all of a sudden passion suddenly

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ask me to sell the sunrise
I laugh
the purchase pay's the way for you to have the rest
for they are your smile
mirrored on
frozen ponds
with restless ducks
for you,
always you...
Sara Crewe said:
It’s sad to be standing
in your home and look
at your friends and realize
they are all pigeons.
A bunch of flying leeches
who always walk
just to get in the way,
eat all your food,
sing when you are sleeping
and then shit all over
just before they leave.

Ratpoison, dear heart,
is the answer to pigeons
and even if I am a bastard
of conscience
I'd say it's not too impolite
to inform them that
getting the fuck out is probably a good idea.

lifes window ~

lies and deceit .... maybe the truth hurts too bad.
show the man behind the curtain, fall to your knees
and beg. beg to be released from this misery,
pain that lances with each breath, words dancing
down a spinal slope, blood following close behind.
words and lies interconnect, colliding within the mind
sharing of secrets only meant for a select few.
do you dare the truth or close the window pane
and watch as life passes on ~

there is no sugar mountain
only the chill of layered flakes
frozen in a lie,
and melting, exposing their deceit
as they wash away what value lies beneath

enjoy the moment of deception
it is temporary and elusive
the cold hard world
awaits below to welcome you
into its depths
there is no capture of these tie back moments
when the leash jerks
and pulls me in
closer to your heel

drawbridge lifts for your passage
but we will not swim into those waters
cold and shallow meant for flat bottomoed transport
of light lily lovers
parosal and artisan bread

no you pull me under deep sinking breathless
breathless biting the woven braids
thin strip patterns like the baskets
ater proof
you hold my passage
you tighten me another notch
baby keep me close
to that boot
I wanna be a pretty new girl
with a lovely new name
and something clever to say

I want my virginity back
to be new to your eyes again

the seven year itch witll get you in six
or one
lucky four month oh husband
husband you do not even see her anymore
wavelength voice tuned out
remember she had such interesting clever things to say

leash jerks
heel jenny heel

we walk
you notice the repetition
we walk
you notice the lines used before
last February, or maybe March or

I do not want to be a new pretty girl
with the sparkle light
digging digging digging
I have always been the face in the crowd
you tell me this
the one you would go to if you had lost your way
the one you have always known
and I will take that I wikll take that
and a kettle of soup smoked ham scent
we stir the heaviness upwards upwards through and you wonder dont tell me wonder
dont tell me
who I can be
and why I am still here
tapping away here
while he waits waits waits for my word
Daily rag

I sit, sip my morning coffee,
read the daily paper,
shake my head,
smirk to myself

Silly people!
Their disposition to
self-extinction never ceases
to amaze and amuse

Wise up! Wise up!
I scream to them
but they never hear,
too self absorbed

My phone rings
My love says our Valentine's dinner
will have to wait,
she's working late

Of course, I understand
Yes, maybe tomorrow instead
She works so hard, so often
I shake my head, amazed
Hmmm ~

upon further evaluation
we don't click. setting sail
for a land that has the undertow
of a sloth, just is not
my kinda place. give me
warm breezes, soft kisses
and warm loverly water.
splash in the puddles from a soft
lullaby rain. rock to n fro within
a slow heat cooker with me.
linguine stuck, spicy eats
spread that butter, real slow.
yes, this is what I find
interesting. slow love songs
that drip in, drowned your heart
with a seductive voice that begs
for a kiss. a moment in time
where two souls collide
in a catastrophic collision
of one. so what if I missed out
on mr. maybe. I guess I shall wait
on mr. right. Then again, maybe
I will go for a swim alone, and
just enjoy that luxuriously
warm water ... alone ~

He buys an atlas
and a compass
tries to get his bearings
asks advice of others
looks for signposts
or familiar landscapes

he is lost,
can't understand
the map of the human heart
Breathe in, breathe out
Breathe in, breathe out

I have to remind myself,
in search of inner tranquility
to silence the strangled cry
emanating from deep within

Breathe in, breathe out
Breathe in, breathe out

Sounds simple,
but your fingers
around my throat,
your hold on my heart,
choke back the breath

Breathe in, breathe in
breathe in, breathe in

Hold it!
Hold it!
Hold it!

Pass out, pass through
this moment of pain
pass on, pass over
to what awaits
The book he wrote
was meant to be
his life's auto biography

It started off a pristine slate
and built to his uncertain fate

Somewhere it turned
from fact to fiction
he was a slave to his addiction

for slanting towards the melodramatic
when dusting memories from his life's attic

tainted by his point of view
events became a slight bit skewed

sometimes becoming unrecognizable
life's troubles somehow much more sizable

his pleasures faded into obscurity
'til he couldn't say with any surety

he'd ever enjoyed his life at all
known beauty, or heard love's sweet call

when finished, and he began to edit
(much to his eternal credit)

he realized what he wrote was shit
and threw it on the rubbish tip
the white hotel was docked on the sand
modeled after an ocean liner
port and bough anchors cemented to the starbort wall

if not for the three stray hairs on my knee
and the mole on your shoulder
we would be living a travel guide
pool water surface level even with gravel edges
on knees the pool water blended into the ocean
which blended into the sky like a wet canvass
of blurred blue

nothing has happened
we walk soundlessly
I decline the welcome champagne
dizzy from air travel
applause on touch down it catches me
the intertia of wind and time and preparations
keep moving forward after we land and drag me into the comforter
tight floral pattern spins as my consciousness lags a moment behind

San Juan

genetic variation of pigeons
blue shaded slate blur and sharp black brown mottled
I stop counting and when it rains
people move calmly under doorways and step inside for a drink
only momentarioly ˆ*am concerned
our day is misplanned

no, it will not last
I try not to worry and the drops stop
ground dries and conversations pick up

San Juan
I am coming back
after this sleep

onto your hurribcaine beaches
reclaimed by cattle and school boy
stick men climbing palm trees

my love, what a bad hair cut
if not for that haircut
we might be a travel brochure

in the mountains
they think I must be from hollywood
ridiculously tall and blonde
alien in this place
we fill bottles from the sprin along the side of the mountain roads
liked up with empty milk jugs and gallon rum bottles from the bar

they killed that chicken for us, do you remember? we had to force ourselves to swallow the tough meat
to avoid insult to the neck twisting chef
anger helps no one
sitting brewing, tea or not
splash it down
take a hit and breathe
just let it go
dreaming of a time when it all clicked
no one to worry over
just bubbly and happy
what year was that
what happened to ... her?

escaping to innerside
snaking down veins
slithering in deep
grasping that one ionic atom
that is marked *happiness
shake it hard,
where is the button marked * on?
hell give me a double shot
and call me in the morning

is that the real answer
is this what we are reallly saying.
zombies livin on pills n booze
that one thing that fixes all
no, not for me
I will find that damn button
and hit it
smack it
kick the damn thing
whatever it takes
to be ... me again

is this me
is this what it's all about
can this
be it?
... give me that remote
some popcorn and move the hell over !!
It's obvious to everyone but you
you are crazy
she is a witch
your family, your friends
watch out for your best interests
care about your safety
don't want you hurt

by your irrationality
how well do you know her, anyway?
what are her motives
does your experience count for nothing?

they know not
her touch in the morning
warm, comforting
as it traces contours
tickles hairs, stirs thoughts
or the air of her warm breath
as it passes over your skin,
as she nips an earlobe
warms your heart with words
tender and sweet

such a song has never been heard
from forest floor,
gurgling brook
or practiced choir

she is an octave above all else
launches you on a musical journey

gentle, soft, relaxing
rolling among vibrant green valleys
and windswept hills in the warm
afternoon sun

plunging into depths of ectasy
rushing through chasms
whirling with ancient mystery
in a search for sensuality

as two you meet and mesh
no curve unexplored
no hollow unfulfilled

fill each others emptiness
with just a touch
a look
a smile
a laugh

but the torrents of indecision
have torn you apart
the lack of resolution
has born mistrust
torn the fragile texture
of the fabric of desire

dulled the silken sheen
which once reflected
your future

mending takes focus
mending takes both
your skills and wishes
if love is to be rewoven

a thimble
a needle
keen sight

and the silence of two souls
working to one end
Let me tell you a story,
about a girl dressed for a dance
and her beau Jesse Tucker
boldened by whiskey enough to chance

the kiss on those lip-glossed lips
all pink and sweet like candy floss
turned up at the corners
while her eyes gleamed to a hair toss

behind those gleaming shoulders
that beaconed Jesse's touch.
He did bend down to meet that smile
in breathless hesitancy that such

a pretty girl dressed for a dance
would make Jesse Tucker a lucky man
and take him for her beau
to kiss behind her flirty fan.

sometimes the passion fizzles
weak from feelings
understrain ... undertossed,
catching stars within a net
of unscored points. configuring
a list, complaints, abundantly
walking aboveground with
lifeless wonderment.
spaced out on alien vittles,
tasteless morsels growing
like chewy steak
bigger with each incision.
running in circles,
tail catching
entertaining gone bad.
in a heapless mess
for the end ~


snowflakes, oh YES !!
flying whizzing
tongue darting out
hopping into midair for one
snowball fights
giggles erupting, feet taking flight.
hiding around bushes n cars.
afternoon spent in an igloo,
nights spent covered up.
hot coca( marshmallows of course),
and three kids piled all over me.
is life ~~ :D
meat 'n more meat

and they been sellin butt meat there
at the little store in Paxville, Hwy 261
since I can remember and that same sign,
oh maybe new one a few years ago,
but its always said butt meat, though
and only once we stopped in t o see it
Maam, ( hubby asked) you got some butt meat?
well, Id like to see it

it just looked like fatback to me,
I probably wouldnt eat it
streak of white, a giant slab,
greasier than bacon
and harder to grab!


I passed on the butt meat, but thought the sign was kinda funny :D
butt meat, butt meat, dont you want some butt meat?
take a little chunk, hold it in your hand
feel it melt run down your wrist
oh my porcine lover slather me with liver puddin,
or would you prefer to waller me silly,
we'll run one another still were slick
with lard rubbed down with lard so friggin hard

fuck me silly, you know that grease
is good for complexion, oh darlin you smell like pork skins
its quiet an abhorrant attraction, and baby?

I just wanna hold you till we're both fit to fry
the ice adds a frozen glare to Monday morning's face
no sunny sunrise will greet this week
the geese honk in glee as they abandon this barren landscape
"Goodbye and good riddance" they sing as they soar overhead

would that I could take flight with them
but you have clipped my wings
buried my body in the permafrost
my only hope that spring arrives soon

to relieve the bite which eats away at me
the numbness advances without mercy
I can tolerate the loss of fingers, toes,nose and ears
but a heart without feeling, will it ever thaw
blah blah blah a ghost from the past
blah blah blah how long will it last
blah blah blah hand me a sweater
blah blah blah now I feel better

blah blah blah writing gives me release
blah blah blah helps me find peace
blah blah blah now the pain's gone away
blah blah blah I have nothing to say
The Poets Journey

Every poet starts life
in a bamboo cage
high up on some forgotten

They start to write pictures
by candlelight, forged
out of the emotions
that we are taught to forget

but eventually we are let loose
from this ironic paradise
and like a shot down daedalus
burdened with oil coated wings

we fall further and further
down, standing up when
we know what to do, when
we know what stories to tell.

Our words are often eroded
but are never forgotten.
feelings such as these never
disappear. burning want so bright
takes control only to leave as fast
as it came. falling in love, staying in love
takes a commitment. worth fighting for
by all. that is where the problem shall lie,
for all to see. can you take it. a lifetime
will do for me, ... as for you
we shall have to see.drudgery work
diminishes as the damsel in distress,
is played over, over. tiresome work that.
playing and reality tie the two, wanting
to play, having to be responsible
which would you pick. not one
is more important than the other,
it could all come out in the wash, but
who wants to wait for another cycle
draining and rubbing ... erosion of love
of what used to be. can it be again
ask not, less you really want to know.
for tomorrow the sun shall rise, coffee
shall drip, and the wash will begin again ~
Dumb luck, karma, god knows
what intervenes. Chaos, math,
contrivance doesn't worry me.
I'll walk under any ladder, carry
a black cat in my pocket, mambo
on sidewalk cracks because what

do ouija boards or bibles have to do
with one seemingly impetuous act
that makes inches of miles and turns
temperance around a bend that once
followed disappears until I lay here

in a stranger's bed and call it home
after poems and kind words morph
into morning kisses, shared teaspoons.

Take all your trifling posits, throw
them away like so many potato peels
but keep the promises for the soup
and simmer until the flavor of every
possibility blends and it's done.
What is a day off
Today, yesterday,
both required no work
in tne well known sense,
yet the struggle to survive them
seemed harder than usual

Waking in a bed
with only your memory,
coffee for one
or just a fraction
by noon I've stirred myself into action
this house is to big for this small man

to stay in, I walk to my car
also less than it should be
my cd/radio, stolen while I dreamed of you
at least I have sweet dreams
that can't be taken
and they are all I have
worth holding onto

I can't wait to be to work tomorrow
occupy my mind because I have to
it is dangerous to my health
for it to have free time

better it were to be filled
with duties, errands and you
then time off
would mean time together
with someone other than myself
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