all of a sudden passion suddenly

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RhymeFairy said:
burn into me
molten liquidated fire
flaming through
these mortal veins

of pulsating
craving you,
touching you
with shooting embers
of heated ownership.

own this fiery body,
take me
I am yours
to command
titillatingly tempt
with pagan rites
of wizardry wants.

visit this temple
of you
of us ...


mastering my own
owning up to this
with want of more, more
reckonning of complete abandon
myself to him

sweatbox bleeds my
sickness and makes it
float away
constant heat on me
seething, seeing
knowing that burn

well enough now
until tomorrow, until
my liberation begins
my vaccination, him
my daily cure
shaking disease away
making me ok.
not th eleash or the growl
or the mane brushed and braided
its deeper under skin and sound and follicle
that beast
harmonics strund in another century

claws extended you struggle to hold control
god I want to paint stripes on you
so your skin matches the beast you bear

come lover come
give me my dimensions
bite the back of my neck
carry me home
to the grasslands
4degrees said:
mastering my own
owning up to this
with want of more, more
reckonning of complete abandon
myself to him

sweatbox bleeds my
sickness and makes it
float away
constant heat on me
seething, seeing
knowing that burn

well enough now
until tomorrow, until
my liberation begins
my vaccination, him
my daily cure
shaking disease away
making me ok.

that disease
making it all ok.
burning, still yet
for him.
watching, wishing
for his touch. that
burn inside me.
deeper, in me.
the shadows away.
taking me,
to the brink.
breakfast on me,
dine on erotica delights.
take tha heat baby.
make me burn.
for you, for us
burn baby
dine on this
feast on
me ...

i will not become the water
that boils your grains
soft, sticky, congealed
when what we need
is grit that rubs between joints
something to sift through
something to plant

never never never
forks press right through
toothless babies
should not be able to gum your presence

lie under me solf
buttered and salted
you have 2 hours to sleep
before I burn you hard
and sharpened
cracked by the hammers of my fists
broken by teeth
and claw

get up motherfucker
show me bone
I invented a candle today
forced the blood to return
to the wound long dried
viscous, clogged

why why why you come into my dreams
we passed your ceramics
and stories
no one made the fish fly or
become the rainbow

it was

I found him
the uncle who came to you
he stood on the bottom step
and answered me with qyestions

I want to know you again
and every false front house
in this one dog town

dont come back
lets meed somewhere nice

can someone help me build a place
for homecoming

can someone paint directions on this roof
you can find us you can find us
you can find us two doors down

Sarah has the teapot
Bonnie has the frames
yeah yeah Edward has the treetops
you know who you know who
and her too
brings the rains
we need the rains
to bring us inside

pass the porcelain
pass the pipe
we send smoke signals
find us
thing about happiness
is I hae no desire
or ability to write poetry
I say this not as a poem
no desire to open it up

oh the sa sap sap that traps insects in amber!
will someone wear my sticky secretions
solidified in a million years?
these love poems
oh damn

I just want to make you happy
this will never last
annaswirls said:
thing about happiness
is I hae no desire
or ability to write poetry
I say this not as a poem
no desire to open it up

oh the sa sap sap that traps insects in amber!
will someone wear my sticky secretions
solidified in a million years?
these love poems
oh damn

I just want to make you happy
this will never last
it will
it can last
feel that build up
of passions touch
petals of laughter
floating down
from upside-down
umbrellas folds
take time
taste the running wine
as it slips past only
to touch you
when least expected
run to him ... her
worship like there is no
refunds for the lonely
only fools give in
turn away
take what is yours
their love freely given
unto you

These golden days of amber dying
are still the most warm
as frenzied mating passes quick
from memory and verdant green
matures into the sunny days
of fall. I love these most of all

Even though you left at autumn's end
I love these most
as time drags us nearer to the day,
even though the sun
brightened the sapphire glint
of October sky, you left.

I love these days when chill
frost nips at the tips of blades
of grass and naked trees bow
no more in the wind, their sails
of leaves gone the way
of the rails. Departed.
no one taught me how to lay concrete
although I watched my father pull the long handled hoe
scraping across the lime crusted wheelbarrow
mixing slow until the sand and gravel were even

I remember how he poured the water into the center like gravy
in mashed potatoes

and how Allen caught his finger in the gear of the mixertrying to pick a stone
from between cogs as they strained

I watched from the hayloft
with sticky eyed kittens cradled in my shirt
or from Nana' s porch watching the birds with OPp pop
from the window washing dishes woth my big sister who always
made me dry the silverware.

No one taught me how to lay concrete or smooth cement over cracks
but the did teach me how to spackle icing into broken cake,
how to use the knife to even the edges
they taught me to go slowly to mix the powder from the edges

no,m noone taught me how to do this
that is what I think this morning
filling holes and smoothing the steps to my house,
the house I did not build myself
scraping the excess with the edge of my metal trowell
as always steamrolled by chance
contol a distant dystopia
when randomizer tumble deck
serves me pocket trumps

and today
a full hand or royal heart

black razor line brows cut for emphasis
of sandalwood carved cheekbone
polished with silver thread silk

signs bright white spelling
might just bite
but framed by vermillion
always that
I just have to take that risk

and wing it
my heart is not held by a god
or a planmet I do not want to write about the heart
ventricle opened for business
backwater mixes in slushes around
oxygen oxygen give it a spin
suck with straw
feel the warm through gklasses
you dig it baby? dig it?
annaswirls said:
my heart is not held by a god
or a planmet I do not want to write about the heart
ventricle opened for business
backwater mixes in slushes around
oxygen oxygen give it a spin
suck with straw
feel the warm through gklasses
you dig it baby? dig it?

I can dig it.
Give it a
slow spin swirl.
Catch it,
on the wring
out wash.

Do a close up
of his biceps,
with that burn.


click him on,
watch him go,
hop, spin,
suck it all in.
picture perfect,
as he spins
outta control.

I can dig,
digging him.
all night,
day baby.

that cloths pin,
pinch in that bum.
merciful heavens,
can I have
one of him.
dig it baby
... dig it~

:catroar: Grrrrrrr

Checking in
A moment
A song
A verse
A sight
Yes of course
The big titted woman
causes me to scream
Zzip around in madness
lose one and another
Ooo got tooo
GOT to
got to reach that octet

Positivley negative charged
it's all take, never
anything left to share

Such a bad bad little electron
beat em', he likes it
(it's porn in ionic bonding)
weeks turned to months
wide spread particals
come together again
swirling in pollution
finding one and another
soupy thickness of
challenging atmospheric
conditions are contingent
of the forcast at ten
trying to recall
a time before the
weather changed
is like trying to
recall being born.
always it is like this,
the magnetic force
is all i see.
the Banner family still needs food
typed out black ink
revised, corrected and expanded edition
canned and boxed food welcome
we leave spaces between thought

action and still still
once was nice yes yes
put it in the basket Sunday morning
dry basement
the Banner family still needs food
building a building, a bank to be exact.
Change on Lady and Main,
change in the skyline and
the capitol dome creates a copper buckle
where MAin street careens
onto the statehouse lawn.

Building from below ground up.
Parking garage hidden by a plaza,
trees and plants and star-frinedly lighting.

Is the blue sky any less a whore
than the ground below, impaled
daily by men whose rigs and hammers
are pounded, driven and gouged
by sweaty,groaning machines.

The crane's boom follows prevailing winds,
today from the southeast, and wasps
have taken over the grate
where a pair of redtails began a nest

a voluptious view westward
river valley meanders deep and low.
from riverside the view is hard.
hard and stubborn and cold
sort of like the building that we're building
I love that word,
the way my tongue ripples
rolls over and begs
as I say it.
The milky red hues
it boasts
only compliment
the tone of its name.
Whisper it over and over
letting the resonance
settle into your brain
and take over.
God I love that word.
answers in yellow

i fell once into a vat
of whup-ass, all i could do was scream
yell_oh!! yellow, no sun no golden
arms to embrace me when moon comes
calling, yellow, whare art thou? silver
comes in slivers of broken redout, re-doubt
moved blinds to block angels sun
yellow comes calling, with stripes on her
back in a moments notice, there is no silence in yellowville
just screams and, memories
bloodied stripes of carnelian,
lost in vat of whupass, without
so much as a whimper
tree explodes...

we are together in our special woods
tree explodes in Autumnal shrapnel
swirling, twirling shards of colour
we're caught in the windy blast
laughing with love struck eyes

Dream on, kiddo.
Words hit me like
Shrapnel. I'm not
Going to be a star
On some diamond
Encrusted stage
Nor will the world
I wake-
But with a tutu
Around my waist
And there are
Pelicans singing
In my bath.
cward2 said:
Dream on, kiddo.
Words hit me like
Shrapnel. I'm not
Going to be a star
On some diamond
Encrusted stage
Nor will the world
I wake-
But with a tutu
Around my waist
And there are
Pelicans singing
In my bath.


I love it!

Pelicans wearing tutus
twirling 'round my head,
oh how I wish they'd
give me back my bed!
But then those silly snakes
that are living in the toilet
would have to move elsewhere
and that would surely spoil it.
Damn those snakes
Playing chess in my
Sunday best.
Can't they go away
And eat some cheese?
Perhaps they'd
Turn into rats and read
The Financial Times.
Those shifty looking rats
are pesky little brats,
all they do is whine
about the current time
while they sip wine
and nibble cheese
as you please!
The windows smash
And slimy tentacles
Slither inside. Lovecraft
Sits in a corner, smoking
Opium as this dream
Crashes over my head
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