all of a sudden passion suddenly

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he said
that Look is mine
red lipstick smeared with thumb
close your knees
your beauty is my inhalation
squeeze through my tube
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double post fingertips

the big girls go where they want to go
take who they want to take with them
oh oh I wont look in the window oh
oh to see who got in the good car no
no who gets to drive with Jimmy to the velodrome
he whispers to me from the infield
you are the only one who is real to me

not these girl girl girls with that backseat smile
that sweet scent of honeysuckle and fruit sprays
lipgloss with a shine
her mother taught her how to line her eyes
like egyptian queens
her mother bought her a bra
showed her how to shave
here and there
and someday
you might like it there

my mother showed me how to grease a tampon with vaseline
as if it would not fit damn, as if no one would ever see
that holly hobby training bra
fathers razor nicks
good enough yes dont be so silly
no one likes a silly girl

yeah yeah but you take her down to the boat dock
make her step up the serious
belly peeking pink halter top
you pack that love bait in your tackle box
I know you will tell me all about it
morning report
sofa report
feed me chocolate and weight gainer shakes she has to be home at 11 I will be there you can tell me
no one should be that happy all the time

oh you know the secret of tightening giggles of the shut up and kiss me
fill your mouth with those little sounds and her sparkle turns to glaze
yeah slow her down to the speed of button fly fingers
wiggled under denim she breathes
you are killing me
bubblegum on the dashboard
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a porcelain doll

caramel glimmers behind charcoal
cherry blossom cheeks on rice white
blooming on the sable brush
above those ruby lips
brilliant white enamel highlights
the amazing gloss of silk
spun and woven into jewels
draped around the jade gate
guarding plums so ripe the sweet
syrup pools at her slippers
as she bows her elaborate coif
and expose the ivory stem
on which beauty blossoms

oh my! pardon my cliche :eek:
Seriously, Take Me


This is not the time
for rings and bells ringing
the ends of days, the alarm
clock singing, no—

this is the kettle screaming,
the friction burn
of white-hot nylon stretched
to breaking, a hair-pulled
of syllables right from her throat.
This is the fingertip grip

of elastic and fabric, the soaked-through
scent of her
wanting and waving, flags
raised on a mast and ropes
slapping and slapping. Now is the time

for against-the-wall bumping
and heart-pounding humping, the gritted teeth
growling and desperate demands. No more
fig leaves and gloves, no loves
on the side, just tendon and muscle
and steam-driven whistle. I’m serious,

a song playing
drowing out invisible
breath, i imagine its heavy
my own came fast,
in heated gasps for
those minutes
connected unlike the norm,
i saw your name there with
the ring, it jerked me up
to attention
and i thought
that then i'd hear
something more
i did too,
but not with my ears

another solar circle
night and day presides
and dictates a pattern
as predictable
insipid facade seems to shroud
my sun, light and dark are one
rain comes at a perfect time
soul cleansing forensic
and leaves fall where they may
won't you always
just stay
right here in my pocket
go with me, be my constant

three years is what i hear
a long time to think
and hear echos of
the other, better way
a shame all the same
but some people never learn

like me.
i will not get it, you see
no matter how ya lay it out,
just keep my dream alive.
The End Is Near

The ends of days creeps in unannounced
as if riding gentle mares instead of stallions;
black and white to push back the night
and show the world the fiery pit.

The abyss is not the emptiness of space and time
but a yawning wound where our souls should be
empty but for Pandora's blessing

Come maiden and greet the morning of the last
dawn, creeping over the horizon like a lover
who should not be there, not even in your dreams.

Innocence is the state of souls' grace
where hope must live, if nothing else can save
the world, let a virgin's kiss, at least
bless the wine and bread at the ends of days.
Goodbye to the Meadow

Soon I shall come to you for the last time
though I will come to you again

Though I will come to see you
I will not see you

But I will feel you, and become part of you
I will feel you surround me and encompass me

I will miss your breath upon my face
the warmth of sunlight bathing me

The fragrence of flower surrounding
yet, in them I will soon be

There is comfort in knowing I shall explore
in all directions

Becoming apart of the landscape
apart of the tapestry that is your beauty, my memory

And likewise I shall grow reaching forth
the Pines and fur trees, Asp that will change color
in seasons of time, just as I shall seeking the sun

I will miss the sound of the hawk above
the mewling of deer and chatter of squirrels racing by

But I will secretly follow their frollicking
quietly watching them from all directions

remembering as long as there is memory
reliving the magic you've given me, until it dies

or until you do

But I will miss you as I know you now,
knew you then...knew as you shared with me, with us

All things come to and end place I guess,
just wasn't ready to lose you, lose myself

But I will see you again soon,
become apart of you once more

Then perhaps one day
others too will come to know you and I as us.
a need
my desire
to strengthen
me to tell you
things I know
I shant.
for the warmth of your
love still travels my veins
stakes out a picket
line one foot in front
hands held out
so many signs
shouting to the world.
I cannot tell
but my need is strong
grows transparent a lil more
each day. I see it written
on my hand while reaching for
the brush
that curls
around, silently beckoning me to
lick pink shiny
lips looking
glass watches, knows
you are watching too
shall I
give in
let my hunger
trembling, as a shaking leaf
for I can see your
hunger too. two organs
knotted, charlie horse knee gut

The Crack Addict Next Door

I saw you sitting
on the steps, lighting
up a bar of chalk;
your eyes slowly starting
to melt, as if I was

the conjuror and you
were the audience,
still trapped in a sideshow;
waiting for the vision
to end. You never could

leave them; you had a
debt to your doctors
who gave you medicine
for the images you never
wanted in your head.
The American tourist
with the 50's style
sunglasses preens

her son, rummaging
through his hair
as if looking for bugs;

her daughter looks on,
wanting her mother
to do the same. These

things aren't passed on
in genes, I want to tell
her. But she wouldn't

want to know.

You were born with your eyes
already open when they raised
you from the earth, your arms
still covered with strands of soil;

a reminder of when you were asleep,
buried deep under pebbles, elements
and loam. You could only feel night
as you slept then, wrapping itself

around your body. As you slowly
start to slip through the layers
of rock, you felt the stars weave
themselves around your blanket

but you still wanted to cling onto
the darkness you heard whispering
ito you in the womb.
I hear the thunder
didn't know rain was on the horizon
should I pack an umbrella
or just dance in the streets naked
pick pocketing puddles
with splashes of complete


it pointed its haughty nose in
my business
silence and I were
talking, gather wool to
fetch a pail, when thunder shouted out
why bother me now.
my friend and I were at ease, partaking
a picture of ale
no ailment to hinder us, just
listening in
eves dropping on memory lane
thinking of taking a walk, my friend
and I ...

I do love me-time ...
I never was one to wear
my heart on my sleeve
or throw caution
out for the wind to carry
so that it falls
on some paranoid
in the next block
as confirmation of
unspoken suspicions
but today it was breezy
and someone else's caution
fell on me
knocking me off my feet
and changing my direction.

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The Meteorologist

You taught me about
the weather when I
was young; watching
your eyes, I could see
clouds forming everytime
Dad walked in the room,
before exploding into thunder;

I would rarely see rain, the
valleys under your eyes were
always cracked and nothing
ever seemed to flow there. I
imagined vultures picking at
the soil, waiting for the rain
god to answer,

but you never would. In winter
there would be snow, turning
your skin blue. You wanted
to be back home where it was
warm but it was hurricane
season. You never predicted that;
nor could you stop it.
Barbeque chicken, creamy
noodles and corn
is what we had for dinner.

She refused to have the noodles,
stuck her tongue out, gave the
upper lip disgusted look
holding her stomach
hunched over.

I came from a noodle, mom.
I can't.
Hit me your hardest.
Take your best shot.
Punch me if you like.
Pull all my hair out.
I'll deal with being bald
and looking like a beat up dyke.

You can turn my flesh black and blue.
It's what you saw.
It's what you're used to.
Forgive me for forgetting.

Forgive me for daddy dying.
You can blame me.
Hit my chest and hit it hard.
Have a fist fight with my breasts.
Don't dare ask them why you exist
or why they fed your preciousness.

Stain my blouse with mascara tears.
I'll wear the white one every day
until you do.

Please do it soon.
I beg you. I beg you,

Hear me, please hear me.
It's not your fault. Nothing
is your fault. Your life
was my choice. I'm sorry
it's hated so but know
I love you. I'll take the
blame for everything.

No more blood on the bathroom floor.
Beat me and cry, beat me and cry.
Please do it soon.

Your fingers ran over
the shells Grandfather
collected, his voice
echoing in each one;
you wanted to say
so much, but your voice
slipped back, dragged
back by tides you never
saw coming.
It is the perfect night
for spreading a patchwok quilt
in a mountain meadow. to sink
down in the tall grass, oblivious
to all but the indigo sky, winking
at us with a million eyes, cuddling
as we whisper words, barely audible
above the soft serenade of cicadas

Legs intertwine, like wild sweetpeas
inseperable, the sweet scent of primrose
blends with passion's perfume, drifts
cocooning us in an atmosphere
of excited anticipation, as clothes unbutton
belts unbuckle, skins are shed

bodies enjoin, moving to the rhythm
as field flowers in the soft warm breeze
gently bending, dipping
in and out of each other
with knowing glances, well placed caresses

stalks tilting to breaking
only to rebound back and bend again
until stroked one too many times
gives up it's resistance and wilts
buried in the mound beside it
to be born again by morning light
If I could change the way
things are this world
would be perfect
in my sight only.

There is no flaw
with my vision simply
being different
from your angle.

we see varied shades
when blue is mentioned,
green evokes envy or jealousy
or thoughts of spring.

I am grateful for the life
that I live inside your sphere,
you influence my thinking
to embrace the colours

of a higher sight
and a distant glance
to find value in opposing
points of view.
Fishing on the River Thames with Dad

Shoals of sunlight
swarmed in the bottom
of the net. I imagined
fish being there instead,
not this junk every cast
brought in:

wire squid, grass wigs
and parts of a wind-up
owl. I could still hear it
twittering in the wind,
still trying to flap its rusty
wings. Another lure, son

you cried, rummaging
for plastic fakes. Hanging
it at the end of our makeshift
flag, you cast it in the empty
river; expecting them to accept
our surrender. But no-one did
that day.
why are you so fucking retarded

she said to me, expecting
me to dive down a burrow
and curl up on a bed of
straw; where I would be
able to hear her pecking

at the ground above, her
words shaking the earth
with every vowel and syllable.
She wants me to run out
on the road, so I can be

a piece of roadkill to be examined;
not to find out the cause
but to be dissected, my innards
laid out across the stars
as a warning to others.
If Tuna could talk....

tuna leap back
into cans, preferring
the warmth of metal
over their skin than
the waves moaning
about the state of
its decay
I don't need a mask

for Halloween, I can use your
face instead, you said. I
pictured you drugging me
as I slept, covering my face
as I told truths in my dreams

that I would never dare to say
you. Tied up in your room,
you scrape away plastic flesh;
watching my colours drip
like rain into the pan below.

Knowing you would never be
able to remake my face, I
smiled; my bones breaking
as I watched your hands
cling onto mine as you felt
the universe burn your eyes.
Watching some children sitting on the steps of the London Astoria

a bunch of kids
dressed in cliched black
smoke cigarettes
as they wait for the acts
to appear, the dog collars

around their neck chasing
the ash as it lands
on newspapers crowding
the pavement, lighting up
like glowing stars as it falls.

More children start to arrive,
the boys dressed in pantyhose
and bloody mascara. They're
expecting a freakshow, the old
people mutter as they walk past

as their words
slip and fall into a neighbouring
I watched the waves
bring in the dead, still
clutching onto their
wooden planks. Nobody

wept as they were placed
under the loam; only the wind
heard their eulogy, burying
it under the waves.
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