all of a sudden passion suddenly

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I'm Almost 40

Please open the door again
so the little light comes on.

Why am I on the back shelf
beside the green thing?
It hasn't moved for awhile.
If it's jell-o, I guess the color is okay,
but it sure doesn't jiggle like before.

Come on, open the door just a tad.
I saw a smudge of ink down my side.
Am I really best if used before 39?

Hey, jell-o or whatever you are,
have you expired?
I'm still creamy and supple,
but I did notice something fuzzy growing.
I'd still make a great dish, though.

Finally! Light!

What are you doing?
Careful, you're tilting me.
No, not there.
Don't toss me out.
What about the fucking jell-o?
At least, I still jiggle!
my neighbor's dog

I cradle him in cuddled conversation, cooing,
"Betcha wanna eat a leg, doncha, boy?"

His bark dies to a deafening decibel,
then last grumble drools forth.

I walk past my anxiety,
not aware of sly glances.

He paces the ground for an easy dig.
Soon, there will be a femur to bury.
a lot of times,
drives the other drivers nuts
I always think
of something
and I don't stop
I just find some kind
of paper, two pens
ready, always
and write as I drive...
it's really cute
and sweet
when I get my son
or daughter
to write them for me.

errm, the good ones ;)
but my daughter is curious now, I see her looking for a split-second, then going on her way.

I don't let her use the computer too much...
I have to give myself a good kick here. :rolleyes: :heart:

A sultry pose
over the microphone
welcome to prose
what’s on your mind,
lights sighed low
wickered show
neon candle glow,
blow whispered words
flicker a chill
cast shadow of rhthme
and rhyme
take your time
from this muted radio
of inspiration
empty echo
burst free
and bound
who will cast
the first poem

she asks...
that was on the drive in to the city.
This is on the way out...doh!

her burnt umber
tinted with rose
tears trembled
then cast aside
then froze

over the microphone
wetted sigh
silk whispered
thigh high
blazing sunset glow

she tendered notes
rhasphody, free-flow
then slow

heart-beat hushed
scarlet red
ain't this scary


Come tell me
that you want me
who I am inside

hiss it in my ear
grinding teeth
a twitch
and push against me
back me in the wall
glare in my eyes
squashing me
scatter buttons
of my silk

Show me
that you want me
who I am inside

Only you can decide
I accept you as you are
always knowing
you are not the One
but just so I can feel this
just one time
in my life
echoes_s said:
that was on the drive in to the city.
This is on the way out...doh!

her burnt umber
tinted with rose
tears trembled
then cast aside
then froze

over the microphone
wetted sigh
silk whispered
thigh high
blazing sunset glow

she tendered notes
rhasphody, free-flow
then slow

heart-beat hushed
scarlet red

missed an important word here...doh!

her burnt umber
tinted with rose
tears trembled
then cast aside
then froze

over the microphone
wetted sigh
silk whispered
thigh high
blazing sunset glow

she tendered notes
rhasphody, free-flow
then slow

heart-beat hushed
scarlet red
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what else did I write?

Cow girl (I)

saddle trimmed
leather shine
stirrups right height
for grip
to steer
hat perched on hair
bundled high
held with pins
boots tossed aside
I’m going to ride bare-foot this time

stealthily I climb
on top of you
slowly settling in
a small startle
as I slide
onto your tethered form
you lay tied
eagle spread

I wrap my legs
and dig in
just a bit
to remind
you who is in control
before slowly
letting loose the reins
to hold in my hands

I stare in your eyes
wicked grin
as I begin
our leisurely trot
I am your guide

What is madness,
swirling into dissipating pain
agonies enwrapped, grating metaled strain
from thrashed
integrate with insane
hammers cracking skull
tile torn of heart
gaped holes in brain
blearing dull
incomplete vial
of sperm in test tube
left wasted
forgotten freeze
begotten wheeze
before a sneeze
into spillage
oozing mess
of madness

it hurts too much
to flow words
with ink
through pen
from mind
onto paper

to think thoughts
with fingers
typing on keyboard
binary code
tapping senseless

blurred vision
hazed reaction
from shed tears
turning pink
with the sunset
as night deepens thinking
eve darkens with emotion
before once again
falling asleep
this day
simple, here goes nothing

bongos against both ears
Monday M
thoughts of last 4 and fifteen days
laying out in the open
my arms spread waiting for spears
blood alowed
chimes in this music here hear
piano, titter, cascade, high register
write a poem just for me,
too many times, cascade down the slope
chords blue, drum rampant
late too late too late for love
jus jazz
to late for com
jez jazz
com com com
tom snair slip lip bash snap rim
get it
everyone thrown away
god of backspace
the prayers
all mentioned
few forgive bastards short in heart department

fast, click before thought interfeeeers:kiss: :rose: :rolleyes: :( :)
bitch heart

few except the
bitch who has too much
broken and spilled
quick dont slip
knees and sil sip sipsip it down

tracve fingers
draw a map on cold white tiles

not short of heart
just cut and pasted and
slivered and wasting time

disconnected, travelling to the wong places
I have seen itt there

not short
but full
you have forgotten where you have stored
your winter supply

which is more than enough to get

you want me to point it out
draw that may MAP

the pressure of the fill
pop it like a blister
slow needle poke
sip sip sip it down
before it explodes

you want slut?
you want bitch?
shuut up til you have
had a taste of this

sopmeone smack me
for I rhyme again

I have severed my backspace finger
wanna taste?:p :devil: :heart: :eek:
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it felt so good
that I had forgotten my password
in a place filled with mailboxes
overflowing with unopened letters
from names I do not recognize

thinking of another name
for fiber optic wires
and flesh
my mind is numb
brain dry

and it feels good

now slap back reality
or something like it

do those fucking reviews and
learn who unclepervy is
been avoiding him all week
a hundred million
small tar foot steps, dirty socks and just
3 dollars in change.

this ladder must
reach the starfields
in the end-

parsed down to
the wire and
in that

hitchhike Montana
up through Idaho,
copper mine talings piled like Elliot's red rock-crumbled.

hooker shacks and union boys
fly by like
memory quilts
in the new found warmth
of spring.

yes the starfield,
flat on my back
along the fencline
where the horses
breath and the memory mist
sticks eternally.
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I lie to myself that such responses
garner attention at least as mentionable
artifacts of the time of day. Which
is to say my GMT - minus.
What is one to do except shoe
himself into the home with the
women and children of nursery
rhymes. The time has come
for dignity and perserverence,
yet the promise of play
has kept him away from the realities
actually inherent in every step
of life from bed to bed and
desk to desk. Even if all they are
is exactly the same every time,
same fight, same sleep, same
dreams of new points of view,
the perseverance matters.
i'm not gay

i'm stuck in a hick town
with two kids and no man
and worst of all
i'm not gay

i work hard at being wicked
but damn it
my reputation is apple pie

if i was a bi girl
i'd be hip
like totally popular

i've tried to be a lesbian
i've done gay things
like looking at porn
where one chick poses close to another chick's pussy

she's smiling and almost touching it

i even tried a girl on girl fantasy
but a guy showed up about three minutes into it


i'm not gay

(yeah... I don't think this going to be submitted. lol)
do you remember a time
playing patty cakes
in sludge mud
loving the slide
of warm clay
not knowing
what dirty meant
but loving rooted depths
instinctual flow
of veined blood
slip graveled glide
squishing through fingers
quench, then splash
swirl your hands around
spattering droplets
of brown everywhere
and laughing
without a care
wanting to run barefoot
love the freedom
of loose flowing dresses
the breeze
across a meadow
of leaves
Concrete poured steel
beamed the only grass
central to a thousand
glass eyes watching
the half-lidded world past
flowerpots and car ballets
in cacophonous pas de deus
symphony beep conducted
in red green blink and all
changes new faces come go
but keep moving and talk
as though you belong then
maybe you do pippa passes
and god's in a bar on 52nd
I don't know the world in
meadows canyons horse-steamed
dawn trots past brownstone
stoops rain shines patently black
avenues never quiet whispering
down to turnstiles tokens pass
into day swallows you roaring
forward always I don't know
the nature of open space I know
places heart free I know you.
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what can I say?


oh have you tried

damn you are one talented bitch
and fucking is not involved at all


ah yes
try again

but remember we are all pretty much the same

piece by piece dissected down
after the pre-fuck glow
warrior thrill hunt, gathered up
and filled

boil us down
we are all pretty much the same
pussys come on cannot be too different
can they?

and this nasty thing called a brain
derails you every time

something inside
no map or anatomical guide
something without a latin name
requires honesty
and perchance a bit of admiration
why not shoot for the fucking moon

essentially same from behind, you can
kiss it kick it wave goodbye
to this fine ass hand print

a nose to sniff out the trail
of your latest hunt, (cunt same thing)
before you even arrive back
to the cave

damn we are all the same
heart fun for breaking
arm great for twisting
and feet just fine for walking away

b- this is not about you
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It's fine and mellow love
is like a faucet my main
turned off years ago his
pants high draped but he
slid away zoot then who
even cared because blues
gulped up the whole sky
sucked up clouds like so
much smoke ate it whole
and the bed turned glacial
rocky crags of silence brittle
heart shards all over the
sheets a dangerous place
but by then I felt nothing
frozen into mama routine
commuting through years
100 solitudes never even
known until poetry flamed
again and twang new love
chorded warm like finding
a diamond in a mud puddle
is what he told me gushed
back on and treats me right
baby I stay home every day
downy sliding blues cling
like stripes wrapped in quartet
whisper and laugh always
crooning indigo flower soft
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bones creak and groan
aged splintered house
as the earth shifts
and mumbles burdens
laid heavy upon land

mind sighs weary
scattered thoughts float
upside down
and no energy to catch
and make sense
of what could be said

droop and wilt,
craving steamed bath
yet fear of dream
within cooling waters
and water mouth high
sinking under
to sputter

and a sigh
long, drawn until breath is thin
and lungs emptied
collapsing first
to refill for another day
for all to replay
a different way

the night calls me
and time attuned
whistles softly
it is now
pillows, teddy bear
and dark room
tucked in a warm bed
damn echoes_s I was trying to keep this day going a little longer
now I am looking for a bear
and something warm

dry eyed grit
goddamn lost my train
looking for the phone

gimme gimme gimme one thing to write about
coast over rumble strip
waikes the hell out of me
puilling back in between the lines

I guess that is it

every night fight the darkness
it will not win

fist in the air
tomorrow tomorrow I will defeat you

is there a re CURE for sleep
I wanna live on wake

but sun comes up anyway
and I wish I could just sleep

inertia of existance

more more more I want more
of the same

echoe s pass the bear
Angeline said:
I had a stuffed lion. His name was Ringo. :D

Miles the mouse
terribly jealous rodent, yes

would not let any other
mammals reptiles or the like
sleep with me and my footie pj's

he whined and whimpered until I kicked them to the floor

Freckles the Bulldog
sometimes was alllowed to keep watch
at the foot of our bed
make sure no other animals snuck in

while arm around miles
thumb in mouth
under a flowered ceiling
we slept
I wish my name was Ted
and I was one of the pretty people
with pretty friends
who laugh about petty things with perfect pretty smiles
I want to be Ted and be one of the pretty people
just for a while
I wish my name was Ted
Mo Better Motown

Baby everything is
all right
because the way
you do the things
you do, I can't help myself.

Baby love, ain't nothin
like the real thing,
and for once in my life,
ain't too proud to beg.

I want you. Love is
like a heat wave,
an itchin in my heart,
a ball of confusion.

Mercy, mercy me!

Oh Fingertips.
Part 1. Part 2. Reach out.
I'll be there.
Signed. Sealed. Delivered.

I'm yours.
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