all of a sudden passion suddenly

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10 am epiphany

my friend,
(while bending spoons
like a half-hearted Geller)

is what happens
when you boil too much water
than needed for your morning coffee.
(and here, he precariously
down to tie his shoelaces,
and found out the
world is not as windy inside his
hollow mug
as it used to be)

you run
the risk of dying
early without never really
knowing what is beyond
Monday through Friday eight to five
and every fifth Saturday nine to one
except when I stop for a smoke
or am traveling to and from

certainly several hours a night
when sleep blessedly touches my brow
but not before or after
or when interrupted as now

when I'm shampooing my hair or shaving
but not when I'm soaping up
and especially not when I'm staring
into my morning coffee mug

I don't know why it seems to me
I spend so much time thinking of you
maybe because even when I don't
I can't wait until I do

You irradiated me like the flash
from Hiroshima. Giving you up
made my skin flake, my bones
ache. Scan me with your Geiger
counter, hear my heart whine
whenever you come close.
gg you MUST read this next time you go!!!!! and wear the teal mini. I love the attitude and have felt this way after going to a few slams in Baltimore. go go ghost_girl!

ghost_girl said:
this is for Chris, who opened the reading last night with a mini speech on Freedom of Speech

" and Ijust want to remind you, we do say words like fuck, here. And I am saying this because there are people's mothers here tonight"

Yes I am a mother
and please dont let it surprise you
but I have heard the word FUCK
and said the word FUCK and
I have actually fucked in my lifetime

I have 2 daughters to prove it
please dont whitewash the constitution
dont go out of your way
to make room for this mother
who can be a motherfucker
when it suits her

please dont make excuses
for the poets who cam eto read
dont minimize the power
of their words, their joy their pain
just let them breathe
FUCK, fuck fuck
see? I read it, heard it typed it
I didnt curl up and die
I didnt blush or leave the room
and I'll be back again sometime
please excuse the double post
as my wrist is in a splint
my mouse manipulated by the less agile lefty--

my car was totalled 2 weeks ago, we were lucky to walk away from the wreck
(the at fault beer drinkin' driver actually ran away from the scene leaving his buddies behind!!!)
feeling better I still cannot spend much time typing or I pay for it dearly!
yet to be born baby, my big baby and mama of boys are all okay

and still lurking......
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One Kind Word

If only you could
find one kind word
in your mind
to pluck out
and send across the ocean.

Would that be
so very difficult?

Just one kind word?
Tirade to Billy (you bastard!)

Forgiveness follows close
on the heels of my anger
to shepherd me with guilt,
nipping my achilles tendon

like a collie bringing
sheep into the fold. I feel
crowded by my disgust
at you; you wretched thief.

You stole hope and promise
in one selfish deception
and now, you take my justified
anger and morph it
into compassion. I'm human.

I'm on a higher level
than you in a way that you
will never understand,
your selfishness cannot grasp
that I have the capacity
to forgive.
I wear him

on my wrist, coming
going he begets
my attention to kiss,
pulse tempting, erratic
systematic, temptation. To palm
down, flinch a fold, grab a bite
and sink as low as I can. I fall
behind in practice for his french
tickler, and shaved smooth lips
of sin, unbutton my heart
and throw caution
to the floor.
I am carried away
to our world
where everyday is a new day. We are
one, always together
walking these streets hypnotized
in the ever present love that shines
from the others eyes. I keep thinking back
dreaming of
when we sat and lunched, eyes never leaving
the others, just submersed into the downspirling
soul wrenching
wants of our two hearts, as one.

I lay drunken on memories
of what used to be. You, my love,
have spoiled me for any other. Yes, I have tasted
withered, been tied to, a love
that knows no bounds, ever present
in times off need, hardship and glee.
Always knowing, a never ending staircase
of we shall always be, cuffed together. I need
you now, more

than ever. Come, taste and partake
of all my wordily offerings. For they're yours
till eternity passes and time stands still. Till
the very end begins anew and we, become one
... again.

Tin Snow

The sound of snow falling
could easily be mistaken
for that of tin. It carries
our daily sounds in icy
wombs, swelling up until
full. And then, when the
moment is right, it lets go.
We wait for the loud crash
and hide under our blankets,
too afraid to see what gifts
it might have dropped.
The silverfish of your tongue
ran over my thigh
licking idly at those things
like the glue of my life,
and I felt
I should whack you
with my somehow still erect cock
until I learned that you that you, you, learned something
about me, baby, anyway.

Oh, hell.

I liked that smack. Hell. Nevermind.
Tzara said:
The silverfish of your tongue
ran over my thigh
licking idly at those things
like the glue of my life,
and I felt
I should whack you
with my somehow still erect cock
until I learned that you that you, you, learned something
about me, baby, anyway.

Oh, hell.

I liked that smack. Hell. Nevermind.

I really like this. And yes, okay, silverfish, but I didn't read it that way; I read it as a slick-sounding portmanteau sort of a word. Like peachfish or slishvapor.

The rhythm of the last two lines appealed to me particularly. I'd love to hear this read aloud; I think it would really lend itself to that.

One edit point. I understand whack. It is a choice that makes sense to me. But I find it distracting also, and I'm wondering if there might be another verb that does the same thing but is slightly different, slightly less colloquial?


always expect rejection

"I am the piece of crap at the center of the universe." ---Craig Ferguson

as you've come to know, I am
an avid spam checker. Being
a one who submits work, one
who must anticipate replies, with
nothing to keep her going, and life
which seems to be its own definition
of inertia, keeps going and going
and she ,I, we submit
our souls, our words, for rejection.

there have been no rejections
in my spam, and it's much to early
for any type of reply, but here I sit
the piece of crap the center
of the universe, waiting for the world
to return my poetry to my soul
my distorted ego, and me.
a hot tub dance, slow ride
to enhance, my short temper and escapes to la
la land. while I ride every crest, suck
every drop
dry. tickle my own fancy
as away I fly. screaming, moaning,
groaning at heavens gate
to partake a sip, another dip
smooth side rise
up, away. grant every quest
no need for a dress
'cause tonight is the time. my time
for a long, slow glide
nipping, bite till another flight
takes my breath
my heart
away, in volcanic contractions
while trying to make tracks
down a his snow covered hill, landing
sunny side up
to face, the new day ....

Jm 1968-1988

Jamie stopped at my house last week
no reason, just taking a jog
Before that he had missed my wide sweep of crushes
across the Junior class but school was out
there he was at my picnic table

god so popular, out of my league funny sweet wonderful
babyface turning man handsome
sure he would love someone adorable like kelly or sexy like steph
but that day he stopped
at the bottom of my driveway
turned up the hill
and stayed.
thriuth is Jamie
it is your death that immortalized you
how someone can be broken without showing a single stitch
how lunchbox logic does not grow to contain us
how being wanted
is not enough

truth is Jamie
you bbroke us all
kicked into the twenties with a shotgun lawn chair kicked back
is How Mike Found You
god you wre always so beautiful quicklaugh feathered back and tenor strong
when the lights go down in the city and the moon shines on the bay
you sang it like you had ever left our town, as if you knew the longing of the ocean
oh I want to be there in my city by the bay
we believed your perfection
you fooled us all
until one by one we slipped across the blood wet concrete
rockettes who lost their kick

who the hell knows what happened to the rest of the circle
they scattered blown like seeds holding tight to bachelor's degrees
after graduation, after the funeral
lawyers in Seattle, politicians in Portland,
single fathers in Carlilse, and the handful that never left,
their children sitting in our school seats,
eating in our cafeterias who knows where
we all went, but you, Jamie, you stay
immortal lawn chair kicked back
six pack broken gone
burn deep
down low muscle ache
for memory

little highway girl
twist and wrap around words
bend sweat swirled hips
for rhythm only

...when you see that boy
bring him home to me
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