all of a sudden passion suddenly

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A kiss in the night
from the past
dark and lovely

But not from me

A knee jerk reaction
is unthinking--
she loves me
loves me not

Pain doesn't echo

I'm a man
my cries are silent

My fault, as I
was too arrogant
and very unaware

Not now or again
because I hold on
a little harder

Maybe kisses meant
for me
will remain
for me
Rx Blowjob

Honey, you're a pain source
but also a

Swallow my misery along
with the bitterness
that rolls off your chin

There is a perscription
for everything
and a lolly for you
good girl

As sometimes blowjobs
do fix everything
I'll take one now
and another later
written in sand

my name and yours
always and forever tucked
neatly to the side , in sand

jagged seashells
edges scratching, etching,
bivalve over mollusk, hard shells shatter
with constant tumble
pull and smash,
hello shore,
you look familiar,
soothing, smoothing
here I am intruding-
inscribing words like we and us
and plural you and often
when you speak for me,
I can mean both of us too

seashore stranded
beneath a gibbous moon
early morning poetry
is easy to jot
but can be
just like me
not so easy
to follow the dot
dancing from notion to notion
magic potion - sunscreen lotion
an evaporating plot
poetic blind spot
i mean a little
but jot a lot
an insomniac poet's devotion
misty mountain, hop atop
pop's asleep, reading Dr Seuss

he dreams of a mountain,
a stream
what a dream, tinkling out
his barley and hops-
he IS the Bud man
clydesdale in tow, no show
gelding, sleep in the barn

below Misty Mountain,
on pop's barley farm

front porch, screen door

Them kids are like sex, I heard Mama say
in and out, out and in, all damn day!
Why can't they just stay out, and play?

They got'em a swing set and new bikes, blue
fresh paved road and a nice hill, too
Why can't they just stay outside and play?

It's sunny, she said, from the window she could see
little brother billy and sarah in the street
So glad they decided to stay out and play!

The ball was bright yellow, gleemed like sunshine
sarah was a little thing, not even five
Still glad they are outside, so hard at play!

Saturday Night drunk fight, stop sign felled
highway man don't work today
You kids! Get in the yard and play!

When did a kid ever listen?
when country roads echoed at play,
never stopping to think about
the big truck heading their way

and now did mom with nothing ( to worry about)
a screen door slam,how minor
when both of her babies were taken away....
taken away
damned screen door! slam my heart,
take this fucking sadness away

untaken, trembling
inundation of madness
waiting for You to flood me
with such fierce ownership
tremendous command
intense voice
invigorating touch
utter develop

fire at bay, on edge
expelling shallow gasps
in tormented anticipation
my heart peals with Your pleasure
accepting Your pain
with my own joy at
perceiving Your peace
unleashing You
set free

abandoning myself
a mere meager mold
putty for strong hands
my mind, heart,
body, soul
all that You want
please take,

the chain You locked around me
heavy in its form
heated, melding me
to enlightenment
leaving me
to be
for You

On words

Our words
in love and politics

or sovereign?

Do we govern them
or do they govern us?

Do they imprison
or free?

a Trojan Horse
by which the world
enters the city of the mind

Question them at the gate.
What is that frown?
It spreads like a virus
from shrunken pupils to sour turned mouth
and exhales, like cigarette breath,
an air of dissatisfaction.
Why this sullen reaction?
Why feeling so down,
and out, in sad un-sync with the world,
that you know,
as well as I do,
is just what we paint into it.
What is that frown,
to a simple hello,
with the simplest intention?
Just a frendly face, not to mention
a smile, unconditional
and just for you.
Silly sullen sweetheart, smile
for a silly little while.
Then you too will find
how a grumpy grinch frown
can't bring you the blues
and the whole world smiles with you,
it's a wonderful world
when you're smiling,
and I sing to myself,
or for frowny downy you.

sitting on the cemented block stoop
of a familiar place
unable to write for ages
tearing through old memories
black ink on curled pages
dredging a smile to last
in hopes of seeing a familiar face
a lost feeling of home
I didnt realize the sign said "closed"
peering closer I read
"Cafe full, copy and paste not accepted,
go fill your own paper mache"

so gathering my flash frames
and staggered beliefs
again disappearing into gritted space
echoes_s said:
dsl provider on strike, losing posts left, right, and center like crazy, extended delays in posting, forgetting to save before I post so I have no back up, lack of sleep, lack of coffee...sighs


A loving but sinfully lewd hug,
for a girl with a wistful mood bug.

No number-dumber machines remain
a threat to the flow, if you trust your brain

to make rhyme out of random, joy out of jitter,
see through all the nuance, carve granite to glitter.

A slightly belated welcome to Literotica Randi Grail! I just discovered your poetry today & honestly, it is amazingly poignant. Great to see another excellent writer join the community! :rose:

Forever a virgin
most words stick in my throat
inspiration fleeting at best
mental masturbation
that only I understand.
Silent to a fault
I remain half hidden in shadows
absorbing the essence of others.
A Holy Grail appears
shimmering on the horizon
inspiration abounds
the world expands
My silence is broken
if only for a heartbeat...

My Stories & Poems
one day I will
paint a third eye
on my forehead
and see
if I see
the world
through the eyes
looking back at me

one day I will
to the streets
just to hear
marble and cement
to make a child
and make a grey heart
in a clean suit
and expensive tie noose

one day I will
write a poem
for real
bye bye zoloft, goodbye

i pushed that bottle of Blue
blue blue, to the back of the cabinet
with vitamin C
its time I found out how it feels
to be me
for better or worse, Im not a rock
not a sad one and withdrawal just might
be kinda fun....

I'm a pearl white girl
Cloistered in grief
Rubbed the wrong way
Hoping no one finds me
Just to throw me back
an explosion of bullet
into young sapling trunk
of two year old birch tree

splintered copse
scattered breach
anguished breath
gasping breathe
bowing fore
burrowing deep
into the ground of forestry
an eerie hushed scream
rooted keep

and she cries, heart bleeds
cowering branches to steep
sapping flow of life
before senselessly littering leaves
a second detonation as she breaks
in two, utter extreme
Dancing between phrases
Uttered from fevered lips
Burning wax drips
Tripping along hills and valleys
Bittersweet soothing ice
Purposefully applied
Ooh’s and ah's crescendo
Sated down to painted toes
Much needed dazzling dose
A different kind of melody.

*inspired by Fawnie and Tathagata*
Re:sweet and perverse

Words luring, binding, holding you prisoner
No escape
The moment is to strong
Like a pied piper
Tathagata's gotcha

Who want's to esacpe?
last night

last night when the rain came
finally and with rocket-sized fanfare
wet and life exploded
upon the earth
in electric sparks and blue green waves
and I thought I heard the soil sigh
deeply and without reservation
as she lifted my spirit and flung me skyward
through the midnight mist and haze
no title for this poem that didn't know where it was going

you may know free fall,
not controlled flight,
without metal wings,
and things.

to soar unfeathered,
no propulsion,
like in dreams,
balanced on rails,

then the wild-grass
belly brush,
a level drift of eye
over dew, above

tilled earth,
so quiet
past hushed
and slumbered
and dreaming


yet we wake
and free fall
she curls on paper,
a shallow breath of words,
bled on rapier verse.

exquisitie linger,
then into metaphoric light,

where she flows rhythmically
into new life, lying
on the belly of a poem.
a big hair lick poem

for eve and tath-

cotton candy hair
she has cotton candy hair
sweetly pink and sugar puffed
Bouffant-style just wasn’t enough

she’s gotta be sweet, enticing
offers everyone a nibble or lick

but she’s got cotton candy hair
don’t nudge up too close
or she’ll smear herself like butter
all over your fancy clothes

Not another one.
No. Screaming thoughts.

Once again into the pain
Find it,
Rip it away, enjoy the tear.

Leaving for another
As if that's all there is
Coming and leaving

It's cold here
You take your warmth
Truth is, you may never
Bring it home.
Only Thieves Write Beauty

he slips strands of lovely
from her, so she'll know
sunrise, with him,

before its light reveals
his theft,
before poets wake
from night
beneath harlot moon,

who glows on every
old rhymer's corner
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