all of a sudden passion suddenly

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there must be an equation
for the dance of the poet-lovers
where as time increases, distance between

attraction increases the closer you get
but like a comet around the sun
you fling me around in orbit

tail always pointing away

you pull me in
just to throw me away

slingshot round the moon
lunar landing
abort abort

it is always about this time
the direction shifts

plug in the numbers
we're not getting any closer

you would think
it could go some other way
you're home from work
I welcome you
after I hear
honey, I'm home
when the door shuts

the sound of your keys
excites me.
outdoors all day
while I'm in,
the scent of your skin
makes me weak in the knees

it'd be unbearable
to not welcome you home
without unbuttoning
your flannel shirt,
taste your sweat
on my tongue,
and let you release
in my mouth.

It satifies me;
not only you,

and my long day of cleaning
is now complete.
Ido not want to scroll through
your family photos
or to have you ooh and ahh
over mine

just tell me what you think
tell me how to think
tell me whay I should get the hell out

your affair
is not my affair
it is not our

and I cannnot stop speaking in threes
I want to hold you here
hold your attention
to I pull myself along to the next
"It will always be like this,
one blessing at the cost
of one curse."
Liar said it I picked it
without a clue how to begin

to begin the begin

the way to start
is in the hole
take your curses early
buck teeth
cold sores
save them up
use them to write poetry
or for pity fucks later

you are young enough to get over them
limber enough to stand up

pick up your blessings at the door
I imagine being old sucks
when you are helpless
and not cute
and pink
abd they know
you will not grow
out of your diapers
of course it is my static
that runs like a reel
across your abdomen

I have nothing else to say
to you

its been done

Check please!
you don't write bad checks to survive
or steal or rob from your neighbor
it will catch up to you later.

a garage sale wont work.
going over the limit on your credit card
to buy your wife an oak vanity mirror
bench set out of guilt, yourself;
a four thousand dollar Gateway,
and a Ferrari wasn't smart
with six kids

the van would've been sufficient.
she was in good health,
but you traded her in
when you knew
you were losing your job

found fucking the secretary
in files without permission

when the wife's at home, breastfeeding one
cooking stew in that sexy flower apron
to impress you without knowledge
the grocery money didn't come from a paycheck.

the cops will knock soon
fingerprints will be found
on rich neighbor doors
because of dirty fingers
you couldn't keep to yourself.

your cock can be cleaned
by other prisonors, and you can choose
to feed your cravings
from the fudge all around
since you're always hungry for more

back to being dirty again.
I cleaned our walls today
and I could not stop
each leading to another wall
more stained then the last

when are you coming home?
hands roam my body

pressure builds
hips raise and dance
circular motions

you watch from afar
and join my dance
we climax as one
Soars ~

he bought her a pink
fragrant rose. pinned
to black, sinful black
velvet. she curtseys and
falsely, maybe.

his dreams, they soar,
to the heavens above.
for she is his
his everlasting want.
he says, I like you.
I really like you,
a whole lot.

she smiles again,
he is caught. a venus
fly trap opens and

prey is caught
ready to be
as she smiles, he
dreams. both
smile and dream
soar ....

another saturday at the corner of Taylor and Putty Hill and they are there

holding signs

Free car wash

the girls have greek letters across their ass




with such promise of the commercials

suds and breasts and water

fights and laughter

but it is never like that

bird crap and dried berry stains

cigarettes and cheerios



and no one ever brings beer

fair thee well my fine friend
whoever you are
whereever your when

i know you know i know you know
and so and so
and so

and so
the rocker

to grow up into
a theory of white
fence woman
a generation
of pie mixers
and rolling pins
my world begins
in a rocker...
an oak ...
worn arms
from rocking
from civil war
and mill work
fingers too
tired to fondle
I rock to the music
my cocoon
its safe haven
from rejection
I rock to and fro
blind to mans
insane answers
safety is the rhythm
of mind
beat of my heart
just the actress
playing a heroine
of I don't belong
yet, the
tides rock...

angeline...the reason I am posting this here is for your views..and insights if you have time...I would like this one to be above top secret...
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Your words, skin-
toned and folded flat,
slipped under
this digital door,
startle me like dawn
shocks the night

with abrupt pink fingers.
You stretch tongue-tipped
keystrokes, press lips
to my eager ear and feed me

the raw carnal image of you
at 60 cycles per second.
This flashing light, this heat

sears my mind
like the chariot
parts the sky
with a streak of flame.
green does not become you
and it does become you
they are the same here invisible
as dylans voice ears numbed by the sounds of passion
recognition truth

and the whipporwhill and the whipper
wont drown in the honey cup
drunk on transpolanted nectar

sit on the edge
satisfied like a drowsy winter fly fat and lazy with giggles of inmpeding
flyguy69 said:
Thanks, Tz, V and T. It is a "passion" piece so there is no refinement, yet. As for the flypaper-- smoke and mirrors, baby! This way no one notices the quality of the writing!

Let 'em slip lower now below
that devine stage. Why
do you deny this audience
even a glimpse of the strings
and wires behind the curtain

concealling all I want most
to see? Let me expose
this surprise to the light
and wonder at its mystery.
Let them slip lower now.
champagne1982 said:

Let 'em slip lower now below
that devine stage. Why
do you deny this audience
even a glimpse of the strings
and wires behind the curtain

concealling all I want most
to see? Let me expose
this surprise to the light
and wonder at its mystery.
Let them slip lower now.

I got no strings
to hold me down
to make me fret
or make me frown!

I'm a real boy!

strings tie, binding tight
taunt lines, tiptoe walking.
say, what's on your mind,
no lies ... or lines, no more.

unbreakable spiders web
strings'm up, sucks dry
weaving of a cotton
cocoon. gotcha now.
were you leaving
... so soon?

fishy fishy on my line.
worms tempt, wiggled
you in. caught, with a
lil sinker of twine.

puppet strings, strung you
up. mimic me, what I say.
no thoughts of your own,
none you own. lil wooden
boy, wooden heart, wouldn't
you, like to be real?

real emotions said here,
now. listen, to your heart.
no lies, no stings,
no wooden puppets today.
you, and I
here ... now.
Be you, the you
I know, you really are.

Strung out,
tied down,
bound up,
taken in,
lead away,
touched here,
grasped there,
held near,
pushed far,
shortened breath,
heightened sense,
stretched limbs,
loosened clothes,
tensed tight,
soft kiss,
hard fuck.
calgon hot bath
bubbles on breasts
you watch
I laugh
towel me dry
drag me nude
to our candle lit room
turn up tunes
your mouth to mine
tickle tongues
warm inside
hands roam
down my spine
ass squeezed
sticky sweat
bodies connect
thrown to bed
arms over head
nipples point to ceiling
calling lips
you softly suck
I push your head
between my legs
I cum
we're done.
Tristesse said:
Strung out,
tied down,
bound up,
taken in,
lead away,
touched here,
grasped there,
held near,
pushed far,
shortened breath,
heightened sense,
stretched limbs,
loosened clothes,
tensed tight,
soft kiss,
hard fuck.
It's in the push
and pull: the arch
to close this impatient gap.
The synapse
bridged with wet-lick
charge, the spark
across space no bigger
than the span of a hand, no bigger
than an open mouth, no smaller
than this moment. Time
pulls tight and wraps
like arms about your waist.
I did not mean to steal
John Amen's shoes.
But there they were, in the roll along stewardess bag
with copies of two books
and a new CD.

Me and John's shoes
kick down Baltimore streets
without click or heel.
They pull me south
god how they just want to get home
to the red clay dust
that matches his suede

search for the clay
and ribs for my landscape
ants and fingers navigate crease and ripple

pull me into view
add some greenery for the nibble
knight to bishop 3
in pulse accellerated climb

stop this madness and metaphor
say it say it!

take me prone
into this wire frame
plotted coordinates
pull to a peak
thumb pressed pussy

build me baby that is all there is
here in these words
leave fingerprints on my plasticine

and pound me motherfucker
before it sets

dog cocks his head
listens for masters voice

a pleasured contented sigh
as I lick your cream pie

slow and passionate licking
leads to delicate deliberate rosebud tickling


contented sigh?
cream pie?
passionate licking?
rosebud tickling?


Zen Instruction

There are four things.
Just four.
They're important.
I won't tell you
why or what they are,
though. Guess.


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