all of a sudden passion suddenly

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i scratch a sliver of a tally
with jagged remains of
pinky nail.
one for each count of 60.
at the end of a "day"
i have 1,440.

now i know the true length
of a day alone,
and none can be as bad
as this one.

around mark number
a clank is heard,
a doggy door opens
and in comes breakfastlunchdinner.
as i sop up broth to soften
ancient bread,
i wish for a fork.

1,440 sounds like a lot.
but, it's nothing compared to the
129,600 tallies that will
decorate these walls before
that doggy door opens wide enough
for this bad puppy to come back inside.
why it's dangerous for people to walk fully clothed

everybody walks fast
these days,
with their fast shoes, fast eyes, fast grips,
rapid pulses, faster, now,
till horizons disappear, betray
steps and distant breaths. no
one is turning
back, or around. Just

Today, i found
a crushed styro
on the freeway, marked no
preservatives, pure
100%, then tossed
and turned by fast people
and swift hearts. just as the operator asked
me if i'm still there.
faster, now, wait,
till words blurs away, promises gets
diluted, and we're all just walking past ourselves.
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I too am sad

but the anger
drowns out tears.
a choke hold-ed heart
spasming for breath.
behold this momentous
occasion, when

a meeting of twin souls
scalded memories
into action. he might not
get it up
but the pleasure

was pure bliss. sending
spastic convulsions,
into action
then reaction.

his limp noodle
from days?

in anothers arms.
between tawdry thighs.
tempting his member
to carry-on. leaving,
left overs
hard to stomach.

who gives passion,
when the stinch
still lingers and love
was lost?
RhymeFairy said:
I too am sad

but the anger
drowns out tears.
a choke hold-ed heart
spasming for breath.
behold this momentous
occasion, when

a meeting of twin souls
scalded memories
into action. he might not
get it up
but the pleasure

was pure bliss. sending
spastic convulsions,
into action
then reaction.

his limp noodle
from days?

in anothers arms.
between tawdry thighs.
tempting his member
to carry-on. leaving,
left overs
hard to stomach.

who gives passion,
when the stinch
still lingers and love
was lost?

always when opposites attract
force must be neutralized...
what i can not give on your birthday
i will give instead on my dying hour
i will decorate this present to you

a box called soul

with ribbons of flesh
a fine shiny wrapping of goodbye
and a bow of polaroids in strips of four

in this one we are kissing
in this one i actually smiled
in this one you said forever
in this one no one is there
Saluting The Dead

After diving in their shadows
we emerge breathless,
skin dripping with stars
produced when they breathed.
If Darth Vader Wrote Poetry

The cancerous telephone
smirked when a butcher
knife lopped off its tail
several of you

there is a rainbow
i would like to pull from inside
your mouth, as you would
a tooth, shiny
and promising. e.
cummings said kisses are a better
fate than wisdom. open
wide then
my darling.
any moment
geysers will bleed.
sellthecookie said:
several of you

there is a rainbow
i would like to pull from inside
your mouth, as you would
a tooth, shiny
and promising. e.
cummings said kisses are a better
fate than wisdom. open
wide then
my darling.
any moment
geysers will bleed.

Mmmmmmmm, erotic and dark. I like ~

:heart: :rose:
it is the dang darn diddliest thing

lakes in the yard
tannic acid brown
ants forced to surface
eggs on backs
eggs in mouth
eggs eggs always
leave us scurrying
or ouwn death down the hole
self centering

i could have just said 'okay'
and let you get away with your lies,
the deceit you decided to carry
on your broad shoulders
as if you didn't want to burden me
so that i would help lug the weight.
well, honey, here's the deal,
quit fucking your lovers,
quit thrilling their thighs
and concentrate on me.
Maybe we'll learn better that way.

They leave white in the fridge,
red on the bench
next to the bread
and smoked fish
and she wonders if they'd notice
a quick, silent, slug.

Surely they're too busy
discussing the day
the ups and downs of corporate life,
the white collar cogitations
that keep their wallets fat
and bellies rounded,

surely they're too busy
to notice one long swallow
disappearing down a working class throat.

She used to worry they'd notice,
now she just drinks until they don't,
until she finds herself groggy
on the couch, plastered
and uncaring which knife stabs her first.
all of a sudden drunken passion suddenly

threading at vains
to encapsulate a rupture,
rapture perhaps.
reach into pocket
after pocket
after pocket
looking for nostalgia,
but only finding
middle fingers
to show you.

soft serv ice cream?
chocolate and vanilla swirl?
scavenger hunter?
the seventeen bus line?
seeing red?
daigo orange?
acoustic guitar on the beach?
three miles on a snow day?

i do.

there just aren't enough
in the world.
Your words put me to sleep
not the lullaby baby, but the ho-hum,

thank you
thank you

because I haven't been sleeping
all that well.

Lately, my neck hurts
back aches, can't get comfortable
even though I bed in feathers

I'm a prince, on top of it all (of her
and him too), ego-stroked to a purr.
Still, I toss and turn, never quite full
on the sweet that coats.
It glazes like honey
in oil, but it doesn't sink in.

It's pretty to look at and tastes
nice (though no one wants
more than that first lick).
I feed what is given.
It's a minute high, super fast fuck
and done. Not at all, very satisfying.

Like you. Your drone, low hum
white noise. I drink chamomile
and find sleep at last.
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price tags

i am running

out of words. while
you just stand there, smug, perfectly
like the stonehenge, a smiling brute, curved,
but knowing. oh
what a blue sky we have here.

i am running
into you then.
fade to blue

we were shopping
for pirated dvds one day, thumbing
their aching spines
through greasy plastic covers, hunting
for the perfect title--preferably
with good soundtrack, deadpan actors,
thrifty lighting, hand-held photography,
excellent climax, and all that arthouse pretense and self-righteous obscurity.
life should never be a hollywood ending, we
declare, but still, as we leave the store empty
-handed, we wish
for sunsets we can walk into

I have heard there is an auction
for you, my friend. I will not bid
cash, camels or cattle. Instead,
I will offer a house I have built

inside my chest. A cottage
with a thatched roof and garden
complete with pear trees
and pond filled with koi carp.

Everything matches your body
perfectly. Russet-green curtains
for eyes, floorboards for breasts.
Rocking chair for legs, log fire

for arms. Thatch roof for lips.
There is no need for food,
my organs are laid out on a table.
There are yours, O love.
this green fails
to initiate coma at night,
this whiskey fails
to dull the sharp edges,
at usual volumes.

my inebriants
are failing.
or i am.
darkerdreamer said:
this green fails
to initiate coma at night,
this whiskey fails
to dull the sharp edges,
at usual volumes.

my inebriants
are failing.
or i am.

so let's remember back
to when we watched dad
crawling up the hallway
at 2am on Sunday,
when he tried whispering
and fell flat on his face
where the dust motes clung
until the clouds
were washed away
in the midday shower,
when he brought the belt
down with a swing
golfers would have been proud
to own,
when sleep came
after the tears.

(okay i completely made that up, sort of)
Baby, it's good when you press
your ideas against this fabric
barrier, so frail against strength
but oh, so effective when I wrap
the watered silk around
the breadth of your passion.

Push deeper and delight me
with sensation only you splash
over me, liquid fuel to douse
the flame but fuck, baby,
you feed the fire. It waits,
saturating the atmosphere,
until that spark of your lust
ignites the viscous layer of purity.

Torn and impaled I, wanton, shroud
your body and bring you with me
into this little death, le petit mort,
the French go on about. I know
why. Ecstacy is rare, but to die
in love and remain unchanged --
............ impossible.

i'd rather be vacuuming.
instead i'm thinking of you
and how i want to visit gang headquarters
learn the art of flick-knifing
until i perfect the blade slice
that i'll use to skin you alive
for fucking me around.

i want to write these things,
as screaming them out loud
might give people the wrong impression,
or the right one,
that really i could see you ensconced in wood
six feet under with the worms
and beetles eating your eyes,
traipsing through your belly,
swallowing your lies.

i wanted to be graceful
but you stole that from me
and now i need
to renew my subscription.
refill a prescription
without the doc's sig
black marketed bliss
escape without pain
tasting a name as
it slides down my throat
choking like a big
marble of hate
hits the pit of my gut
and sits
long enough to
make me sick.

Rain makes rainbows.
Everybody knows this
and yet they look to the ground
expecting gold laden cauldrons,
hoping to touch the tangible coin
they'll pocket and learn to live with.

They forget to look up,
to enjoy the painting god gifted,
forget to soak in the sight
of coloured crystals dangling from clouds,
forget to be thankful for the untouched.
4degrees said:
refill a prescription
without the doc's sig
black marketed bliss
escape without pain
tasting a name as
it slides down my throat
choking like a big
marble of hate
hits the pit of my gut
and sits
long enough to
make me sick.

slow it goes
every direction south
until barriers bounce it back
up and the brain edge singes colours
fired until the intense burn
welts skin from the inside,
until it eats flesh
leaving bones
to answer the call.
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