all of a sudden passion suddenly

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The storm imitates Cape Fear.
One more thing stolen by TV.
It pegs clouds on top of sheets
and covers its ears. Families
slap the back of the television

when it becomes drunk
on electricity in the middle
of the storm. The machine's
soul is lost in silicon hell,
a postcard version of Dante

glazed with aniseed.
The men kneel in front
of its glass skull, expecting
forgiveness. Women sigh,
quietly hiding their sins.
I was driven to distraction
too lazy to walk
or ask directions
no radio allowed and the window
making airplane swoops with my hand
against the resistance of the road
reading billboards
water towers
warning signs

the land yawned
a coy woman
half covered by a sheet
whose somnolent smile
could be an invitation for tenderness
or a tragedy

nature is my catalyst
the origin and provider
of all dark secrets
rocks and trees
the silent witness
of horrific history

adventure awaits
where fear and excitement
merge as lovers
and there is naught to do
but press on

are holy days
for me. it's when
solid Quiapo swarms
with holy men
and women neatly down
on their configured knees,
it's when pirated
DVD's play
the Transformers full
blast, it's when
I disarrange my shadow
and fail to emerge
in the sunlight
with nary a broken
faith. it's when
sundays cease to
be holy, crumbles
as Trinoma malls eagerly
take its place
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Tathagata said:
I was driven to distraction
too lazy to walk
or ask directions
no radio allowed and the window
making airplane swoops with my hand
against the resistance of the road
reading billboards
water towers
warning signs

the land yawned
a coy woman
half covered by a sheet
whose somnolent smile
could be an invitation for tenderness
or a tragedy

nature is my catalyst
the origin and provider
of all dark secrets
rocks and trees
the silent witness
of horrific history

adventure awaits
where fear and excitement
merge as lovers
and there is naught to do
but press on

driven to distraction

hard playing drums, fiddle playing
slicing air, to rock-a-bye my blues.
a plan taken, too many
times. leaving me driven, beyond
mere words.

mind racing, trying
to find those three perfect
words, thrown
in my face.
on knee's I begged, pleaded
till an affair, was

the only answer. grown
woman, shopping
for love, letting time pass
while watching his walk, pass
me by.till the next time
when those blues pull
my ear, singing
why not ...

the weight of despair dug deep into
my soul and made itself at home

my will was bound, stolen in war
my captors' faces I've carved in stone

I searched for joy, in youth and now
it came to me in a scream

I will not bow to circumstance
nothing is ever what it seems

my soul is my strength, my life
and treasure, and it is up to me

to stand strong and march ahead
whatever obstacles may be

I won't give up, give in or quit
though my confidence is torn

no longer shall I follow the blind;
this woman has been reborn
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Father Might Have Been A Catholic Once

Stooped under a language
which required supplicants
to disclose their other faces,
Father simply gave it up.
Hiding his face under a cowel
of contrition, he walked
through each pew and said
nothing to the congregation,
unsheathing their contempt
like bees. He left behind
something - an open door,
and their jaws, clamouring
to taste the bittersweet air.
pit bull

she struggled against the leash, her mouth foaming fear, anxiety.she snapped her neck back, then back again. they kept coming, coming,and then someone threw a bone. The bone landed just out of her reach, the other dogs snarled, then attacked. She was bitten, bloody and bruised, the dogs left her with the bone, knocked close to her during the last viscious attack. As she lay there dying, her tongue managed one final lick. The salty blood of the beef rib nourished her only in her mind. She gasped, swallowed the taste of the salty blood that stuck to her tongue, then she died.The other dogs sniffed her body, pissed on her coat, but she had already won.
my party for two
has begun. a pole, laundry
flying to the skies
heart racing, sighs
escaping, two becoming, not
quite one.

hands moving, fingers grasping,
gaping memories, swing in,
a kaleidoscope of emotion filling
days. turning topsy turvey nights
into lust and excitement with sexual
frustration, no more. pinned down,
wringing wet, ironing out all his hot

spots, with pure driven
devotion to turning whites, white
and colors will collide, meshing
their machine from line dancing dips
to a cowgirl in spurs, spinning,
pouncing, edging him on. to take
grind, great each thrust
with a hell ya, I want


Her words are stitched
to the inside of her mouth
so she won't forget. Hands
never fidget. Eyes never lie.
She prays each passing
minute, hoping the lake
of sweat she has built
on her palms will sweep
her away.
off course, perhaps?

a donde, Senorita Butterfly?

your visit to my garden duly noted
welcome in fact, but questioned

is not your waiting home somewhere
West of here, closer
to the setting sun?
In the land of mango, cayenne,

Orange and black are welcome
upon the cactus dahlia, though
out of place
as the cactus in my window sill

a donde, Senorita Butterfly?
Iwish there were room upon
your lacey fragile wings
an orange seat adequate enough
for t he pale and settled
likes of me
once, for me

come for me, please just come
I am lonely and do not drink coffee
and my mornings are always bland.
You have come in the whir
of bumblebee wings, and visit
at each new moon when stars
are at their brightest. You come
as dew, the tears of angels, thankful
for the rising sun, you come
but you never come for me.

Not for the flowers or the poetry
of translucent wings brushing petals.
Do not come as the first wail of a newborn
or the splash of surf against my knees.
Just come, as you, and bring your smile
your touch, your tanned skin kissed
by mother sun. Just come

just come for me
I miss you

as if my skin had shed
at the stroke of midnight
I awaken and shiver
unclothed, without a face
without you, I am

Take what I give. Dress me down,
till my tits submerge,
emerge to be tickled and tasted
with long wet licks, round top
to bottom. Slide my sides and drown
my thighs. You're granted a break
while I milk your cake. I take
my way, as you pay. My hand full'a
cock, more is my glory. I taste
your growth as you mouth out
" Oh My Betroth !! " A long, deep
throated dip, your base at my lips,
while I suckle your screams
and fancy your huckle.


... needs a bitta work ~

the ballad of those who forget easily

you are peppercorn
you are sharp
both in image
and soul
you dance on flimsy ice
you ask
my estimate of you
although you never really
explain your myth
Not even noon,
we're at a hundred and two
the garden hose, my friend today

a stiff west wiind
blows mist in my face
Finally, I can breathe.

don't give me what i want i thrive on stress
yes, you know what I mean, wait
put off that deadline,
remember theose term papers
that youre searched and wrote
in just three days?
I did mine in less than one
You're no fun, so submissive
why dont you put up a fight?
dont ever give me what I want

I'll have to curl up and die
what will they think we meant?

have you ever considered what people will say?
critiquing your work, as if they know
in some pseudo-psycho-sexual way.
they'll analyze and pick apart-

(teacher to students-)

why do you think the poet emphasized
the hollow and death, the physical pain
of a breaking heart?

(and then, in a gossiping tone)

oh, was she scorned, was she prized?
Her parents didn't love her
that's what drove her to write!

Was it the angst, the pain
of a rape at sixteen, lost virginity,
a second time running away?

dear poets, what would you have them say?
that your dragonfly is just an insect
there's no symbolism there

or will you pen your memoirs
spilling the juicy facts. I say
never give up your secrets too soon
you want your readers coming back.
You can't imagine what this month has been like,
Each day consumed with dread, worry, sadness,
My mind fighting with itself, trying to assuage it's fear,
All the time wondering why you even made such a prediction...

He's still doing well for a grand old man of sixteen plus,
Ever the happy companion, tho occasionally more smelly than happy,
Sporting a bit of a limp and a lot of extra fur,
I count the days until the end of August.

So why did you make that prediction,
The one I can't get out of my head?
Why would you even seek to consider,
When he would pass on?

It hurts that you did, but so much less
Than living with that prediction,
Waking each day and making sure he's still there,
Giving him extra treats, and extra loving,

A thank you for the many years of unconditional love,
The kind that only comes from man's best friend.
Milky way meltdown

Twisted visions turn on,
cycling me to another world,
another time. Where I rim out
then in, take deep breathing treatments
to the edge, back out, to cycle
over. Twisting purple beach balls,
absorbing his fresh meat as I frolic
down to taste the destruction
of this lusty beaching
I long to command.


Streetlamps till slabs
of pavement away
from human eyes.
Foxes congregate
like thieves in alleys,
preparing for a sortie
to the dumpsters.
Ransacking refuse
sacks, they rip up
stale love letters
and rose stalks
sharpened on a
former lover's
heart. They yelp
into the night,
afraid of what joy
might dump.
smoggy land visit

secreting, mink oil
pearl paste. fornicating
imagery, invading
wetland paradise, eroding
dusty webbed fly traps
into the cloudless sky, as we
take our trip, into
the erotic heart.

numbers dance

taking slow dance
lessons from
my one. who tries to
teach, but the professor
shall become the pupil,
learning not to pass go,
before the light turns, green.

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