all of a sudden passion suddenly

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They ask him politely to dumb it down, just a bit,
water it down like dollar drink night.

"Won't that make it weaker?"

"They temper the blades of swords with water,
it only makes their point sharper."

Words don't work like that,
in fact, not much does.

Some would present the pretext of meticulous gardeners,
beating around the bush gingerly,
he figures he might as well pull it up by the roots;
same end result, faster method.
I can see my time is up. Beat
from worries. Lost and sometimes
alone, I scurry over and around
trying to re-find my way back.

I tell myself, this time will be different.
This time, I will walk away and never look back
but you know me better than anyone, sometimes
even better than I know myself.

Did you feel it? That ever familiar choke hold
creeping up, grasping as grim reaper talons
took charge of my souls rhythm. You must have,

otherwise we would be fantasizing about our future,
instead of sitting in this graveyard of honesty,
that houses twin souls forever floating
from one memory to the next.


Windows are wet from the rain's
vigil. Foxes bend their heads low,
ducking under an exiled street
cleaner's cart. Streetlights offer
nothing to the forlorn.

You are somewhere here, walking
along the orange lit road. Lines
of light flap like wings whenever
you step away from the path.
Silence has taken leave tonight

and night has amplified its dark,
forcing it in the spaces between
the trees lining the road. Houses
are empty to you, cars silent.
Everything waits to hear you weep,

as if that will make everything
move forward, make everything
step outside of this stillness.
inside where it's chill,
temperature-controlled, brisk,
and behavior-modified, i roll
up my sleeves, fumbling for something,
a charm, a mantra, talisman,
to ward off the marching letters,
the heavy inevitable footfalls of colons,
meaning to say: that which is,
or equality, of a commutative laughte r,
absent in our palms. later, we pad
out of the room, serenely,
still behavior-modified,
having timed out at the bandy clock
which beamed employee: regular.
she comes to me
finger to lip shhhhh no words
she comes to me
holding tight
her chin over my shoulder
looking at the door
hands making introductions to pinstripes
leather belts pressed cotton untucked she comes to me
her fingers searching for some answer
some christening, awakening
answer she leaves me
when I part her

widershowing showing showing everything
I feel her vaporitze as she leaves me
with her twist and moan her nails and clench
she came to me
in search of the ne thing
the one thing that made me different
made me unique
hoping words would not hide meaning
names would not cloud truth but she did not find me
I found her
the woman who disappears
before the risk, losing herself
the woman who doesn't come back

this door that leads to the fire
exit. this key
that turns the lock.
this plate with the chipped edges
round and round and crack. this
blank mirror with
your fingerprints all over. this
madness at large. this
styro cup with the halo
at the bottom. this fire melting
ice caps. this bread
crumb of disaster. this unknown
hunger of the heart. these
i didn't know until the very
last drop.
she tells me
it is like a scene from one of his poems
you in the white lab coat
the gloves, the oils
Mary Shelley in the little ice age
frozen inspiration creating the new man
ice climb
electric pulse
there safe at her table
on candle
one cold summer
one less confession bled into plastic
he reaches,
hands twist from their bindings,
touch my arm
please, please let me touch you he pleads
smack answered baby we get what we come for sometimes
you came to be deprived, satisfied, remembered,
forgiven. I will not speak of your sin, not even to you
darling boy, even I cannot speak these things

family photos
sickly puppies
caged, you pretend pretend with your brightly colored logo,
cavalier handsfree in your new lease yes
you will plead for mercy you will weep
and get what you ask for
not to touch me
no, but I will free your hands
touch yourself
you are safe
I will leave with my collection
fold the white coat into my bag
scrub my fingernails
you pray this time it will stick
I see the word "divine" in the corner
It is not there, but I see it anyway
my peripheral vision has always betrayed, amused inspired
perhaps driven me to acts of the sublime, no, ridiculous

sending me barefoot into blue ice glaciers
mindless, without purpose or intention...
perhaps just to come back home, savor the pain of the thaw
suppose to myself "what inner workings possessed me do such a thing?"
until the itch comes again
until the claws grow back
cause and effect

they say gravity
was the culprit
when at high noon the
police opened fire or
openly fired at
the rows and rows of civilians
rallying against
corrupt officials and bad

they say gravity
was the culprit
when at high noon the
civilians, and farmers, and women
opened fire or
openly fired at
the rows and rows of police
protecting the office
of the president and her glowing
speech about wage increase,
creations of job, and gross national

they say gravity pulled bullets and stomachs
down. the gravity of circumstances
another science
project gone weightless.

At the airport, I make sure
the voices packed in my hand
luggage are tucked out
of sight. There are some which
have a deep sense of assurance,
some that are show doubt
and others that make you smile.
Mixed in with the books, camera
and passport, I hear their cries.
They want out. I reach inside
and cover their tiny mouths.
Some are still attached
to my hand as it leaves the bag.
I shake them off and try not
to think about the one taking
passage at the back of my throat:
a deep growl, eager to pounce
on the weak syllables still needing
my attention.

The abandoned canal
regurgitates its last meal:
a quarry of tyre treads,
old military boots
and the steel skeleton
of a children's bicycle.
Observers point and click.
I turn my head away
from the reflections in
the murk and call you,
there there

1. I'm just
7.Waiting for
9. Something Sparkling
13. To come my way
17. Like they
19. Do in the
22. Movies
24. Where the Protagonist
27. Lying on the midnight roof
29. (Hands playing with his scarred tummy)
31. Sees the stars
34. Crispier than usual
37. And
39. Mistakes them for
43. Dessert
45. And takes a
48. Scoop
52. Of the black jelly
54. And the golden nuts
58. And becomes happy
61. Because
63 There is just no
65. Other choice

1. But still
2. The sky
3. Crumbles
4. Like cocoon
6. And the magic
7. Is not
8. What emerges
9. Out
10. Of it
12. But the courage
15. That prods me
17. To enter
20. The Dark
24. In the 1st place
27. So
28. I can hide
31. For the meantime
34. And stake off
35. These walls
36. And befriend
39. The dust
41. Beneath
42. My soles
46. And learn to
48. Act
51. On impulse
52. If only
54. To send out
55. These heartbeats
56. Calling
58. Softly calling
59. Patiently calling
60. Simply calling
63. Out
64. To
65. You
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my patience is as thin
as the body of Christ
pressed and molded
sucked clean
of all moisture
and embossed
with the manner of his death

if God came today
would we wear little syringes around our necks
and kneel at the alter
for a mainline fix of holy wine each Sunday?
Too much tension
too much stress
wear and tear takes its toll

Snap !
the string breaks
I roll across the floor
under the bed, out of sight

never to return to the hand
which cupped my heart
never to know again the fingers
which caressed every contour

coaxed me to walk
a dog on a leash, sit up and beg.
catapulted me around the world
reaching for the moon and stars

rocked me with comfort
a newborn babe, suckling
fed me with dreams
only to be dashed by reality

Hands and knees and desire
could recover me from my hiding place
I have one eye cocked, vigilant
Keep me spinning, call me back
He gets me so H O T

Right when my time is right
he backs away. Leaving behind
smudged fingerprints
and a lethargic minx who wishes
pleads, for more !

your sweet, sexy ass
back here. Give me, feel - f i l l me
up then shake me down
town. Take what I offer.

then n i p, nice 'n slow. Never
forget your sacrificing, slithering
tongue must also pay homage, to these
hills and valleys of perfection.

each crevice, tunnel every port.
Circle about my entire essence, showing
me all those secret places, you
daydream about. When all you can think of,
is me.

in, deep as you can go. Hit my hot spot
of greedy lust, for you. Love, romp, sex me
up. Till all that's left, is two wet spot of semen
and seed, lost in the images of you
and me ~


RhymeFairy said:
He gets me so H O T

Right when my time is right
he backs away. Leaving behind
smudged fingerprints
and a lethargic minx who wishes
pleads, for more !

your sweet, sexy ass
back here. Give me, feel - f i l l me
up then shake me down
town. Take what I offer.

then n i p, nice 'n slow. Never
forget your sacrificing, slithering
tongue must also pay homage, to these
hills and valleys of perfection.

each crevice, tunnel every port.
Circle about my entire essence, showing
me all those secret places, you
daydream about. When all you can think of,
is me.

in, deep as you can go. Hit my hot spot
of greedy lust, for you. Love, romp, sex me
up. Till all that's left, is two wet spot of semen
and seed, lost in the images of you
and me ~


*fans self* then looks around wondering where I put the KY? Hell with that, finds baby oil...sets aside. Looks for that blow-up doll I got as a gag gift for father's day. Can't find the pump...*discards* locates the acu-jack Lit sent me as one of their surprise gifts for a contest win. (fuck) feels like shit...back to the baby-oil. Screw this....where's my wife?
Many Feathers said:
*fans self* then looks around wondering where I put the KY? Hell with that, finds baby oil...sets aside. Looks for that blow-up doll I got as a gag gift for father's day. Can't find the pump...*discards* locates the acu-jack Lit sent me as one of their surprise gifts for a contest win. (fuck) feels like shit...back to the baby-oil. Screw this....where's my wife?

lmao ... good boy~ *pets head*

your wonderful for a girls ego, ya know ~~

:kiss: :rose:

RhymeFairy said:
lmao ... good boy~ *pets head*

your wonderful for a girls ego, ya know ~~

:kiss: :rose:

Kinda weird...but ok. If you want to "pet my head" while its between your legs...go for it, who am I to complain?

And to hell with ego stroking...I have something else you can stroke instead.
security guard

the bonfire
of manifestos
of promised safety
and carefree
or careless? sex.
consume this oxygen
before dawn sets in
and we are all held
at gunpoint

there are other venues
your violence.
your crotch
for instance
in your eyes

I see the freedom to go
forward. I wait to take hand
to mouth and worship our dawn.
As dewdrops dance, in green like

mountain streams, I cast aside tears
to peruse happiness. Your wilderness,
has set me free, to partake
in everyday life.

When leaves go flying,
it's your heart that holds me near,
to catch wind of our ever present
natural attraction ~~


The sun is setting under the ice,
mountains are cooling.
Night heaves its quilt, cattle
forms tracks of Morse code
on fields of wet earth.
I shake the snow-dome

and watch mountains
heave themselves over a yolk
of earth, cattle cooling
in a quilt of ice. The god
in me tips it over and over
again, eager to change

the variables. Cattle
heave mountains, night
cooling itself under earth.
A quilt of sun lies frozen
in ice. I stare at the man
driving the cattle and think.
like a fouth grade crush,
or when every song
is a message of stupid destiny
every moment spent pining over
brooding in the invincible seas
drowning with invisible passion
forever retro, self-bondage
isn't turning me on like it was
my poems
to this:
blah blah blah blah passion blah blah
days filled with life, still
somehow i take the time to find
all the corners you live
within, in silence,
my unwilling shadow
i captured you but
i'm the prisoner without
one poetic thing
one new thought or
song to sing
but you remain stuck
to my bones like tar
black and glossy, just like
i know what i love
you know i'll never change enough
to unstick me from you.
you know, you know who.
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