all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Your colours

I watched the Rainbow Trout
slip through your fingers as
the two sisters caught shoals
of minnows with old stockings,

parading them in jar jars as if
they were museum pieces. You
ignored them as you watched your
fish melt away, its silvery scales

colouring your hands as it left. All
the fish had left that day, but your
eyes could only see the colours you
thought had been left behind.
Bonfire night

Children carrying captured
fireflies jostle through the
crowd, eager to see this
years victim, cooing at the

gagged man as he sits atop
the pile of branches and old
newspapers, the flames slowly
seeping through. I cannot see

his eyes through the blindfold
they have placed on him;
imagining that he has already
taken them out, feeling only

the stars bite as the universe
consumes him.
peanut wisdom

usually we dont sort them,
just grab the plastic scoop
and fill the plastic bag,
today he wanted to check them,
a shell by shell inspection
for signs of parasites

why do you even bother?
they'll all be boiled in a few hours,
I felt compelled to say.

Because, my darling, he replied
even worms taste good,
when they've been boiled and salted
Maria2394 said:
usually we dont sort them,
just grab the plastic scoop
and fill the plastic bag,
today he wanted to check them,
a shell by shell inspection
for signs of parasites

why do you even bother?
they'll all be boiled in a few hours,
I felt compelled to say.

Because, my darling, he replied
even worms taste good,
when they've been boiled and salted

that is very cleverly written Maria. well done. sorry your hubby makes you boil worms.

I come here to write. To tell you
of my day, thoughts every heartbroken
feeling that zings through me. You sit
read, smile. Yes, I know your happy
to see the words. Not the feelings
behind them. The fingers that crack from rub
scrubbing of tubs. The eyes that
hate the light, for migraines intrude
every moment
everyday. Sore thighs from exercising,
backaches for my whole body is falling
aching apart. I work
to not think
to run away from this corrupted heart
that beats too fast
pounds like a woodpecker on his favorite
tree, perched there to annoy
the hell outta everyone
who passes by. Yes, this heart beats
still yet ... for you.
waving tree shadows at the window, dusted
someonesays too many details
too many details the dust on your windows is not what you are trying to say here
dancing tree shadows
trick my mind into seeing your reflection there
standing behind me over my shoulder your eyes
falling on to the screen

the screen here that says

did I write any beautiful poetry last night?
is that a euphemism for finding myself in there
that kernal quivering on hot oil waiting for its chance to pop?
did I trace out your names with a deep dipdown the j or y or
I cannot say letters say too much here where others might see but no one saw my fingers
spelling your name below the sheets
below the panty line
until the words spilled from my lips nothing like honey
nothing like honey babbut something darker
non pasteurized
god baby, did I write beautiful poetry
there is nothing beautiful here fuck bruises and fence splintered palms and I will pretend to run
as long as you pretend to chase

you say you hate husbands but baby they sure love you
you set the doorbell ringing
trip lose the wires
someone has to answer
and answer and see who is home darling
no beautiful poetry was written last night
thank god for that
Watching fishermen catch crabs

We watch them lay their traps
on the leftover tide; large wire
stockings floating on the milky
sea, waiting for crabs to crawl

inside. Their rusted armor will
be stripped, thrown back into
the sea as they are boiled and
peeled. Gulls cackling like old

witches will peck at the leftover
corpses, hearing only their bones
scream as they are broken apart,
reclaimed by the sea.
It was a reflection of me
A twisted sordid view
As past ghosts flickered
Oh how they screamed
As razors sliced tears
I am the abuser

they whispered this day
tearing at my heart
Mangled confections
Iced and frozen chips
From the beginning i should not have been

For now i am a monster
Evil…and my sins
Are what i have accused so many others
Hateful, despised

I hurt in the worst way possible
While i sit in denial, And this…
Is why i choose to die alone
hoping to be an echo only
in this world

to hurt no one else
again with the beautiful poetry

no no
no beautiful poems were written lsat night
beautiful poetry swats my face
like a declawed cat that forgets everytime
and delivers cottonball punches to the puppies chin no,

no beautiful poetry was written last night
only your name climbing high and swift
falling down to pleading tears and whimpers and your name
your name neighboring these (ohjesus) curse word prayers
called to "a god who does not particularly want to be present
for such a scene"
or maybe he does
(I have my own theory on just that thing)
but that is not beautiful poetry

oh fuck, sure it is, something like it

like the tee shirt says
if I wrote you a beautiful poem
would you hold it against me?
surely you would

now give me give me
echoed syllables down my center line
throw off my symmetry
for a week
stretch me down from bilateral to radial
all five--
arms legs chin wrap around you
starfish suckers in a wavelike pulse
ah ah ah my insides out
take in your
pseudopod strong
invade my saline symmetry
cilia quiver satisfied
shells sink slow
random lift of wet sand ripples

I slept well

did you?

wildsweetone said:
that is very cleverly written Maria. well done. sorry your hubby makes you boil worms.


dear WSO

now I will be the one giggling for days. We were buying green peanuts to boil, a Southern "delicacy". Im glad you liked the poem but I did leave out th most important line about not eating them in the dark..., i reworked it and submitted it, for hubby. BUt yeah, boiled worms....*shudder*


Father's Boat

Everything is mouldy here:
the table, the pewter, even
the compass sleeping inside
a deep sea divers helmet.

Stroking a mouldy piece of
sandpaper, I feel it fluttering,
as if my bacteria has come
to cleanse the old. Father

sits in the back cabin, flicking
through old photos; unaware
of the mould covering his skin.
I can feel it swallowing his words,

slowly rotting him, bone by bone.
there was apoint in time
when my idol was Betty Crocker
a t ime when cake mix in a box
was a novelty, an abomination

most little girls around me
grew into proper women
and here I am, writing porn
and poetry
my boyfriend, god

"forget that six day shit.
took an entire weekend just to do the nile.
nile's beautiful..."

again, i feel insecure.
how can this face compare
to a cloud,
a horizon,
a lizard?
some lizards are cool looking,

and hell is hot and spectacular.
i should have fiery eyes
and tongue i can twist around my nipples.

"i wrote a poem today.
your stuff inspired me."


"you know, silly,
like your trees and stuff."

"i think that i shall never see
a poem lovely as a tree."

"that was kilmer,
not me.
you think i'm as a pretty as a tree?"

"yeah, sure honey.
you're a, um,
oak in my eyes."

"i'm screwing the guy next door."

god says,
"i know."
I am what I am

Give me a punch line baby
not the kind that needs touching
up or botoxing, editing
depimpling or prodding
powdering and priming.
I wanna be natural -
curvy, bumpy, grey-streaked
and grinning. Take your brush
and wipe yourself out.
Maria2394 said:
usually we dont sort them,
just grab the plastic scoop
and fill the plastic bag,
today he wanted to check them,
a shell by shell inspection
for signs of parasites

why do you even bother?
they'll all be boiled in a few hours,
I felt compelled to say.

Because, my darling, he replied
even worms taste good,
when they've been boiled and salted
I am so not eating peanuts anymore.

But then again, it's all protein, ain't it?

wildsweetone said:
I am what I am

Give me a punch line baby
not the kind that needs touching
up or botoxing, editing
depimpling or prodding
powdering and priming.
I wanna be natural -
curvy, bumpy, grey-streaked
and grinning. Take your brush
and wipe yourself out.
I quite like this one, WSO.
KittenishJane said:
"forget that six day shit.
took an entire weekend just to do the nile.
nile's beautiful..."<snip>
This is absolutely hilarious, KJ. Marry me.

What was that? No, I'm not God.

Oh. Well, OK. I liked it anyway.
a lil smut, a real "good" time ... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


He wanted the chains.
I just wanted a good tight
rope, to bind him
stake my claim
as owner, of this fine
specimen of manhood.

Dressed in red panties
ass to match, I spanked
my toy for being
doing such naughty deeds.

I told him more licks
circles nice
slow. Now pinch
those nipples baby

You want a slut.
A serving maid.
Do as I say
or you shall pay.

The price is high
deep and long
drill me, touch me

On your knees
as I please. A milking of cream
I will present my present
to you ...

Can I tempt you
to lift the silver clam
flip the lid
dally digits among
the pressure pads

lightly push
in special sequence
for certain response
upon request

the reward is worth the effort
I assure you,
immediate and enthusiastic

spread the shell,
you now the drill
I await
devour me
KittenishJane said:
I accept. Though sex with me may be a little upsetting, especially when I start screaming out my ex's name. Oh God! Oh God!
Hey, I'm absolutely OK with that. But I need to warn you. When I do it, it's, uh, kinda different from that dove on the golden beam thing. I never did get the hang of that, frankly.
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