all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Crowd Control

Trucks carrying barriers
stacked like butterfly
wings pass me by,

followed by silence. Men
dressed like ghosts march
outside Parliament, mouths

taped up. It's the law now,
they can't speak or shout.
I see their hands moving,

sending a fuck you in a flutter
of fingers and open palms.

Nobody sees

The lavender has dried up
in the place you used to go,
running your fingers over
the lilac coloured corn,

the pungent heads releasing
their soothing perfume, feeling
it anaesthise you. But now it
has gone and you must find

someplace to plant its seeds
and watch it grow again, away
from me.
Green belt

Recycled cows graze
on the city's shrinking
waistline, the rubbery
grass slowly melting

in the British sun. Earth
shriek as diggers dump
today's gossip on her
stretched skin, headlines

buried under waste. A
pullstring doll laughs
as she is pecked apart
by crows, but nobody sees.
Men climb glass mountains,
panting as they reach the

They plant no flag, gliding
back down to melt its green

snow. One of them finds sand
underneath his soles. He brushes
it off, unaware of the irony.
Self-made Woman

TGirl wants me
I’m tall like him
Fascinated by him
Gender Bender
Gender Blender

Oh, so slender
I hate TGirl
Beautiful blond blonde

I want a man thoroughly baked
And crusty
Want him crumbling on me
Like stone pie


The moon hangs for the camera
tonight, floating from a crane
being moved by the people below.

It must be right, the Greek Tourism
Board are paying for the shot. It
starts to sweat, releasing milky tears

that fall like stars onto the town. A
boy climbs up, dabbing its face with
goats milk. It smiles, extending its arms

over the postcard. All the sky will bow
English homework

Your words were scripture
to us. Every mark of your
pen became something to
worship. You had already

achieved immortality, a
feat no-one would ever
attain. I kept your words,
sealing them in the vacuum

under the bed. Opening them
now, I watch them fill the
air with your poetry; before
falling, lighting up my sky with

your lightning.
Boys Toilets

Boys stare at each others
cocks as they piss into
scooped out noses,

watching the tubers growing
as a stream arcs its back
against the ceramic wall

before tumbling, dragging
the shrivelled fingers back

The ceremony is complete

Kick, lads, kick! coach cries
as we are locked together
in a spiderweb of boots, mud
and sweat. I can see the ball

underneath a pair of neighbouring
legs, its boots growling as I try
to kick it back into play. Another
boy flexes a limb as if lifting a

dumbbell, grabbing it for his side.
We run out, chasing the bull with
jerseys for flags. It is too late. We
have all been knocked down and are
kissing the earth, bowing before the king.

Waves huff and puff
at boats bopping up
and down the cardboard
sea, dolphins cutting

up the water with their
scissor like beaks. Fish
start to puncture holes,
lighting up the scene.

Throwing it away, it starts
to die; the flap of a fin
offered as a white flag.

I don't take it.
ants dig ditches
in the road, chain
ganged in thick tar

the wind whips them
as they start to slack,
some falling, crushed

by tyres and speeding
mopeds. nothing is ever

this poem is not a metaphor

from a barrel
behind the wheel
she didnt have time
to think, much less blink
and now I have to see tears
in my own daughter's eyes
because someone didnt think
about taking a life they had no right\
to take, blink, again, again
you are alive, blink
your children are safe
for now, dont blink, never stop caring
the tears that flow from a mother
you never met, could be tears
you and your daughters
are sharing

* for DB*
When Grandfather died

The earth heaved when Grandfather
died. I felt its sigh through the walls
of the steps that I sat, weeping to
no-one but myself. I wanted the sky

to crack open and swallow me whole,
so I could be with him. But that did not
happen and I sat shredding the air with
my fists, cursing the day the earth had

been born. I never saw the exact spot
that he had fallen that day, they never
told me. I imagine that nothing grows there
now, just a footprint screaming forever

at the stars.
tender trips
taught with fingertips
loosing the language
we share

flirting freedoms
fleeting moments
writing passion
in air

I watched as he walked away.
Head forward, towards a future
so uncertain. If only I knew then
what I know now ...

I rewind every word. Watch
as night falls and I still see
him walk away. In every episode
he reappears to save the day.
To show me what it really means
to love.Then again in yet another
rerun ... he walks away.
I wanted to tuck him
between my thighs
and ride to that all natural

Scream for mercy only
never let up. Break down
shot gun shooter
as his bullets of passion
hit time after time.

Crawl to the brink
grinding all the way
as hips push
pulling back, over
up the wall and repeat.

Taste his mighty sword
to the hilt
as gag reflexes pass and full
throttle mutation flares again.

Have him, break him.
Take him, until one drops
and passes out from
utter release ...

There was love in the morning

It's not that I liked being your necklace
nor that I loved when your breath
whispered secrets to my soul.
It was just that dimple in your chin,
the wink behind your eye
and the touch of your fingers
as they carried my heart
to your lips. You loved
me, and you weren't afraid
to let me know.
I ask
for your attention. Beg
for one moment in time
when face to face
eye to eye
you can bestow a look and tell
what made the castle walls
fall down.

Brick was placed upon brick, layer
by layer of love, goo goo
eyes enchanted
while twitterpated visions
told their own tale.

Pictures of ever after
spoke of never-ending words
told of days and nights spent
of visions
coming true while thundering
lightening towered above.

Rewind time.
Show me
what happened ...
Jesus wan't around to make it all better
so I went to the store and bought her a sweater
said put this on, it'll cover the pain
maybe we can start all over again

but she was still cold, guess it was permafrost
said what we had had, was gone and lost
that forgiveness was something she just couldn't find
her heart was numb, she was losing her mind

set the sweater on fire, watched it go up in smoke
said my penitent purchase was more than a joke
but she wasn't laughing and neither was I
so all that was left was to just say good-bye

and the sweater's in ashes, my life is in tatters
the fabric of both seems to no longer matter
not quite ceratain how it all came undone
and 2 can't squeeze back into one
I'd rather be a sailior
and drown in the ocean
than write down these words
and show my emotion

I'd rather hide beneath
a sea of cried tears
than tell you how much
I miss you being here

the bubbles are pretty
as they rise to the top
but before they can surface
like our dreams they pop

just one more breath
that's all that's left
I'll hold it
long as I can
long as I can
long as I can
The world spins
and so do I
riding this roller coaster one more time

Inspiration fills me
overflowing with images
all of them you and I, entangled

Without logic
without regard to pain
I plunge forward
worshipping on bended knee at your altar
tasting your ambrosia
losing myself in you
as you lose yourself in me

Abandoning caution
common sense
for once I leap
even after I've looked
for you,
only for you...
Normandy Fields

Corn dressed in cotton sacks
watch crows peck at the bones
of their fallen comrades, skulls
littering the field like deformed

jack o'lanterns, their minds still
glowing as they send out signals
in morse; saying only here be
, as more crows fall;

swallowed up by hidden worms.
Nobody hears them scream. That
is not allowed here.
Star Hunting

The crushed glass coral ignores me
as I wander past, looking for stars
buried next to piles of polystyrene
bones in the sand. Digging deep,

I find nothing but necklaces of
crushed mussel shells, scattered like
blackened sharks teeth in the pit.
But as I look at the coral, I see a glint

reflecting off the green glass. Cutting
through, I see them growing underneath;
as if they had snatched the universe
and placed it here, leaving only emptiness

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