all of a sudden passion suddenly

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fish own the water
bird's the air
we own the music
move with me

limbs writhe like serpents
around notes
poring as liquid
upon our flesh

soak it up
express it
feel the sound
infusing cells
with mindfulness
motive to motingate

the sensual slow slip
of an aroused hip
toe tip to toe tip
magnetic mystery
making musical history
with you
hush now jenny hush little jenny
one should never sweat then tell
and tell heaven knows
heaven knows the extrapolation of exageration
combined with logistical fermentation will have you swooooning
low low sweet chariot
swings down down to carry you into my arms again and you are right baby
it is not about death
it is about love
and you are right baby
we don't need arms to fly and you are right too
mystical music
instrumental, you would think a poet would include some words
you would think, and you shouldn't
that is why you see words, it is too much on the thinking side

and you took me down
you offered a full cup
with promise of refills in a clenched hand
do you remember
you thought you could fix my broken smile
and you amost did,
meeting me half way up the mountain
mountain falling down down
please lord do not let me mention a greek myth here
down not even you could stop that momentum baby no
but you slowed me down

and can I say I love you
scarlet fever cannot hold us apart
I dreamed that their noses twitched there,
under the trees, by the fire
as if hey were
whisker run rabbit run
the earth shakes down the rainbows where your feet pass by
you feel me rising up
like heat above summer sands
you feel me rising up and you are right
love stretches dimension, pulls us across
like cats cradle yarns
my fingers tremble waiting for your pull

you, yes you, think I am not wrapped around your fingers
but baby, if the tips ever get numb
you will know why
I am too tight again
shake shake shake me dry

and yes it is you
you stutter my name
we hike up the riverbanks
we are not color copy inserts marked
for summer specials whole and half sizes
wrinkle proof fabric we do we do we do crush
with travel, we do not wash and wear we show our lines
yes, we are not the latest plymer bt cotton
cotton pure and we do not try to hide or crease or pleat
because I love you
shake me dry
dont press me flat or hang me on the wire
because I love you
It's not ever too cloying on the tip
of tongue, our taste is thick
liquid lust is golden
We'd suck it all up like some
goddamn honey

We'd move in a fluid motion
wrapping around each other

eyes slit
mouths wide open
speaking in the language of lovers
with passion burnt lips

Soothe the fever of our empty places
fill with sunshine
red clovers and buzz
something sweeter
something deeper

I watch him carve
a tattoo out of henna
and left it to float
like a peacock's feather
on the evening bay.

It sat on her back
like a map to a world
that was waiting for me
to conquer, a world filled

with cinnamon smoke
and amber effigies; where
my only identity was a single
word scrawled in the obsidian

digging me down with
sand surrounding me,
astounded by malaise
and some strange radio
frequency, i am forever
lost and found in you.
my reason, my piece of peace
compromised only in my mind
again i return to some haven
that is you, the hollow void
a god hole, that fits you glove-like
love is likened to magma or lightning,
or even honey. metaphores take
me, make me take my place again
recalling our truth, it is one in the same
mortality clogs my heart with black tar
rendering me stupid and unarmed
but there is no war. there is no war
but only for the one within.
finding solace where its always been
only now, you're there alongside me
my heart is big enough for both of us
my shortcomings abound, but it seems
you see through them, and ignore the
misrepresentation i give of me
i know, you truly love me.
Life Sometimes Goes Like This, Okay?

Marilyn flirts at me
from the confines
of her floral print
prison, her mistress'
blond tails teasing
every man-goat within
her odour defined perimeter.

I sigh and think:

Having breasts doesn't
neccessarily make you a
Spring's First Kiss

She holds a pussywillow
next to her cheek
but gravity wins
the battle and draws
it down, along her chin.

The soft seduction
of spring's first sign
on neck and shoulder
lifts the pink buds up,
alert to willow blooms
and hushed hellos.

The stir of response
where nubile blossoms
into fertility
shakes the hand that pulls

the red stem towards
her centre and to tease
ready kisses from lips
touched by the season.
I never could be that sweet pussy rubbing against your leg
claws extended waiting for the right excuse to swat
purr innocent tongue licking so adorable no it couldn't be
no couldn't be that sweet thing with blood on claw!?
shhhh don't mention it don't...

shhhh just listen to their song...

that is not how we are no
that is how they are
we purr and preen and everything is so much better
here without stupid mean dog drool
lets play right outside the snap of the chain
snap in our sweet meow
basking in our purity
just out of reach
scratch and run
laughing and laughing
let us lie lazy today
lick each others asses
mmm we smell so sweet over here
yeah they figured the world was round but is the internet flat?
do dragons lurk over the edges waiting to eat us whole
I sail without a compass, find a blue house
I think it is the last house on the block
I hesitate before clicking "next"
see saws squeaking up and down
interlaced the pulse tone
of antique phones, as the dial
goes round and round

interspersed with a ray gun
from "The Day the Earth Stood Still"
typewriter's keys click their report
in the distance gurgling streams run

the carpenter tires, but continues to saw
adding to the aural assault
which swirls, dips, builds again
to crescendos, but doesn't pause

this ensemble greets me each dawn
combining chords and rhythms
to make a singular music
the soundtrack to soldiering on
4th degree burns
of rope and rug, and words
scorch me pretty
red striped and stripped
tripped up as i tip libra again
justice and balance, blatant
disinformer, edging out the
former with some forelorn
folklore of how things really are
once never happened, and
i wait for ever after, it
never matters
sight lost in this unreal
mind's eye sealed
i recall
what is actual,
you bring me to the
light again.
unaware i'm sure, you
don't have to know
what it is you're doing
all that matters, is
that it's working.
blind sided back handed
and handed my heart on
a fancy silver platter
again it doesn't matter
i'm twisting myself around
a telephone pole with a nail
through my forehead,
impersonating a flyer or
a lost dog sign,
for today i've lost my mind
but it usually comes home
for dinner;
thinner i get from this slow-fast
non denominational sacrificial motion
clean a sink with my pine scented heart
the drain sucks up my devotion
today's rusty pipe is
tomorrow's flooded basement.
pique my mind apart, see
the start of all this
its right back there,
on page 96
began a mix, illicit fix that
takes us up and down
shattered once in a while, the longest mile
is the one from here to

4degrees said:
4th degree burns
of rope and rug, and words
scorch me pretty
red striped and stripped
tripped up as i tip libra again
justice and balance, blatant
disinformer, edging out the
former with some forelorn
folklore of how things really are
once never happened, and
i wait for ever after, it
never matters
sight lost in this unreal
mind's eye sealed
i recall
what is actual,
you bring me to the
light again.
unaware i'm sure, you
don't have to know
what it is you're doing
all that matters, is
that it's working.

your words branded
my soul. skillful precision
your direct hit. shamelessly
shackling this lady
love to the burning bed
of desires embrace. longing wails
call out from within, will you
do it again? whisper burning
passion-filled words of want,
need. yearnings silently spoken
ricochet from the cabalistic
corners of your heart, shouting
out to be free. to feel the fierce
fire, the blinding burn of two
bodies ... rub. five fingers
clawed, gripping tight. slow
wiggles shaking
loose. slow
bodies, slow



show me slow,
i'm not wired that way
i've got a v10
thats fortified with
octain boost, slow
has to be learned

i talk of thick honey movements
and red velvet kisses
down the length of a long
stong body, and back up the
other side. words come and come
again as my vision becomes as
real as anything
remaining as unreal, as everything
my everything
my weakness and power were
never so close
rolled up into one,
you know the one.

thank you, h.
words that come, as he
comes. strong jet fueled loins
springing forth guttural
shouts, awaking
the cold hearted dead
in me. just one more
thing, one more thick
honeyed slice of him
spread out before me
bare skinned on the bear
skin. soft, hard slow ride
to bring out the lion from
his den, of inequity. inexcusable
lust burns inside only
to be relinquished with his
release inside me
on me
all over
me ...

its the icing on the
fuck cake, making you
shake while i dip
my finger in, leaving a
mark where you leave
off and i begin
flavor of the year, my dear
hand fed, spooned up
and sucked down
a long ride home but still
i hear the sound of
sucking, the echo of
moments ago stays
all night
I could
make a sinner out
of his slow cooked
simmer. sights unseen
become slightly embarrassing
as bare ass midair
rides make his rue boil
wanting her taste, waiting
for her coat to slip. his raging
bare instincts warn him, do not
play with this one, she is
in for a pound, a hard slamming
of animal lust
that never ends, never will be
forgotten. one dip
of icing on cake, smoothed clean
with tasting tongue
glides, over foreign
territory, tempting this sinner
to sin again ~
a sinner
whos sung this one
before, knowing better
and not clever
enough to go to...
stranger in a strange land
passport in my hand
but i have that suspicious look
about me, and lucky
for you as well as me
i'm stopped by airport

stay on my own turf
safely sinnin' where i
always been, where i
know the rules and
can break em if
i want to.
character of warmth
spreading his words
of passion. spurting longings
for all to hear, feel
his love of word, bodies,
sex. groove with him as hips
lunge forward, retracting
release of desire, from within
borders guarded by all
seeing eyes. go forth my friend
be happy ... be free
from your cell of atoms tingling
with sweltering sizzles of
hot house, passion pimped
puzzling words. be free, happy
and be you.

Prisoner's Dilemma

Oh, it's just a game.
Pick one or nil.

Prisoner picks one.
Optimal nil.

Prisoner says nil.
Optimal one.

So, cooperate?
Not optimum.

Axelrod makes play

Finds anything out?

The state's zero sum?
Lobe ablation.

No. Prisoner wins
just frustration.
457 Rawhead Razor Rex;
teeth clip sharp, snap an unreal
snapping sound that curves
the labyrinth, echoes in a desolate place.

The wave of equilibrium cuts
me down while a crimson tide
rolls out, leaving its scum on my cheek.

This bloody foam is a breeding ground
for the only two real emotions.
From fear and love comes self-loathing.
Rock Climbing in Canmore

On belay means thirty feet without risk
and so we smile coyly at the razor edges
of our climb. The throng murmurs
a voyeur’s approval. The first hold

is awkward, but we get better: my hand
here, her knees like this. As the ground falls
away the horizon spreads
wide and inviting. Our eyes
drink it in. At the rope’s limit the sky

is an apple overhead. The snake
hangs heavily from our harnesses.
Off belay, we whisper, as our knots
untangle. Below us the rope piles
at their feet. We hear their inhaled,
jealous breath.
rolling in again
red beach made up
of a billion grains of me
begging for a free ride
from a generous breeze
to remove me
piece by piece
relocate every speck
of this, to the spot
where you sit right now.
just a girl

thats me, just a girl
in your way, here and there
looking for a pat on the head,
a brush on the ear
and acknowledgment
that I am really here
just a girl, in your way
waiting for the day
when saying goodbye
is a one-sided street
with just one girl
no longer afraid to be
alone, and just
a girl
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