all of a sudden passion suddenly

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from fly's sig line
When the big head does the drinkin', the little head does the thinkin'.
-my college roommate

And oh what little thinking
of a ponderous thought
as a glistening drop falls
from that weepy eye.
Poor guy. To know
that even sleep
cannot guarantee rest,
especially not for the wicked,
nestled in warm, moist
crevasses that slide
together most inviting.
Enticing responses in tiny
thought receptors needing
more than alcohol to deaden
this emotional surge,
sudden purge of all that's
built up in an evening of wet
celebration and incautious
libations. God, I love a mind
on booze.
beside me ...

neonurotic said:
I slept in your hand last night
so close to the pulse
the slow beat of my heart
made you steady and you
loved me then more than ever

close beside me
he is there
hairy legs meet soft
silken limbs
... sleek n sexy,
yes sexy.
he snores
ever so lightly,
bet he didnt know that.
just those wiffles
of wind
carry me through
the night now.
all around
night sounds
of his memory
beckon me to
him closer,
those golden curls
that smile
right off his scruffy
feeling you baby
... just
feeling you
here, now
... beside me ~

overused, the metaphor of cave.
womb, heart, empty souls begone.
cave is somewhere without a soul
or womb, no sunlight no words
no birth death no dying.

i felt a whimper when cave was born, a glitch
if you will, in the sum of the sun and the grain
of the soul was a son.

He would not speak, no one knew if he could or
if he was merely holding back, he learned
that absorbing the feel, and feeling the fill
was like tying a bow to a rocket.

The bow sat prettily, for lack of better word
and flew through darkness to to darker
and I promised, that when he ground
to silent screech and halt, with the bow
still in place and the earth still spinnng,
his place in my cave would be solid,
sans bow, no heart, no grain no soul no sun
so son, how was your trip?
did you see them, the men and women
with no souls? those without caves
without cliches and shovels digging with fury
to enrage the legendary titans?

they are the pitiful ones,
those who cannot hear the pitch of birds
the wobble of leaves about to fall
the intent o f spring about to burst forward
stay in your caves, oh pitiful ones
I have more than enough stomes
to block the doors that keep you
there was aman, so long ago
captured ignorance, in a bright blue bowl
and buried her. He slept well in his beliefe
that mankind was safe, but when he awoke
in his garden of hope, he saw the his bowl
unearthed and fertilized
by anger and war and the manure of greed
and ignorance had grown
into a tree. Filled with fruit, assorted kinds
that tree was leaning low, and as the branches
touched the soil, barbarians plucked
those branches bare.IT seems the fruit of ignorance
was just too much to bear, all that lovely ripened fruit
untouched, hanging there.
like helium
or a super magnet
an out of atmosphere
my silver string
severed, never
touching foot
in this human realm
it has been
this way forever.
this is not the show I paid for
final words
is anyone from the family here
and it goes black
and gerk and
the piss runs down another leg

okay dry it up and go write the story
complimentary mints
Fuck it!

"Fuck it! Don't mean nuthin`...!" :cool:
(Isn't that the stock phrase to mumble as I turn away, heart breaking?)

"Yeah, whatever! Do I look bothered...?" :confused:
(Can I say the above with conviction, with tears rolling down my face?)

"Okay, okay! Plenty more fish in the sea you know...!" ;)
(Would anyone believe I could say that if they knew of my love for you?)

"Stop, I heard you the first time! You say it's for the best..." :mad:
(So explain why is it, if `it's for the best`, do I feel at my absolute worst?)

Org Posted by : Man Ray

"Fuck it! Don't mean nuthin`...!"
(Isn't that the stock phrase to mumble as I turn away, heart breaking?)

"Yeah, whatever! Do I look bothered...?"
(Can I say the above with conviction, with tears rolling down my face?)

"Okay, okay! Plenty more fish in the sea you know...!"
(Would anyone believe I could say that if they knew of my love for you?)

"Stop, I heard you the first time! You say it's for the best..."
(So explain why is it, if `it's for the best`, do I feel at my absolute worst?)


feeling his pain of ties
that bound
pulling him back, refusing
to * just * let go.
take a page from the book
of life
strive on, putting
all things back
into thier acredited
don't move that figurine, it's fragile
like his heart that's torn
asunder. currents
waves grasping at his soul.
tearing, torn
a new page
reborn ...

flash fact
flash in the pan
this is not
something thin
does not diffuse like
smoke, but hangs
plastered to my
nostrils like gasoline
all these papers
these hand picked
laments of love
well-deep and soulful
i'm so full of
you, all over again
everyday i begin
with my mind parellel
with the west
yet another test of miles
and time
planets align
triple fives were
the perfect start for
all this passion
promoting my passion
parading my pride
no mattrer how i've tried
this love for you,
can't be quiet for long.
all along,
you were the one.
there is a beautiful song building in my heart
it rings in the voices of children
climbing to the arc of the dome, the ceiling
resonating with a melody so sweet
tears cannot help but rain from above

there is a wonderful smile building on my lips
it glimmers in the eyes of children
reaching my lips as it washes
through my heart and lingers
in my soul with a happiness so true
tears cannot help but fall against my skin

such is a song,
when sung with true hearts
proud of the gift they offer to the world
bringing art out of performance
artistry from talent
memories are my lonely breakfast
dreams are my disconsolate lunch
desires are my miserable supper
but hope will always be my dietary staple​
It was like pressing a marshmallow
Into an empty money box
But we met when we were drunk
And we just had to try

I'm feeling befuddled, troubled, rather muddled
I feel my only recourse is to dive into a shallow puddle
all my troubles caused by the lack of a special woman's cuddles
my sad fate to join her other cast offs in a miserable communal huddle

dedicated passion
a piece of me
a day, gladly
cut away
proof found in
the very pit of it
its a shard of you
its that embedded
shell that i'll
hang on to
for now, i've grown
around it,
its a real part of me.
her carefully placed gardens and feeders are inborn memories
of the winter songbirds
who come by the hundreds with their
reds and blues

here it is mostly the starling and sparrow
wren and crow that search the neighborhood
for crumbs and seed
mourning doves call for their dead on slate rooftops
they wait for what drops
under my wooden feeder

he told me
write a poem about the birds
make sure you show the contrast
of the idylic setting of your mothers home
and you making it work with what you have

and sex
make it have sex
because you know girl
there always has to be sex

two robins are doin it in front of 1827
there, while the children rustle like leaves
to the bus stop
I hold the world inside
the universe that is my mind
all part of a spinning whirl
on the outer tip of a twisting
spiral galaxy.
Come with me on a journey
inside climbing pillars
and tumbling nebulae
Star stuff is what I'm made
of. Nuclear fusion
at its best, the finest hour
of a super-nova, bursting
onto the universal screen
and bringing you the poetry
The low moonlight casts shadows
on naked curves
freckle, Alpha Kizme between planets
Utopia Major and Minor shines
the brighest on your heavenly body

I've seen you a millions times
at every angle we meet
sometimes opposed
others we conjunct make a splendid aspect

Still there is more of you
left to be discovered

But not tonight, mon chéri
I'd rather snuff out the stars
and rest my head
listen to your heart, the easy
rhythm is my lullabye
Often, I take that road in dreams
drive lightspeed
on full beam
all with my eyes closed

I go to be there with you
for a moment
in this crazy world
that moves much too fast

It slows down long enough
for me reach out, touch your fingers
that's it, just a whisper
on a cold night and I sleep happy
Don't make sense

I was listening to a song
when I realized
tears were pouring out my eyes
and down my cheeks
leaving salty trails
I could barely speak
I was so choked
instead whimpers and
strangled sobs were evoked
along with a sadness
long ago buried
varied times we shared
which led to a madness
that I can't seem to shake
and sits waiting for a chance
to help my heart break
funny thing is
I seem to enjoy it
as the tears stream forth
and breath becomes haggard
I'm staggered I can still feel
a lone road
i drive alone in
escapes me upon
what was there,
seconds before, so clear
and leaves me longing
longer than
i can.
but then,
there you are
my eyes are open
my soul wide to receive
every last bit
thats you.
bottle of bleach

hottle of bleach
in the bathroom
seventeen black and white buttons
on the table

he washes the sheets
mends the comforter cover
disinfects tiles

he never does these things ever does anything like these things

check marks on the glamour test
how to read your man
when the man ain't sayin
I try to love these sparrows perched
on the branch of the large maple
outside my window

they are like dandelions
aggressive, ragged

I try to find beauty in the scraggled appearance
the brown feathers
subtle stripes

they are designed to not be noticed

I try to love these birds
they are what I have here
not the red cardinals and blue jays,
no downy headed woodpeckers or tufted titmouse

My city sparrows travel in gangs
I pour cup after cup of seeds into the feeders.
They come to feast.
I try to pretend I want them here
I try try try
to be a better person
long highway calls
to him.
beckoning his move
before he moves.
wishing his wants
were steadfast,
lingering on the mind
within mindseye.
who says yes
says no.
when will it be
what we want
cherished in hearts,
dim n dark
avoiding the question
of what
will be.
his highway calls
like a mistress, flying
him away
to never
never land.

embedded memories keep
nails streak across
skin, hot skin
meshed in
of hearts.
across the sky
streaking like
touching me
not, for this flesh
burns baby
for you
This is how I want you
fresh in my thoughts
of you as you linger
in the shower, cascades
leaping free of your skin
and splashing at your feet.

That one looks so inviting
clear and streaming off the tip
of you swelling in my view,
as I lick my lips and remember
how it feels to slide your slight
resiliency inside and massage
a response from you with my tongue

I love you like this
unaware of my shaky
hands as they imagine
glissading down the slope
of your chest, only to cling
tightly to the peg
jutting from the hard wall
of the mountain
that you are.

I need you like this,
answering my kiss with one
of your own, your tongue
my sustenance, your essence,
my warm drink of sexuality
as I bring you to the shelter
of our bed; our tent
in the wilds of urban life.
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