all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Watching the rain fall over Bond Street

Spitting rain forms frogs eyes
as it careens down the thick
glass soles, eventually falling
into tic-tac-toe grids, ending

with a perfectly timed plop!
Girls wearing pollen coloured
tops try to avoid reinforcements,
legs skating across mustard

paving slabs as they start to
grab. Some slip, others do not.
I have seen this re-enacted a
thousand times.

Nature always wins. Period.
The Shoemaker’s Walk

my grandfather’s shoes are somewhere
on these streets. black oxfords, sturdy,
shiny as anthracite. often I remember them,

stepping out of the apartment at Five Points
for his evening walk. and
let me call it what it was—a dancing.

in my feet as I tramp clumsily
through the city night, I feel the knives
and pinchers of his presence—

be on your way, be on your way, they say—
as if I am desecrating
the buried cobblestones with my lack of grace

and nikes. in my arches are the cramps
of the stretching recognition
that this is now a wasteland. he knew nothing

of it, of us, our stink, our manufactured miseries,
the hands of Bowery beggars
that stretch out under streetlights, trembling

and empty—these are now as expected
as the odor of leather and cabbage
that penetrated his suit as he waltzed

out the door, as the candy and nickels
he gave to strange children. he didn’t mind
that his one room was kitchen

and bedroom and workshop, that
there were no windows. he thought only
of his own good life and the shoes

and hearts he repaired in it, looking forward
to a time when he could afford
three rooms with glass. and he danced.
secret sisters

told her a thousand times
buy your own, it is not hard
walk in the door, up to the counter

..."a ten day supply of 1cc
long needle"... I told her

staring at the scars on her left leg
from the skin graft last year
the cellulitis, septicemia, reminds me

that I need to buy my own,
it's almost time
sometimes it seems to me
that we spend our lifetimes
digging our own graves

yet it marvels me how we resist
when the time comes
to fill them
I am not fighting the reaper
the grim and dodgy, artful peeper
of the death call, He doesnt haunt
prisons in search of deathrow

he lives in my eyes, looking out at you
and our own reflection in your eyes
I'm not afraid to die, not afraid to die
he whispers almost whimpers

even death is afraid, sometimes,
I'll show you. look at the elderly
suffering alone, the poor and starved
refugees with no one, no home

he could have his pick, but no
he stalks those who fear him
his sick sense of humor, thepallor
the walking dead just arent as much fun

to cull as those who wish
they were dead
fingers that never touched
literal skin, shaped my soul
into what it is today
i miss the presence that was
you just being, satisfied
at least one of us was.

I was not born to dream alone
Maria2394 said:
sometimes it seems to me
that we spend our lifetimes
digging our own graves

yet it marvels me how we resist
when the time comes
to fill them

Seems like, people want the grass
greener. A life unselfish
to give so much it hurts.
Then take a stand back
feel the breeze, then you know
all is well.


What if it is all for nothing?
Been done and said so many times
counting helps not. Time will erode
steal and still show you
no one is perfect.
Nothing in life
is fair ...


A switch.
I know it is here
somewhere. The thingy that ya flip
and everything turns out perfect.
Everyone is
sane, normal
and wish nothing but happiness
for fellow man and woman.

Help me
find it, please.
My dad used to cal it
the dummy
switch. Now I know
why ...
Facing failure at 50

When I was young and foolish
exploring philosophies
to help enrich a life lacking
in spiritual grounding

I latched on to many teachers
of varied depth and honesty
found myself wallowing in words
often unsupported in actions

two principles preached
seemed to twine and weave
their way consistent in the fabric
wrapped around my mind

as you sow so shall you reap
do unto others as you would have them
do unto you

these karmic laws laid before me
seemed a sound foundation
on which to build a life
avoiding harm to others

this fabric frayed around the edges first
despite attempts to tailor and renew
my alterations were inept
unskilled in ability nad performance

but yet this cloth still covered me
kept me warm,
gave me identity and color
I treasured and tried to preserve it

now it andI have come undone
together, I lay naked
exposed for all and myself to see
what lay hidden for so long

for I have tattered and torn
this cloak which was my life
karma has found me
clothed in sin
Habitat, Regent Street

Wandering past lemonskin
rugs and knives exhibited
like museum pieces, we
finally find the blinds,

Mother running her hands
along their corrogated steel
spines, giving me their
coldness as she taps me

asking if their okay. I cannot
feel them right now, I am
caught in their reflection, looking
at myself as if I am on the other

side. I will speak later, if I can.
I see now how you held your poems in your hand
just a moment
not long enough to smooththe points and edges
before toossing them into darkdeep water
hoping someone would see the splash,
find a path to step across
into your arms

my feet still bleed
the way your words spread out
and out and spill through
my fingers like clear fluid,
spill over time and space this
universal package tied together by the only thing thaat can,
death that comes and comes
and that drive down or up or over
and in in into it....

sometimes I need a quiet house
tonight I read it like all of the lights were on, or like
I could only see in the dark

I love you baby so far into my heart......
There's a spot on top a hill
where you can look out across
the dark blue only fresh water lakes
and evening skies share.
I think I saw it in some eyes once
but they weren't looking at me.

The leaves tease you away
with promises of wonder
in the forest waits a marsh
painted with the feathers
of a water bird's nest splashed
inside a lowland beside the blue.

If you listen you can hear the wings
of dragonflies buzz as they hover.

If you watch you can see the splash
of beavers as they build

It's too soon to turn and walk along
the path away from fruiting vines
and liquid shade back to the day
inside the too hot world where
the only blue that matches the colour
of the lake and evening skies
are those eyes that don't look at me.
annaswirls said:
I see now how you held your poems in your hand
just a moment
not long enough to smooththe points and edges
before toossing them into darkdeep water
hoping someone would see the splash,
find a path to step across
into your arms

my feet still bleed

absolutely wonderful, Anna. awesome work. :heart:
11-9, Ego Bruise

I say, I'm just flirting,
back and forth word play.
Agreed, no points,
it’s erotic-cerebral,
romantic prancing topspin.

Poem for poem, waiting
ready to stroke.
I am words ignite, spikes
of fancy, thoughts that fright.

Although this, every one
returned, a forehand loop,
with the ping getting more serious

hanging in the air, bright and shiny.
The treasure is scattered tears.
I count to ten, pong a reverent volley.

The reply is a taut, toe-curler.
I’m quick in heat, respond in like,
send it over the net, but it bounces
dead in an empty court.
Ginsberg Cool

I just wanted to lean back
and let my syllables crawl out
as soon as Howl had finished
rearranging my cuntbrain,

giving me images of peyote
sunsets and leper poets for
tomorrows breakfast. There
would be no more acceptance,

no more fucking with this or that,
no more avoiding the ugly truth
staring at me.

Standing up, I shot poetry in the face,
not realising it had already shot me first.
certainly sometimes the spin knocks me over too
I lie on the painted asphalt knees press and release,
I reel in the buzz of pleasure of your power to move me

they call my name
offer ice and smelling salts but I just stare into the clouds
pressing Orlando against Johnny in the airport
or maybe Leonardo andKD Lang for a twist
their steel toe boots planted heavy for the embrace
brothers after the journey
I feel the metal teeth grind against each other
and again you become every beautiful man I have ever tasted
or breathed or felt behind meon line at the liquor store
god, my bottles clank together in the bag
I want to break you like this,
my knees press together I arch and pulse before consciousness returns
night is upon us
have you gone home?
did I daydream too long again?
Maria2394 said:
absolutely wonderful, Anna. awesome work. :heart:

hey iwas going to say the same of yours! I love the shortie about digging your own grave.... it is perfect. the essential truth. you are such a poet :kiss:

O Father

I heard your voice through
the pigeons preening themselves
like cheap tarts outside the
Cathedral. You wanted salvation
but the man on the cross
hadn't sold you that yet.

Hell, you wouldn't have wanted
that anyway. Walking past nests
of crates, I thought of you again,
as if everything I had seen where
symbols. You never believed in a
place for me. That would never do,

I had to walk on the pavement
desert for my 25 years as you grew fat
on the 12 deadly sins. The gulls cackling
like old witches reminded me of that,
their laughter dragging deep in my skull

as I finally came face to face with you
and saw myself
Come to me by boat
or plane or car
come to me in my dreams
just come to me

I don't need to touch
or smell or taste
or see your face
I remember them all

You can call or write
anytime night or day
You don't need to say
anything at all

To know of your existence
that you walk, talk, smile
is enough to pass the while
I have left
Maria2394 said:
sometimes it seems to me
that we spend our lifetimes
digging our own graves

yet it marvels me how we resist
when the time comes
to fill them

I love this! Sharp as a whiff of broken green chestnut. :)

Fruit complex

Yes it is true that I've succumbed
to using those images, the juice inside

Yet to discuss fruit and women as one
in time and space--
the fruit ripening, rotting--
repulses at best, saddens deeply
at worst.

What more pointless and selfish expression
can life have? Nourishment of the other only
insofar as it makes possible reproduction? Juice
in search of legs to carry?

Except for this: that selfish as they may be
the seeds gleam, slimy with flesh

as they should, each pit a hard, small hope
that another day will dawn and
leaf unfurl.
my Wonder Woman shirt
still grabs attention
on Sunday, just past noon
when the Baptist Church empties
into the grocery store
with out fail, in their suits
and best dress, in search
of ice cream and charcoal
the old men watch my ass
as I walk past them, wives
push buggies,
ten steps ahead
Everything is pregnant today.

Passing pigeons preening
themselves like cheap tarts,
I imagine the crates stuffed
with polystyrene straw belongs
to them.

Even the fire extinguishers
have stuffed bellies, their turkey
necks mocking the birds over
the size of their hump.

But nothing can compare to
the clouds. Standing back, I see
the whale-women about to give
birth. We all hear their screams
and feel their pain. Forever it seems.
Pavement Lingo

I can't understand the language
of the pavement. Walking home,
I see rune symbols etched in its
dimpled skin. A strange cuneiform

no-one seems to know. I wander
if the ancients carved it with their
tools, leaving us messages to think
about. Either that, or they're distorted

crop circles. A modern hoax designed
to disrupt us from thinking about each
other, the language we forget,
remembering only when the stars sing.
WickedEve said:
No cliche crap about passion, panties, and pangs of lust.
Summer Storm

We were asleep. Then the wind
kicked up outside. The window's
insistent pangs, the luff
and snap of your panties hung
outside, now getting very wet,
woke me from my passion's
dream. It got me up.

I closed the window, slept.

for Eve, with thanks for the insipration :rolleyes:
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