all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Jump into this with me
and try to get a grip
on life as it slips slimy
from your jaws.
Hold it tight and take
a bite; make explosions
out of neural impulses
flashing through
the autonomous controls
deep inside the lizard brain.
We're not insane just
crazy, a lazy way to say
I need psychoanalysis.
'Get them out
Yes sir! no sir!
But they'll die
If they're not
The goldfish
Smokes a cigar
And laughs.
why is it then I cannot write for you
to capture a shadow with an abstraction
and make it concrete
when there is not love real love
only drama

and the interruprtions interruptions unteriptions
questions and scuse me and my real life
at the door

maybe later I will write for you

my white collar
black tie knight
black dog dirty
crime unpunished
logical legistical
blurred horizontal
line zig zags across
a vast understanding
that space is irrelivant
seperation a figment
living side by side
with countless other
figments that
are so convincing,
i falter.
catch me.
yes it is that time of night
for charms guided by nervous fingers
back and forth on the silver chain
clasp worn thin

it is that time of night
for slipping heels from feet
to dangling from fingers
slipping out somewhere the clicks go unnoticed

and you choke up like a batters hands
finding my topping point
growling your unfulfilled desires until they become promises

it is that time
when the thrill of anticipation
clicks to the horror of the happening
3 months of cyber-exile

i dreamt of annswirls, swirl-girly words
traced in mist on shower doors
gathering like moths to bare flame,
I dreamt of miss anna, teaching
bondage by Seattle and science
in Wicked Eve's basement
and where di those months go,
just disappear into sweat and paper
listing hours and rates of pay
I want to lay my soul open
away from the jitter
of the early city morning, before
the bank, yet undone, comes aloive
with the swarm of glazeirs and pasterr,
dry wall and marble replaced my old keyboard
now days are spent setting beams
with lasers and cranes, hoisting me
above the sleeping city,
awake I still dream of poems
of anna and eve and Boomerengue
and a flyguy and pat and even angeline

I dont remember how to write
but I am learning what I need
to write about
oozing through a
deep cut left of
the jugular
release of red
resonating in one
long dripp
that line of life
decending with a tickle
the trickle
that is intensly me
dna thick with
unrefined love
and a bloodlust
you all must
recognise by now.
blood thick as sap
a slow flow
of him
choking me up
ever present
telling me
he is here.
the zoo

again it is too much
too much joy when it is just right
when the space is enclosed
and noises are muted and surfaces are flexible,
where every motion is met with a rebound

they call me out
and they call me

she tells me
come this way
and no
you cannot go back

she tells me
come, come here
let me lead you to the place of pain
or blinding lights and swirling smells

they call me out
and wonder why the screams
why the screams and scratches
and lying flat across the walk
I think she must know this feeling
this begging
put me out of my misery
put me out let me take you with me
under fingernails and fists
take me our or put me back back back into my comfort zone

she just holds on
holds on
pulls me back into myself
and carries me through this hell
others seem to be enjoying so much
that is a smile

this much I know
this much I know

its okay baby
its okay baby
its okay baby

her back strains
under my weight
I am not small

I hide my head in her
bury my senses under her skin
dark warm muted

but I feel it coming again
the scream and scratch and terror
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her magazine tits
filled out my t-shirt quite nicely
as she danced and swayed
to her drunken beat
every swish and sway
of her hips
flipped up cotton
flashing skin
and sin
fully bare to the stare
in my watchful eyes
tender thighs split
and undulating for a kiss
a wish never tasted
this good
the future balances
between the hysterical cries
and fervent hopes
of children

one moment crying chaos
clamoring for security
in a mother's arms
anxious to avoid
the intrusion of the unknown
into orderly lives

the next curiously digging
below the settled surface
of grass and dirt
in exploration of rocks to turn
and worms to wonder at
with total abandon
Pippa passes empty halls,
peers in doorways into rooms
that might hold sunlight shining
through the cracks in broken walls,
but only night and Pippa's footsteps

She listens for the echoes,
wonders if her ghosts are speaking
in the tread that fades away, tries
to capture words. Sometimes
Pippa still remembers

how to pray but never hears
an answer. They won't say
come now with one swallow
into dreamless sleep
that wakes into eternity.
They won't have her being
anywhere but here.

Pippa passes near, says to no one
please let me be safe again,
safe the way a child's book
curled once within in small palms,
the way her fingers hold the alms
of hair against his chest, caught
within the breathing rest
of dropping lids and the waking
pull of day. Pippa passed
the time of world this way.
November’s Descent

Tasting winter on my tongue – bittersweet,
as coldness overpowers my sensation of life
and the wind growls at my heart,
warning of imminent suffering.

With vicious intent the leaves plummet,
rabid creatures stripping my world of beauty,
as the wind continues to mock me,
cacooning me in the coppery whirlpool of death..

I see you in the distance
Sun kissed and serenely sitting,
a bed of birds come to carry you away
To where warmer promises will linger on your lips.

I scream in impotent sorrow
bound by the turning of your affections
waiting for the final moment to come
when love’s migration is complete.

Tears freeze against frozen flesh
Shattering a brittle heart.
I stand, emotionless,
As the snow begins to fall.

Okay, Okay...I admit I changed the punctuation a touch...bad me...I will stop changing it now (mainly because I don't think I'll like the puctuation no matter what).
when ~

dancing through my mind
of whimsical spirits.
I find myself
chasing away,
retreating, retaining
all I hold dear.

memories awash,
washing ashore
to timeless days
passing over into
ending nights.

one day I shall know.
deep to the bone,
really know
... when.

eyes closed,
lips drawn, pencil thin.
wishing feverently
feeling that flow,
body to body
mind into mind.

till the end
when all is said
done. then
we shall all know
when ...

grrr, not what I was thinking
. .. wrote, spun, done ~
I will catch that muse and string'm up !!!
nightstand visions
of sultry intent.
pulling you in
only to release.

stilettos n fishnets
stripped bare.
bare of flesh
bone. bone dry
as gin n tonic.
tasting that
sugar from lips,
painted on
with fragrant peach

hills that mapped his
hips of gold, again
again.brushing against
tan limbs
stretching, peering
into soulless
eyes. vacant
as the barren house
at the roads end.

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4degrees said:
oozing through a
deep cut left of
the jugular
release of red
resonating in one
long dripp
that line of life
decending with a tickle
the trickle
that is intensly me
dna thick with
unrefined love
and a bloodlust
you all must
recognise by now.
blood thick as sap
a slow flow
of him
choking me up
ever present
telling me
he is here.

checking for pulse
hot wires
of excruciating need
excite me. trembling
as mouth to mouth
scorches my insides.
desire thick as his hair
tempting me to let go,
just let go.

showing that line
of never ending
sliding down ribs,
riding for dear life,
on his
his touch
his taste.

gripping thighs
bareback bucking
pounding over
and over. shimming
that shake
mixing bloodthirsty
with spasming lusty
guttural moans
letting go, only
to check
and release ...

:devil: :catroar: :p
no reply expected

i admit i often find myself confessing
to strangers and at times
to no one other than myself,
you drain me of feelings, you drain me of hope
you suck the me right out of me.
and there are times, when i can feel
the marrow rushing fleet foot
from my brittled lonely bones.

I hope that tim ewill find you
and devour your hateful soul
long and s.l.o.w
disease ?

eclipsed and seized
shadows burst
with wanting
this disease that
gnawing and roving
for him.
if forever
will be long enough.
taking me to the edge
burning inside with eons
of neurons
on fire
for him.
darkness transcends
spreading its ugly
inky death.
my eyes close
only to reopen,
seeing him.
you baby,
burning me again.
inside me
grabbing, plunging
rocking through
my disabling disease
of need away,
for now.
only for now.
my eyes will open
to this disease infested
body yet again
again ...

Cracking an hour glass to swallow
one second, one grain
after the other takes patience
if you don't have it
don't bother because time doesn't stop
not for me, not for you

It goes in as sand and comes out the same
it's easy you know
loving you just a little
fragmental has become the cornerstone
to loving without rocking the foundation
until i sit here feeling the sand
pouring unto my toes from the shattered glass
that usually keeps the ticker in place
forget tomorrows in wonderland
there's too much missing from the fairytale
to see it through the final pages
i know fragments
was more then you could dream of
but not enough for me
as i waste away
in your little town
pretending to turn the pages
of a book i'm not even reading.
i'll walk away saddened for the tears
as the story's not so happy ending
leaves you standing there wondering
why you didn't do like i asked
if only you'd read the cover both front and back
you would have known
it was a story not worth reading.
next time
look for one brand new
without the missing pages
a little less demanding of your attention
might see it through the end.
medicinal musings
specks of all the
tiny particals
making up a whole
this hole
filled again with
invisible sand
or ticks of time
tell this tale
of comprehensive
lines scratched
in the dirt, in front
of me
daring me
to take that last
I think it is the fingers that hang there
that send me into this state

I imagine them
slick and dripping
into your sand
as you tease and dip into me
just enough to fill
just enough to keep the flow
just enough for the dripping
we measure our patience
as it soaks in

god I beg you
feed me feed me
above, below
long fingers forced into mouth
like teats
you tell me
suck them
suck them
and pour your waters down my chin

god I beg you hold them upright
for me, my thighs quiver in the desire to ride
just hold them for me steady baby
sand scratched knees
come on baby let me use all ten

I think it is the fingers
hanging there
that get me into such a state
ice cream ... or not ~ grins*

ice cream cones
are made to be eaten
slow and with eager

circles n swirls
dabs and curls
of tongue, forever
lost in creamy textures.
sensual slides
to berries n nuts
on my tongue.

holding to the side
turtle racing dive
cherries jubilee.

banana split ride,
no place to hide but
in my mouth.

hard-core brownies
chocolat-y ooze
dripping down chin
how can I loose.

tasting, licking
sinking in tight
to my sundae cone
delight ...

yes yes they are right it is all the same
except in silver and red
he shows the stain
the mark of the chair

how did you wind up here
twenty seven cats and vinyl laundry bags hanging off door handles
doro handles screwed into paneled wood

these rings do not count years
an artists hand sketch the history of a tree
that never existed

unlike the ones out there
out in the back where they had to cut down
a path for the new sewer line

they did

silver paint is chipping from silver rings
why paint silver silver
help me understand
foreplay with him was a crush
into yellow powder, on typing paper
between folded sheets and waiting
for the dust and crumble, the mist
the pain and the numbing

i remember when only shade fell
and darknesss seemed to want to linger,
from apparition to an unholy light
and there were seven wars being waged
inside a failing brain
Boys' Town

The erect boy lies through bronze teeth
of his brother: he ain't heavy!
and despite his dry brow and trembleless
hands I know better. The folded form

of his sibling weighs
more than iron
upon his shoulders: the crush
of secrets and oaths

burned into their past
like a garage fire, blamed
on spilt gasoline and a lawnmower spark,
that consumed shoplifted porn
and beer. Or the brilliant streaks
in the roof of the car
that match the gravel slide
of a police report in Omaha.
Or a trip into Iowa for antibiotics.

The weight of him is hard
upon pockets and relationships
and drags like an anchor
though dreams of flight

to Los Angeles, where no one cares
about the half-of-a-dollar-bill
in your wallet or the coded gibberish
that describes your date's appearance.

It is the gravity
of metal that pulls him back
to this solid pose, the yolked load
that presses his feet to the ground,
a burden of forged joy.
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