all of a sudden passion suddenly

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to bloody fucking hell
with my loss of words
that literally
wiped themselves
off the face of the earth
with a click
on the wrong fucking button
and this text box of ephiphany,
44 minutes of rare stream or focus
passing into oblivion
damn my sleepy fucking head
my trigger happy reflexes
tossing poetry into the void

something about 2 am
when Ishould be asleep
the time feels to be mine
and my heart has space to open
no one pushing inn
opulling me here
or there
and I feel the distance
and emptiness has room to expand
like a gas
into its new container

and I long to feel the walls of you
hold me in from
going to pieces going to

you ever feel like that
going to pieces
the pull that keeps you together
turns off
and you find yourself frantically grabbing at the you
that flies past
just out of grasp when meanwhile
three more
head to orbit
like Holden
but everything falls up up

and the pieces of me
that are you
will they come when I call?
will they remember my voice
it has been so long

spin me back together
lover your body squeezing me back into the shape of us
Time stops between dusk and dawn
when secrets beg to be whispered
hearts break and are reformed
life begins and is shattered once more.

Dreams haunt those of us unable to sleep
as we search for different sorts of oblivion
hopelessly searching for soulmates
screaming words into the silence.

Unheard, unnoticed, uncared for
we rattle our mortal cages
beat at our hearts
and try to escape what we have become.
Liar said:
Heh, never paid attention in science class. ;)
thats cos you didn't have me as a teacher


like Dennis Hopper on oxygen
I breathe in my own stench fully in every breath
while down below you clench and stretch open
folds head buried into your prey
like national geographic, how the gazelle gets it

on body odor
you deny my breath
the world stops
and stretches like a rubber hose
velvet blue
the follow thru
breathe me
be and believe me
like frank boothe
is concealed
by a see through mask
made for sucking
the cure
blue and pure
seeping deep
bone deep
pouring out my
pores in a
4degrees said:
velvet blue
the follow thru
breathe me
be and believe me
like frank boothe
is concealed
by a see through mask
made for sucking
the cure
blue and pure
seeping deep
bone deep
pouring out my
pores in a

Grasping the gray, within withering
whimpers, washing away. Masking
my mouth, with musical notes. Milking
the gray, away. Showing merciless
mercy, how it is done.

Done to death,
with gripping, gnashing, clinging
claws, of grayish green. Molding,
this beckoning body, of blissful
beauty. Bluntly bending, within
the gray of dewdrop dawn.

Gray eyes willfully
watching. Willing, begging me,
to bend. Asking precociously,
for permission. Seeking guiltless
guidance, to the welcoming
acceptance of this willing
body. Worshipping, my alluring
slave to life with no option out
they chained me here
lap bar
inm the locked position

spin roughd hells bocket
vomit held down by sheer force of the spin
and the bottom drops out
not allowed to fall

they have locked me in

thank god
they have locked me
New Orleans is sinkin'
and I think I'm gonna swim

No roads for cop cars
no gas to burn
the pipeline's broken
as waters churn

through a hole
blown through the dike
the levee's broken
the city's psyche

And when they sing
of New Orleans
only dead and dying
know what they mean

in that song
sung as she cries.
All the tears
in a lover's eyes

can't bring back
the city's lights
or flood the streets
with jazzy nights.

Dry the tears
blues Momma cries
while New Orleans
sinks down and dies.
drive down to the end of the circle
to the end o fthe circle
to the end of the circle

you will know it is us by the color of the paint
at the end of the drive
by the color of the paint
that frames our windows
that coats our door
you will know it is us
just drive to the end of the circle

we wrap it in foil
we hold it arms length
at the end of the stick
turn our eyes from the breezes

you will not know it is us
from the color of our skin
or the color of our eyes
or the color of our language
it is always one us or another

just poke it with a stick
if its done
turn it over if its
turn it over

just drive it down
to the end of the circle
you will know it is us
we still carry childhood photographs
under fingernails
references in which
three only laugh over James Polk election jingle
and the queen of bees who over stuffed her bra
maps made of cat food
planets dressed in rags

you will know it is us
someone will tell you
that it is us
Y'know, I've often wondered
how it would feel to take
those steps across
a threshold, to be with you?

A child on a doorstep
dancing anxiously from foot
to foot, that nervous hop
betraying how important
your invitation is to me.

Do you see?
The shaky smile and shy
glance up through lashes
that sparkle from raindrops
or tears, must give
it all away.

I can't hide that I
need you. I can't hide
how sweet it would be
to hear how much
I'm needed, too.
Spread me across the table
like butter on hot toast,
ravish me in jam delights
table cloth clenched in fists.
juicy watermelon kisses
quenching your thirst.

champagne nipples
fizz on your tongue,
strawberry swirls
tease your taste buds.
Forget the breakfast baby
eat me instead.

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saldne said:
tap shoes, tap heels
tap, tap, tap, rap, rap, rap
clap hands, clap, clap, clap
sing along, sing along
to WHAT?
it aint like that!
I don't like that stuff.


You're WHAT???

Love Shack, baby love Shack!
Love Shack, baby love Shack!
Huggin' and a kissin', dancin' and a lovin' at the love shack."

"That's all folks"

Good God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought I was the only person to remember and sing along
to that goofy song. Lord don't ya just love to wiggle
that bootie and shake down to it ... opps, forgot,
I AM the only silly goofball to do that ... Around here ~ :eek:
LMAO ~ Thanks for the pick-me-up ~ :D

shimmy n shake
dazzle that lining dance
pick me up, shaking it off
blow into it, breath of love
once more ... once more

dance till ya drop. laughter
lingers upon the air. silly school
gurls whisper, giggle ... sing.

memories spring up. shaking,
erupts. no reason for such
merriment, just uncontrollable
fun, as the dancing begun ~

it is not the denisity of sour grapes
that weighs my enthuiasm down

I just do not like how
all of their line
wrap around enjambments so cleverly

the next one and how it is always
the homeless and the helpless
gazed upon through tinted window or lost lovers
and porch smokers

least deep throat comes in chapter seventeen
to wake me from the smooth flow like
willy wonka waterfall of words
perfectly draining down
the chocolate serewer
tomorrow is here and you are not
here or over in the next window
oh what we do to pretend it is real
using concrete terms

using prepositions as if a turn of a phrase
will turn you here

turn the screw
press the air out of the baggie
squeeze the sponge
whatever it takes
to inclrease the probability of collision

nobetter than loving a dead man
or is it
they don't go away!
They don;t go away
they stick words to the walls
like chewing gum at Six Flags

we paint apples on the slats
acrylic, shaded, penciled edges
but they come with the gum
and graffitti of ego tags
with smiles and giggles

every hour we wonder where comes the time
to stretch such foolery
pullin the pop from the toddlers grasp

always the starfish beats the clam
it never needs to rest
so many suckers
workin 24-7
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double fantasy

push through the stacks of flat washers hex nuts fourteen kinds of screws
some in contractors boxes
designed for building large places
soldering sets
blakc plastic boxes filled with
drill bits
each missing 2-3--4 sizes
scattered over the bench top

dig through tht echaos chaos down
the drawers
and the heavy machinery
in heavy boxes
drills and sanders
dusted on the outside
and new on the inside

he lives the fantasy that someday
someday he is going to need them
know what to do with them
have time to use them

soft hands click the formula
push the knights and castles
tuck in bed the children
and trace my neck as I type

to get to the peroxide,
he pushes aside my well intented bottles
alpha hydroxy mask miss clariol #42
infusium leave on treatment collagen something
apricot something else

dusted on the outside
clean on the inside

through an army of
of nail polish, nail strengthener
nail files, cuticle trimmers

she lives in the fantasy that someday
she will have the time
the desire the inclination
to put beauty before art
softness and youth before children
smooth skin before sleep

but with nail bitten fingers
march the keys
set the burner to high
and runs up the stairs
to type out a poem
before the water boils

(dont even get me started with the kitchen filled with appliances and closet filled with sports equipment)
i know it tickles
that's the point
hold still
breathe through your fingertips
count the stars on the inside of your lids
but hold

right there
a tense smooth statement
straight up
from your laid back stance
hip to tip naked
posed and pointing
ballerina tripping
thin air

but hold still
as if you just

about a palm pressed where
any other place any
other time you'd flinch and
fold up for a porcupine routine
blaring a Restricted Area siren

about a hand closed around
an amazingly delicate wrist
a breath leaned close
eyes that record for posterity
a perspecive previously unseen

hold still
and you will feel
a perspecive unseen
explored and exposed
as lips land softly
on a nerve end conjunction
convex shelter unfolded
if you

and let me feast
god help me to resist
the temptation
of writing myself into a marinade
tenderized for your touch and tongue
do not let me fallinto the
frozen dairy product or whipped
into sweet peaks
oh the cliche so easy
to write so hard to swallow
but your teeth
on my flesh
melts my ability to



baby just give me the tag
tell me when it is my turn in the grand buffet
laid out on cold metal
I dare you not to move
thi twisted binds of the challenge alone
hold me in my place
sinking deep into the flavor of acceptance
I am yours

Alice under icing
and wiggles her toes, fingers

controlled like a thermostat of cool
the camera focuses on the face of calm
daring not to show
the twitches
the flush
the eyebrows pulling in
and between

there are no sirens to call you away
there are no arms to wave you on

just breath and clench and
gentle acceptance
and the coaxing between
My future lies shattered
a crystal ball smashed
the shards, piercing
the possibilities
of what could have been

hopes refracted,
bent into gross visions,
of what should have been

This promise I held
in my hands so gently
slipped through sweaty palms
as fear gripped my heart

Dreams of mornings
leisurely lounging,
days spent laughing
evenings lustily making love
doomed never to start
Beat Me

At the risk of sounding
as though I'm pounding
the hide off a dead horse,
I'd like to say, of course
I want you to tell the truth
about poems I use to cut a tooth
through a swollen gum.
C'mon and gimme some
of that good tough love
take off the kid glove
you use to reach down
and move your balls aroun'
exhume old passions
reminders of a time
before there was
a passion can dance
with such a volatile
counter balance
and lost my balance
you waited in the wings
just in time
i got snatched up
my heart tied
tight knotted lust
and netted at last
like no other
no brother
could ever
you are
more than pretty words
can ever start to say
dreams consume me
as i drift away
in my mind,
with you.
when you ask yourself

is this about me?

the answer is yes of course
it is always about you

your fingers have started in motion these
notes that hum through my passion
trhat keep me from sleeping
that take me into you where I lie
and kneel and coast....

boots and knees for framing
feather pillows for the prop
cruise control baby
I see straight down the highway
no rest in sight

we do not mind the voices
in the background that call our names
call us out
we sink into that place
we rise into that place
palms press me upwards
thighs quiver upwards

the strings inside me go wild
in resonance
like suspended bridges
you shatter me down
dark thunderheads skirt across the sky
trailing wisps of blue-black gray

my shoulder aches
hand hurts
(whine, whine)
I'll tell everyone about it
if they want to hear or not

it will storm some time today
my mood turns quick
pisses like the clouds

science says those theories are theories
myths really
but I know better, these pains
I feel them only when it rains
Come join in the Woman's Dance
and beat the drum
your palms warm as they pound
over the skin, stretched
tight across the frame.

Feel your heels sink into grass
soaked with dew
your hair flying as your neck twists
in wild circles, whipping
your shoulders in the night.

Come join in the Woman's Dance
and celebrate the moon
your hips shaking in joyous greeting
as you sense his wakening
smile against your skin.
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