all of a sudden passion suddenly

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So Sayeth the Pharmacist!

I have long believed sex should be prescribed
scratched out on a pad
what cure the touch of human flesh!
what cure, the release into something warm,
something alive

I suck the poison from your loins
swallow it down
claim it as my own
please refill,


neonurotic said:
Valium, Xanax and Effexor
I swallow these brand names right down
eager to do it too
because it takes the edge off
or supposedly makes me happy
or so it is prescribed

So it must be true

but it doesn't do anything
no anti-anxiety, anti-depressant
they don't touch the crazy
shit that whirls around in my head

Sometimes for no particular reason
other than a OCD of worrying
and too much imagination
I feel a stab in the chest
my brain flips the panic switch
then I can't breathe

that's two of my favorite fears
one I suffocate, the other
I have a heart attack

I carry a brown paper bag in my pocket
like I do the pills and the rubber
in my wallet, never know
when I'll need one or the other

crowds get to me as much as
tall redheads with good DSL
if the drugs don't fix me
a blowjob always will
where'd you get to?
Where's them big eyes
that always felt disapproving
like when I was with that big
titty girly that pawed me all night
but wound up being a 25 year old
virgin and a poor human being, to boot
and you laughed because I got
no play that night and rolled those eyes
when I bitched about cockteasing even though
I was grinning the whole time
that was Jack's night,
the one we lost to the bottle
sweet whiskey and soda pop
bubble snapping laughter
tickle-me-fizz and liqour
the color of iced tea

you looked at me like
you were my mama
and even looking over
a too strong glass
of Jack and cola
you made me ashamed

my ether ore
pocketful of pyrite
grains pressed between fingertips
ever remember me
my gypsum man
jade charade with all
the shining lining of a
cloud of sterling
a precious metal
a dazzling gem
fuck the diamonds baby
they're not forever
nor my best friend.
waxy paper
waxes like the
phases of the moon
shifting images - trees
stars seas deserts
life moves to and fro
in my hands
4degrees said:
my ether ore
pocketful of pyrite
grains pressed between fingertips
ever remember me
my gypsum man
jade charade with all
the shining lining of a
cloud of sterling
a precious metal
a dazzling gem
fuck the diamonds baby
they're not forever
nor my best friend.

diamonds glittering
hard, bright
but are they for you?
give me a warm sensual sunshine
dripping through pores
scalding my soul
with molten volcanic heat
touch my heart,
serenading me with all
that is good.
shower down
upon this golden goddess with
laughter that is meant,
words spoken
target practice those diamonds
thrown to tha side like yesterdays news.
no more of that
I want to be filled over and over
with love and happiness
fun, yes that too.
just simplistic joy of
jubilation's friend
carried away
with the fiendish delight
of me ... in me.
my jewel of denial
the many facets of this love
shines with laser brightness
and burns into my core
Maybe I'm cocky enough
to call you whatever I want to
if every sliding finger
makes that long muscle in your thigh
twitch and roll under your skin

and cardial attachments aside
I'll attach something to your pussy
and your knees won't lock
long enough for you to walk
away from my grinning face.

Arrogant. Cocky. Bastardly. Egomaniacal. Cute and fuzzy.
'tis the season

the edge of the ribbon frays,
pullls into satin angel hair
so small
so soft I cannot feel the threads
as they hover into the air

your silence

floats on a beam of light
before settling onto my floor
with powdered sugar
and the last remains of fall
One for the girl who made my heart a revolving door

how many whiskey sunrises
does it take to get you off my skin?
how many girls I don't like
to roust the smell of you,
the secret girl smell that
lives at the small of your back
the swell of your stomach
the back of your knees

the back of your knees
where soft goes when it sleeps
i love that skin.

I never leave the lights on
when you aren't there

And you always know when
there's another one
and your face twists just so
I look at my boots
because I can't tell you how
crazy it makes me not to be able
to pry you out of my eyes

I got scientific
or uppity
(I forget which)
and called my reactions to you a
kinesthetic mistake
but like cripples looking for legs
that just aren't there,
I keep reaching out
not feeling you under my hands

Bad enough we're the best we've had,
that no one makes me
want like you
no one else reads your body like braille
bad enough that I turn to no one
random thoughts falling from
exuberance to a quiet,
'Oh, right.'

Moving on is a mockery of feelings
how do you leave behind something
that had ought to fucking work?

we always do this in winter
and so many cold mornings
I lie awake
and I think of your face
I remember you telling me
what you really, really,


wanted was to wake up tomorrow
and want to marry me

I think I'd get more mileage
from punching myself in the face

wish in one hand
grope for you with the other.

I never questioned wanting children
wanting red eyed nights
patting a small back and
pacing back and forth,
trying to juggle microwaved milk,
a pacifier and a bad smoking habit

I never questioned anything
until (yet again)
the end.

Being alone is a fuck of a time
to start rethinking your relationship
and drinking,
being easier than thinking,
is a fuck of a way to pass the time
when you miss the slight sound
your skin makes against hers

Sometimes, I don't ever want to speak again.

This I can hold high on a stick
wave it above the town
This! This is what you would not give me!

ph the fire whips skirts in the updraft
but I am not witch
just a woman
a woman of scorch and singe
shush baby it is just a warm bath
there lavendar and vanilla

see what I have withheld from you
it is smaller
smaller than the gifts you wanted to give
that I would not accept
twisted into tight sticks of paper
you never read the clues, did you baby?
they were there, they were there

When Harry Met Sally
Sally realized
remember when Sally realized,
it wasnt that he didnt want to get married
it was just he did not want to marry me

yes yes and it is the woman
who does not want the fruit
until it is being placed
into another womans mouth
and then the grapes, how sweet they were
and how
we forget all the sour

And this,
this! I hold on my stick
these things you would not give to me
I found them on her floor
beside your matches
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lover let me write to you as if you were dead
and my chest crushed with regret
I would write of the night
the night I asked you
please can you leave them off?
i want to feel your softness pressed against me
feel you brush me in your sleep

but it is cold

not pressed against my skin

its okay baby, just put them on
layers of fibers between our skin

and I regre not teaching you how to open wide
for my gifts
how to stretch high and shout

your mouth has never opened wide enough for a shout
why didn't I try harder to convince you,
you want my nourisnment
you do not know how to feel the hunger
let me teach you let me feed you
I never tried hard enough at that,

just scattered my rice to the birds,
to anyone who hapened by
who happened to
anticipation burns my throat
chokes my confidence...
I lose my train of thought
(the single car that it was)​

I have nothing to wear
nothing to say
your thoughts leave me breathless
praying for more
(no, I musn't think of being on my knees)​

I wait for what I fear the most
oh god, when did I begin to fear kissing
has it truly been so long that I've forgotten how?

I wait for what I fear the most
nothing at all
oh god, which do I fear more
will my fears prevent the one or cause the other?...

I take a deep breath
close my eyes
imagine you comforting me
and smile

My steps confident
my head high
I am invincible
or so I tell myself
over and over again​
as I approach you...
it takes seventeen.
because seventeen sounds like no other number
no other

your words make my eras disappear
the career era
the childbearing era
and I am 22

maybe something like this-
come on baby lets just get married
why not
you can get on my health care
when your dad's runs out

and I wonder
if he ever noticed the sound
our skin made
when barely touching
even then, back at the apartment
in the time where these things are noticed.


you will want to speak again
you better,
there is a awesome poem inside of this whisky sunrise
number seventeen


DeepAsleep said:
how many whiskey sunrises
does it take to get you off my skin?
how many girls I don't like
to roust the smell of you,
the secret girl smell that
lives at the small of your back
the swell of your stomach
the back of your knees

the back of your knees
where soft goes when it sleeps
i love that skin.

I never leave the lights on
when you aren't there

And you always know when
there's another one
and your face twists just so
I look at my boots
because I can't tell you how
crazy it makes me not to be able
to pry you out of my eyes

I got scientific
or uppity
(I forget which)
and called my reactions to you a
kinesthetic mistake
but like cripples looking for legs
that just aren't there,
I keep reaching out
not feeling you under my hands

Bad enough we're the best we've had,
that no one makes me
want like you
no one else reads your body like braille
bad enough that I turn to no one
random thoughts falling from
exuberance to a quiet,
'Oh, right.'

Moving on is a mockery of feelings
how do you leave behind something
that had ought to fucking work?

we always do this in winter
and so many cold mornings
I lie awake
and I think of your face
I remember you telling me
what you really, really,


wanted was to wake up tomorrow
and want to marry me

I think I'd get more mileage
from punching myself in the face

wish in one hand
grope for you with the other.

I never questioned wanting children
wanting red eyed nights
patting a small back and
pacing back and forth,
trying to juggle microwaved milk,
a pacifier and a bad smoking habit

I never questioned anything
until (yet again)
the end.

Being alone is a fuck of a time
to start rethinking your relationship
and drinking,
being easier than thinking,
is a fuck of a way to pass the time
when you miss the slight sound
your skin makes against hers

Sometimes, I don't ever want to speak again.

keep me in a box
any old one will do
so long as its got holes
and a place to put my head
once i've severed it
and put it down the drain
la la la la
such is the sweet pleasantries
of a thing called life
la la la la
i offered you a tithe of tears
but you refused preferring
something more exotic
like concrete blood
pain slides so easy
drip drip
liquid vowels splash
of nails on chalkboards
mind screech
to blowing bubblegum numb
at the popping
when you find you cant
simply wipe
the stickiness away
as it clashed
red against white
seeping rage in steamy fissures
warmer the cold
just above freezing temperatures

as it faded
time passes
much too quickly
forgetful as it's covered
and bypassed, forgotten

frozen in ice
alone in emptiness
expressionless and still
nothing whispers
louder then death
it doesn't take much
to touch me
the way you do
its only you though, no
one else
can ressusitate
my coma breath
and make me so glad
to be alive today.

your beautiful dreamer
like ticks from a clock
and sticks scratching lines
in soft dirt
waiting for forever to
come, knowing then
that this stuff of dreams
is something i will touch
a chokehold on hope
not letting go
not letting 'never'
whisper at me
belief in something,
someday, meant
to be.
It is not the brotherhood status
you have taken on while the memory]
of your argument- we should be called lovers,
is still under debate in my mind,
nor is it the abstract paintings you display
of women who look only slightly like me,
who speak different languages, who
share memories you never allowed me.

It is not how you flash the teeth of promise
to strangers before me, how you let me speak
your deciet again, and again to you
without ever correcting me,

blkocked by your open palm, the same one that feeds me, that calls me close.
It is not that I didn't know it had to end, I knew.
We did not fit.
We did not fit either.

It is just
it is just all of these things
of course it is
all of those things and the railings
you broke loose while taking me with force
it is just that it was never me you took,
just some image borne of digital imagination
and poetic liscence. It is just thatI know
your reasons are generated to pacify,
satisfy, soothe me to sleep as you slip away
this is not a place I have been
polished fingers turn the metal pin
you loosen my knees
remind me of the first man who said
aren't you gonna let me look
as I leaned back on the balcony wall,
denim skirt still pulled high
still filled with him yet ashamed,
modest, knees pulled tight
until the fingers, the accent,
the goddamn lazy smile and stone squinted eyes
goddamn my cajun man has me spread on the first floor
balcony so he and the parking lot can seethe slow stream trickle down

oh girl
you have me trembling
polished nails trace travelled paths
for once, for once

lord forgive me there are starving children
and I am delerious as in memories
filled with that ache where nothing else matters
and the only way out
is to consume
yo claim your lover
to pull the white flag and let go
climbing above you, my hands felt your heart
beating under the thin cotton tee
and the slow rise and quick fall
would have made me dizzy
except that there was so much earth
all around us.
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passion like
feverish friction of
sticks rubbing til
gray smoke rises up
and leaves begin to smolder
all the passion
i ever imagine
billows and suffocates
anything within ten miles of me
its always the fire
i turn back to
the fine line between
glowing heat comforting
and 3degree burns
you pay more attention to the glass in your hand
than you do to me.
running your finger round the rim
ever pouring the vintage red
into its complaisant mouth
and then- what a melting of tongue,
And teeth
meeting the rim!

yes, I'd rather be your wineglass
then your lover.

dont tell me it is the season
dont tell me it's the season

we count backwards from ten
and never quite get there
back to each other
through layers of lost lovers
like an archeological digdown through
and the pick slams bedrock
sends a jolt through muscle

its around its around its around here somewhere
backtrack follow the trail of
rosepetals dropped lightly you would never put your nose to the ground, follow my scent
anyway I am buried under
where I want to be
here with my inspiration for love lost poetry
it is snowing
the ice is due
He called from California
Jenny it is so beautiful

click on the count down
but I am gone
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