all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Wind shifts
North West.
Lime green Willow
Angel Hair
in a Perennial dance-

Across the street stubborn
and rough Beeches
hold tough in stiff

But the delicate canopy of the
Weeping girl
to come.

Year by year,
Cambium layers-

You can toss nature out
with a pitchfork
but it always comes
raging in.
and Sarah selling in the background
with her sweet voice singing...
Yeah, and I'll still be here when she gets older.
que sera sera
and a smile
open doors

now its ole Louis

i'ts Saturday night, candles lit
and I wrote another corny poem...
uhmm, not sure what I intended it to be
in the first place

mmm chantal...unravel me, awesome song. it is, hope the focus was there and it's not too scattered. :kiss: :heart:

Soft touches

How does it feel
to have the morning sunshine
wrapped around your skin
soft shawl of warmth
basking glow
blushing within
bursting with joy
your smile
touching just one person
who feels just a little
for a while.

Or one shy
peeks around lashes
eyes meek
yet a giggle
even silent is seen there
then she hides
but you saw
radiating more
but outward
strength shining forward
with force

Or you seen someone
with so much ravage
coursing her face
silent tears
and you find a way to touch her
you care
who cares
damned if I do right now
hell yeah
and I laugh
stop and stare
try and hurt me
I’ve been there
and I always come back
with more energy, more force

So be a cloud, a rainstorm
thunder roaring
even death
so many have been there
and one way or another
some time
one is actually touched
either tender
or amazed
I don’t want to say awe…
not needed
a real touch inside
to say
one day
it’ll be okay
either from me or from you
one voice
a whisper of movement
of arm
before lifting hand
to pick up the pen
at the same time
a thought or some moment
it’ a great idea to write this down
to share
I thank you to each and every
person out there
who I have or might touch
to say that
is beautiful
in one way or another…

ps, don’t forget the whips and soft touches, firm words
and laughter that is always shared.

soft touches
As if wine,
crisp when you wore that smile,
would dull the spendor.

Tender tendrils,
half past one and counting
every second you were more
than breath and arms away,
rolled from my mind,
to catch you,
you knew how,
caress you blind,
and make you mine.

As if wine,
I drank the sight.

As if time,
stretching out before us
could evade the clash
of you and I,
a gorgeous crash
of sweat, song,
scream and sigh.

As if time
could pass us by,
a faint hope cast aside,
we filled the night.

As if gold,
could never shine that bright,
I traced a finger,
lingered on a starlit patch,
the destination
of a milky way glow,
six hundred lightyears old,
and realised...

...a sun gave up her life
for me to revel in your skin
and see that sight,
the almost hidden jolts
of tranquil heartbeats
deep within.

As if gold,
I bathed in you.
Hmmm, this one might be heavy :D :kiss:
haha, almost forgot to paste the darn thing in this message ;)

I save them now first :devil: :heart:

Kick in the ass

Hey, you know,
it’s just a kick in the ass
but you get somewhere…

even if just a bare breadth
of a pass of the air
trembling from movement

You feel some sort of rush
anywhere from forward
to backwards,
you still come up learning
even though you feel like
your barely breathing
just a gasp…
when needed
to breath one more time again
and you can’t go any further
there is only one way up
lay there and grab your strength
just rest if you have to

then get back somewhere
you know there is something out there
and damned if you will
just give up yet
You want to know
some how
some time
even just a taste
to say you have felt this
felt it slide down
the back of your mouth
to where it tickles
you to swallow
and even then
you hold on just a little more
just to feel that feeling
another sensation
and your laughing
even if inside

a smile escapes
once in a while
a certain glow
a look of peace
just for a second
one deep breath
so slow
of coolness
of air
and don’t swallow
feel that feeling
then do it again
streatch your neck
arms, back shoulder
all so slow
feel the flow

It’s just a kick in the ass
Liar said:
As if wine,
crisp when you wore that smile,
would dull the spendor.

Tender tendrils,
half past one and counting
every second you were more
than breath and arms away,
rolled from my mind,
to catch you,
you knew how,
caress you blind,
and make you mine.

As if wine,
I drank the sight.

As if time,
stretching out before us
could evade the clash
of you and I,
a gorgeous crash
of sweat, song,
scream and sigh.

As if time
could pass us by,
a faint hope cast aside,
we filled the night.

As if gold,
could never shine that bright,
I traced a finger,
lingered on a starlit patch,
the destination
of a milky way glow,
six hundred lightyears old,
and realised...

...a sun gave up her life
for me to revel in your skin
and see that sight,
the almost hidden jolts
of tranquil heartbeats
deep within.

As if gold,
I bathed in you.

oh how this frightens me...

For every swirl and splash
upon your tongue
every burst of taste
upon each tiny bud
that I could touch you

the warmth of your look
blushing me
one way or another
your eyes electric
catching me on fire
and I glow
wanting to reach you
without taking a breath

to join two into one
lightening meshing
cast from the clouds
striking fierce
cracking, splitting
exploding shrapnel
and splinters of wood
catching seared
charred instantly
from the heat
of our bodies colliding
yet so soft

almost as whipped through air
that feeling
of not touching a thing
and nothing, you
just lightness
and the wind
flowing through
and around
touching every pore
and nerve ending
gasping awakening

and if that is gold
then all is gold
even the smile
I first see forming in your eyes now
and the tug of one muscle
so deep
twitching your lip
another breath of air
and you want to lick it
to feel more...

just a little
and I would tempt more...
Lol, somebody stop me, I have to get some sleep...doh. It's all the music, dancing...who wants to stop
:confused: :D


You hear the saxophone
wailing, slowly
smooth transition
blowing harder
more energy
fingers fusing
just a slight caress
until he comes to what
he wants to say
and he stands tall
holds that breath
and goes
for a second
lost in the stars
in his mind
sculptured, precise
and pulled
soars with the air
coming out of that saxophone
the drums the applause
and tease
a standing ovation
but his voice…
he crowled soothing
and his laugh
when he talks
your skin
goose bumps
a shiver
of a passing thought
and you smile…
LOL, if anyone wants me to stop...please please say so. :heart:
I seriously could go on all night. *I wish there was an angel icon to paste up here :devil


voice that
blends with the music
singing Ice Cream
and her voice
its so low
with passion
to shrilling high
thrill sweetly
and wetly kiss you
before passing an arm
pressing behind your neck
ever so slightly
only warmth
and hand
shivers across your shoulders
and a definite press
of stomach
into the back of your back
touching just below and above
the middle, the tender small
of your back
and smile
giving with all of my heart
eyes softly teasing
brown and deepening
as if in the blink
she was giving you
another kiss
and whispered breath
brush of hair
gently pass
scent so slight
touch of sensuality
if you see me right
and let me be me
within this collar you cast
around me
and we will each
set each other free
another burst of song
raise of eyes with voice
hand raised
and twirl away
with a slight bend
wave of body
to say
please don’t miss me
I am waiting
just call
my love

I can't wait to do chantal, but she is one I have to dance to, so I would have to stop and might get lost :D
Bop hop

...and I bop hop
in my chair
to the sax
pushing like popsicyles
splashing explosions
of liquid
spreading hot-fired
shivering throughout

the hot cold sensation
so quick
its a skimmer of lightening
flush upon the tips of your hairs
so baby soft
a blushing breeze
so gentle
halting and teasing
so slightly
then gone...
waiting for chantal
to dance again
one with the music
feeling it completely
as a breath
taken in
heated and moaning out
whisper deep
only an animal would hear
wonder if I have any wine
maybe I should have a couple drinks...
I remember that was my initiation
onto these boards.
My first brave step...
write a christmas poem.
They all taught me how to drink
nog and brandy
on christmas eve
in between
wrapping presents
and not too many
were very neat :D

like spoken to
no reply
taking hours
I forgot why I came here
this could take hours
go to sleep
don't go to bed
floor is better with popcorn
better than popcorn
without floor

the whole point
things thought about
yesterday driving out
lack of reason

big mistakes
stupid sentences
all in a row
alone here in a bed
of poems and invitations
I wish I could write about how the explosion
of music impacts
the feelings, tinglings
of every nerve
breathing the vibrations
the skin
brushing it softly as it passes
silent soft kiss
til another sound expresses
it's intentions
as it pushes the other
out of the way.
bad naked ladies

two dollar yard sale
box of Barbies and
the cheap slut rip offs
betty and brendas with
hollow plastic

twenty barbies
one for each aunt on both sides of the family
who get to come to
triplet Skipper's birthday party
every day

I get to be the aerobics instructor

sister barbie
left breast pressed in
dont want to play with her
ugly boobies

broken arm
boneless barbie,
goth tatoo nose ring
barbie imitation,
hairless barbie

the team of four
bad naked ladies
banished from the play

they are ugly

they are bad

they come to the birthday party
for the triple skippers
every day

and the beautiful sixteen

every day

bad naked ladies
banished once again
Re: needs

smithpeter said:
like spoken to
no reply
taking hours
I forgot why I came here
this could take hours
go to sleep
don't go to bed
floor is better with popcorn
better than popcorn
without floor

the whole point
things thought about
yesterday driving out
lack of reason

big mistakes
stupid sentences
all in a row
alone here in a bed
of poems and invitations

Many are alone in a lonely situation
isolated within someone
or two...worse.

I woud rather be alone
than lonely
with someone else

talking to myself all the time
with writing
sometimes reaching someone

who is alone in a lonely situation

and when it's time for bed
popcorn on the floor sounds great
crunchy when one rolls over in sleep
too bad there was no one to taste it
when they wake :D
salted fingers dipped in butter, drawn

popcorn without a floor
might not be popcorn afterall
falling into a spiral grabbing
red carpet fuzz and knocking aside
sticky popcicle sticks

talk about stupid lines

I remember why I came here
but coming here
took away the why

alone here
in a chair
of poems and inspirations
Re: bad naked ladies

SeattleRain said:
two dollar yard sale
box of Barbies and
the cheap slut rip offs
betty and brendas with
hollow plastic

twenty barbies
one for each aunt on both sides of the family
who get to come to
triplet Skipper's birthday party
every day

I get to be the aerobics instructor

sister barbie
left breast pressed in
dont want to play with her
ugly boobies

broken arm
boneless barbie,
goth tatoo nose ring
barbie imitation,
hairless barbie

the team of four
bad naked ladies
banished from the play

they are ugly

they are bad

they come to the birthday party
for the triple skippers
every day

and the beautiful sixteen

every day

bad naked ladies
banished once again

I have to worry about
Ken and Barbie in the closet.
my son cuts their hair
before she has even decided
but secretly he'll play
every once in an exhaggerated while

Mom tries to have fun and mix
the legs, heads, arms, and torsos
to whichever direction and hole
she wanted, taunting a smile
playing puppets
and make believe
exaggerated voice
silly grin
swooping motions
dancing grin
Re: salted fingers dipped in butter, drawn

SeattleRain said:
popcorn without a floor
might not be popcorn afterall
falling into a spiral grabbing
red carpet fuzz and knocking aside
sticky popcicle sticks

talk about stupid lines

I remember why I came here
but coming here
took away the why

alone here
in a chair
of poems and inspirations

Sticky popsicyle sticks
would be funner to lick,
actually have to pass the tongue
over skin, possibly deep, hard
and over again.

popcorn can be teasing
flick of lips
a soft caress
brush close

or nose
pressing close to inhale
warm scent of sweetness

a wet swoop grabbing the piece
inbedded on your side
just above your waist
and the cool air instantly

or a nip of teeth
drap the tips
playing a tempo
soft and light
rumbling lips
before letting go.
I never ask why I write...:heart:
one many more

al green
has me
no matter
this night
reasons are
reasons are not
Re: one many more

smithpeter said:
al green
has me
no matter
this night
reasons are
reasons are not

love and happiness
I can't stop
Let's stay together
I'm a Ram

I swear this is it, going to try to read and possibly sleep.
uhmm, thanks for letting me write these out. I will probably wake tomorrow thinking...oh no, what have I done :confused:

He met Dolly on blueberry hill
slowing his favorite song
blowing his tongue
twisted among
notes saying
holly geez folks
then played the precession march
percussion drumming pulse
from his heart beat
and piano teased up heated
bop beepity beep
until he met his old friend
going to the bar
to watch the night rise
as the sun lifts it’s curtain
to spray it’s rays
liquid moonshine
to captive the minds
of each opened eye
and back she is
as if just
a breath
in the crisp
of the night

to fuel the fire
burning poetic pressure

(gawd woman, don't you ever stop? ;) )
mind wordswept
in a storm
winds constant
whirling motion
to blow more
and brace
copy and past
black, white
windows reflection
of life
and at last I breathe
in peace
my dying breath
to say
I said one thing
perhaps made
a difference
between life and death
lush vintage
in soft everglade

thank goodness for computer age now hey? ;)
no more scattered papier-mache :heart:
melt me
with the flame
of your kiss
buttery churning
to my inner spark
this moveable feast
of lips brush soft
the first hint of desire
dawns open-mouthed
sighs in whispering silk
heated promises
and smoky-eyed simmers
that bubble bubble
consumed in the burn
of skin
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