all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Somehow along
the way
I messed up. I mistook
a worm ... for a man.

Thinking to marry,
love and grow
old. To have, and hold
say I do once to him
then twice, my mistake
for you see
a fairy cannot love
a worm.

Even trying to
wheel and deal
the second round hit
craps, and all was lost.

Not even the children
could or would keep
us together
this worm of mine, he
grew vines for arms, wrapped tight
suffocating, a struggle
every night
every night

His beefy leafy hands
learned to swipe us off
our feet. Hitting hard
who knew worms could dig
so low.

A manure mucous mouth
spat out words, tainting
my colorful world
no sugar coating, for this worm
meant what he said.

Night after night, days turned
into years. This fragile fairy became
unfocused, unglued from what reality
really was.

A fairy turned servant, turned
whipping pole, whiplashed one
too may times by her dung
dive worm.

Somehow along
the way
I messed up. I mistook
a worm ... for a man.

I saw a blue mustang
and thought of the red one
I had seventeen years ago.
It reminded me of you
when we drove to Long Island
and you fingered me
reaching over from the passengers seat
while I drove, laughing at the speedometer rise
from my excitement and damn it
I couldn't cum but ran through
many red lights pressing hard on the
gas pedal with legs spread wide and my
ass raised high off the seat.
Giggling, giggling, giggling.
Your hand never tired
but my giggles clenched hard around your finger
so close so close we'll just call it kegels.
Oh yeah baby, remember?

You managed to prop up the broken
hatchback with a large stick after I parked
out in the woods and we laid
on a mexican blanket in the back
after I lit our special candle on the dashboard
eventually turning the windshield black.
we're lucky it didn't crack

and I'll never forget you saying
my belly looked like a fish filet
because I have fair skin
but white doesn't glow in the dark, babe
it was your memory of the day before
when we fucked for hours in the daylight
or did it glow I don't know
maybe it was the sparkles put on my body
or was the candle that bright?

it's scarred and stretched now
from our little girl you know that you know
you seee from the tree you planted in the
back yard that died the same day as you,
and reseeded the following year,
as I flash you from the window.
you're alive, fucjer I know
ask God if you can talk to me
even if you know I'd pass out from fear
didn't Wizard of Oz do that? either way
get Him too.
Take me down the river
Be the guide, you are trusted

We glide along without a sound

Crystal blue-black blue, fingers trail
stirring what lies below. The ripple
effect reaches the edge

Slice through the water
deep down there is no resistance
Ice cold, but blood warm
when I look into your eyes

I believe you even though I shouldn’t
show me ...

my love is
for the taking. are you
man enough?

I do
want a man
with the easy breeze
of life filtering through his veins.
love comes on slow
'n slow. for I cannot be bought.
my love

is yours
for the taking
will you show me
all night. take me
down, squeeze
soft plush pillowing
breast. taste deeply
as you defy
custom only
to count, come up
for air.
show me you are worthy
show me
what it is like
to love. really love.
like no memory
no before.
no one

could ever dream.
show me
show me
I beg you ...
Many Feathers said:
I had heard those words...

Many in life have.
Yet they turn a deaf ear.


it is easy
when you have it.
it's when you don't,
that reasoning goes berserk,
time plays tricks
and the body yearns
for release
of love, passion
dreams fulfilled
if only eh ~

Wooden tripods flex
their taut muscles
under the torch lit sky;

ignoring the pale blue
film hanging above. Wind
blows kisses, flirting

as people pass them by,
stopping only to scratch
names in the bark; hoping

for immortality, knowing
they will die, others will
Today is one of those days
where billowing clouds leave trails
in the skies as they speed along
the blue sky raceway
running between the mountain peaks
the tall timbers stand
bowing in the draft, spectators,
limbs clapping in approval
in anticipation of another glorious finsh

the sun waves in the winner
the horizon on fire
blazing crimson
irridescent orange
subtle violet

I am unmoved, another day
without the wonder of you
Not surprisingly

Though warm might the sunshine be
the scenery beautiful,

trees shaking off the spring frost
reaching upwards in adoration, paying homage

still yet my path is blocked
snow too deep to see you spend time with you again

urgent now to bury the past
smooth the ground over what was

Mother, wake me when its time
hear my call to you and beckon me

prepare the place for my greeting
welcome me again with your arms and tears

embrace me for I need you,
heal my heart that it might mend and be done with

melt the snow of sorrow and anger
smooth the path that I might find you once again
A Martian Discovers Coffee For The First Time

Clouds swirl
inside the astronauts helmet
filling up the bottom
with pools of black rain as it starts
to dissolve
each cloud going
plop plop plop
as they bubble away
She leaps in silence, even breath
is stilled as they attend: her potent thighs
push, strong body lift, bare toes point
in midair but before they,
I saw her.

Paced the room with her, worked her
every step and sound, perfected choreography
we made and she loved
my hands (any?) sinking into her clay.

Who could not love her wet voice?
her deep eyes?
proud foot?

Every heart hers echoes
the iamb of landings
on the wooden stage,
transported on the soft back
of dancing elk. Their love
overfills her and she,
radiant and saturate,
conducts it to me.

If only I had known, then,
she wanted me always to lead.
got dumped?
get a life

the '50's woman
on the t-shirt says to me

as I pass her by;
her apron still coated

with flour from this afternoon's
baking. Gee whiz pop, husband

comes back with news
of a cliched promotion, unaware

his wife is having an affair
with the black gardener and she

likes to pop pills with a vodka chaser;
tape fast forwards, she is old and gets hit

by a car.

Drink Coca Cola. Save The Children.
Inside so slowly
moving until I'm coaxed
to let you seek
deeper through the sea
and find the flower
of those depths you draw
me into. To see
this inner flourescence
left by your touch
as you shift my chemistry
from infatuation
reaction to the noble
gold only an alchemist creates
I am weird...


She wore flags at half mast,
enveloping stiff.
Starched cotton
no longer silken caressed
strand of secreted fiber,
web of deflection
Cardboard stiff,
Abrading delicate tissue
by the breeze nuzzling
sensitive hair of her skin
to move her flesh
the tiniest
flash of charge.

Brass, magnetized.
St Catherines Street polarized,
forever atheist of humanization.
An apparition on her knees
as solidity passes through and beyond

And she cries as the moon
over howling soft
black lake.
Glistening, silent in reflection
of deeper than you have ever thought
to reflect…

Before the sun rose,
an evaporation of particles,
ionized whispers
of heaven.
going back into hibernation...maybe

So silver it cast blue
misted rocks against black,
moon reflection
knifing stark light.
Flushed heat before embracing

A glimmer of rain
on the horizon
to touch and cool
with husky relief
after a hot breath on ice,
one sizzle before ignition.

:eek: :D
presidents faces on
green paper

saute' green vegetables
and sit
OT said:
presidents faces on
green paper

saute' green vegetables
and sit

sit back
and savor
smell of fresh green
by amber glow
of candlelight,
soft flickers
with a hushed
'je ne said quoi'
feeling of peace
I filter your thoughts
with the help of morning coffee
strong, bitter
with an occasional grain
getting stuck

perhaps some sugar
would make it more palatable
cream lighten the taste
but I am out of both

so I must take it as it comes
savor the aroma, pure and rich
stare into the darkness
see my reflection
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its nothing but passion
a flash of something rash
urgent moment to spew
forth all this built up
oh god, do i want to fuck
you inside out
and i will,
and i will
synchronise your clock baby
cause i'm gonna be on time
right on time
right on.

it has been a while
since I have been here,
gesturing around me
in a dazed confusion.

Through the mist
I have stumbled
to consciousness

I really was here,
I could see through my eyes
and hear, like an echo,
but you kept coming

I ask no questions now,
acceptable, almost normal
definitely within my boundaries
we are normal
A Dingo Ate My Baby


Outside it’s a flesh parade, and all I want
is a way under her skin. Their pores,
their open mouths, their slick-lipped
cunts say drop me a line, stick it in
my box and let’s do lunch.
Under the table
shins bark for looking anywhere
but here, at the flash of her canines
tearing meat.

Dragons and poems

The leather journal
sitting on my desk
is empty. You bought
it for my birthday
thinking I would fill
its pages with maps
I'd sketch with my words;

not expecting dragons
to be on every page,
circling your fingers
as you felt their scales.
You wouldn't be able
to tame them and neither
would I.
the egg clock
starts to spin
as I flick it,

releasing seconds
as it slowly

an hour
is on my desk,

I feed it pencil
shavings, watch
it scoop up the lead

then die
it is mulberry season
I pull the branches down for small fingers to reach
and we decide the best ones are still a little red
sour, unfinished
almost out of reach but stretch yes got it let the birds pick from the top
and the fallen

the morning my mother saw him
his shirt purple stained from under the mulberry tree
we were not sure were he had slept until then

the night before I had found him in the barn
on the cobweb box dusted with corn ground last season still
and the search was off

oh the girls all wanted to comfort yo
but I sent them away
this is my brother
still mine
sure you may suck him off and buy his drink
cigarettes fflash your panties when you walk in front of us
but it was me who talked him down off the where does the universe end and what is on the other side and if infinity is the biggest number then what is half of infinity and what do you mean if you keep taking one half smaller you will not get there and who says it is all empty space and where was your face before you washed it this morning

and I can talk him through this one too
certainly existensial crises may be better solved by a blow job
but my baby does not know that yet
crying ourselves to sleep on a mulberry cushion
promising mom and dad will still love you
they will they will if you chase absolutes and exceptions
roots and branches
and not fortune five hundred seventy two

I left you the tree to write this down
this mulberry memory and I see you
holding the branch down yourself,
taking what you can get,
sharing with the puppy who looks up att you
like god
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I do not remember which one of you wanted my hands
send more pictures of your hands
you wrote
holding things, forgetting where they are
open invitations

mother hands I say!
here, one wrapped around the baby on my hip
the other across the chest of the boy runner
stand still long enough for the pose
is this what you want?

I still have a folder called
that I made for him
cut, pasted shots from panty strings
and modest belly

It was not you that said
move that hand! no shame
show more no no no it was not you who said
split and cut to the quick scar natural
no it was not you either,
preferring the red claw diva down your back ginger red
easy enough to invent
if you have the time

I feel like prince charming with the slipper
who was it
that asked me
more, more pictures of your hands
dont worry about your nails
I love you baby
we can buy you nails
just hurry hurry I need your hands
from behind the fence
we watch the jaguar
drag her kill up the concrete tree
blood drunk eyes closed licks her paws
before glaring down a warning

we feed baby goats from ice cream cones
and laugh-for some reason they too
think we want their breakfast
even though it is our pocket full of quarters

stand still as the scarecrow baby
let me perch there on your arm
lets pretend
someone is watching us feed
off sunflower seeds
do a funny trick
pointing both ways
at once
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