all of a sudden passion suddenly

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is it about me, yes
it is always about me
Love should not torment or bring such pain.
it is not a one way street, I will have you know
all involved are torn and broke. showing nothing
but heartache, and a smoking gun. shows us
the villain, to whom we all this Pain to. Never
give up, I was always told. follow your dreams
dreams, seem to be for the fortunate and few
who never knew a villain such as he. Yes,
I would love to end this all. make him fall,
take him out ... but i cannot, why
am I not built this way. I wanna do
what so few have yet to do. so many
have a wonderful life, the one they love
by their side. yet, there are us in the back of the room
who have nothing, but a shamble of doom and gloom.
is all I ever see anymore. why can it not be,
the shoe on the other foot.
Give me back
my damn shoes you thief of everything
I hold dear.
scum is what you are. never
cross my path again. Yes,
I said NEVER !!!!


OK that's my passion spent, for now ...
well maybe not. thinkin ya'll got my picture ~
Your arm around me
Quiet and alone
I can read your face like an open book
Sweet breaths
And the softness of your hair
Until the end of time
Blood rush
You know this feels so very right
One touch of your smooth skin
What would life be like without you there?
My love is neither dead or sleeping,
Your eyes...
Every beat
Don’t let me dance alone
I adore you, I admire you
Reaching to meet you at the edge of your ocean
Gather me in your warmth
With verse to recite and songs to sing
I imagine what must be there
Beyond the scope of mortal sin
Is this real?
To find you
A hunger unfed

When will you come through my dim
recollection of your whispers in my ear?
I want your clarity and sure tone
to shred the mists to tatters.

Blow away that ragged voile
and reveal the outlined
limits of my thighs as they meet
just outside the boundaries

of your touch. I feel your fingers
comb through the threads
that once wove a rose
in lace or painted pretty toile.

What's more, when asked,
I do not know to what my heart
aspires when I want to hear the satin
of your voice against my thoughts.

Seek outside your limitations
chancing that you'll tangle
your touch beyond extrication
and your only escape is to feel.
you are in my heart
in my loft
in my underware drawer and jewelry box

You are the one on the tip of my tongue
melting like maple sugar candy
pressed into the shape of a leaf

we fall
we fall
we fall from the light
and the letters tacked to boards

we fall
from the paintings that catch
our singularity
and our underbellies show
feet scratch the air
feet scratch the feet that love them

and we fall
from scrutiny
and sin, powdered wigs and canes
where tears replace surface waves
soft voices are heard over the party calls
and my love my love my love
holds you
taste buds have begun tio fade
life as bland as blanched almonds

come roast them in my heat
salt them with my secretions
sugar them with my love

I will feed to you
what you have given
when nwe fall
fall from the candy shoppe
into the alley under our box
flyguy69 said:
I thought you said you couldn't write love poems. Or was that in your other skin?

this skin
worn thin with a spray of affection
wearing down the grit and leather
watering down opaque into translucent

can you see the blood flow blue
under this layer that thins
to be a single thread closer

dont worry
it will thicken again
it always does
when what I give comes back to spray me with sand
toughened and callous
with distrust
disillusionment distance
reality of our choices

but today I am beyond naked
nerves exposed to wind and whim
and I fall
suspended in naivite
rishing line invisible
spun innto a soft cocoon
I slept in your hand last night
so close to the pulse
the slow beat of my heart
made you steady and you
loved me then more than ever
expiration date: 3 months from now
Now is

ground zero
absolute zero
then flip the swithc
quick let me get out anything of in
all boiling down to
you wanna fuck me do you
just tell me yes
and the clock starts

never maintaining the balance between feeding you enough
so you keep the stamina
to come back

and filling you
and turn
Once daily dropped onto
the back of my tongue
just to keep my heart
clear --​
but I'm so
tired of blue and green
bruises glowing on my
It's hard to stay away
from maudlin self-pity
when I feel the extra
beat --​
but it's another
little drop of daily poison
I need to keep the beat
ON and ON and ON and...​
n o no no
that is not what this is about

chop chop doppleganger
moonlighting as my

he lowers me down between
all I can do is breathe
as I have said
and said
and said
in case you did not hear

it is something I cannot get

it is always you
under eyelash and lips
it is always you
pressed between chin and shoulder
it is always you
pressed under my forehead
as I think
how much
I do not want to

my warrantee is almost up
time to trade each other in
for the newest model

baby dont lose the keys
you know
it is always
Can words be wasted,
cast aside?

Are the things I write here idle fancy,
their beauty fading
as dawn's light tells a harsh truth?

Do my mood swings matter -
the rollercoaster of emotion
that continually mocks my sanity?

Is my sanity an illusion,
like my optimism,
and if so,
what am I left with?...
Bounced from Sensual Metaphors

I remember
down by the river
a little boy missing
made us all shiver

I walked the shore
fearing the worst
as others searched
the woods and cursed

where were the parents
weren't they watching
I looked to the rocks
my stomach wretching

thinking of my own
how lucky I'd been
thinking of them
as panic ran free, then

found on the path
they'd been in a hot tub
had a nice bath
you just had to laugh

'cause if you gave in
to the fear that you'd felt
your heart would explode
if your heart didn't melt
Perhaps what I give will be enough
for today, but will it be enough for tonight?

You need a concentrated concoction
one you can nip
whenever you are lacking

Home remedies start in the backyard
pick me in the morning
when the essence is strong as ever

Mash the roots, the leaves, the fruit
squeeze through a sieve
Discard the bits and pieces
if they matter not in this mix

Boil down, triple strength
thick and full body
This elixir is made of me
especially for you

Sip it down slow like a cordial
after dinner for it to last
and 'it' could be whatever you need of me
To whisper a kiss,
breaths sweet caress.

Indulge in a dream,
desires sweeping nature.

Delight amid confusion,
passions swell churn.

Collapse upon skin,
nerves tingling slumber.

Field Lines

We circle, wary as magnets
that know their limit—the space between
that can still be overcome,
the inverse square of the distance
that allows denial
in the face of evidence. Polar opposites,

our world requires a globe
between north and south, field lines
that stretch to press fingertips
at the equator, where the heat lies
jungle thick. We know the danger

of proximity, of unbearable
attraction, of the deadly embrace
that brings two together and squeezes
reason aside. Electricity and magnetism

are inseparable; where there is current
there is attraction. The tongue
of the bell betrays our separation
and turns our hearts to iron.
We dread that metal
to metal click.
JJ Johnson told me
it's in the stew baby
it'[s in the stew

and this I tell you this
gravity bears no weight

dive into the strings with me baby
we can consumate the theory of everything
one dimension at a time
strictly for
my sake
it takes a
i know, but
p o w e r l e s s n e s s
is more than apparent
and i can't
help but beg
show no shame
you know my fear
so have no fear
no notion cause
its all you, dear.
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that familiar
thick in my blood
my veins fat and
my pulse spells
out your name in
some mystic
morse code
than no one
understands but us
this trust
this tryst
only one name
on my list
and this love
and encompassing
you fully,
alway allowing for
the true you
shining through on me
like i said this morning,
come shine on me, baby.
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"What cares I for human hearts? Soft and spiritless as porridge!"
The Legend of those words still haunts me,
all these years later.
Plaguing my bruised heart,
however weak it may be,
making me doubt my strength.

Could I have refused the same offer,
if it was offered by some magical 'Him'?
Could I have turned away,
when offerred a touch of the ethereal?

Maybe if I were not so lonely I would not doubt?
Maybe if I were not so susceptible to everything?
Maybe, Maybe...
I doubt I will ever have the opportunity to know.

Magic, True Magic, I fear has left this world,
or maybe just my life
(hopefully just my life...)
So, here I am, asking questions for which there will never be an answer...

Damn spelling mistakes, I wonder if I will ever learn to spell? ;)
annaswirls said:
JJ Johnson told me
it's in the stew baby
it'[s in the stew

and this I tell you this
gravity bears no weight

dive into the strings with me baby
we can consumate the theory of everything
one dimension at a time
Silly string theory's
not as effective as bubbles
to foam infinity and gather globs
of galaxies clustered around
a milky way.

Keep expanding through
the variable constant, E only
equals M multiplied
by the square of C
when it is convenient
for physicists to think
that way.

If time never slowed,
strings would snap
and bubbles burst
leaving a matter scatter
mess all over the infinite
Bloody Crows

Why do the crows stay?
I want them lined up
on hydro wires ready
to leave with the swallows
or forming high flying Vs
calling a faded goodbye
as they speed southward
not hunkered down outside
my window arguing
If only they would leave
in the fall I might even feel sad
knowing they heralded
winter's arrival once more
but no - they sit on the rooves
feathers blowing the wrong way
in the cold wind and peck
at imaginary insects
wishful thoughts
sneering at summer seagulls
shivering on the brink
of November.​
Your Sere, Severe Poetics

Do not forget that a poem, even though it is composed
in the language of information, is not used in the
language-game of giving information.

Your fierce pronouncements
on poetics are delivered
as God delivered the Decalogue
to the amazèd Moses. But even God
was not so confident as you
appear to be. I am reminded
more of Wittgenstein
in the throes of lecture,
with the Angel of Logic
for the prize of Truth.

seeking that same prize,
tussle likewise with Aesthetic.

Your i sees image numbered
trans mere transcendental.
Something pure and perfect
that we dullards just blaspheme
with cardboard metaphor
and hazy simile.

You cannot love us. Indeed,
your very fury rises and we
terrified retreat inside
our manufactured housing,
filigreed with homely meter
and the bric-a-brac of rhyme.
A kind of dwelling very different
from the glass and girder temple
your own work dares inhabit.

But we are warm here. We are happy,
and behind the picture window
we can in comfort cower safely
while outside your storm is raging.


where your words smite stones like lightning
from an elemental sky.
Back Persists

Startling blaze,
My eyes caress the wall.
A silent whisper to my cleavage.
The fan lurks in back;
My breath.
Lingers alone.
I miss that touch.
Good Morning

Damn you in that harvest
golden skin that lies
just below the pink blush
of morning on your
smile for me.

Turn to the west
and allow the fields
to bask in your heat
feeling the first rush
of warmth as you rise
before me.

I curse, even though you bless
my day with the play
of shadows and rises
sculpted over the meadow
where grows my breakfast.

(inspired by fly's av and the line segments ...
"the harvest
of fruits and summer skin"
from the first incarnation of his poem, Ripe)

ed: Maybe I should call it Indian Summer?
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Well Chara, you ask
why I hesitate?

I'm fucked up
on hormones, JP Chenet and a bursting chest,
1200 bar aorta rush riot cracking ribs
from the inside,

This fever, a ground control myriad
battling for sovereignity
from the brain blocking banquet
delight so succulent
spread sweet
so sweet in front of me.

Should I stay or should I
could I would I even go?

There is a table set, satin laid in invite,
Chenet on lips in eyes, Chara laughter
at my bursting chest blues,
this indesicion when options are void,
and all that is left is
no retreat but attack,
savor the moment,
the time that is stolen
for you.
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