all of a sudden passion suddenly

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the dog is disturbed with spring cleaning
nowhere to hide the bone
no cereal scrap to snack upon
give it a day baby girl
give it a day
I will not equalize
my lines to satisfy your typesetter fingertips no no
not this time not this
time I will rhyme like this
and like that it happens I will repeat it
if it happens again I will repeat it

I wanna give you a bukowski baby
hank motherfucker oh say can you see
his hand comin down the back of your head
stupid motherfucker
freckle neck cocksucker
an no it does not feel any better to say it
they are coming
it is just a matter of hours
rain in the forecast still they come
with dresses and tousers and
great pumpkin grin
are you ready are you ready they are comin for you

Fire swings its axe
at a tree

Father planted
in Grandfathers body,

breaking it
branch by branch.

They split its ash
amongst themselves.

I am still waiting
for my share.
Oral Appetites

My mouth waters as soon as I think
about inhaling your spongy cylinder
and pressing it between my tongue
and palate. Your heady musk infusing
my sinuses until, full, I can only gasp
and swallow, making room for more.

More of you inside my mouth, scented
maleable and satisfying, even though
you tease. Give it to me until you need
a taste of what I've got. There are dark
savouries hidden where only a tongue
can ferret them out and I want you
to have a sample of the flavour of me.
lord I would rather whore this body
than my words give them away give them away
make make love dont pay I got a pocket full of slut money
weighing heavy in my jeans
easy, easy
lighting wicks
scented wax
warmed by hand
friction press yes
yes this is not work

This is not work either
give it give it away no no I will not pay
for your pretty package
dust jacket smoking jacket
shhhh dont tell him
I would do it for free
Skipping fingers, open mouth, trace curves hidden from view. lace scrapes, silk slides, skimming bones and sinew. Breath catches, sighs escape, prodding hollows few. Tender touch, blistered kisses, hunting slippery dew. Arching spine, descending hips, limbs entangled grew. Bottoming out, stretching taut, home and haven slewed. Moan and cry, nails dragged nigh, sweat a glow embued. Rise and fall, drag and maul, passion speaks in mews.
Golgotha awaits
a gluttonous whore of death
with ruinous intent
unable to hide her addiction
she is arid and brittle
a wasteland womb welcomes
all comers

we are marching through Canaan
we are marching through Goshen
we are tromping through Zion
we are shuffling through Ir Ha Kodesh

there are no regrets to hold the nails
only redemption

our singing baffles the infidels
and delights Elohim
we make a joyful noise
for the raising of Lazarus
for sight to the blind
carrion birds circle as we approach
this too is a miracle

a dream of another time
once more we pass
into the arms of the eternal
who coddles us as worrisome children
and hushes our tears
with words of everlasting comfort
all to be forgotten
when we awake again
a stones throw
from Golgotha
Tathagata said:
Golgotha awaits
a gluttonous whore of death
with ruinous intent
unable to hide her addiction
she is arid and brittle
a wasteland womb welcomes
all comers

we are marching through Canaan
we are marching through Goshen
we are tromping through Zion
we are shuffling through Ir Ha Kodesh

there are no regrets to hold the nails
only redemption

our singing baffles the infidels
and delights Elohim
we make a joyful noise
for the raising of Lazarus
for sight to the blind
carrion birds circle as we approach
this too is a miracle

a dream of another time
once more we pass
into the arms of the eternal
who coddles us as worrisome children
and hushes our tears
with words of everlasting comfort
all to be forgotten
when we awake again
a stones throw
from Golgotha

The eternal circle. Lovely.

I Googled happiness

I was sitting here thinking,
mostly about you and decided
that I do not know
the meaning of happiness
with or without you in my life
so I Googled that word
happiness, searching
for the means and a way
to measure and define
the time I have spent
wondering about you, wanting
to get to know you and presto!
Wikipedia tells me that happiness
is a state of mind, to paraphrase,
and that one's perspective
on their state of mind
is the main defining theme
so, when I sit here thinking of you
and the meaning of happiness
I realize that your name
was not included in that definition,
there was no picture of your smiling face
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North Wind

Boreas, bitter elder, release
your gripping hold on the season
and rest now. Cease your howl
of angry blow and sleep.
The soft and gentle Zephyros blows
out of the west, to sooth
your knotted brow and ease
you into slumber. Sleep, Boreas.
Skiron will rouse you after harvest
with the rattle of the stubble
left dessicated in the fields.

Come ye then and howl your bitter
groans for an early waking. Join
your brothers in the cyclone spin
of escape out onto the eastern sea
for but a moment, then begin
your torments of a land abandoned
by the sweet Persephone and bathed
in Demeter's tears. Freeze them
on her cheeks until Hades relents
and grants her child a moment
in the sun. Today, though, blow away.
The lighthouse
in my lovers head
has started flickering
out. Perhaps I will
let a kiss run inside
and change the bulb
or perhaps I will let
her untie my boat
moored outside,
letting it stay inside
a clutching palpatation
catches me off-guard,
as if to say,
"hey, fucker,
time to take a damn seat."
it works and i double over
like the president in a debate.

as i wait for the
hot white sparks
to stop circling my periph,
i wish i could think of a snappy comeback.
snappy comebacks
are nice
but not as nice as
a simple 'fuck off'.

am i right?

peace 2d.
making love to you
is like photographing
old buildings, giant
cement altars i frame
in standstill. [click]
i let light gush in as
the shutter straddles
your arches, and terrains,
and u-turns, not daring
to blink lest i miss
a grain. even my fast
film cannot fully capture you
in your earthquake
dances and asphalt footing. smile
now. you are towering.
4degrees said:
snappy comebacks
are nice
but not as nice as
a simple 'fuck off'.

am i right?

peace 2d.

simply nice, or

am I stepping
into a mine field?
filled with bombs that heat seek
and search out
moments in time, meant only for those
who walked the trail
of tears, while trespassing
on private property?


have no clue if I stepped into a fight.
Hey ... I just wanna write. Wanna spank me now? lol ~ :p ;) :D

peace ~
RhymeFairy said:
simply nice, or

am I stepping
into a mine field?
filled with bombs that heat seek
and search out
moments in time, meant only for those
who walked the trail
of tears, while trespassing
on private property?


have no clue if I stepped into a fight.
Hey ... I just wanna write. Wanna spank me now? lol ~ :p ;) :D

peace ~

No fight, I just took a wrong turn at Angsty Poetry Alley and some others seem to have followed my misdirection. :p

Super Fuck-You

(in lines with Super-Goodbye)

I pull out twin birds,
modern Billy the Kid.
They may not be plated,
but they shine just as bright
in the sun.
Double fuck-yous all around.
darkerdreamer said:
No fight, I just took a wrong turn at Angsty Poetry Alley and some others seem to have followed my misdirection. :p

Super Fuck-You

(in lines with Super-Goodbye)

I pull out twin birds,
modern Billy the Kid.
They may not be plated,
but they shine just as bright
in the sun.
Double fuck-yous all around.

angst alley is a dead end
but i'll follow you down it again
and again.

fighting? us? haha no way, rf.
4degrees said:
angst alley is a dead end
but i'll follow you down it again
and again.

Angst Alley Cul-de-Sac

Slightly off of Lost Hope Highway,
the Misguided Youth Exit,
a mile down No Future Way,
one will encounter Angst Alley Cul-de-Sac.
It's not really an alley,
not much of a cul-de-sac, either
(as a cul-de-sac often rouses images
of upper-middle-class happiness)
but the name fits perfectly.

On my stoop, two frayed lawn chairs stand,
proud, defiant. Beacons of hours,
rested upon this porch, without giving out.
darkerdreamer said:
Angst Alley Cul-de-Sac

Slightly off of Lost Hope Highway,
the Misguided Youth Exit,
a mile down No Future Way,
one will encounter Angst Alley Cul-de-Sac.
It's not really an alley,
not much of a cul-de-sac, either
(as a cul-de-sac often rouses images
of upper-middle-class happiness)
but the name fits perfectly.

On my stoop, two frayed lawn chairs stand,
proud, defiant. Beacons of hours,
rested upon this porch, without giving out.
She gives out her number
each happy hour segue into dinner
hoping that he'll call.
She's been a long time on that stoop,
edges ragged and seeming worn
to thread, instead she hides
her strength inside the outward
appearance of neglect. Inside
a spine still supports the weight
of worlds beyond the step down
onto the pavement of Angst Alley.
OhMiBod, J from Seattle says
—no scratch that, he groans that
with your name pushed through
clenched teeth, spittle spraying
cos' it feels that good.

"Angel" thumps that long
and deep beat that Massive Attack
plays so smooth and you know
right where in that track that makes
the rhythm diffuse from cock
and centerlines his spine,

Yes, it's an orgasm in stereo.
It's the same time he christens
you JeezusGawd.

All this for $55.25 and gives it a 5,
mentally rates it 500 times that
cos' never has he felt closer to you
in those seconds; however fleeting
they were, they were still worth it.

Music is where you live and all
he has to do is push a button to be there.
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the weight of apostrophes

we are the sum of our words, the ones
blurted in accident and those
unspoken, where words fail
and vowels cower. these, the calculated
electro-chemical words we call
our own, publishable at eye's blink,
scrollable with ease, these words we aim
at each other like blunt
weapons, deadly toxins, crucifixes and garlic leis.
i stutter my homage to you, while a toothless
infant effortlessly narrates his epic. we
are ready to burst into flames, into action,
the world at our feet, tongue in cheek. this
litany, well-suited
for grime in the streets of manila,
such pleasant gifts of tongues and
(re)strained meanings. the
bloated image whose thud is just
too heavy
to hear
as the warm-blooded poet
dangerously tucks both hands
inside pockets, too cool, too nonchalant
for comfort, thinks his words have already
made their point, while distancing himself
from cities that burn, empty school blackboards, homeless orphans
wailing. everybody wants to be a poet.
myself included. with knees muddied i mismanage
my apostrophes and lose my
gravity. somewhere along
the way, i missed a beat

God is angry
God is angry
God is angry

she mutters to herself,
ripping off the leaves
of the artichoke to get
at its furry, wooden

heart. Never worship
false idols
the voice
inside taught her once,
not thinking about

the card she cradles
in her oily palms.
O my Mary She takes
off her t-shirt, shorts

and underwear, stepping
outside to offer herself
to the wild dogs roaming
the desert.

Like mother, like daughter
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