together
fallen without scar

she says
you don't know what it's like
to be the next in line

you do not correct her
you do not resist as this string of mothers
is pulled forward
bead by bead
by the weight of generations faling off the edge.

the Jenny Wren hurries to mend her nest
eggs twitch
and tap
Passion Me Up

Color me stupid.
Passion me up.

Stand nice n tall.
Nope, do not give up.

I spy you there,
watchin with delight.
All fall into line,
behind your passions light.

Talk a lil dirty to me.
Tie me nice n tight.
Feather me giggly.
Oils sliding ... dripping down.

Take all you want.
For I am all yours.
My promise to you ...

All you see ... Have
Will be ... is yours.
Me ...
there's feeling,
then there's feeling
do not confuse
misuse the two
no groove to slide in
no wave to ride
i still feel
quite real
not for lack of
of this
it aint pretty
but itll do
just a reminder
don't wanna slip behind here
relating these things to you

its but one small stone
tossed in
added to the bucket,
which now overflows
spilling love rocks in and around
the hardwood of my heart
falling between a minute fissure
and piercing that flesh mush
with your intercontinental blowdarts
of that sweet sedation
sappy relation
a devotion thats
soley for u.
Just to answer your question

RhymeFairy said:

Need to change that last stanza's formatting. I hate it when I post before I have actually *felt* the poem. There are so many things I do before I post. I ALWAYS messs it up. Am I the only one who does this? Please ... Please tell me I am not ...

Thank You for bearing with me ... :D

Good question. We had a big discussion about this just a little bit ago. I do often post before getting a feeling for a poem, and if you do too, that means you are doing it "right!" :) as it is what this thread is all about. That regret :) It is easier to feel that when others are as well, to look at a poem and say, whoa where was that going? and laugh, knowing you are in good company. It is up to you. About posting, the original intent was to type right into the window, let it all go, all vanity, all ego, all everything except for free flow let it go!

Don't worry being the only one, just read the starter and use your own judgement, but if you are looking for ideas, I and others have been known to post the passion part of a poem here, and then do what you did, the editing part, in the Construction thread

Here is the Original intent of the thread.


03sp is
Posts: n/a all of a sudden passion suddenly


similar to the old, "writing live" thread.
Poems written with no time restrictions but
complete ASAP, submitted and then regretted.
no copy pasted, no mushrooms on the pizza.
no rewriting!
Like life. It's sudden. It's all passion.

HERE IS THE WRITING LIVE-- the predecessor of the all of a sudden thread: Eve recently dug it up! Some great writing here as well;

Really Really Experienced

smithpeter is Offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: beyond that point
Posts: 393 writing live


~no cheating allowed~
take all the time you want but start and finish your piece without leaving.
Don't edit either. Seeing your typos is like seeing your underwear when you did not want it to show. All the more delightful.
It must be erotic. Need not be disgusting, but what the hell, why not if that is your cup of tea or coffee.

rules: Don't pull it in from someplace else. Write now and spontaneously combust.

Don't be afraid to be a fool. I know about that stuff.
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no i will not no I will not no I will not bury these packages
beside the old hay loft
archeologists can have their day
but not today

copernicus sucked the juice from ptolomy's corpse
oh so bitter so bitter

"i love it because it is bitter
and because it is my hart
s crane put his beast in the dessert
I will take mine to the hayloft
but I will not bury him there

in my palm your third dimension turns like in the movies
there might be sparkles
I will let you know
he says fake it he says fake it til you can make it r4eal
love that velveteen nose til it is worn
all the childreen know
just believe
clap three times and say
I believe
I velieve I can write a poem




but sometimes like today
you will trype
gripe and grapple rasp and ramble and hit

damn it genie I am rubbing you
rubbing the shine from your belly buddah
give me my voice

he says we do niot have time for nostalgia
so then take me somewhere new
my hands open prone in prayer
catching rain drops in oipen palm

you take your hurricaine ni a bottle
I take mine on ice
wind rattles venetian blinds made in china

and I know
this year5 will not be any different
you are golden
and that is where my mind fixates
you are golden

and I am paralyzed in front of this shiny object
that stands before me.
a festering
mental voice
beyond a whisper
going in one ear
and in the other
a convicing immoral
as i recognize my
the attemps sometimes
may be forced
out of necessity
faked, but not fake
by a longshot
my sure shot
its your shot
baring my mind
while you bear in mind that
all this is pumped out
and jaded
because of a stroke
back in may.

i may never stop
who knows
lucky you
lovely you
see me through, seeing right through
a non existant fakey
even if the words
don't come to me so easy
don't swarm me like gnats
i never fucking fake it
with you.
the imposter syndrome
I run throught the words
until the end of the page
maybe if I typefastenough
they will recognize the poet
has no clothes
this poet
has no lines

it is corn on the cob again tonight
and the click flicker glow of metal on my mailbox

fake it fake it
is all I do

until the title irngs true


yes on this side of sentimental
corn syrup chokes
get me some water to wash it down

I swore I would never burn a ring of fire
around my town
to keep your spirit away

I use this syrup
sticky sweet toxin

it tastes of faking it
but you would see right through
and walk away
Tathagata said:
what a strange feeling
to think about and wish for
someone who is
in actuality
farther away than God.

If I am farther away
from god I am closer
than a whisper, closer
than my own hair spilled
past my shoulders, god
curved on my spine in one
thousand strands, the veil
I hide behind is my god
drawn inside me, strung
along my bones, inviolate,
inseparable even from
my molocules, the god
of them subatomic and more
and less. Omniscience
is coded to my being:

I have brown eyes, I hold
a pen in my left hand. I will be
god whether I want to be
or not, alone in my vast
crowded spirit, imperfectly
desirable in the empty
cosmos of my skin.
i only speak to you
through the safety of a crowd
that way if I make a mistake
you mioght think it came from the woman, there
her pupils seep into the iris in a continual darkness

you will notice
and write a poem
one that I could never write
and of course I could never write

you will forget I am here
talking to you
while you scratch her eyes into your noatebook
returning to my
regular flow
the feeling does not
leave me
again i play
the poster child for
long distance love
i need a shove
in the general direction
without exception baby,
no if and or maybe
i'm just too full
of you
but its never enough
off the cuff still
succumbing to the way
the will
the someday dream
that i keep feeding
you keep reading
these small tokens
of the huge space
i reserve for you
right here.
love makes me stupid
beauty makes me stupid
bliss brings on the ignorance
bring it on baby bring it on
Come to me dear friend
I long to have you in my mind
it's been an eternity since
we've shared
more than smiles and tears.

I want your touch on me
as I move my hands to the music
of your direction.

My lips whisper thirst into your kiss
then drop to your skin
and slake this incredible thirst.
My water of life in the midst
of this sear landscape --
my life.

Kneel over me and offer
the joy of your pleasure
in one triumphant sweep
of that baton through the air.

I love you
and how I wish
I could play
for you.

Tune me to the perfect pitch
for my audience of one
and when you listen
to this symphony, know
I perform
for you.
I love the praise of poets,
their words resound and bring
joy into this quiet life
and make the birdies sing.

Not to seem ungracious,
but my dears you may not know
never click the button here
without a poem on the go!

Sincerely, thankyou for your comments. This thread is the perfect place to chase Calliope around. Once she finally eludes you, you can work out the kinks in any poem you may have released.
searching for a scab to break
straw colored
they always said that
straw colored plasma
I thiirst for its salt
to bring more thirst

they got me guaze wrapped and hanging on out the sun roof to keep me dry

they being I
as always
"they" being

I saw where you planted the flowers
along the river,
how you showed me
the importance of speaking softly

two flew off

I find mo meaning


in this
or the fact that the biggest toad
pissed all over my new ring
and I could not help but laugh
and laugh someone does not want it there
and the more I laughed the more he pissed

he must have been savin it up for me for days

since the day you wrapped the silver in tissue
and sent it to another mans wife
You follow me
with eyes and words
and heart to the bend
in the track
where I disappear
running a few steps trying grasp
just one second more
than either of us
can stand I look back
but you are trees and sky
and new memories already
to be called up
smiled over by now you
will have turned back
to the sunny kitchen
and empty coffee cups
the crumbs of the recent past
each one a wealth of history
shared in windows
of opportunity and fantasies
realised together.
It doesn't matter anymore
who deals the cards, the ante
is just rain that falls where
it will. Sugar cookies melt
down to a sweet memory,
but not me. I'm drawing a map

with my feet pointed, second
position. I'm dancing straight on
into the whatever will come.
I tell my sorrows go on now,
soak the ground because tears
will blossom hope from the fallow
expectation I carry in a dancer's
resolute balance, spinning, focused

on my center, my happy thought
who smiles at me, touches my neck,
and rests the curve of my waist
on the tender skin of his secrets.

Play me in an open tuning, whisper
comfort like lullabyes, verse after verse
in harmony, drenched and embracing
the storm with wet faces and big eyes.

We wait for the watercolor rainbow
to encircle our forever in clearing skies.
PatCarrington said:
the wasteland of fuck buddies
who will never brew us the tea
of comfort at nightfall or help pick
tomorrow’s proper shoes.

the wasteland of fuck buddies
who will never brew us the tea
of comfort at nightfall or help pick
tomorrow’s proper shoes.

:rose: :rose:
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make myself at home
in the warmth of your throat
internalize while outing
discomfort melts into nothing
only relief is left
as you feed on me
my need
you meet
complete and complacent
my will alligned with
the god of my
the fact understated
this thing,
belief and reality
positively charged
this is my body
remember me by doing this
as if i'd give you time
to forget
swallow hard and eat my
bad attitude
free flowing essence
that becomes something else
as our exchange is made
i'll nourish your bad dog baby
until you become me.
Hey girl...

hey girl, look at my steel hard masculine gun,
see how the rigid muzzle points up to the sun.
wanna see how much ammunition I have in this gun?
bend over, pull down your pants, show me your bum!
do that and pearly bullets will fly straight from my gun
to fly with a splat, splat across your upturned bum...

(As suddenly written with passion from a man who's gun is apt to off as soon as you say my name so be warned! :cool: )
(Pat - sometimes I just read your work, sigh and read it again - when I grow up poetically I want to be you.)

Today my head feels
like one of those barrels
with a crank sometimes
they're used in raffles
or to turn over compost.
so is my head holding
the winning ticket
or yesterdays peelings
next srings soil?
crank the handle please
help me find out I need
to know myself better.
Tathagata said:
remember their skin
snow stripped stalks shiver outside
conjure orange snow

snow be conjured soon
enough powder and power
walls of quiet ice
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