all of a sudden passion suddenly

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the rain falls
ticking on windows
in some vague pattern
that sounds like a song
easily dismissed,
with curtians drawn
i drown it out
letting the wmp visualizer
paint my rainbows to
wildsweetone said:

Rain makes rainbows.
Everybody knows this
and yet they look to the ground
expecting gold laden cauldrons,
hoping to touch the tangible coin
they'll pocket and learn to live with.

They forget to look up,
to enjoy the painting god gifted,
forget to soak in the sight
of coloured crystals dangling from clouds,
forget to be thankful for the untouched.

once bowed
though never bent
arc of a rained drop
a sheer-ed falling
an absconding
of heaven​
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Virtually in Decline

I just got back from my virtual
love nest, a small studio
in a server Stateside. 'I love u',
my e-girlfriend said, huddling
a miniaturised shoulder close.
She looks at me with deep purple
eyes and strips away my code,
leaving just the ones and zeros.
But nothing excites them anymore.
I ask if she's fine and she says sorry,
I want to get underneath her virtual
skin and dig deep into layers
of programming. There is a safe in her
man-made chest, whispering noob.
Figure out what makes it tick,
what makes it always tick.
i flirt
with one-
syllable words to
-day, like
mist moss
bloom whir blight
fray loss grass sea
star fate salt
lie, bed, war, love
mate, and then
until blood clots
into nil.
such big words seventh
graders know this
A Telltale Sign of the End

This chasm between us expands;
what was once a leaping distance
now cannot be bridged by any means.

Perhaps if we had a proper construction crew...
Brown Man, grinning oily-slick
delivered it in brown paper.
Ya, that's right, fucka.

Everyone knows what's sold like that,
sent like that, and comes in a box like that.

It's Toys.

Jelly sex in techno colors, glistening
with strawberry and tropical flavors.
Dildos, twisted, monster cocks or realistics.

They come wrapped with pencil thick veins.
Some may have clit-tickling nubs,
others are curved, but all are ready to fuck
any time, any where you want it.

Unlike, me on Anti-D's. The dick
is in the dirt and there won't be
any real-to-real love in this house tonight.

It's just you, baby and your silicon lovers.
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Hey, Misery.
I forgot your birthday this year
like I have ever since the shrinking began
the brain-picking, the repressed
m-e-m-o-r-i-e-s came back.

That's OK, really
I did pick out a card.
It's no cheapo Shoe Box greeting,
it's Hallmark all the way for you.

Though I have to say,
it was hard. Every one applied
to others but not mine:

I'm grateful!
The decisions you made in my best interest,
or all the love you always showed me…

(ya riiiiiiight)
It took me years of growing to see
that you are exactly what I needed
in a mother—then and now

(ya, right again).

As you can see, I'm still that
sarcastic hateful little bastard
I don't blame you, although
you are not forgiven,
I'm learning how.

Happy Birthday
(and I really mean that).
the remainder of whiskey
slides down my throat.
my rapidly escaping minutes
of sleep are having
a grand ball.
I could never resist looking at the sun.

Don't do it, they say.
You'll fry your retinas, be blind.

But I always did. Llike now,
elevating past every level.
It's Earthly here, everyone humane
and all compassion lives on this plane

…so I think. It's been awhile
since I last felt its warmth.

I don't know, tell me,
am I burning
or did Dante put a trapdoor
somewhere in this hell?
neonurotic said:
I could never resist looking at the sun.

Don't do it, they say.
You'll fry your retinas, be blind.

But I always did. Llike now,
elevating past every level.
It's Earthly here, everyone humane
and all compassion lives on this plane

…so I think. It's been awhile
since I last felt its warmth.

I don't know, tell me,
am I burning
or did Dante put a trapdoor
somewhere in this hell?

Worm ached for the sun with every fiber.
As his once-humble abode began to turn
into a swimming pool with the rainstorm,
he struggled to find his way upward.
Being a worm, Worm had little knowledge
of weather patterns, so he failed to take into account
that the excess of rain would likely
indicate a lack of sunshine.
The sun didn't really matter,
anything up there
(save for Early Birds)
would be better than this.

Worm was disappointed to find the sun
much worse than the rain.
As his crunchy corpse was embedded
into the sneaker of a passing child,
Worm began to regret his decision--
as much as a worm-corpse could.
I missed your last
but I got another…

I find today is slow to warm.
The sun is opaqued in slate
thunderheads. They're a familiar
backdrop of the Northwest.

They match attitudes of those
who are caught in the rain, wide awake,
down all night and don't get any sleep
because the coffee is that good.

I live past the gutter, behind the grate
in the sewer with slugs and snakes.

From time to time, I catch
raindrop cages on tip of tongue
and glimpse clouds between the bars—

just a glimpse, mind you. It's hard slip
past the black when it circles
your ankles, twining and binding
you down in the muck.
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so they say just write and something will happen
besides f you dont you are guarenteed nothing
ha ha remember when those phrases amused you and janet thought you were the first to invent
what if I am a butterfly dreaming aI am a human and oh how clever
how clvever with "your nobody called today"
like he family circus Ida Know putting paint fingers on linoleum or was it toes?
his beard
his beard
was like poly fill of a pillow the kind you buy in a bag from the craft stores
and I could not see his lips
I saw the white fuzz moving and I tried the serious side of try
to catch it but nthingm upper or lower was there

he turned himself into Judas Iscariot by holding a staff
as if that would fool anyone with a beard like that come on
you gott atry harder for the disguise and when he said it


is still small
nothing moved

even the ribbonss stopped their flutter

and I thought for a moment I would give up my obsession
it did not last in my mind
I held scissors
all hour long
goddamn shot gun method is not working tonight

too tired
my finger is missing the tribgger and the shot is scattered on hardwood

I remember it was her, I remember it now those years ago
i twas her who came up at the end of the line
when everyone was saying
we loved it
you were great
oh welcome you are going to feel fine here
ou are wonderfula nd shewas the one that said it

what about it was so great?
you all need to sit down
and make her explain or sometone explain
because I see nothing
damn it I see nothing
look stamp stamp of heel

hahah what a bitch

we are looking now
go on

dance little bitch dance
I thought I saw you tonight at Threadgills.
No, I never thought it was you
but maybea btorher
had your colors
freckle tied but thinner grat
but it was a readon for the dramaa
for the pauces over tea
for the attempt at writing something remotely interesting
or meaningful

a farce

pencil in the player of muse
I want you
melting in my hand
short sigh oh oh of surprise
as if a new color of pain were invented

twist sugar jump me over toe toe where can I take you next you know me
you know me
I lay you down
chair tied
pillow propped these phrases used to mean something
but now
they are alive
their meaning escapesm e

I want you

and all I can say is
I want you

pine needle kneeling we sway
like a puppy in a pick up
slaves to inertia
find me
hide in me
tell me that the secret is there are no secrets
fence hapmmered chicken wired all tired and true
under my nails
sleep waits

the faucet is a little persistent
tonight, sneaking in its tales
in lurid drops and arduous trickles--are
you wet enough? or are memories
too dust-dry for us to gather
well? perhaps love
seeps through all too easily,
while we sleep, when there is no
audience for us to perform for
like crazy.
i know you will say someday
im tired of all these taut bedsheets.
O Fuck

I remember the first time
I said the word fuck
on a bus. I was twelve,
maybe thirteen. Old women
were traumatised,
the bus swerving to shake
off each filthy syllable.
Dogs boxed each other,
children entered a coma.
The bolts of every axle
snapped off and I left
the wreckage afterwards
with only a scratch.
Can't explain the rust
I still see on my shoulder,
Dante's Iditarod

Huskies lean back,
men drag sleighs.


Muscles sweat,
snow sings

burn, burn, burn,
ring o fire
The veil lifts like fog
evaporating into atmosphere
slowly a picture presents itself
of possibilty and purpose attainable

no longer half hidden
viewed through bugs vision
but the big picture intact, enticing
pulling one out of lethargy

drawn as if magnetized
to a future of fulfillment
where the upside sticks
and the downside repelled

charged and charged into
lance tilted, visor up, armored
against opposition, enamored
with the idea of what could be
telling my lover about my date

I start with the shit because I know he likes it
the thought of my finger up tight and moving
"come here come here"
and I make him look at me
look at me
eye close and open
open further than a man was meant to be
fingers in ass and cock in hand
he can only beg for my breast
a suckle god please
as he slicks my stomach with milk
slicks his stomach with this white of egg
and I taste and smile
taste and kiss and feed
all smiles and warm wet cloths I wash my hands
clean the shit from his ass
no, no don't apologize baby
it is all good it is all
good everything
i have here
one hundred coins, smelly,
and tinkling like ice cubes, ready
to crunch inside
my lockjawed mouth. or else i have
ninety seven coins,
with decapitated heroes, well
in place. no, three
coins actually, dirty ones, with
grease stubborn in their ridges,
swimming in germs, waiting to
spread in our daily transactions, (really
now, what can i buy with my three coins?) no
make them eighteen, at least, eighteen coins
much too blinding with their lackluster edges,
im flipping them now, like i would flowers.
they're just metals, and people die for them.
i get a tail.
elegy for the numismatist

i have here
one hundred coins, smelly,
and tinkling like ice cubes, ready
to crunch inside
my lockjawed mouth. or else i have
ninety seven coins,
with decapitated heroes, well
in place. no, three
coins actually, dirty ones, with
grease stubborn in their ridges,
swimming in germs, waiting to
spread in our daily transactions, (really
now, what can i buy with my three coins?) no
make them eighteen, at least, eighteen coins
much too blinding with their lackluster edges,
im flipping them now, like i would flowers.
they're just metals, and people die for them.
i get a tail.
A poem about poems.

Poems are neat.
Poems are cool.
I write words down.
And look like a fool!
They're deep and meaningfull... of crap.
I'm starting to look like one depressed sap!
Quote the raven nevermore?
If only it were true,
Poems are a bore!

let's meet
next saturday
you can be another writer in my car
that I carry from Ruta Mayas to City Lights
we can drink fair trade coffee
pretend we never met
pretend we are cradle friends
lets meet
next saturday
keep our sweaters on all day
shoe tied hands protestant motions
tell me about Germany
how you walked everywhere
tell me about ehe woman that oyu met
months ago
as if we were new
introduce me to myself
draw me on the tablecloth
take me home
you are not him
he is not you
no pop culture philosopher monochromatic micoscope
all prisms self installed
he takes our white light and breaks it into what everyone knows
and no one sees
yeah yeah I will not say indigo
but the colors on gossamer gauze
see how she bleeds through
see how he presses through
water us water us soaked and satisfied
fourty cents more we supersize
but it si not you no it is not you
who can break it down
you stick out your tongue
buds and bumps and particles
that do not wash away
you are the chew
you are the swallow
you are the end on the other side
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