all of a sudden passion suddenly

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there was a man named Thanial McGeee
professed to have loved me,
promised did he
to stalk me, to claim me to own me
skin and debone me.

oh how did I get so lucky
dear Thanial, how did it come to be
that some one as beautiful
and vain as you,
would be spending your life
in pursuit of me, come get me
come get me, Thanial McGeee
the misguided tales of the touch of Death
being cold, being cold, I have witnessed
the parting of at least 2 souls
and they held me and squeezed me
light grew much brighter around,
and there were the sounds of sighs in the air,
and yes if I think about it too much
I remember the limpness took hold
if that is considered the touch of Death,
then yes, death is humbling and cold
would burgandy strands turn your eyes my way

my frequency blends into white noise

spike the volume oh just an annoyance of the chitter chatter background
maybe whisper something
Two finger weight moved the scale
vice the one that had it tipped to the other side

How do we measure loss?
Lust and love
is it flesh, ounce for ounce
or is it in grams
more tears than we could ever count?
I woke from a dream
the same I have night after night
it's the one where I drive 101
loop-d-loop, swerve
faster and faster
just to make you fall into my lap

There with your face in my crotch
I grin crooked like the road
unzip my fly, cocksucker

The yellow dash lines
slide by at fifty-five in a no speed zone
I close my eyes
Danger is the thrill
we can die now instead of later

Maybe we'll go over the edge
crash into the waves
or maybe I'll blow before we do
stop in time so we can do it again
If there is a next time, it's yours
Don't change so much and don't
ever try to change me
if we start, we'll never stop

Pressure on the sides pushes the walls
finds the soft spots
I give where I can, sometimes
you do too, but we need
to move at the same time, same force

Let's make it even so we don't cave
we have the base for a triangle
and there is nothing stronger than that

We are strong baby, we are strong
you have to believe that
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
frozen iced green sprouts
perma squish mud footprints remain
I feel like the earth

like Carolina clay
red ochre, you have permission
to mould me out of
and into the softness
firm me with our hands
Maria2394 said:
like Carolina clay
red ochre, you have permission
to mould me out of
and into the softness
firm me with our hands

sculpt tender form
round and supple
sublime imperfection
wash the stains
on bended knee
I miss a sister
I never met,
daisy petal teeth
and hips like a wild horse

If my heart is a pistol
(I love it when you call me cowboy)
and hers a hand-grenade
we could be back to back,
a cardial arsenal against the world

keep your trigger finger itchy, sis
I'll keep mine curled in your pin
and if we don't make it out alive
at least we'll take a few of
them sonsabitches with us.


(On a bar napkin, at Mick's)

I want a Tom Robbins town
where tequila runs warm down
the chins of girls that will never
break your heart or let you
break theirs

somewhere it's never cold
somewhere, there are
street corners not sharp
and aimed at my shins,
there are corners
without memories

Somewhere, there's streets
without ghosts, there's a place
I won't trip on you
every time I close my eyes and
turn around,
where I won't write about you
on napkins, refolding them
for more room to scribble.

This Bitter Winter

I cannot walk anymore
but Father insists on
walking to the summit

I cannot walk,
I cannot walk any further

I know I will slip
if I tread my feet
on these broken stones

'Hold my hand' he says

But I refuse and start to hobble
over the path of stones,
which seem to dull in color
the further I go up the hill

'Nearly there!' he cries

But he is at the top
and I am still at the bottom.

The doctor gave me some pills
to make me happy

but I don't understand
why I should take them

he probably thinks I should be happy
he probably thinks I should be okay
he probably thinks I should play chess

why should I deface my individuality
for the sake of a few numbers

I don't want to smile
I don't want to be happy
and put on my smiley face anymore

I want people to see how I am
so they can see how they really are
lover I know I should not be carrying you like this
room to room doting you do not want to be put down
and they warm ne
lovers who are carried too much
will grow to be bad boys who jump up
for attention
and it is all cute now
but wait until he is heavy
heavy he will knock you down

it is always like that
in the beginning
so easy to give give give

oh I like my lovers light
to fit on my lap
but it never stays that way
they eat my pain grow
bring the weight of all these mysteries
let me feed them my love love love the heaviness
of it all
until they no longer fit

I have enough big dogs on my sofa

and when I say I, I mean you
and I when I say you, I mean me

I begged you
let me be your lap dog
please baby keep it light
but you kept on feeding me
and I jept on eating you up
now look at us baby
I am asleep at your feet
and you have enough big dogs on your sofa
the kiss in the blue lagoon
you cant go back to virgin
iti s on to harder drugs
tongue toucing in the woods
god the thrill of doctor neighbor
watch me pee
and sometimes I still come back to that one but it is always eating
eating and always hungry for the next thing
scrambled porn and baby oil and god I can make out the shapes
yes he has her over the arm of the sofa and no that is not her pussy
he is fucking and oh do you remember your first taste of
girl eats girl and still hungry for more
so no wonder dreams turn to tentacles with powerful
suction cup grip and
I wake to find the princess with plant stems
up her this and that phloem and xylem flowing
turger pressure high and no wonder I dream of being invaded by stamen
caressed by lip soft petals
and god there she is damn a dragon bat is diving his way all the way into her wings flapping
have you seen it
dont tell me it will lead to harder things
unless you plan to bring them
baby the dog wants his collar back
blue lagoon is on at ten
I swear it yes
restore my virginity
the princess has come of age
I miss a sister
whom I met a thousand times
in the bathroom, in the bottom bunk,
on the next bike, the other side
of the dodgeball ring, sitting
across the dinner table, waiting
under the arch in the old school
where GIRLS was carved in stone
and the hopscotch squares
were fading in chipped white
on the asphalt.

I miss a sister who walked with me
past the iron fence and the parking lot,
bought Beatle cards with me at Chickie's,
gave me the other half of an orange popsicle,
taught me how to make Junebug lanterns
in mason jars, buried stones and pennies
with me under the lilac bushes, smacked
Flipper right into the playground dirt
when he called me a dirty Jew.

There's no one left who knows her
but me. There's nothing left
but a bronze plaque with a name
and dates in a small plot of green
called Hebrew Gardens.

I say Aunt and my children
look at me as if I had two heads.
Their aunts live down the road
in houses. They bring pizza
and birthday presents, know
what IPODS and cable tv are.
Their aunts speak, drive new cars,
have warm flesh on their bones.

No one wants to look at the night
sky and pretend she's there, dream
that a distant winking star
holds some reassurance
of eternity. I don't even think

you can ice skate on the Delaware
anymore and the banks we searched
for arrowheads are littered now
with crushed Burger King bags
empty beer bottles, used rubbers.

Spring still brings Queen Anne's Lace
and butterflies look the same, may be
timeless enough to remember
two girls in mismatched shorts
and polo shirts with dime-store nets
searching for minnows, but I doubt

they could lead me to her and even
if they could I'm so much older
than her now I doubt
she'd even recognize me.
All Too Soon

Take me to your bed
I said in a voice disguised
as wanton, I know exactly
what you need.

How can a virgin know
what waits on the sheets
of her lover's bed? Kisses
turn from quiet pleading
to harsh pressure.I know
exactly what you need.

When the burn replaced
exquisite petting then
the virgin understood.
Understanding comes
with experience
and all too soon I said, I
know exactly what you need.
Outside my window lies the snow, pure and white
touched with love by the winter sun
it sparkles and glistens.

Bare are the trees- their autumn brilliance
gone - but nature is yet beautiful.

Inside my little house, one room sets apart,
warmed by the fire built of apple wood.
We feel a contentment.

The two of us talk idly- as friends do,
slowly the fire turns to embers as dusk falls.

We are silent, sharing our companionship
still sitting, half-asleep in the twilight,
comfortable with each other and our thoughts.
luscious aloofness
makes the crave
cramp and twist harder
in my hot gut
a longing, a long
for a stiff shot of
thick bitter black
hold the biscotti
i can't hold back
a back to a front
with me on top,
again we both win
the way you churn in your
delirious lust
makes me think of turnstyles
and blenders
and the foamy concoction
that we eventually become
i wrap tightly round my
fair beau
and swallow whole
make a meal of him
fuck glutton poses in
a passion, again.
nothin' but the love of
The sky is so thin I give thanks
for gravity, for the weight
of rocks and logs piled
into slight air, for the flames
lifting tobacco smoke skyward

like raised hands. There is labor
in the pale dawn: a frame and blankets
wrapped tight as swaddling, a cool bucket
and medicine. Tim Greencrow and I
work the fire, our skin red
and wet with sweat. The sun, unfettered,
falls upward and drags along

a crowd. Leola One Feather brings coffee
in Kwik Trip cups. Dewey Archambeaux
has donut holes leftover
from the PTA. Words consume
the silence, piling like sticks
as they examine

our work. You sure that's sage?
Last new boy lined the lodge with nettles—Aho!
The Spirits tested our butts
that day!
When an eagle comes

out of the north and hangs
on a leaf-thin breeze, one eye
to our open mouths, the words scatter
like ashes; when he slides to a dot
in the west we are as full
as darkness and steam.

Oops! I just remembered I'm not allowed to edit on this thread! I changed "leaf" from "rail" and added a comma after "mouths." After examining it in daylight I have decided I like this one enough to polish.
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Mourning The Coed

What ever happened to the coed
on the front page?
The one with the too short skirt
open knees, giving me a peeka-boo peep?

The one with the pink panties
the cleft— oh, ga-awd that cleft!
Where's the one I've slipped the finger
every day this past year?

Now it's straight to video
VOD 30,000 streaming adult movies
"Get 10 Minutes For Free"
What was her name? Courtney?
I think it was Courtney from Somewhere,
Indiana. Tall, rawboned, overdressed
to kill for what? Dana? My roommate?
She of squat MBA intensity, dark-eyed

and a short list of Mama-approved potential:
med student, law student, dentist-in-training.
If all else failed she'd take a CPA, only if
Jewish. She said What are you doing?

You sit here, reading. You don't go out,
how are you going to hook up? I let her
talk me into Norman, the philosophy man,
obviously her reject--no earning power
and squinty, thick glasses, slick palms, no

way was Nervous Norman getting anywhere
near my sanctuary. Books are so much more

appealing. Before the girls left to prowl,
reeking of Giorgio and Obsession,
weighted with gold, Courtney(?)
said You can play with my makeup
if you want. Our eyes slid to a traincase,
20 pounds of vivid grease.

I said Thanks,
considered painting myself
a serial clownface, wait for them
in the dark. I couldn't do it.
Better to live with unstained truth
than to dress it up in shiny layers
of lies.

A trout swallowed my compass

I found it lodged between its heart
and lung

(But I couldn't tell what way the needle
was pointing)

A trout swallowed my watch

I could hear it ticking in its ribcage

(But time was running backwards)

A trout swallowed my journal

I could see flowers blossoming
inside its gut

(My words sow the greatest seeds
of all...)
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