all of a sudden passion suddenly

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first time, last time

got drunk off Jack Daniels and MIller
beer, when I was sixteen
dont drink Jack no more
and Miller's just a moth now,
if you know what I mean

Daddy didnt do a good job
hiding his peach wine, met up
with som ebuddys and smoked
a little green as we drank Daddys wine

and I never felt bad about drinking
until I couldnt drink no more
now its all just memories of hurling
that mess up on the bathroom floor

Jimmy and Robert carried me in
I remember Mama smiling
"bet she dont go drinking with ya'll
vague words, she was right
been a while and will be even longer
for I go drinking with anyone
ever again
4degrees said:
red velvet eyelids
and iris reflections
makes a smokey purple shadow
a place to hide
when dusk comes,
perfect camouflage
blend into something dark
and gravy-thick
blanketed under four inches
of regret and spent time
i always forget
i always forget,

a shy son shines
only throwing those rays
my way, its a secret beam
penetrating this veil of tar.

small coins falling at
the speed of sound
a delicate plink on
cracked thirsting Gaia,
echoing to the core
of this personal macrocosm
payoff for deliberate life,
being all i can while
the sand runs down
every speck calling a
not so distant
moments reserved for
are spent forgetting fault
and talking of fairy tale love.

Deep and thoughtful.
I see a lot happening here and I :heart: it ~

Turning from passion to dark and mysterious are we ... ;)

I cannot concentrate here

The chameleon eyes hanging
outside are watching me
as Mother dissects her forms,

oblivious to the caged propellers
humming their prayers.

But I cannot concentrate here

The tethered lilac bees buzz
their words from the flower stall,
filling the air with their lavender

The screen fades, followed by
the inevitable click and rewind

Wound up chameleon eyes
watch me as I autopsy my
creation, caged propellers
blowing prayers as I wade

through rotten metaphors and
calcified landscapes. My audience
coos, turning invisible for a
second as I dive into its heart;

recovering a surviving simile, its
uncrumpled wings still beating.
But I don't want it. Crushing it
with my fist, I don't hear it fly;

spreading its words in places
I cannot see, that I cannot go.
The meteorological conditions under Westway

The meteorological conditions
underneath the flyover hasn't
made the news this year. Clouds
beating like steel drums add

some colour to the bric-a-brac
being sold by men with braided
hair and tattoos of lovers they
never really knew. You can see

the lightning in their eyes if you
ever try to haggle with them. So
don't bother. You will only end up
with pitchfork scars if you do.

Snow, unlike the rest of the weather,
never falls here. Each time it tries
to land, gangs of local boys shoot
it with adult pea shooters, thinking

it's a message coded in morse. They
never see the snowflakes bleed as
they fall, covering the paving slabs
with newborn blood. Now that has
made the news. Once.
All three of your poems posted above are fantastic.
I especially like Cinematography.
Among the finer uses of petroleum

was when they pulled out that long chain
of carbon, spun it into nylon, dyed it
black and wove it into lace to make
that spaghetti-strap catsuit
you wore the other day.

Yeah. I might fight for that.
clutching_calliope said:
I love English tyres.
Reminds me of Blake's
jungle cat.
Bylly's Tyger
for cc, wyth affectation

Tyger! Tyger! (Spelling right?!)
In the forests of the nyght,
What ymmortal hand or Y
Could frame thee orthographic·ly?
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Tzara said:
Summer Storm

We were asleep. Then the wind
kicked up outside. The window's
insistent pangs, the luff
and snap of your panties hung
outside, now getting very wet,
woke me from my passion's
dream. It got me up.

I closed the window, slept.

for Eve, with thanks for the insipration :rolleyes:
I gotta wonder how big those panties are if they snapped like sail cloth in the wind...
Yellow Peppers

Mothers pulls out one of the yellow
peppers from the jar jar, fingertips
stinging from the acidic brine. She
slices it into two, exposing its heart

wrapped in seeds, each one squirming
under the light. Braising its wrinkled
skin, she quarters it carefully. Eggs
follow, the premature suns trying to

avoid their touch; some clambering
up the terracotta bowl to escape.
But it is too late and Mothers beats
and fries, forming a hissing beast.

We eat in silence, feeling only the
peppers' sting as we bite into their
wrinkled skin. It stays with us as we
sleep, poisoning our dreams.

I squeezed you so hard
that my muscles were on
the outside.

You had no lips, so could not

You had no eyes, so could not

You had no heart, so could not

I watched you grow back into
your original shape, your foam
still clogged with my memories
oh my god this is crazy good

wonder what my fingers will slice
if my son watches me with pen in hand

or most likely a brush
dripping azure and crimson
(she says, trying to sound poetic
without saying anything poetic)

vampiredust said:
Mothers pulls out one of the yellow
peppers from the jar jar, fingertips
stinging from the acidic brine. She
slices it into two, exposing its heart

wrapped in seeds, each one squirming
under the light. Braising its wrinkled
skin, she quarters it carefully. Eggs
follow, the premature suns trying to

avoid their touch; some clambering
up the terracotta bowl to escape.
But it is too late and Mothers beats
and fries, forming a hissing beast.

We eat in silence, feeling only the
peppers' sting as we bite into their
wrinkled skin. It stays with us as we
sleep, poisoning our dreams.
you are two sick puppies!
love it

clutching_calliope said:
Accent of Lamb
for T-man, with basil

Little Lamb, who basted thee?
Do thou knowest who atest of thee?
Gave thee life, then down did chop
And carved thy leg into lollipop?
Adorned thy ligaments with mint jelly,
said grace with cotton-sweatered bellies.
Little Lamb, who basted thee?
Bring thee closer so I may tasteth thee.
KittenishJane said:
I accept. Though sex with me may be a little upsetting, especially when I start screaming out my ex's name. Oh God! Oh God!
Imagine how the lovers of Rich Little's ex must feel!
Tongue Tied


In the crawling steam I thought
so this is it, to be touched
where I've wanted, here
in her parent's sauna as I came

completely undone. Loose
at the hinges the door swung
like a drunk, pressing me tight
to the wall, her finger

like a tongue searching
for a mouth; and out spilled
a babble of pleas, disarticulated
oh! and oh! We made out

each other's growing
forms, felt them change
not to adults, but something
in between us: a smooth simile
of lust, a yearning

for the new words
that would steady our gait, the language
we would lean on when
our legs began to tremble.


It sits in the back of the yard,
a rotting rig of whale ribs and
petrified planks. Calcified eyes
roam the landscape as I run

my fingers across the mushy
wood, murmuring gently as I
trace every nook and cranny
of its valleys. It is unwell, but

I am no doctor and cannot cure
it. Months later, I return. Still
it sits, thinking only of whom
created it. Nobody knows this

but me. It came from neither bog
nor marsh, from neither forest
nor mountain, from neither element
nor mineral.

The stars carved it out of their
darkness, throwing into the sea
as soon as it started to give light;
it belongs to them now, we all do.

I gave him the key
to my heart
he made a duplicate
and only came in
when he thought
I wasnt looking
clutching_calliope said:
Accent of Lamb
for T-man, with basil

Little Lamb, who basted thee?
Do thou knowest who atest of thee?
Gave thee life, then down did chop
And carved thy leg into lollipop?
Adorned thy ligaments with mint jelly,
said grace with cotton-sweatered bellies.
Little Lamb, who basted thee?
Bring thee closer so I may tasteth thee.
The Slick Rose

O Rose, thou art slick!
The so flexible worm
You climb in the night
In your howls and squirms

Has found out thy bed.
A crimson toy
With a deep pleasing buzz
To enhance your joy.

champagne1982 said:
I gotta wonder how big those panties are if they snapped like sail cloth in the wind...
It's poetic license. I wrote that while three sheets to the wind. :rolleyes:
O Peanut Goddess

For Maria

I imagined you tilled
these fields in a former
life, watching clouds
silently offer their prayers

as you dug deep into
the newly formed harvest,
kneeling not in suplication
but in humility. And as you

carried the full basket back,
you felt them utter their
poetry, even though they were
vampiredust said:
For Maria

I imagined you tilled
these fields in a former
life, watching clouds
silently offer their prayers

as you dug deep into
the newly formed harvest,
kneeling not in suplication
but in humility. And as you

carried the full basket back,
you felt them utter their
poetry, even though they were

Thank you, thank you so much :heart:


doomed, doomed, I say, although
with a subtle giggle, doomed afterall
it's just one's point of view

perhaps you were held down and tickled
as a small child? did you have a habit
of stealing cookies from Grandma's jar

did you ever pinch your sister on the ass
and blame it on the dog, I didn't, I did
well, maybe, might have, never

it was inevitable, with all that stirring
in the brain, it had to happen
something would go wrong,

lucky me, I inherited the insanity
I get to have all the fun,
without any other reason
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