all of a sudden passion suddenly

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RhymeFairy said:
he knows naught

of religion. walls fall,
knees knock, trembles
take over. they all ask, give another
a shot. for them ( all ) I shall.

they know not of his Buddha
standing tall. pronouncing to all
a free spirit lives here.
listen, as his walls whisper
of one midday tryst. when all,

was clear, as bobby socks lunged,
air born moans, kept pace,
as we two
became one, over and over

the neighbors
heard it all. her announcement
of undying love, his
guttural groans to hit the mark
when heaven was overtaken
and twin souls, spread their wings
and flew
through baby blue skies ...

:kiss: :heart:


especially the neighbor's (envious) part :)

"lovesick" appears in
Song Solomon 2:5 in the King James Version. I fell off my seat when I read the word, expecting the verses to be always archaic. :)
The Inheritance of Fools

Sunlight punches holes
in the makeshift roof.
Its straw hair tumbles,
exposing the gapped

mouth of a century-old
body that nobody felt
was neccessary to bury,
let alone admit to.

Passing rain pulls the reins
of a freight of cloud.
It stops outside, making
the sign of the cross

before moving on. Voices
wait for it in the walls,
eager for liberation.
writing did not used to be so tough.

I wrote of fantasies, heats desires
and flew above with the lurkers
to stand watch, on all my lovely

I stepped back, mixed up
in green emotions while all the greats,
one by one lined up to take their slice,
of poetic pie. served with lust, eroticism

fed them all by. tongue to spoon,
tasting the remains of the last single serving
of slip and dip dessert, left me
craving more.

I understand now why your wife
felt compelled to keep her edges neat,
well defined

(son is up will return to finish this later)
for the man with the truncated legs and amazing torso buried on the ocean floor

i don my goggles and enter
the water, quietly, with nary a mushroom
cloud. I brave the pressure, rising feet
by feet as I near you,
till im at my bursting point. You
jut out of the sand, upside down,
headless, line a forked branch,
or forked tongue, waving,
for help, or in lust, as your balls dangled
in saline. I venture
to touch you, align our daggers.
You are heavy as a sunken ship
or a manta ray, or a newly
formed thought, bubbling up
onto the surface.
The sun silvers the jet body
contrail like an arrow
toward a half moon
i see the implosion and fireball
and wonder how long
it will take those who jump to escape death
to reach earth
The scent of life is sharp green
of grass, fresh mown,
and a subtle musk of moss,
loam turned in the garden,
life baked in the warmth
of cloudless skies that seem
painted above the dancing leaves.
Branches wave, cicadas hum,
and an unseen crow laughs
in a rhythm that punctuates
this morning, then shadows itself
against the barn roof. I exhale
and my dream memory streams
away, maybe carried on the breeze
to wait between the close-knit pines
where night is never far.
A flood of sunlight
lies caught in buckets
by the roadside,

whiting out clouds
and the tops of trees.
Where is the blackness,

ready to undo it all?

it's odd how i heard your voice
in the raindrops when they landed
on the tin shed roof

that smooth smile between your words
the silky smattering of sensual whispers
sliding like champagne trickling on limbs

it's all there, slipping between the bearers
between the delicate hairs in my ears

your voice, a low hiss
sending shivers up my spine
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neonurotic said:
The cumulus clouds are jagged teeth
tearing holes through the canopy.
Sun rays slip by canine and incisor,

its stoplight warms, though, I side step.
There is no smiling,
only squinting against its flash.

The storm hasn't passed,
it's just getting started
but I'm Nikon ready, have umbrella,

will capture a perfect picture
on a most imperfect day, then turn
it upside down and smiling.

i'd love to see the photo

moving chairs.

Nights I like to move
chairs, for the upstairs
neighbors to ruminate
the sound of. Wood scraping,
carpet unraveling, ceilings vibrating,
blood in reverse-fall.
My meek chairs trace
hypotenuses and parabolas
and miracles on the floor. i learned
this from presidents, and senators,
and governors, and crocodiles
in the zoo. How
to be fully-seated
in perfect unison.
Night Shifts

Computer screens lit up
like astronaut helmets
feel electricity scurry
in the briefcase-black

night. Streetlamps nod
at streams of electrons
slowly escaping offices.
Falling raindrops capture

the escapees, insulating
them in sodium bubbles.
Pylons shake their fists,
soles feel them weeping.
Let's take a drive
you invited
don't wear your panties
you demanded

I want to see beneath
your skirt as you
rest your right foot
on the dash and splay
open, your left toes
wedged beneath my ass
you said. I listened

the only sound
that of tires humming
on the pavement
and pleasure hummed
as my finger probes
and you lick your lips.

Find a place to park
I requested
and take me from behind
I invited

I want to feel you drag
my hips back to meet
your thrusts that bounce
me off the fender and slap
my ass on your trousered
thighs to disturb curious
birds and make squirrels
drop pine cones on the car.

its like a dream
recurring daily
where i'm leaned
over my driver
sucking him with fuckstarved passion
while he twists his wrists
moving the wheel smooth
keeping all four tires touching blacktop
even as we round sharp turns
at 90 mph

that hot metal of the hood
against my chest, after that drive
is abandoned for now
is only second to the fire
that is driven way up inside
a pleasure burn that
would melt rubber and
make any radiator billow steam.

Crows peck at roadside
dustbins like astronauts
in search of a latest
find. Their beaks, pitch

black party-hats,
scrape away at layers
of unrecycled waste:
old McDonalds meals,

cider cans, Soho-red
lipstick. Thirty seconds
in, they come across
their 2001 monolith:

an old ragdoll, its chest
split open. Each bird
takes another part
of its heart home,

feeds its burgeoning
young with wails
of the forgotten, of
champagne1982 said:
Let's take a drive
you invited
don't wear your panties
you demanded

I want to see beneath
your skirt as you
rest your right foot
on the dash and splay
open, your left toes
wedged beneath my ass
you said. I listened

the only sound
that of tires humming
on the pavement
and pleasure hummed
as my finger probes
and you lick your lips.

Find a place to park
I requested
and take me from behind
I invited

I want to feel you drag
my hips back to meet
your thrusts that bounce
me off the fender and slap
my ass on your trousered
thighs to disturb curious
birds and make squirrels
drop pine cones on the car.

thanks for this
(almost) waking up early / almost waking up (early)

he sleeps right
through the alarm, gone
deaf to deadlines
and yet-another-day-at-the-office-where-the-aircon-makes-too-much-noise-and-everyone-is-too-busy-to-sing-along.
they don't know he is
dreaming of alien crafts, and smog,
and cakes with candles forever
lit, and somnambulists
with busy lifestyles.
a tangent infinitum
cryptic love letters like
cyanide like melting
ice cream like
tacky coke footprints
attracting hordes of ants
my sugar water fix
my hands and fingers fan out
into palm fronds
shading us from a killer
sun, you are the one
the road goes ever on
with your scent on the horizon
never getting closer,
yet not fading either
my carrot, my bleeding steak
it makes me keep on
today i will trancend above
lust to never return
the shallow hollow echos
there is so much more

words dripping into
the collection pan, from
the brain stem, my main
state and frame are made
of a half painted canvas
looking inquisitive
and cool as pacific waters in autumn
if i never get closer than this,
so be it.

here is a picture of our feet, planted
on the sand, with tiny
quiverings in our veins, while we hold
hands, and look on
at strange objects washed up on the shores
scatter the past
handfuls of glass
temporary tattoos
(from boxes of cracker jack)
swatches of fabric from
dresses that
climbed trees
and then back seats
bread crumbs and candy
and bubble gum lip gloss
that made the first kiss feel
so grown up and introduced me
to the infinite depths
that woman would become

scattered like hen feed
left to the winds
to separate the chaff of self pity
from the true moments
of joy and grief
where the soul was rendered
into quicksilver drops
of advancement
that remain a light in my eye
night vision
for when i wander in blackness
when I've once again
forgotten about the sun
she of the avian nose
the toucan of sports
will tell us of baseball
her burnt copper hair
( Revlon #45)
shellacked into
an architectural ode
to femininity
it scrapes over
her piano movers shoulder
and frames her
sturdy nail eating jaw

the voice
attention grabbing
(for attention is all
when you're a baseball bunny)
reminiscent of pulling
corroded wire
through a hole in a soup can

yes still
we scan her tank top
for hints
of a nipple

we are, after all, creatures of habit
initial reports confirm
the likelihood
of a protracted disenchantment
based on armed forces records
which if played backward
seem to indicate
Paul is dead

which the government refused
to comment on
pending an investigation
by the governing body
minus the head
which was busy
traveling with a broad

the lame duck president
who speaking at
a local VFW
was heckled and jeckled
when he compared
the US deficit
to a block of albino cheese
which brought
a flurry of angry pink letters
from Yurasis Dragon
who said
this insult
was a pale attempt at humor

meanwhile back in the jungle.....
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