all of a sudden passion suddenly

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So I was betrayed one night

You wouldn't have seen
much if x-rays had peered
into my chest that night:
Just my heart, punctured.
And her tooth anchored
in its skin, taut and strong.
Like a flag.
The Last Prayer Of Summer

The rain factories
are on strike. Let heat
strike the earth
like matchsticks, sketch
out revised borders
by the Oldsmobiles
at the watering hole,
and let the leathery
cactus be our judge.
Watch its pins drop,
our voices hush, bodies
bent as if watching
man rediscover the power
of fire again. Amen.

The astronaut
on the TV wishes
the asphalt sun
would beat down
on him.

Lost my smart pills. Fed
my I.Q to the dog. Saw
a vision of Einstein
on the way to the train
station. Snow crunched
like calculus. Einstein
smiled and painted a lost
thesis on the pavement.
I watched the rain fill in
its missing gaps, each
drop lighting up the holes
inside my head. I see
them now re-appearing,
like miners finding a new
shaft of air and wondering
why everything is so clear.
Today at another time, another place
I wept as I watched you fall
off your pedestal, into the void
left in the absence of your innocence.

I wept as the baptism of fire
burned through your previous life
and absolved you of your sins
and all the hatred sown across
the fields of righteousness.

Today I wept in memory of your blood
shed into the emptiness of anger
the hollowness of the hopeless
echo of screams into the void.

Cars thaw,
wake their engines.
Widows hear
the familiar thrum,
wait for their hearts
to turn.
I shaved

this pussy and lil pink rim
just, for you. I feel you
near. Hands gliding, mouth
suckling, taking my melon

whole. Inch by
inch, taste buds
explode while devouring me
nub to sink hole. Rousing
my passions, to cross

the edge
finding euphoria, is to be
had, here. Baby, come
here. Tongue bless, caress
all my

counterparts. Take my being
all apart. Dissect me whole
as I mouth out your growth,
with my lips of no
mercy. Demand
- Command.

Come inside
my pearly white
hide. Grace my halls, with your
big, hot
prick. Stick it
to me. Mack out,
take a bite. Feel my

slithering body, bend
into you as I tantalize,

your needy body of slick

:catroar: :catroar:
Prayer of the harbringer

snow calls
heard in deep bone

it's coming

far off still
a sweet low song
riding in on the dark morning

cold mint strong air

banish the sun from this place
call the leaves to bow down low
before the grace

let the world die again
A flight of wave foam blew
off the tiny cove where a river
flows across a tasty bit
of wilderness. The pelicans
rose in ready eagerness
to be in Texas just
as the storm blows
itself out over the hard
continent it butts its head
on. Pelicans only look ungainly,
they're graceful as wavefoam
lifting off the crests blown to land.
from sunrise until darkness
began to climb the sky
it was literal poetry in motion
this day, each thud of my shoe
against hardwood or black asphalt
stirred up truckloads of adjectives
like clouds of dust
the light in my eyes was a metaphor
of heaven and love yet to come
out windows, and in corners
inhabited once by something
but now vacated by tenants
who must have felt ambition
yearning for something more
counting boards as i walk the wooden floor
in a gallery walk way, loving my space
where degas is my roommate
and i smile sincerely right back
into whatever comes my way
this day was poetry
and imagined brushstrokes that
were painted opaquely by some mood
reckoning that the time is not right
for what my wish might be
while staring into a piece of
art, or a patron's gold grill
or even up through a skylight
its a dream diffusing like a cloud
spreading apart and becoming so thin
that the shape it held only
moments ago seems impossible
now. now, after all that's been said
and all things left undone, now
i still insist that it's your fault
that i write like this.
Ventriloquising the dead

I ventriloquised his behaviour,
thinking that would earn me
his love. Slumping into the chair
at the end, it all slid off, leaving
only a naked core stinking of his
gone-off aftershave and rotting

We stopped opposite a field
of sunflowers for lunch. Father
threw off his old age, peeling
back layers of skin like an onion.
Nobody spoke during that meal,
not even my other self, staring
at me like a jaguar; hungry
and eager for prey.

The trains are resting
in their depot, no longer
flickering through the night
like frames from an old film.

You are not coming home,
not navigating your way
through the streets, not
watching the pubs shut,

taxi's giving way, clubbers
rocking on imaginary ships.
All the lights on my street
have gone out, leaving

only the foxes who wander
along pavements, feeling
them becoming lighter
each day.
Where is this point?
I've landed alone,
bruised and broken,
not into parts
but my psyche sits
in shards, still held
together by the plastic
that keeps me inside
the frame and dulls
the edges of my thoughts.

ma mum n dad
for puttin up
with what they do n bailin me
out of all ma

shoppin n spendin,
more money than i've got,
seein ma mates..which
i don't do nearly enuf...seein

mah Alan n avin them
stupid convrsations n eatin crisp n sausage roll butties
at 5 in the mornin haha. love the used, muse, greenday,
ani de firanko, underoath, arctic monkeys,

keiserchiefs, prodogy, embrace,
Ashlee simpson, tupac, alicia keys,
franz ferdinand,oasis, foo fighters,fall out boy
lilly Allen,kooks. Lost?

don't watch it that much.
Was good,
but i've completely
Free Bird

I have shed the chains, that drag
shackle me down. Now time
to move on, up
in the world. MY world
where all is a peaceful easy feeling. He is
my pet, my every thought
My slave, pussyboy toy
who worships and sustains
at my

and command. I, his
turn on, crank it up,
me up. To make this party
come alive. As he
makes me feel like, flying
into the sunset
of erotic urgings. Ultimatum unhinged
two twin souls set free
to binge. Free fall into my lap, tasting
my nectar of heaven,
chase away the every day hum drum
life seems, to only

offer. Willing, wanting
escalating demons
tail in, drag out
every dream possible
for we two ones free bird fall
taking everything life


I count backwards in my sleep,
feeling my room unravel itself.
Bed goes back to wood, alarm
clock back to oil and sand.
Clothes return to the cotton.
But my body is still an adult
when it's finished and I see
memories hanging off me,
dripping onto the land; each
speck another mirror reflecting
some unseen part of me.
to my golden pothos- now there are three

you escaped from a jungle, or perhaps
it was some distant relative ( of mine) that snipped
a piece of you and hid the tendril in his coat
when it was still safe to smuggle plants
into a foreign country. You have grown
in increments, measurable in feet, not inches
and you seem happy to hang in my yard
near the red tip bushes that shade my porch
from summer, but a cold front has moved in
and I am fearful that you could catch a chill
that would cause your leaves to wither
and your vines to weaken and I would be
without you come Spring. I wanted
to let you know, there is a cricket
nestled somewhere inside your mess of foliage
I have yet to trim, but it is, after all, still summer
until tomorrow, and I don't mind the chirping
if you don't mind being here with me.
I love fall weather, so sweet and cool
curtains curtsey, creating my land
of magical lovin'. He comes to me, weathered
by demons from past. I shelter him, in my moist
forbidden caverns, that have awaited him, forever

Winter dragged on, as we dipped in hot springs,
gathered limericks to chuckle by the fire, but he
held my heart cupped in a pina colada visions
of a bright future foreseen by a twin souls,

Spring came, he slashed our hearts, heaving
everyday nightmares around, to bring us down.
We fought it all, with calls of concern and long
dreary nights, dialing digits to lend our helping
hands. A sofa bed dream, snores intermixed
with soft, sultry love words, poems and writes
back and forth. We withstood, took our stand,
hand in hand, yet apart as night and day.

Summer came, still distant and disarranged. Begging
his love, company, a partnership to last eternity.
As she held every breath for one word, one
sigh to escape and finally be back together. To dip
into the shores of a normal life, filled with love,
romance, and his soft, warm body lying next
to her, every night. The assurance that all
was well and he was but a touch away. Under silken
covers, ready to wrap loving arms around, bedbound,
lovin' night into day.

Winter gloomed ahead. Working all hours, barley
making numbers appear to call, be heard or even feel
him close. Yet, their demon still stalked and talked
of threats and regrets. Demoralizing hatred, kindled
leaving these two doves partaking not a crumb.

Spring sprung, again. He had, had enough. Missing
his one, moving back was the hardest decision ever
any one man made. Still no calls, or warm sheltering
words but hope had sprung. Her heart leapt, filled
with joy. Knowing one day, one time, soon. Hopefully
they would have a real chance.

A year passed, then two. These two lived, let live
and tried moving on. The other always in the foremost
front of their mind. Till now. Fall has set in again,
so sweet and cool. Curtains curtsey, creating
their land of magical lovin'. He comes, weathered
by demons from past. I shelter him, in my moist
forbidden caverns, that have awaited him, forever
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