all of a sudden passion suddenly

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I never had a chance when pushed through
the passage, the moment I breathed and opened
my mouth to wail, an infant child…
my eyes to see new found this vacillated vast
universe away from warmth and heart beat
blood and water rushing, soft cushion on skin

your eyes reflected hate and hands harsh scraped
my worth, not teaching esteem or placement
already a slave to tears for only you
your joy, this being your precious melody
that you smile when stolen and seen
after slapping down emotions and stapling belief

years I mourned, a love sick puppy
tongue littered carpets, tail tucked between
yearning tenderness, a touch, to see compassion
in eyes, accepting anything of me
day passing night, wanting to be
somewhat for you, more than nonentity

understanding now, but simply my subsistence
turned away even though you are still in existence
survival thrived, flourished by determined insistence
you are still a specter haunting memories, reflecting
revisiting, an undesirable adverse lingerer
in my mind, have you finally come for valediction?
Beneath tree limbs outstretched
Shaded offerings beg attention
An assortment ripe and luscious,
"I'll take some of each."

Green grasses quickly found
A soft blanket soon sprawls
We descend to begin
Our tempting feast.

On the slight ruffled breeze
Heady scents tickle senses
Sweet juices followed
Warm paths of bliss, set free.

An outing to be remembered-
The mouth-watering taste
Of sunshine on cherries,
And you.
while hurting

while hurting
from yet another lash
too much life
for just one brain

consider once again

a simple

no more
no less
than true wood
old iron
and clean air

a two chord bliss

now why
did you turn down

for wide roads
wanton rambling
rose gardens
and siclky sweet
sour syrup wine

and that poisinous
swollen kiss

(Tess' thread on hurt'n gave me the notion to go back a bit and dig something up.)
For anyone new, this is what it's all about:

"similar to the old, "writing live" thread.
Poems written with no time restrictions but
complete ASAP, submitted and then regretted.
no copy pasted, no mushrooms on the pizza.
no rewriting!
Like life. It's sudden. It's all passion."

I need to sleep
but I'm reading you
I'm fine until I read you
A crocus stronger than I know to be,
will flutter lazy at the falling sky,
a stony loam supporting its trajectory
of art, proclaiming nature. It won’t die
when bent against the storms of changing time
or beaten low by season’s last travails,
its tender stem broken through icy rime--
strength undenied. Fragility prevails.
I am weak I droop, bow, and dream of sleep.
I long to lie with flowers yet unbloomed.
I am not nourished by my rainy weep
inside the breaking darkness. I’m entombed.
My thorny petals fall. My harvest stuns
my dreams unfolding under careless suns.
The Snow Queen

He is blind. You outsiders see no more
than him. He is made blind by ice, eyes
filmed and in his heart a shard rent
between logic and love, given over not

to sadness but emptiness prevailing like wind.
Once his smile bound up their garden
in a parenthesis of tenderness. This is how
flowers bloomed, spring swayed. Once

a rose lay unfurled between them
like friendship. She would cross rivers,
drop her dread over boatside, walk
alone over forest floors if only

the stones would part. If only she
could breathe that empty air,
she’d outsmart all nature, let leaves
green again, give her shoes away

to a tattered child promising clarity,
a path into the glaciers. She would believe
even when every petal warned her
not to follow north to the heart of winter,

where the queen reigns in frozen remove.
She would believe still that every endless
outcry of storm ends in morning breaking
sunlight over the soundless howl. His heart

might melt again. She would believe. Perhaps
she is mistaken. Perhaps the tune is unfamiliar,
and it is only her own echo crying. Temptation
caresses her face and she is fearless. Foolish.

Perhaps spring will grace his heart, thaw it
free of contradiction’s shadow. Perhaps
spring will grace the trail with light back
to the garden and the bench, freedom.

This is how
flowers bloomed, spring swayed. Once

a rose lay unfurled between them
like friendship. She would cross rivers,
drop her dread over boatside, walk
alone over forest floors if only

the stones would part.

Atlantic Monthly
Boston brawler
poem scrawler
kiss me quick
take me thick
inside me
slide and glide me
in and out
my pussy pouts
and grips to hold you
have I told you
love to suck you
want to fuck you
It hurts to do it
but shoots must be nipped
to strengthen
the growth.

New greeen
snaps crisply when
pinched between
finger and tumb.

Look at me!
No new growth here,
just dead wood
waiting to be reclaimed.

There will be
seedlings and fungi
here soon
to colour the forest floor.
wasted days and
wasted nights
a wasted bitch
is such a sight!
it's hard to believe
she can't control
the longings in her soul

her spirt wanders
off alone
and leaves her
on her own

immersed in darkness
silence screams
in one fell swoop
wipes out her dreams
rejection hurts
even when not meant
take me to the woods
take me in your tent
take me
use me
make me

the object of your lust
hot sticky flesh
raw with desire
slick with sweat
till I scream your name
and buck and thrash
beneath your weight

want me
take me
use me well
make me whole
fill my soul
can't you hear me

standing in the center of a whirlwind
singing so softly
she deafened the torrent

I couldn't understand

A tap on the shoulder

noise becomes words
words becomes melody

I listen enrapt

The wind carries debris
nakedness is a poor sheild

too soon the meldoy ends

but the echoes go on forever
Read to me
make my eyes saucer big
turn the comfort of bedtime
in pages of sheets
and mountains of pillows

make the words fierce as tigers
but drop your voice low
don't scare me too much
I might have to dive
to a cave of lids closed
lashes down or I might
have to dream

hummingbirds that hover
at windows while rocks
speak like rivers babbling
their secrets in your voice
in imagination that slips
like a veil when a girl

slips asleep raveled care
of stories knit deep
colored countries alien
almost real
I haven't been visiting --
caught up in work, life,
not quite living

took a moment to visit --
read some threads, poems,
get inspired, again

and all of a sudden
one of our best
is gone

and I cry

Fare well SmithPeter.

TheDR4KE said:
I haven't been visiting --
caught up in work, life,
not quite living

took a moment to visit --
read some threads, poems,
get inspired, again

and all of a sudden
one of our best
is gone

and I cry

Fare well SmithPeter.


every day
in details and dishes
between pick up and drop off
the world stops
for a moment
i see his face
i hear his voice
every day

Angeline said:
Read to me
make my eyes saucer big
turn the comfort of bedtime
in pages of sheets
and mountains of pillows

make the words fierce as tigers
but drop your voice low
don't scare me too much
I might have to dive
to a cave of lids closed
lashes down or I might
have to dream

hummingbirds that hover
at windows while rocks
speak like rivers babbling
their secrets in your voice
in imagination that slips
like a veil when a girl

slips asleep raveled care
of stories knit deep
colored countries alien
almost real

Hushed and gentle I sat
tired, shawl wrapped
book in hand
music played soft
somewhere back

She sang again that night
growing up with Arbolito
giving freckles at seven
smelling chocolate

it wasnt the presents
but the guessing
at fourteen
now tall enough
to place the star
not allowed
just yet

She is 30 now
and still talking
to her beloved Arbolito
now with grace
to place her own icicles
and dance
gazing at the stars
Howling at the half moon

pitch black dark
buzzing bugs of June
hollowed tv
crazy wind
restless blue
a nothing feeling
just ride it wild

pour a whiskey
sit outside a while
fighting off memories
with daggers in my eyes
bird dog in a wired cage
howling at the moon
just a half moon

asphalt glistens
no one sees your message
in their flurried flight
and you fumble
would it help if i cried
dark and silent
some other day
she looked at me
reassurance denied
heart broken
she cried
Daddy might not be coming
this time
a silent whisper in my heart
but was it hidden in my eyes?

she received her card
but presents unarrived
presence lost
where was her smile
she said
she hated him sometimes
she writes poetry
just like me

gather around the tree
look at the blossoms
falling delicately
a brush of cheek
gentled scent of meek
hushed aroma of tears
hug me mommy

touch the wind
and listen carefully
to the moonlight
to things not seen
what you feel

sweet memories
shine deep
somewhere inside
your heart a keeper
a well of needs

draw the chord
let it sing sweetly
fill the vase
drop the penny
Soon one goes away

pain pulsed
tempo dances,
anger swelled
fingers rhumba’d
voice surge with passion
strings echo
clashed against
hollow heart
beating time
thrashed defeat
then declined

soft talk
against cymbals
orchestrated symphony
concerto of keen
haunted reflection
eerie unseen
teared dejection
then hushed

fist raised
muscles chorded
tense cry
Luego se va
4 Thor

yes you are dear, god of my thunder
rescue me from tangled webs
unwoven, let me rest deeply in
shadows of the yesterdays
that we could never have

breathe down rain in scattered drop
lets learn to love again, its time
to free ourselves from stardust trapped
in eyes so brilliantly blinding
I can only see you in my dreams

isle of view, all ways and for ever
blinded sight
touched by breeze
of a voice whispered
or pealed

then resonate
a hushed sate
awed state
heart quake

fate spoke that day
faith grew to belay
trust be just a song


come hither my love
let me hold you
against my breast
suckle my flesh
as you torment my mind


I have you here
voice only, but
it's all of you now
filling me
fondling me


your breath on my clit
your fingers inside
you throw me over the edge
come along for the ride
flushed and sweating


I lie alone, trembling
in the afterglow of your
the mind is the most
responsive sex organ

yes, yes, oh yes
Butterfly breath

words flowing once again
only gentle soft with pain
but a butterflies breath
on a skirted petaled
pollen stain

tousled over
to rustle exposed skin
a beguile lightly felt
then whispered within

paint unadorned
sweep the meadows
of wildflowers and sing
on wavered wings
ouch that hurts
and thus, the blurts
blow me passed you
yeah, it's not this
and it's not that
what's a girl to do?
not you
you're a flit flyer
beware the buyer
because she's testy
messed me
best me
bear with me
my heart is breakable
and I was giving it a second chance
but when I watch you dance
disco drives me crazy
hazy smoke screens
some soliloquy
am I just wanting too much?
needing too much
playing too much
maybe you can't play
with me, be with me
see with me
my eyes are closed
beware my heart
I can't believe this
is how we start
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