all of a sudden passion suddenly

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without fuss
or muss
means to and end

straight to the end
my no frills friend
without strings

80 proof spoof
Wallowing in self pity
self loathing
self disappointment...
I am not who I want to be,
nor will I ever be

I still have that shirt
the one with the unicorns dancing in moonlight
the one that once was "me"
but I can claim it as mine no longer

Hair falls across my face
obscuring my warped sense of reality
- wait I'm crossing my crossed wires
what did I mean to say?
Does it matter?

I'd say something on the subject
if only I knew what the subject was

If I can't find myself how can I find the words to express IT?
Breathe tragedy; it coats
lungs with black soot
sludge deep down in the third lobe

Bad memories are like emphysema
No full exhaling
No coughing
brings it up, to spit
it out, to breathe easy again

You drown in your own despair
lifestuff feels tarry
the inside swells as the
clot thickens
in an artsy way
a corroding channel
of decay and dismay
springs a leak and busts
wide and wet
spewing remains of
something that only
lives in a mind

nevermind, baby
pollyanna crazy half and half
attempt to be the
optimist clashes so hard
with my fuck everything self.

the resound of a rock
falling from space
and hitting smack dab
in my center
at 2600 miles per hour
leaves me smashed into
the earth again today.

buried together under
four tons of
decompressed shit.

spun iron centered core
swirls field

and the needle points north

Canada, you, barely
south of true

home my reading, steady
sail's yield
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We're In Foreign Territory, Lads

The pneumatic half-tongue
rolls down and we roll down,
complete with cattle, bags
and the occasional lost child.

We are in foreign territory now
and must graze on tarmac grass
growing on the left side, not
on the right as we are used to.

We must drink our black slop
from the birds with tubular beaks
and not complain, because we are
in foreign territory. We must think

like we are nothing more than guests
visiting a distant landscape, where
the footprints of our ancestors
are nothing more than words in a

forgotten history book.
surely this has appened to you
deep into the cavern of sleep a call for water comes
just halfway to the starlight it comes
you recognize the voice
of course you turn back
scrape your knee on the rock
and b the time you get there
e is already gone
you wonder when your stories began to have a beginning
middle end as you climb back through slick water rock and reconsider the whisper of
stalagtite and stalagmite because these words are no secret

they will not help you prove anything
silicon and calcium hold hands and you call to them
because their names
sound like names
and you ignorethe remainder of their union
the oxides and carbonates that turn fantasy back into science
and tonight science snores on

you can hear his rattle like a snake
that winds through your days
a greased railling
giving the illusion of promise
but you know by now
not to bother reaching over for slippery scale guidance
the muscle pulses like a wave or peristalsisbut there is no meal
only the memory
his teeth have dulled
you bring straws and ssoft foods
he slides right through

the beasts are caged or sleepinh
upon yesterday's cloth
it is safe now to rise
kake soba

In bloated pixels bodies meet,
mysterious, obscured. A blurred act
made safer for naïfs, who yet sense

somehow the urgency the mosaic masks.
As how climbers, ascending peaks
stripped of fancy gear, wheeze

hypoxic, vision smeared and streaked
by altitude and drifting haze, sense
still how near the summit is to reach

and push their bodies further through the snow.
Japan couples in eternal fog, slops
noodles with dashi, slurps soup noisily.
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awake early, too early,
I saw the light on the back porch turn off
and walked upstairs

on nthe last step I thought
I should check to see if you had written
it has been two years
it has been two years
acceptance of the death of a soul

in the dream a spirit told me
the center of the sun is cold
and lonely,
the center of a human son
is cold and moaning
one star, a brilliance
from ninety-three million
miles, I can see
he needs a body
cold enough to ignore the pain
his touch would bring,
be brave and dare to hold him
spring break in appalachia

big foot flat foot tall and gangly
boys but sometimes daughters
there were usually more females
in Watauga than boys, and Frankie
never wanted to be a girl anyway

big foot flat foot tall and gangly
girl in her sunday dress
and patent leather bought two
sizes too big too big her feet
were made for hopping
bares toes pale skin bopping
across the clods in daddy's tater plot

clod hopper's toes spread out fine
clod hopper's toes much stronger than mine
what will we do?
oh what will we do
when this country is assaulted
by that villain bird flu

i cant imagine
a day without chicken
i would rather die than eat tofu
oh what will we do
what will we do

beef causes gas, pork, a fat ass
chicken is the meat I adore
every feathered piece of dimpled skin
send me exploring
the origin of birds and if
they really came from reptiles

oh what will we do
when it no longers matters
if the chicken came first
Such lovely fingers, and a card:
a queen. With many hearts. Here? No,
away. The blur is a part of the magic.
My entranced eyes follow
and I think I know
her, yes, here, no,
insufficient postage

I'm certain I answered your letter,
it was yesterday
and I was eating a bowl of soup
when it arrived and it scratched
through the mail slot, landing
on the hardwood floor, I heard it
bounce like your laughter
when i told a stupid joke
the expressions on your face
leapt at me like lines from a comic,
I'm off topic, back to your letter
I must have written, an email or IM
yes, it was yesterday.

I'll write again tomorrow
I got your message. The black
scrawl on white scrabbled
at my eyes like long,
bony fingers reaching
for a grip.

Meet me at the office,
it said,
wear that skirt,
no panties

I need panties
to get me up the steps.
You've seen those awful
men who linger there
looking up
for girls wearing
that skirt, no panties.
the questions


puncture the mystery
attracting them.

she so loved
odd attentions.
A Conversation With A Lover

There. Yes, there. It feels right
when you move over my belly
like that. Oh yes! Like that.

Imagine the tone and the timbre
as my moan reflects off your
corn syrupy back.
Your skin shines in amber hue
and flows over your bones
like the golden sugar
drapes across my vanilla
ice cream.

My tongue can hardly wait
to get you open, ready,
so edgy that even one
gentle caress will flaw
the tanned hide
beneath it.

Stay still, oh --
Like that. Just like

coastline lingers on my mind
asking, do you remember
when two bodies melted
slicked down oiled with hot
buttered rum. coke mixed
like sex, jinxed a concoction
of swirling bath time of surf
loving. missteps, poked
eyes, sand gritted bums
shining in hot sunny glaze
as two dazed lovers lazed
and worshipped like king
tuts tomb. pathways taken
trailed with whip-lashing wishes,
of how tha hell do I get closer.
so hot I am surprised
we did not just melt
into each other
like bacon in a pan.
sizzle baby ... trout jumping
outta water spasming,
body jerks, bodies
slapping ... sex
should be so good
every time.

need a bath? :catroar:
you comfort my heart while it's tied
in knots. not with pain so much
as ... fear of what then. words
touching my cheek while caressing
inside ... out. meager whispers
that may not be heard know
you feed me with your letters
and comas. carry my tickling
laughter within the tissue
of your heart. softly candle
my soul as you always
have, shall.
RhymeFairy said:
coastline lingers on my mind
asking, do you remember
when two bodies melted
slicked down oiled with hot
buttered rum. coke mixed
like sex, jinxed a concoction
of swirling bath time of surf
loving. missteps, poked
eyes, sand gritted bums
shining in hot sunny glaze
as two dazed lovers lazed
and worshipped like king
tuts tomb. pathways taken
trailed with whip-lashing wishes,
of how tha hell do I get closer.
so hot I am surprised
we did not just melt
into each other
like bacon in a pan.
sizzle baby ... trout jumping
outta water spasming,
body jerks, bodies
slapping ... sex
should be so good
every time.

need a bath? :catroar:

slick like fuck words
falling from one tongue
to another
i recover the
supplimental full frontal
of that mmm, good
give it up
i gave up way back
when it was in
and you won't even see
where the line breaks are
actually, anymore.

I remember you,
little bald one with black eyes
and barely a whimper upon entering
this atmosphere, you were content
to lie there next to this face
you had never seen, my voice
Im sure you knew, as I whispered
baby girl welcome, i love you
freehawk said:
Thanks for the warning, but I've been ripped apart before.

Haven't written in over a year,
Even then it was only a mind fuck.
Swirls of time later,
Seems like eternity now.
Got back up in the couds,
get to be me again.

this is the place to be a virgin again
kick the clouds grey white or shispered
strands pulled pulled pulled like like
if my husband was not choking on his own snores
I would be able to think of the material
that turns into stratus clouds when pulled apart
amn it

you have come to the right place to start again
write place
just do it
no one is watching
or everyone is watching
what you believe is what you need.

pass the ear plugs
xylophone notes on crystalline
plates ready to shatter
with the weight of tramping
rubber boots to skid across
the slippery pavement
at the edge
rippled puddle grown
deeper with the sun
but still a xylophone
surface come morning.
terror stick
as though the cock

she remains unimpressed.

did you expect
mere words
as foreplay?

mere words
mere words

were they chosen
as one should
a wine

then the legend
would be
of her making...

slay me.
A spot for the day

one of those mornings
beautiful sun rise
gentle breeze
warm for this time of year

one of those days
wind picks up
clouds roll in
hard to deliver my messages

one of those evenings
don't want to do anything
must keep busy

one of those nights
toss and turn
can't get up
and finally back to work
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