all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Fire flash

feasting tangible
tangy sweet
you and me
inhaling scented hues
aura blued
shimmer ecstasy
fireflies glow
gentle grow
skim tears soft
glimmering eyes
husky sigh
close of eyelash
a breath of
fire flash
Not in Colorado

like a chastitiy belt
cuts my chances
of getting lucky
with you

for my love and yours
we don't live
right next door
All of a passion?

You bet your ass

Pulse pounding in my ears
Face flushed
Beyond all imagination

All of a passion doesn't even begin to describe the way I feel tonight
driving down the highway
red lights blushing brighter
than I am right now
tires squeal
honey dew
soaks the seat
nipples perk
at attention
from cool gusting night air
beside open window
brush of arm
slowly turning into lighted street
where milling people
actually see, stop and stare
and I flash them more
than just a shy smile.
Always old men
lost in the blue flicker
of their youth
gamble on someone else's
untested bravery
they are vicarious
these misplaced pridemongers
someone else is blooming
deadly in bloody remove
from the recliner

because war is safe
shielded by cigar smoke
and the mist of a cold one
makes it all vaporous
as the History Channel
where even GI Joe
can storm Normandy
lose his leg and charge
renewed to the next rerun

no sand gritty boots no
sweltering fear no shots
through chaotic carnivals
deconstructing to confusion
and tear-stained orphans
who like my own tender petals
know nothing of nations
and resources caught
then unfurled star spangled
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pink strip envelope

my confession:

it was not the storm
that blew out the lights

tax man took away
my sunny day
left me in the dark with my babies
and my mud
splash rain

hoping my Mama likes
poem flowers as much
as the real thing
hothouse not in the budget
for May

pink slip
pink strip
cut and folded
to rose and wish
for power
and light
my love should have been enough
for you, but you dont want it
so I am gone, dead to you as always,
but not as fragile as those things
you now call your pets,
I a woman
alive, yes more alive than they
or you ever will be
and when your digital faces
change thier namaes, sign off
and leave you in search
of an honest, brighter day
I will be the one, holding the sun
that will never tell you to go
Maria2394 said:
my love should have been enough
for you, but you dont want it
so I am gone, dead to you as always,
but not as fragile as those things
you now call your pets,
I a woman
alive, yes more alive than they
or you ever will be
and when your digital faces
change thier namaes, sign off
and leave you in search
of an honest, brighter day
I will be the one, holding the sun
that will never tell you to go

you are the sun
goddess of light
ethereal shining beacon
inspirational bonfire
twisting rain bowed hues
with jousting garden tunes
planting rays of many moon smiles
more real than sputtered digital
though we might not have touched
nor seen through this flicker
bared black and white dot
when your rhyme turns down
cascading crescent tears
many keyboards jump to life
desperately backspacing your fears
deleting with shears
snipping at those who delight
in attempts to cloud the skies
re-tilling your shimmered hoe sights
Just that feeling?

Frothed fingers furrowed
fetching more silken suds
swirling softly circles
centering on skin

Then fists furious
frenzied bubbling
boiled puddles sputtering
on breast, on nipple
just a tease
lonely feast
barely felt
yet just enough
to feel

and nails etch arcs
curves, tracing geometry
on to geographical sites
lazily lifting
gentled mound
sometimes just brushing the side
and mind sighs
a skip of joy
deeper still
a shivered shudder
flash of heat
ache of breasts
swell a little

then all join in a dance
hand brushing, pressing
sliding deep into skin
almost rough
hell yeah, rough
wetly not a word
to describe the feeling
of jellowed air underneath
always rolling, never breaking

fingers squeeze alternately
or together, sometimes drumming
hard, soft

then nails
pleasing or cruel
to a point
maybe past
for a quick second

and you want to squeeze
your nipples so bad
just that feeling
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If it wasn't so late at night I would never have notice how one seems to post endlessly without answer. EchoS, it is not a life you seek, I think, but a reader. At least to my temporary semsibilities.

A poem was written once
of friends and things and seafood
waiting in the wings of a fishing shop
away from the casual glances and sunshine
of the vending way. The food waited
all eyestalks and claws for the poem
to close on an image of majesty.
Unfortunately the eyes of fish are too
ridiculous, too bottomless for human
sentiments to translate exactly. Instead
an image was built of transience, of E. coli
blossoming a civilization in wasting
flesh, the proteins degrading before
the very eyes, dead eyes, of the
metaphoric visitor, narrator. What
a construction, any viewpoint,
which requires consciousness,
otherwise, who would notice
the absurdity as he slurps you down?
jesus mercy mirrors muses
save my sliding spreading soul
thinning out in feedback clamour
swallowing my ego whole

thinning out in feedback clamour
rocking on semantic waves
short of breath and short of reason
that my lost libido craves

short of breath and short of reason
mind comes out but logic blurred
poured like mantra, not reaction
mocking mimic word by word

poured like mantra, not reaction
sentiment and style escape
jesus mercy mirrors muses
someone, give me back my shape
now I know,
that to love
you must live

as if one or the other
is nothing but a slip
from typing too fast
on neighboring keys.

Maybe just stumbling,
a motoric mishap
form an occupied mind,
so hellbent to love,
(or was it to live)?

Whichever distraction
disturbing enough
to slip on the keys
I now know

I love you.
I live you.
No difference.
Both I do.

red head in angst

we are over, again he said
his words bypassed my heart
went straight to my head.
I told my best friend
I cant take this anymore
I told him to take my heart
and just go

my temples were caught
in a whirlpool of pain
and my hair, like my soul was all faded
nothing but gray would soon frame my face
and I can live with that
until tomorrow

I had a new shade
shoved to the back of closet shelf
"vibratnt strawberry blonde"
vibrant is what I need
applicator and gloves
dry unwashed hair
an hour later I dont know myself

the top is too red
my heart bled through to the top
and I wonder, how does blood flow uphill
when the pumper must surely be broken?
just a reminder from inside myself
he was color of the month, okay 4 years
time for a change
I'll be auburn, tomorrow
Not Flowing

pretty words
caught in flower faucets
domain not my own
stumble and pick up
try again

singing sundrops
staggering sunflowers
to no avail
silly little girl
golden wheat girl

Does any of that make sense? Or have I gone insane again? ha ha

And for what it's worth, Echoes, I think some of the best poetry on this site is what you write in this thread.

Syn :kiss:
Who's crazy here?
Who can't bridge the past?
Who marks years in silent cross,
anger stopped up,
confusion pressure cooked
now blown wide with words
hurled in a mad soup
of threats, unfounded claims.

Who's crazy here?
Talk to everyone but me.
Stalk the phone bills
as though fallen suitors
chase down the pages
defying you in numbers.
One loved me. One!
Tell them all: she's nuts,
you know sick. It must be
some tumor, some organic
excuse for leaving me.

Who's crazy here?
Who fails to communicate,
to budget even one syllable
of precious commitment?
Who witheld everythig
from mouths, bed, arms, life?
Who denied everything?
Who even now blankets reality
with lies? Who can't let go?

You know who.
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Winds blustery blows you down
hard upon the ground
grinding dirt and sod into cleft
soiled cloth
soiled reasoning
tired, too much so
you lay, let gusts cover
whole with gardens of weed
until feeling just once
that tiny seed
thirsting, but too small
to reach dewdrops
hovering on the breach.

She fights to laugh
she struggles to shine
streaming beaconed sight
a lighthouse surging strong
above tempest course rocks
raging agonies of the sea
wailing last life as a siren
carved into hollowed being
reverberating caverns
without meaning

glooming black
swoon back
gone slack
then attacked
by rip tides
how much does This cost

it is a madness then
to continue on like

porcelin splinters hammer crack tile
mosaic images blood mixed pink putty

it must be a madness then
that sucks me down
fighting Coriolis effect spinning backwards
against the natural callick of life

to labor wrists and elbows
ache and numb
for what


squeeze clay into shapes of women
fired and lined on door frame molding
tipped and falling with each slam

I feel every one

so yes
it must be madness then
that brings me back inside
to this, this what is this,
my only friend, my family my fingers
pushing this



what for,

call of the hammock

well hung and stretched 'tween pliable limbs
with seductive subtle sway
if yearning for comfort; come melt in my mesh
it's warm. just relax. let's play
Re: call of the hammock

OT said:
well hung and stretched 'tween pliable limbs
with seductive subtle sway
if yearning for comfort; come melt in my mesh
it's warm. just relax. let's play

I'm yearning for something
and I love 'em well hung
want some shade from my bush
or a cool bath from my tongue?

Perhaps I've said it all and
Can't find nuthin' fresh.
But I'll keep on sayin' what I wanna say
Maybe it will mean somethin'
or nuthin' at all.
Just as long as someone
Says exactly what they wanna say.
This place a fray.
Afraid to stay too long,
belong some otherwhere.
The weary words still ring among
a mongrel crowd all pale,
all paying with adaptation.
They shun my crystal clear
all clear and cool ambition,
wishing nothing more than
modern comfort and numb peace,
dumb piece of dreamless dreams,
as streams still strident,
identity sternly stripped,
ripped clean, full of nowhere
to wear down this place.
Re: Re: call of the hammock

Syndra Lynn said:
I'm yearning for something
and I love 'em well hung
want some shade from my bush
or a cool bath from my tongue?


Cool bath? My guess is anything but,
though, of course, I wouldn't know;
or by cool bath did you mean a hot lick
cooled afterward by a blow.

Re: Re: Re: call of the hammock

Kundalinguini said:
Cool bath? My guess is anything but,
though, of course, I wouldn't know;
or by cool bath did you mean a hot lick
cooled afterward by a blow.


Dealer's choice
I'm not too picky
if ya want a hot ride
or just a quick licky
i've lost my muse
no desire to write
wish something else
were my heart's delight

i'm tired of poetry
can't finish stories
perpetual pending
gets so damn boring

can't even enjoy reading
cause it's all first rate
compared to my crap
think i'll hibernate

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