all of a sudden passion suddenly

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RhymeFairy said:
I wanted to tuck him
between my thighs
and ride to that all natural

Scream for mercy only
never let up. Break down
shot gun shooter
as his bullets of passion
hit time after time.

Crawl to the brink
grinding all the way
as hips push
pulling back, over
up the wall and repeat.

Taste his mighty sword
to the hilt
as gag reflexes pass and full
throttle mutation flares again.

Have him, break him.
Take him, until one drops
and passes out from
utter release ...

damn girl, i like this one...the very first 2 lines esp. you're on it, keep it up. :)
Girls spread like starfish
watch their umbrella's
suede petals droop under
the heat,

before returning to the act
being played out every
summer, watering themselves
with overpriced mist

as the sun beats down,
scratching off their skin.
Tailor made for lovin'

Velvet, the loss of you
has crushed me

and Paisley, could you
make up your mind?

My dahling, Silk, you are
just too cool, too flat
to suit me

and Wool, you drive me
insane with your inane
desires to warm me.

It is summer afterall
and a layer of skin
suffices to cover me.

if a tree falls in a forest when no one is around,
does that falling tree make a sound?

suppose a tree falls
with a deaf man man as the only witness...
Maria2394 said:
if a tree falls in a forest when no one is around,
does that falling tree make a sound?

suppose a tree falls
with a deaf man man as the only witness...
suppose a tree falls
on a deaf man

does he make a sound?
hand washing
feeling the bubbles
slide along my fingers
my clothes

washing away
dead skin
water turning brown

if I need
more soap
sharpness ran along with
the rivulets that beaded
until their weight drew them
together and set them
in motion and the small
silvery crescents drew my
gaze everytime they passed
along the bridge making
arches every bit as potent as
when they slipped by
sight unseen.
Final post

It has been a long hard and painful journey for me,
but I have finally arrived at the end of it.

I can finally say it is done, and time to move on.

Freehawk, I don't know if you will ever return here to read this,
or if in lurking if you are, that you might. But know by the photos attached
that it really is finally done. You are now dead to me. Finally...

A year ago to the day, we bonded there in the meadow. Something we never should have done, and certainly where you are now, something you should never have even considered doing. It was a painful experience to have done so,
only to see you deceive me into believing something that never was.

It took a while to get back there, but now that I have, at least now it is finished once and for all. The meadow is now "The Meadow" once again.

I guess for me the painful lesson learned was one of sacrifice and committment.
It was a hard lesson to learn, and one I shall never forget. Nor will I ever make the same mistakes again.

I loved you more than I have ever loved anyone. If you never accept or walk away with anything more, at least know that. You truly were loved, and I am not afraid to accept or acknowledge that I was. But I can also say, I will never love you again.

It is indeed time to move forward, to live with whatever time the future gives me,
and more importantly, to never look back. Time to let go. And in letting go, unfortunately I must also let go of those things that were a part of my past. And that includes Lit. Though my stories and poems will remain for those who wish to read and enjoy them, I shall not be returning. It is also time to let go here as well.

Funny, but the story "Y is for You" wasn't the ending. I almost wish it had been. Instead, it turned out to be the beginning of a very painful journey. At least now, that journey has come to a final conclusion. As have I.

I will miss those I have met and spent time with here. I hope in reading my works you will indeed remember me. For I shall indeed always remain,

Many Feathers said:

I will miss those I have met and spent time with here. I hope in reading my works you will indeed remember me. For I shall indeed always remain,


indeed you shall remain, always.

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Many Feathers said:
I will miss those I have met and spent time with here. I hope in reading my works you will indeed remember me. For I shall indeed always remain,


You will be dearly missed, Sandman. Good luck. Maybe you will finally be able to smile. :)
every next day
is hotter than the last
8 guage circular
jingle inside a bare
headset, making
the sound of metal
and skin on hard plastic
loud as the radiohead
it accompanies
a company of wolves,
disenchanted and deshelved
repeating the one rule
that sticks to the roof
of my mouth,
like so many white
bread boys have
ruling out any possibility
of escape; its ok
i could eat canned meat
Grosvenor Hill

Bollards shaped like unsculpted
heads watch builders stretched
out like dogs on a hot
day, their bodies in various

states of decay; unable to support
the plastic helmets hanging like bright
yellow suns on their heads. Rain will
not come day, nor tomorrow or the

day after. They will sit and wait until
their bodies are thin as their tongues,
thinking their falling legs is rain, only
tasting silence.

Plunging our forks into
the tambourine skin,
we attack the first of
the hibernating harvest.

It is cherries first, swirling
like clown's noses in the
clear liquid; the shoal
trying to avoid our forks

grabbing them. Next comes
the more expensive variety:
Morello cherries. Watching
them orbit the liquidised black

hole we see ourselves; floating,
slowly falling apart.
perseverence (sorry vampiredust - bounced a p off your title)


They wait until dusk
when the lamps are lit
and orange gilds the street.
They tilt bin lids and rummage
for scraps, wait
in the half dark, come rain
or silver paths
and they turn the forgotten
into trinkets that adorn
the shadows.
he watched her from across
a cluttered walkway, her form
visible as darkness fell, shadows
playing against beige blinds

and while he watched her
another cast her gaze towards him
emmersed in his own victim, unaware
of his shadow becoming prey

to hours between dusk and dawn
the naked played and the watchers
preyed on one another, until the sun
rose, saw what had happened

closed his eyes, refused to shine
and the world grew lonely, dark
and everyone froze

gag, i got lost at the end~!
Maria2394 said:
he watched her from across
a cluttered walkway, her form
visible as darkness fell, shadows
playing against beige blinds

and while he watched her
another cast her gaze towards him
emmersed in his own victim, unaware
of his shadow becoming prey

to hours between dusk and dawn
the naked played and the watchers
preyed on one another, until the sun
rose, saw what had happened

closed his eyes, refused to shine
and the world grew lonely, dark
and everyone froze

gag, i got lost at the end~!

okay i'm giggling my head off... that's a heck of an ending! i love it!

to live live for the sake of the unfolding road
the mountain coming into focus
we round them up
we round them out
smooth edged, another day
to live for the sake of the thread unraveled
without a thought of how to stitch it together, to make it beautiful
to report record interpret poetize
just to move
through air
without snapping a photo of the moon
To a modem I once knew

Your eyes blinked every time
electricity ran through you,
as if you were communicating
with the gods,

asking them why they had given
you a plastic box for a body.

But they never replied and you
screeched, scrambling the air
with your static.

Nobody could decode your screams
but those already trapped in boxes,
their screens blinking only in our
rope wrapping around
like a vine, to hold
and bind.

to have him
take him
show him every
erotic dream I ever

next, comes
taste ...

red velvet eyelids
and iris reflections
makes a smokey purple shadow
a place to hide
when dusk comes,
perfect camouflage
blend into something dark
and gravy-thick
blanketed under four inches
of regret and spent time
i always forget
i always forget,

a shy son shines
only throwing those rays
my way, its a secret beam
penetrating this veil of tar.

small coins falling at
the speed of sound
a delicate plink on
cracked thirsting Gaia,
echoing to the core
of this personal macrocosm
payoff for deliberate life,
being all i can while
the sand runs down
every speck calling a
not so distant
moments reserved for
are spent forgetting fault
and talking of fairy tale love.
Sunk down into that sponge of deception
where I can't hear remonstrations
It's okay to feel this way. No one
expects you to be "happy".

I don't see it - can't pin a colour on it
I wouldn't call it blue, exactly,
or black there's too much blending
in of anger and passion.

Maybe self-pity wears the white of piety
and finds itself bathed in yellow,
(being happiest when it is allowed
to flaunt self-righteous ego) when others

feel more pain, know more fear, understand
grief and have the wisdom of love to push
them off that self-absorbed pedestal
and turn their interest outward.

Self-pity must be brown.
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