all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Steffi said she only wore European bras
American ones did not fit her breasts properly
and she always seemed to need to stretch,
usually her leg
over her head
whenever I had boys over to study

damn her blue eyed contacts
and dark Persian skin
even Chuck the misanthrope
who said
I hate everyone who isn't me or you jenn
fell under

no matter how much I snapped and cracked
he would not crack from his dreamy tales
of how he pushed her on the swing
after the party
when I was home for the weekend
god jenn it was so sweet
and romantic

yeah yeah chuck modus ponens chuck
if P than Q.
therefor Q.
I get it I get it
don't you?
we dont affirm the consequent
we dont deny the antecedent
still chuck still somehow
it surprised me

did your tennessee fingers know how to open
the european bra
and are you going to tell me more details
or do I have to wait for her
to strech and sigh and tell me just
how wonderful you were

yeah yeah
stupid bitches always make you cry to me, Chuck
and she is a stupid bitch
you will be here, a cryin to Jenn
maybe I will smack some sense into you then
Walked seven miles all
told to Picnic Point, my long legs
raced to match yours, tall
smile, long green eyes,
those lashes! Every women
breathed faster around you

and god knows what you
wanted with me: Joisey Jew
meets Chi-town Morman, rich
daddy, Water Tower Place
penthouse. You could have
anyone, anyone I knew

we couldn't even the night
you grabbed my shoulders
because I threw your damn
Dior robe out the window,
laughed at your consternation:

Look! There goes 180 dollars,

and you didn't move your hands
until you touched my hair, head
to waist, said your eyes
are beautiful. I walked away.

Pip's expectations mean nothing.
Estella won't love him, his father
is a convict. Miss Havisham's gown
is a shroud.
You fell asleep

on my couch and the next day
we walked seven miles all told
to Picnic Point. Halfway home
your foot started to bleed. I
cleaned it up, we ordered pizza
and edited your paper.
You could have had any one of the
red white and blue girls stepping up
one bleacher at a time
in black heeled boots and fray cuffed jeans
yeah how they called your name I pressed bruised hips
to bring on the feel of you on me
with the crowd shouting shouting on us

I do not remember the number
on your shirt but I do remember the others
6'11'' 280 lbs and I do not remember your stats
but I do remember when you almost blew the playoff
I knew half the team was still probably half stoned
and half awake and it pissed me off you were there for free
still fuckin off game night
and how even after you showered I could still
taste the locker room lingering between your shoulders

Roma and I laid face up to the stars out on the quad
we were looking for Mars.
Our fathers had always pointed the planets
on the horizon Venus rising just before the moon
but tonight we were on our own
she pointed with silver rigned finger and the glow
of her camel light watch tower


yeah, that is it.

Yeah, just like the stars pretty much, do you see red?
Nio, not really.

And Gina from Sociology walks over
looks up and says
werent you supposed to be able to see mars?


So where is it?


Really? I thought it was going to look like the moon only
red and bigger

we slipped into Ginas perception
wishing we had more weed
to celebrate the text book color diagrams
pasted to the night time sky

Yeah yeah and maybe
there are black lines
painted along the border of many colored states
yes yes

I could tell he was there mostly by the absense
of stars where his body was
like a black hole
measured by what is not there

y'goin in

He reached down for my hand godlike with a fist
that palmed a basketball since 5th grade

Roma watched us walk the cement path
knowing to stay out of the room for a while

"We found Mars." I tell him.
"Y'mean like the planet?"
yeah, like the planet
only much smaller.
Sewn Without A Pattern

Oh, but the lightness of you
can only relieve a heavy
meaning in a thought
on the reason we live
and love for worse or right,
wrong and better. Dichotomy
lingering in my heart and mind
pulls me apart at the seams.
Stitch me together my glad
tailor and make me whole.

I'm watching the moon landing
from my mother's womb

I can see the bald headed eagles
don their skullcaps as they mix a cocktail
for the last time

I can see their bamboo rocket crackle
and hiss like a dragon on heat

This is all in my mind
but isn't that where all the best journeys begin?
there is no inspiration
like letting it all just flow
to invisible ink on bytes of paper
this passion thread is a cyber napkin
an outletfor a poets monthly flow,
it comes and goes
in a rhythm, poetry
once called me a heathen
and she wrings from me desire
to prove her wrong
counting down

we anticipate the move together.
whispers more like echoes
of thirty sixty ninety days to go.
The garden understands-
so she blooms for me, around
and beneath me, she trusts my feet
to remember the location
of each unflowered bulb
and seed. In a month
she will remind me
just how much digging
is left to do.
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February's fear of falling

while filling the feeders I noticed her hanging
suspensful filled with fear of falling from
a garrish cold and hateful sky,
so she hung there
from joints of knobby scrub oaks,
she clung there,
numb as if afraid of the thatch
and blackened moss that grew on every side
but the north side,
yes she hung there, raindrops huddled
afraid to fall and puddle, not knowing
how good it is to be absorbed
into the patient ground
In the silent cold, snowflakes fall
like so many shooting stars
trailing tails of brilliance

they pass from heaven to earth,
laced with uniqueness,
carried by currents
their paths at wind's whim,

until released to drop,
at one with those who flurried,
then fell before them,
a quilt of quivering,glimmering light

a place to merge, find momentary peace
and warmth, melt into each other
before ascending to the cosmos
to begin again
motherfucker I have no desire to write
but I will not start back
1-1 something
something cold

write about your puppy
leaping from the snow like a dolphin
too deep for her feet to touch the bottom

some days I hate poetry
everything that has to do with poetry
and I curse curse curse this curse
this addiction

some days I hate poetry
and I know
it is because I see what I am incapable of writing
I hate being incapable
without myth or meaning to click through

I start hoping something will appear
but it is nothing
closing in
annaswirls said:
motherfucker I have no desire to write
but I will not start back
1-1 something
something cold

write about your puppy
leaping from the snow like a dolphin
too deep for her feet to touch the bottom

some days I hate poetry
everything that has to do with poetry
and I curse curse curse this curse
this addiction

some days I hate poetry
and I know
it is because I see what I am incapable of writing
I hate being incapable
without myth or meaning to click through

I start hoping something will appear
but it is nothing
closing in

I hate it most when my eyes are dry
from lack of sleep and I am
perched in my chair like one of
the crows that keep flapping into this place
and it's never quite the poetry I want
just the things I think, the things
that find their own way out
in long, long sentences
that in the end,

mean less than at the beginning.
some thoughts on flashing a young punk<wink>

would the sight of a nipple arouse you?
I see you watching me, i feel your eyes
on my blouse, unbuttoning me face down
on your parents bed, if I show you
will you do me on your parents bed?

If I show you my inner thigh, would you
follow me to the parking lot and accost me
behind some doctors new BMW?
would you do me face down, on your parents bed
or do youprefer standing
perhaps a shower stall, instead

if I show you my tummy would you stalk me
pretend you were lost just to talk to me
would you take my pictures and blow them
to lifesize and pin them to your walls,
then do me on your parents bed

a quick peek, look fast, thats all

DeepAsleep said:
I hate it most when my eyes are dry
from lack of sleep and I am
perched in my chair like one of
the crows that keep flapping into this place
and it's never quite the poetry I want
just the things I think, the things
that find their own way out
in long, long sentences
that in the end,

mean less than at the beginning.

at least
as you have reached the end
you are aware
that the beginning
held great meaning.
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A response to some thoughts about flashing a young punk, by a young punk

I don't know about that guy,
but I'd never let you make it
to making it on my parents bed.

If I saw a quarter of that,
it'd be rug burnt backs
and barely in the door

I can't help it. I'm a young punk.
What the hell am I doing?
What the fuck am I doing?

Seriously, I am insane.

But there are grey eyes smirking
at me from her picture
and I remember her naked.



They're all so pretty
mean so much,
so much mean!

See? Dead brains!
Right there!

Oh, fucking fuck.

Laughing at myself
as invisible tears fall
unseen even by me
or so I like to believe

I'm happy

no, really I am
I think
most of the time
okay, not right this moment
but a moment ago, yes
a moment from now - hopefully...

Not that it matters
casual encounters
no one cares
even friends can't see
(although her stranger can)

No matter,

I am happy
most of the time...
The Rain Child

A speckled egg
sits in a nest
of crows feathers,
moulding as the snow
falls, the creature
inside dormant, only

the moonlight can hear
its cry. The rest of the
world ignores its words
which are captured
by the freezing river

in a poem that will be
passed from stream
to stream until all the
drops of water will carry it
in their minds

and the rest of us will feel
its pain every time it rains.
Solitary bird flying in a
cloud-ridden sky
far from others of your kind
are you content alone?
or do you soar upwards
hoping to meet a kindred spirit
eventually, even though, your flight
may be just one of fancy?
cease your searching little bird
there may be nothing there for you
face up to reality and loneliness
your sleep may be restless
your dreams disturbed
and days be empty
and yet - behind just one cloud
maybe the longed-for answer
to your restless journey
which you all suspecting will
come upon and sing your song
of thankfulness and joy.
oh you sweet tooth hard jawed Southern boy
kiss me hard
with the anger we savor
and suck like horehound bitter molassas sticks
to our teeth that clash and gnash
enamel bites you take me
I do not deserve you
but I will take it what you give it
is gold as the piss you relieve yourself
by the tree
melting the snow
before the spinter

nature man
you made me promise to let it grow
and baby it has grown
tangle fingers through forrest you want to eat me
like an animal for the tongue to feel the difference
between inside and out the clear delineation

baby sweet dont cry
the forgiveness comes
the forgiveness comes in many forms
in pennies you find on the floor
at the bottom of the trash bag
heavy with your wife's wet diaper
the plastic stretches
upon returning ( to find the water gone)

graceful gull, surrender
your magnetite is useless
in this day and age wont lead you
to those ancient nesting places
there is no water here, no haven
as the oceans have receded
your boggy ponds have been filled in

graceful gulls surrender
your compass your evolutionary tool
designed to lead you home
just follow the river to its end
to find the water again,
graceful gull it is not here
I too seek the shore though born
at the feet of mountains, I never felt
at home, there is no mineral lodged
in my brain to guide me without a voice
I exercise free will running
away from what I knew, away
from what I wish was never mine

rhythms of moon and sea are what I seek
the constant dependability
of tides at my feet in summer again
and even when the surf grows cold
and I am weary and oh so old,
I will never ask a mountain
to be my home
is for the weak.
I do not want
throw it to the winds.
suck it up big boy,
give'n take,
share as I share.
hear as I speak.
happiness is we two,
partaking of passion,
our hearts song shall sing
jubilantly of joyous times.

first ... we must
uncover the cover
that tightens down,
suffocating from the fight.
no time to shout.
scream for help.
watch as I watch
... do you see
feel, heal with me.
drink from our cup of love
get drunk
on nectarous narcissism
of two halves, made whole.
content? no, never.
loved? always ...


passion shall flare
soaring above.
teapots whistling as
rockets explode.
happy valentines
'tis my heart ... you hold

too hallmarkey? :eek:

It’s sad to be standing
in your home and look
at your friends and realize
they are all pigeons.
A bunch of flying leeches
who always walk
just to get in the way,
eat all your food,
sing when you are sleeping
and then shit all over
just before they leave.
she could sell you the sunrise
young girls in halter tops
thieves on a chicken wire
my girl can catch whatever you want
wet on paper
colors sharp or bleeding
and blow it dry
blow it dry
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