all of a sudden passion suddenly

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I want to be with you
and I am afraid to say anything more
my velveteen rabbit
I want to hold you alive and warm

you make me write bad poetry
as you move beyond words to that place inside
the thought of you and I sink in
down into a blur where words have no function
no use

I am a slick puddle of mergury in your hand
oyou pass me from one
to the other
I shine
and cannot write
to save
my life

I do not know the words to the happy
in love song
I think maybe it was written by the gogos
or air supply
god I dont care
I sink inside of myself
and find you there
C'est la vie, baby

That's not the way it has to be
we can do what you want
we can do it again
make you happy or you can
let me do what I need

The walls look closer
this little glass box fogs over
I re-breathe CO2, turn cyanotic
starved for an oxygen martini
but the bar is closed

Everything has price and I don't carry
my money clip anymore
because you hold that too
mental wedge
a fledgling amongst eagles
seagulls, whatever
wriggles right in and
gets between
even when its not visible,
i'm still right there
the fruit of such efforts
remains to be seen
belief in the words
some deleted
ring true to me
like that bell.
champagne1982 said:
I got your message. The black
scrawl on white scrabbled
at my eyes like long,
bony fingers reaching
for a grip.

Meet me at the office,
it said,
wear that skirt,
no panties

I need panties
to get me up the steps.
You've seen those awful
men who linger there
looking up
for girls wearing
that skirt, no panties.
That skirt, no panties
has guys climbing stairs
two at time, chasing
girls like you
when they could've taken
lazy elevators

They owe you their red cheeks
heavy breathing
a good healthy rise
all because of
that skirt, no panties

Spring coiled, splashed flat,
evaporated and bound,
energized vigor
to trip and headfirst,
flatten into soft chewed green
spittle grass.

Leaves, frost burnt
laid dead and numb,
curdle churlish
with frolicked skitter laugh.
A dry boned laughter of
rickety dead wood.

Webbed wintered windows
yawned, disturbed and gapping
then gasping
as the sun teased
drabbed to draping
around a squirrel tailed breeze.
slipped off the face of the earth
gone away for a while...
deep down in myself

with a grin
will be there

neonurotic said:
Originally Posted by champagne1982
I got your message. The black
scrawl on white scrabbled
at my eyes like long,
bony fingers reaching
for a grip.

Meet me at the office,
it said,
wear that skirt,
no panties

I need panties
to get me up the steps.
You've seen those awful
men who linger there
looking up
for girls wearing
that skirt, no panties.
That skirt, no panties
has guys climbing stairs
two at time, chasing
girls like you
when they could've taken
lazy elevators

They owe you their red cheeks
heavy breathing
a good healthy rise
all because of
that skirt, no panties
Their tongues hang out
at a fleeting flit
of a view from below
those pleated plaids
the kind you love
schoolgirls and kneehighs
we play the game
Oh my! Mister Jones. What
big --
The better
to please me with
is the bigger than that.
Just a twitch at the tip
of your long, curling
tongue and that skirt
bounces up to bunch
at my waist to show
what your fingers
already know --
No panties.
The message
for the messenger
is not

is it really
what is wanted?
or just another

no more b.s.
get it out
no games
no lies.
want so badly to speak
hand raised

teacher won't choose
for fear the

reprocussions of silence
are deafening...

speak your peace
do not fear
stray away, eyes on horizontal lays
prone positions as lovers swap spit,
loves juice spews, hot and fast.
laid aside for bigger better
prime real-estate, he says.
thinks my world revolves around him
when will he learn, stop watch lays
docile, his passing is over. dreams
have turned from dimes to quarters,
dollars never come into play. love
is what I have to offer. what I want
in return ... the same.
telephone in motel room rings


( husband has no way of knowing
who is on the other end, or so he pretends)

Hi !
(enthusiastic female voice responds)

What are you doing?
intruder's voice gets shriller as she goes on)

Just got off work, husband replies,
had some metal delivered

wife makes mental note-
( now I'm just the delivery person)

What are you doing tonight?
( enthusiastic female voice inquires)

wifes makes a mental note_
(she sounds like a loud one trying to get some)

husband turns around and with his hands
he blocks her predatory sound,

wife makes mental note-
( remember why divorce sounded good
a year into and twenty-three in between)

"was that your girlfriend?"

'No, my girlfriend is here," he weakly
attempts an innocent smile

wife makes mental note-
she can have him
i wonder if the doctor saw
blue webbed panties stretched
tightly taunt
across buns of steel
walnut balls prefilled
someone should have warned him
monitored his actions, at least.
for one just cannot go to an office visit
in your girlfriends briefs ~
Crazy Mabel

it was the way she dressed, halfway between
available and abandoned,
lipstick outside the lines, hair coiffed
by a lamp socket. the way she smelled,
perfumed with Chanel and Four Roses.
the way she wobbled, crooked in pumps
and torn hose, brawling with turnstiles,
just enough cash in her purse to make bail—

she’d become that crazy aunt
everyone wants as a kid
who fascinates us like a trainwreck
but the grown world wants to lock in the attic.

and when she talked you’d imagine
her voice would sound exactly the same,
all shriek and giggle, whether she was
reassuring you no animal had been harmed
in the making of her face
or telling you the damn four-inch heels
set her bunions on fire.

there were clowns in her cheeks
and chatter, glorious picnics in her head,
circuses on every sunny day
with jokes and tricks and blocks
of sharp cheddar, French bread she’d tear
savagely and eat like a Viking. the gashes

she’d torn in the fabric of her life matched
my skinned knees. the answers
she gave to questions I couldn’t shape
fit the mess of me like a tailored suit—
without words, she taught me how
to be fine with myself in the moment,
how to color and shape my coming bloom,
how to recognize the hard blessings

of the rain. even now, I don’t think I grasp
the portion of my young burden
she carried, or how much
each minute I spent with her weighed.
Gasping for breath
sucking in only you
one final pulsation
salty success
finally achieved

Doubts ignored
repressed, forgotten
swallowing greedily
I fill myself of you
igniting the hunger
I strive to quench

Spanish fly in Irish skin
leaves me dazed
yet somehow sated
I lick my lips
wondering if I'll ever have my fill...
enchant ... incantating words
shall be whispered. taking you
on an unforgettable journey
within true loves gloved hands
gently cradled away, cooing
lullaby songs. playing heartstrings
joy into merry songs.


some ask, why
why write such drivel. I see
it, hear it spout
from lips of crimson
feel that tongue of cinnamon
wrapping around, words
thoughts. picture showing
hearts glory on a runaway train
just once, stop
I ask you. ride off my friend
into the sunset of simmering
passion. Paint your town
with roses
ripped from stem to thorn,
let them flutter, falter
on the edge, as you. just
as you do. fragrance
formulates new thoughts, ideas
as your deep rooted self imprisoned
heart, feels the burn.

(The first two lines were actually from something I just wrote in the 10 words thread, but they needed a bit more attention before they'd leave me in peace)

Words dance the polka
skittering across the screen
pounding ink echoes my heart
fast, thready, full of need.

Thrown across the dancefloor
tossed onto the page
barely able to keep up with the beat, the flow
sweat glistens on my skin
the words strain to be written

The song ends
inspiration is expunged
I breathe a sigh of relief
as silence sets me free.

Beads of glass rain
fall on carboard roofs
announcing spring's
arrival. I could hear
it hours ago and hid
under my fortress of
half-trampled duvet
and unmade pillows.

No, I didn't want to
see them knocking
against my window
pane. No, I had
witnessed that memory
once and felt its beak
claw out what was left
of my humanity.
memories of an ice age

there was a time when we were cold
and realized this and so we
migrated from northern climes
to warmer wetter life
along the shores of rivers
near oceans we fished and hunted
we learned to stay warm
without natural fur
we have evolved
we defy snow by subscribing
to vendors of heat and light
and we learned to sleep
during winter, yet it is not
a restful sleep, this sleep
can never be sound,so when
the warmth of Spring arrives
she brings with her the comfort
that accompanied
the ancient arrivals of spring
the ability to dream
without the fear of freezing
as we sleep through the night.

( for annaswirls)
this is real,
this is really happening
the world around me froze
into a mega concrete ball
nothing moved
at all, but you
you were there and quite
revive me one more time
lie and say youre mine
and that this is all a dream

you are the perfect dream.
i spread out before you
a lake of me to mirror you
so clear and pristine
a fortune teller's crystal ball
a weeks worth of downers
keeping me prostrate and
still, 4 more steps
before i fell
at your feet, a greeting
of happenstance and wordology
its like meeting me, for the first time
a daily reminder of all i'll leave behind
don't ever forget this thing,
more than anything,
are in me.
he found Listerine
invited her into our bathroom
into his mouth

my libido
has been sterilized
along with the bacteria

this smell
makes gingivitis look like a good option

Ok, so I know, you know I'm here.
and you know, I know we're watching
I won't contact you for fear...
don't know what you threaten
why bother?

I'm staying away,
don't have a choice
I hope one day
I'll hear your voice

Till we can forgive and forget,
till we can smile and
We didn't do anything I regret,
but I did, I'm sorry we

Thank you for helping get the message to me.
Oral fix

Annaswirls said:
he found Listerine
invited her into our bathroom
into his mouth

my libido
has been sterilized
along with the bacteria

this smell
makes gingivitis look like a good option

Who knew
was bacterial?

All these years
of brush and floss
have stood
'tween lovers
who might otherwise
have worshipped
at the altar
of Eros.

Let us strike
a blow against
wrought by
pink and healthy gums
darkmaas said:
Annaswirls said:

Who knew
was bacterial?

All these years
of brush and floss
have stood
'tween lovers
who might otherwise
have worshipped
at the altar
of Eros.

Let us strike
a blow against
wrought by
pink and healthy gums

yes perhaps love at first sight is an infection....

bacteria are our friends
we shave and bathe
spritz and spray deodorize
trim and line
panties with powder fresh absorbant
polymers wick in the manna the good lord drops from our bodies
to keep the hounds at bay
breeze blows between skirts and all the world is
April fresh

give me a man before the shower
after antiperspirant and deodorant
have been outrun
give me cotton briefs just slightly damp
under heavy jeans
just don't come to me clean

the scent of sweat under your hairline
brings the bits of lust
dont fight nature
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