all of a sudden passion suddenly

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she gets hooked to a dog chain
and nearby, a water bowl sits
under the maple tree shade
to keep somewhat cool for her to drink
while six feet away,
a green bucket sits out in the sun
filled with three day old water
holding a rose plant
soon to be put in the ground,
and that's what she chooses to drink
even getting stuck in the nose
numerous times by thorns.
a picture on the wall
might be worth a thousands words
but the ones that come out of your mouth
even if you're describing the picture
even if it's your soul
screaming on paper
dont write
don't talk
don't move forward
dont go backwards
dont walk
just sqeeze your pitiful body in the freezer
and stay
to feel your soft palpable skin
betwixt fingers nimble
and smooth. like a painter
on a great masterpiece. can I sit
dwell on your texture, softly
brush away flakes of freckles
by tongue tasting, lapping
round. orange peeling precision
slices through curls looped-de-looping
end to end. my eyes shall lay
on your bare skin rug of furry chest
nose crinkles as I scoop up
down, just blazing my path of sensual
feel. fire, slow sweet tangy kisses
glittered all over, ribs protruding
needing nips, over and about. some lil suckles
for to taste you is better than any fruit,
cream or tart. my masterpiece, spread
for the taking. taking ones time
to do you right.
tweezers pull out
limp nail, I want
vivaldi to sew my
wounds but all they
have on the radio
is leftover 80's junk


She curls like smoke,
a heavy-lidded bad girl slinky step that
starts at her toes, rolls
up over her hip. She slips
through a slit door like satin
sliding to the floor. She’s a bong hit
in my bedroom, a gray-eyed
angel on my chest, inhale
and dizzy dreams. There’s a fire
in her bowl slung low. First
a foot, then another, across this shag carpet
space, then a hand, then a mouth
drifting down to my face, then
a kiss spilling smoke
and I’m turned to ash.

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Walking Down Kings Road On A Friday Afternoon

Blah blah blondes
swarm the pavements
looking for a five-minute
fuck. I just want to squeeze
past so they can feel my
sweat stinging on their skin;
erupting their volcano red
What if I was to write you an apple tree
free of original sin, just about to blossom
in your back yard? It will bring sweetness
and insight in the late summer days
and shade to rest a weary concience
underneath. What if I was to write
you an apple tree, would you paint
a snake among the leaves, or take
a bite with me?
You walked down those
mahogany stairs, feeling
the reflections caught
in every knot. Downstairs,
the gathered crowd fanned
themselves with smoke;

you simply ignored them
and drank the espresso
I had bought, feeling it
light up your throat. You
wanted to choke, but held
it all in, thinking it impolite.

I know you wanted to break
the mirrored walls, ripping
apart this particular canvas,
so you could feel it burning
on your skin.
I love you Jesse James

the slogan
on her dirty t-shirt said.
She'd been wearing it
for the last fortnight, painting
her caravan a shade of pop
art; imagining she was with Warhol
and dandy Mr James together. She
made collages of them and stuck
them with her sweat onto her cold
wintery breasts. Dreaming of lassoing
them both, she'd tie up and suck
her fantasies dry, until she woke up
into her rubber stamp world customer please
I see your nostrils flare as she passes
that hint of musk tickles your sinuses
on its way through to the lizard brain
I understand the song and that funky
nudist as he strokes for Janice
and Lola's cherry cola lips

red passion drips from the smear
of Norma's lips wiped with the back
of her hand as she recovers
her balance, too drunk to walk,
or talk but that ass speaks volumes
to get his mojo risin'.

What have you seen, Norma Jean
that makes you cry into your whiskey
and barbituate solution to the problems
of living every day? Such value
in oblivion as they fuck your pretty
pussy and ruin your makeup with kisses
given instead of smashing you
with blows. No marks on you girl,
none that can be seen.
the touch is not innocuous,
though likely unmeant as it drags
across my palm: change back.
Climbing from the cab I ache
raw realization of the first
human touch I've had for months.
I envy the couple I pass, going in
hugging casually at the door: a small
unselfconscious hug
their bodies barely touching as they
speak soft encouragements

Have a good day;
I'll see you when I get back.

I pull my gaze ahead to the door,
push against it, speak sternly
to myself reminding
you chose this. You chose.
Nice write cherries

I think many of us can relate.
I especially like these lines:

Climbing from the cab I ache
raw realization of the first
human touch I've had for months.
you look evil
like you are trying to look evil
the smirk the rough cut
the twisted heel that
pretends to grind us down
like a half smoked Camel
but I am past intimidation
envy and empathy
I honestly feel nothing
except maybe
you have dreamed your own self up
I cannot write about you
there is not enough metaphor to disguise
the woodgrains
whole grains
grains of sand they come in many sizes
we are two
quartz and mica settled under the toes of a man
who questions his own existence
until he feels us there
wearing his callous smooth
of course it is beyrayal
I wait for you to leave
so I can fuck strangers
and fuck and fuck and fuck them
until they are not strange
only lonely like everyone and looking
to fill something beautiful
like a vase of wildflowers
hand picked by a favorite son
remember how mother glowed
like you were the most important thing on earth?
you dont get that anymore do you baby
no of course not
so lets pretend you just got home
and there is a woman there
and she waits for you
lets pretend there are not already babies on her breast
your babies, yes darling you put them there
come now hush little darlin
I am here big strong wonderful man
I will hang you on my fridge
I will take you down like a transfusion
begging you to take me god just do it already
before I grow bored
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so Harry would sit out in his garden
old man afgahn across his lap and when no
words came, he would call for them
"Poets, come to me!"

and they did.
they wre waiting on the other side of the page
for someone to remember them

I once called for dead poets
to guide my hand across the page
like a ouiji board muse
and the needle always moved
from sulphur moths to riverstone and steel

your eyes are no longer behind mine
I see for one
write for one
live for one
just like when you were here
but I am not sorry no it must have been your choice
the dead do not listen to threats or the scolding of scorned women
"Go away, I do not have time for the dead!"
hopefully you found someone new to possess
and hopefully I meet them someday
I will kiss them full
on their mouth
just like that old lady and father Ralph
sucking all the loves lost
and reborn into youth
as the abacus fills
beads slide one by one to the right
and everyone is on the other side
saldne said:
This has GOT to be annaswirls. This woman can write!

I am telling you, it is the rum and diet coke.

so pathetic
drinking away inhibitions
so I can tell you baby
liste to me
sneak down the steps
yes now
dont wake the wife and kids god forbid
and in the fridge
take out an egg
just do it
crack it into crystal
save the whites
give the yolk to the dog

yeah yeah they do not sell that in a tube do they darling
egg white albumin stretched between your fingers
feels just like me
on day fourteen slick and ready
I have prepared a path

so pour it on baby
fucj that hand
like it was me
let me see oyu work up a froth
stiff peaks
sprinkle with sugar
I will be right over
just let me finish my drink
you tell me
you only shave once a week
jesus I put the hair on my husbands chest
one at a time
and now I have to cover your face?
pull up a chair baby doll
all things with time
Carnaby Street

We walked past the shops
as the sky started to flare
up; a fattened bud waiting
to colour our eyes a shade
of liberty blue. They were
different now;

a mixture of fake grunge
and cheap celeb cast-offs
selling to tourists and wannabes
wanting to inject their 15
minutes of fame in a toilet
cubicle somewhere in Hammersmith.

Things were different before,
you said; remembering flared
skirts and make up imitating
nature. Eyes were covered with
smoked brown lenses; mannequins
that moved with flair, spirits living only
clouds explode into rain
on the horizon

a bud unfolding,
exhaling its last breath

before collapsing
as thunder roars
scraps of day

hot guy in the health food store
wonder if he's a vegan
a well-fed vegan
mink eyes
spiky hair
eyeballing my purchases
and me
local honey
organic ginger shaker
he's a massage therapist too
"I'm only $40 an hour," he beems.
"You're cheap," I muse.
"Some people think I'm a lot."
I don't dare touch that.
I pay
and skip to my car in the rain
with tumeric
and a smile
There's so many new
technologies today,
and I was lucky to get a dog
who's already been microchipped;
a painless injection under the skin
having a serial number that gets scanned
when a animal wonders away
not able to find their way home
identifying their name and owner
if rescued or found by authorities,

and impatiently, I wait
for the remote control
that has been in my dreams for years,
being able to mute a mans mouth
or fast forward his thoughts,
even a button that says
shut up, stand still, grow boner
would be an extra plus.

I am well aware
that dreams do not come true;
not many do,
but I can always wish
like when I see a fallen star.

Night drips onto the cracked
streetlight, covering the phosphorous
bees with a shade of black. Blinded,
they hiss, crackling the air; a neon
orange swarm slowly fading out.

The falling rain ignores the scene
as it skydives onto the pavement,
washing away the landscape sketched
this afternoon by the local artist;
branches of cypress trees
try to cling on to the claws of escaping birds
but slip and fall
before emerging on a newspaper
floating on a river in the road. The headlines
have drowned and a breast peeks its head
underneath a makeshift roof - a story about
singing chickens- before being ripped apart
by the wind.
Sunlight never falls here, only stopping
to watch life being rearranged.
Tourist For A Day

You heard them muttering
in the corner of the bus,
discussing dinner and holidays
in places you couldn't pronounce;
thinking you wanted to be them.

Him, with his eyes clear as glass
and copper pacemaker dangling
on his wrist, Her, with tea stained
sunglasses and dissolved youth;
you wanted to have their guidebook

knowledge and fake credit cards. That
would be yours now. You would be
there with the brochures sticking
out of the handbag, discussing maids
and fresh linen; dismissing people

with a flick of the hand. You would
be dressed with clothes that never
fit, just to say that you could. You
would eat with no manners; you
would be blind and no-one would hold you.
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