all of a sudden passion suddenly

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i gave him my hand
to have and hold
along that path which was
supposed to be our lives
but i wonder and
have wondered
for too long a time now
why this man who is so lost
must always lead the way

Oh this is beautiful and heart-breaking :rose:
Edward and Bella in Ten Years

acid dripping spite drenched hell—
the stench of rotten love pollutes this house
the flies have found our open wounds
your maggot words flying like saliva specks
I'm dying bowels outward from lying beside you
our flesh spoiling more with every domestic
everything you say to me is broken glass in my food
every time I touch you, your skin envenomates me
Hey Rube!

"Step up! Step up!
Right this way!"
Shouted coersions echoed
behind me as I wound
along the midway, ignoring
darts and guns and goldfish
although I did pause at
ring-toss--not 'cause I was
ever any good at it, but my
luck was never as bad as
most of the others.

O, harmony renewed,
in spirit we seek
distant laurels
that continue moving.

Is this our divinity,
our chalice to quest
or simply another stain
of globed sticky goo?

A mayor leads Houston;
the hidden is revealed;
we tell who asks;
holding hands in public
marrying in private,
hiding bouquets at work--
living secrets,
is not living.

Trust me bigot,
we can’t help it,
we tried so many times
we taste seed.

Victory denied.

O, harmony renewed,
in spirit we seek
distant laurels
that continue moving.

Is this our divinity,
our chalice to quest
or simply another stain
of globed sticky goo?

A mayor leads Houston;
the hidden is revealed;
we tell who asks;
holding hands in public
marrying in private,
hiding bouquets at work--
living secrets,
is not living.

Trust me bigot,
we can’t help it,
we tried so many times
we taste seed.

Victory denied.

You once described one of my poems as "pissed off poetry" and you and Vrose just above and Maria all qualify for that. Maybe we should be the Pissed Off Poets, or POP for short:) Loved the passion in it. x
You once described one of my poems as "pissed off poetry" and you and Vrose just above and Maria all qualify for that. Maybe we should be the Pissed Off Poets, or POP for short:) Loved the passion in it. x
now there you go again (in Ronald Regan voice)
who ya' gonna trust?
a pissed off poet
or a comedian?

He wrote late last week,
And it broke my heart all over.
Nights are the worst.
Days, I can focus on work.
Could he really have changed?
Until I dug his note out of the trash,
Flicking off sunflower seeds, and
Folding it carefully away,
Ending it seemed so right.
Damn him to hell.
now there you go again (in Ronald Regan voice)
who ya' gonna trust?
a pissed off poet
or a comedian?

I am definitely a pissed off poet. This poem was a freewrite and I always seem to go to the dark side on those. I have my pretty poem moments but I am general dark and sometimes disturbed.:D
You once described one of my poems as "pissed off poetry" and you and Vrose just above and Maria all qualify for that. Maybe we should be the Pissed Off Poets, or POP for short:) Loved the passion in it. x

Today I feel sweet, yesterday, realizing that this state will never let us legally wed, angered me--but then she tickled me (she knows how when I am morose) and we just were silly the rest of the day--like two teens.

I could go on, but you know the drill. We love each other--and there is not a thing anyone can do about it, not me, her, or anyone.

I feel like playing with verbs today--is that normal? :rolleyes:
Parsing must speed thought
driving sound’s demarcated
wildly a little clownish
minuet drunk on what
is breathed and what the
beat says leave and I
look at my oafish feet
and stop to drink my tea.

Ezra this is stupid stuff
I speak in words measured
by blinks the birds and Sun
opens the day or clouds
take it away as quick
as blue drops into gray
and what is there to say of
rain drowning all else?

That be be finale of seems?
That is is condition of might?
That was was conceived of dreams?

And who, Ezra, will read this
Blight and say whether it crashes
or long enough to rise
above the fray before
the ink runs out of night?

Gray wood crackles
Twirling fire sparks in sleepy eyes
as the waning grace of dreams amuse

Marshmallows swim
Foaming white strolls on a brown sea
As the dark tinge of cocoa pleases

Snowflakes dance
Tiny ice tingles simple music
As nude breasts flavor flawless piece

Lips part
Moist tongue tests warm contentment
As easy eyes float toward a half-moons.

Bills are paid
Small ones safely slumber
as strong arms embrace blessed need.

Fire whispers songs
Old cabin engulfs enriched lives
as two lovers sleep by the cooling fire
in a wet wood.

....removed to keep the passion thread clean, LIKE IT WAS MEANT TO BE, just for poetry.
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It is a crying shame that politicians feel they must dictate how people live. I wish you two the best and hope and pray that someday soon you may live as you wish without being judged by people with sticks up their asses.


and playing with verbs is fun and wonderful and I want to read the outcome when you are done ;)

I'm in a super duper rush, but I've reworked that piece four times on the poetry in construction thread. Arghhh! Maybe I need a break from it.

As far as the judging--thank you for the words :rose:. They do help. Suppose at times nonacceptance and the rejection of my parents gets me down, but I do believe things will change via the legal system as far as gay marriage. Nonetheless, some views of the 'sticks up their asses' people will never change.

I wrote about it under my mean bitch alt not so long ago. This is a pure explosion and hardly a poem--I love it.

I'm a Queer? The Doctor Forgot To Tell Me

BTW--my daddy is coming around--his religious beliefs hinder the process. The man is a wonderful contradiction fighting a strange upbringing :).
First fumblings

We pretend children have no sex lives then
laugh as they play kiss-chase in the playground
and forget our first fumblings with
our sticky groins
quietly under covers
worried about smells and stains yet
enamoured of them already.
Amazon once meant jungles and piranhas,
a word imbued with romance and dreams.
A girl with a lasso of truth,
who winked out from my favorite milk glass,
maybe a costume I wore fifth grade Halloween.
It still means romance and dreams,
but it takes DSL and a credit card now.
HI guys. Most of my lines are spur of the moment kinda thingees. I can't write poetry, I just write. Most of the time it's just for me so this is a BIG step up. Critics are more than welcome.

Nay! Silent night
nor sleep delight
A flounders kiss
of crickets hiss

Melody masking rain and sea
clouding over, misteriously, memory
A hairless whisper out of reach
leaves fall drearily, a distant peach

Deserving the unnerving escapes the train
and hopeful trains track steady again
Doors closing exposing a ticklish fear
Next stop: peaches
Stand clear
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