all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Lake Mead

Pleasureboats scour the water
like submarines. Bighorn sheep
watch the Joshua trees

cast their needles onto ancient
soil. Yucca moths lay eggs
in newly opening flowers.

There are patterns here,
embedded amongst a silent
undertow; dragging everything

downwards, far out to places
eyes perceive only as darkness.

experience tells me
that the once the faucet
gushes it is unstoppable
at night when walls crumble
i hear the trickles the fat
drops lingering at the base
teasing before finally
letting go making me feel
like the bed is a watery battlefield
where all is not lost after all
Trains murmur whilst sleeping
in oversized cattle sheds.
Words that only the city
understands descend
to lower levels courtesy

of rain and wind. My throat
catches some of these words
sometimes when I sleep,
trapped in the hairs running
along a plateau of skin.

It shakes them free, releasing
them back into the air. Nobody
notices the payload on their backs:
a residue of breath still working
out the words.
i take refuge in the spaces
between her words
what is not made concrete
allows for change
which is the mothers milk
of hope
He bought it in anticipation
placed it top row, center
within easy reach,
as the moment approached

the ball dropped, as did the penny

after 3 months,fervent hope dissolved
into futile desperation, bottom shelf
pushed back, but not forgotten
always a reminder of celebration unrequited

six months on,
the gold crown still shimmers, imperious
lords his dreams over him, cold
cruel and unrelenting

"One day", he muses to himself,
"one day, I'll have your head ."
the problem is I do not know why something is important
until after I have written it,
discovered through the clicks or the smear and what happens at the end of the page
without revelation? Failure. God the fear to risk of typing it all out and learning nothing.


five years drought
then came june
river waves crested
21 feet above
we walked the banks
the day I the first time I noticed the green of pavillion roofs
because the rest
was under water

which must be a metaphor for something right?
but what? what???

good lord this is too much work

and this post should be in the blog thread
The Moon

,night's muzzle, sits above
the lonely diner, watching
men stir the last of their
creamer into coffee-black

remnants of empty lives.
Cars toot. Rain extends
streetlamps' branches,
covering streets in fake

orange. Grey remains
camouflaged under bone,
feeling layers of earth
tugging. Calling cards

buried inside each chest
warms their bodies. Fingers
uncurl in sleep, eager
to dial the number and sleep.

fourty four bands,
seventy nine albums,
eight hundred and sixty two songs

to twelve grams of flash
stuck in a zippo style
portable media machine

and here I walk

terrified that they will one day escape
hit a stress fracture in the plastic casing
and explode in my jeans pocket

guitars and hihats and trumpets
and Lennon and Curtis and the London Philharmonics
will shoot from my hip and shred my pants
while every tone ever played
will rupute my eardrums

if not me
then maybe that guy over there

the thump from behind silver earphones
speaks of Parliament funk
and old school rap

will turntable shrapnel
or a Moog missile
be my fate?

His head is too wide
for the gap between
a pair of hedgerows

standing like the pillars
of Hercules. Caught
in-between worlds,

he loosens his green
wellingtons and dives
into coldness

on the other side.
Night checks its watch,
day loosens its grip.

Foxes crowd around,
rapt at his naked body
gazing at all the stars.

you say your words
never made it on paper,
never had spine or pages
to turn and fold,
thats why you stopped
writing, drawing
blood, breathing,
the retired pseudo-poet
last night i read
your work, you are
my perfect book
Qualifying Criteria

Found Poem

Microsoft Office and Student
Teacher Edition 2003 gives
an accredited educational
institution reliability, security,

tasks educational users
with an interface to help keep
their compatibility licensed
and completes hundreds

of our tasks easily. Important:
extend your skills with research,
but qualifying institutions will
disregard this. Conditions apply.
I'm free

free to fly, but at what cost?
letting go, tearing apart
my heart. please, listen
I cannot go on, with no closure in
sight. I feel you
heart sore
awaiting "our" day but I know
deep inside "our" future is set
with his kindness and love
erasing every gesture you try

he wraps me in silk
'en words meant to re-assure me that he
is my "one'. I try to step back, breathe

and I feel your essence
overcome. taking me back,
back to when we two, were one. moments
capturing my soul
choke holding my heart
with love. a pure love that tells me,

you and I , were meant to be.
yes, he is herein my mind, while you
hold my heart and my every fear screams out
fall apart and let it be. be free
while words dance, memories chant
and my heart sings her soulful rendition
of what remains, of you and I.


the highway at 12
midnight, you found
the meaning
of life and why billboards are
in eternal smile even in the rain.
Headlights found your jacket,
your bracelet, found you
too slow. And you
lay there, like statistic, where toothpaste
and brief models can flash
a smile at you, while we turn
too much on our beds,
counting stop signs and lost fingers, and
roadkills that adorn our dreams

I am resigned to master the art of waiting
through emotional and physical masturbating
trying to recreate passions which soared,
the heaving, the sweat with you on board
the delight we shared when you went for a ride,
galloping with me deep inside
the silken squeeze as we'd slip and slide
no earthly desire would go denied
as volcanic flames shot from your eyes
these memories now I try to hoard
please forgive my being untoward
but these dreams and urges demand sating
yet my only course seems sitting and waiting
I rise, slip on
my now familiar face
hide the band beneath my hair
(so they won't notice it's there),
head out the door, like every day
before, Gemini incognito

No need to retrace steps
no matter how misplaced
I remember the depth, stride and intent
the sweat spent to achieve the end
yet once again feet meet old friends
unable to change course
page 68

second-hand books
make me cry, like a kid
lashed for being caught
red-handed, barred
from the discovery of
a secret orchestra, or
an underground orchidarium, where
butterflies and footnotes swap
tales and spines, and
where there is no
proper ending. second-hand
books are my oxygen.

when all's been paid
for, even before pages pages
turn crisp and brown, ready to crumble
at the slightest semblance
of a reader, i choke, eager
for a savior.
Mang Rufino Leaves His Stall in Recto
And Becomes a Medical Transcriptionist

his age already well
beyond his typing speed: 49
wpm. which is fast enough, by industry standards. back then,
it was just 3 pesos per page of term papers always
about the same thing: Drug Addiction, Prostitution, Pollution. . .
But now, the –tions are countless, more nuanced than ever; the world
can’t get enough of them.
(For the record, Mang Rufino’s all-time favorite is “Fruition”)
of the Lost Art of Smith & Corona maybe
Meanwhile, business as usual for his colleagues.
Accost passers-by who look like they could use an identity
or an achievement.
“Sir, diploma ba?”
then simply Cut & Paste on watermarked eggshell paper
wow! This doctored existence. But more
wow! This exodus
to Makati.
Where it’s important to look your darn best. Never mind if
you’re just a pawn
in the grand American scheme of things
just another suffix
as long you get a fat paycheck
for siring words which won’t promise to look after you in your old age

Barely a week into the job and Mang Rufino feels
Breathless. Pause.
Rewind. Playback. He freezes, and can’t hit
the right keys.
Rheumatoid arthritis, he suspects. Incidentally, the same
disease discussed by the voices on his headset.
Chatty voices, never talking back, left the room hastily. Voices recorded
sometime ago, when ago was still a manageable concept.
How are you? Mang Rufino itches
to interact. All he gets is
Peptic Ulcer
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Hypertensive Retinopathy
Systemic Connivance with Pressurized Jargons
He was doing so well with the –tions before.
Reocml entsl cls uech qhz irl dodejdm
He can’t quite make them out.
these healthy foreigners slur in their speech.
too fast and too slang, by industry standards.

Clear-headedly, immune response revved, the old man presses
–ape everything on the headset, he’s had it.
This writing down consciences
like those of beleaguered housewives
in the Safeguard adverts

all these years, Mang Rufino only wants to get his point

-May 2006
you go on and on about cancer
and kip skippers, cricket
I cannot test your skills
nor match them
only wonder why you must put U.K.
behind your name,
as if it is some degree you earned,
some bar passed, some title to set you aside, above?
the others who share your name
your father or son, you select your mark
this island, this history, these letters
what they will tell you

you do not look like your father
your mother did not want you

but these are lies
you look exactly like your father,
you would know this
if you had ever seen him
ask your mother
she has a photograph
in a hidden file on her laptop

and your mother
wants you
only in another lifetime
in another body
but she always wanted

the barber my friend
has taken hold of my hair
again, my nape and neck
at his mercy as he tells
his tales. Of lottery winners,
and beer brawls, and indigestion.
His scissors survey my memories,
his razor, my attention span
now made rigid as my scalp lays
bare. By the second. ive heard
it all before. but i listen
nonetheless, curious about endings.
i was in all ten of his stories, just like
all his customers, our characters
forced to life with various
lengths of hair
and patience.
Wildflowers impose their rule
on the sides of the lake
at Gregg's Hideout. Each
open mouth another receptacle
to receive the rain. Their seeds
scout out new territory,
remove the old and decaying.
And the waters keep on receding
year by year. But the flowers
keep ascending.
Endless downpour
bleak on love's horizon
sorrow rains forevermore

or so I thought...

Technicolour sunrise
bursting through me
illuminating my existence

Tumultous winds
blow me away
teleporting me to fiery climes

I shelter within you
finding haven in your depths
and peace in your presence...
no matter how still the breath
the heart beat jolts m e
sends its electric flashes across my eyes as they
bolt from one corner of darkness to another
searching, searching for the source of such impulse
fool fool dont you know
it is just your heart your heart
dont you recognize your own heart?
I lied of course
it was not one dream of you, it was three
but this worked, yes? as see you have responded
through the silences
it worked, the silk strap left barely showing
the dream left unexplained
the single hint

I remember how you wanted it
slow, gentle, quiet
how your strength wilted with storm
I remember
I will breathe more slowly this time
I will delete every other line,
the ones that are begging you
come take me from this awful truth
pin my pain like an insect to styrofoam
I will tuck my passion into high caves
of hibernation I will hide my light
under a bushel,m yes and let you see only a flicker
a flicker and a drop of melted snow
too far for you to notice how it magnifies my need

I will tell you
darling I dreamed of you
no I will tell you
I had a bizarre dream and you were there
I will not asnwer your letter
I will ignore your questions
I will leave you wanting that single drop
stealing a glimpse of my needs my needs
I mouth yhe words
I will never tell you
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