all of a sudden passion suddenly

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The screen door is open.
A breeze wafts
to the kitchen.

Almost bedtime.

When the music ends,
we go upstairs, but first
Toscanini must finish conducting
Beethoven's Piano Concerto
through its alternating measures
of majesty and understatement.

Daddy likes that movement
toward the end, where violins
whisper insistently and keys
meander like petals falling

until the pace quickens,
and low crisp notes
scurry across the board,
roll out from the dining room.

Daddy, it sounds like mice.

We watch the night flesh
into black. Wind rattles.
The neighbor's dog barks.
Music plays.

Chavi, write how it sounds.

So I do.
And I do.
And I do.
on an optic wire
keyboard kisses
clash byte by byte

we lean forward
to see
if a speaking screen
can intend as much
as for real

and any stir
every impression
sinks in
straining the chord
so much more
until the nexus
fragile in this
no mans land

tread easily
my friends
and don't lean in
too deep
Divide the sea
Moses. Move on. I'll just
lay here counting grains
on the arid floor one by one.
You go on ahead. Take all
those wanderers with you.

I need a home
like a damn semetic boll weevil
still looking and decades pass
without comfort from your staff,
your ark.

I have lit a thousand candles,
watched lights extinguish
in all those eyes, burned
at both ends davened my soul
light years past kabbalah.

You can bat my mitzvahs
into eternity baby.
Make it a kosher home run
right out the damn temple
parking lot. Move on.

I need a sea change.
daddys still gone

Daddy, its been three years today
I miss you and all those things
you should have taught, but didnt know
why didnt you know?

I want to remember you, eyes filled
tears of a most joyous nature
grieving the thought that our time would end

that faded black and white of you
and mama, holding newborn me
grieve that photo was ever taken, youre gone
grieve that I was born but youre still gone

grieve that mama cried alone, you were always gone
last words i love you honey, i grieve
the loss of hearing them, ever again
now that you are finally and forever, gone
After I loved you
I became microscopic,
too weak to be heard.
Wind carried my voice
away from you.

After I loved you
I became transparent,
a glass bird, fragile, breakable,
left on a table in the hall.

I stared at the wall for years.
It was smooth and quiet, empty.
I pressed my face to it.
I could not speak.
I could not scream.
I was smooth and quiet, empty.

I could not reach a chair in my own house.
I could not reach the bed.
I fell behind the laundry,
crumpled behind your shirts.
You forgot I was there.

After I loved you
I was no more
than a particle, a mote of dust,
shifted past sunlight,
sifted under glass, trapped
beneath a photograph of myself,
unaware of a world once
around me.
So I just write, no edits, and see what happens?


Dandelions are ripe, the air is bristling,
shimmering with mother Gaia's glee,
Relentless, the void is swaying singing
symphonies setting springtime free

And there you run, bouncing easy steps
so wistful calling back my name.
If only you knew how fast my glacier
melts in sight of your carefree game

Child of April mornings, run like water
come back later to hold my hand
You dandelion April daughter
roaming wild in springtime land
Gently This Time

moths flutter between wools
summered beneath my bed.

Just once, you
aflutter, devouring softly.

(I was bad and edited the line breaks)
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Ride wild

I take rays from the sun
and braid
gentle wisps
then lean over,
tender touch your face
wistful caress
from the clouds
puffing breeze
a whispered wish

I kiss you hard
with moaning sighs
steal your breath
make you cry
as I caught deep
with savage ache
and weep
with you

I squeeze you tight
gripping taut
tensed wire
stretched steep
canyon wild
and ride
Cling closely...
traverse with me?

helpless i stand
heliopaused in the hemisphere
a heathen hammerblow
against hunger and heartbreak
against hopleless and homeless
no headstrong heroism will hold
help me
hold me
heaven come
hell abide
WickedEve said:
Really like the first stanza a lot!

I take rays from the sun
and braid
gentle wisps
then lean over,
tender touch your face
wistful caress
from the clouds
puffing breeze
a whispered wish
to see you smile in your sleep

In meadows of deep
to sprout a grass length
and tickle the nape
of your neck as you lay
where hair curls
in baby browned tendrils
that never leave
to kiss wet with dew
and sighingly breathe
then evaporate into you

black velvet
sliding like rain
caressing soft mounds
shifting to make way
and make day out of
black velvet night

sliding sleepy slowly
revelling ravishing
wonders of daylight
bright skin

straps finally
falling from shoulders
to release, reveal
what I achingly seek

but no, oh no

still clinging
to curves
by some macic
magnetic marvel
in those hips

you know
you know so well
how to capture
my soul my mind

how with nothing
but velvet bind
this heart to yours
forever and a day

with a slightest
of sighs
gravity conquer
your resistance
at last

and you
conquer me
Polly wants a cracker, so what can you do?
I dig through the cupboards of an apartment zoo.
In a lair of many versatile a beast
some are always hungry when others feast.
And some, oh some, seems to get their rocks off
from the simple habit of tearing people's socks off.
I say 'Hey Mrs Andersson, you have too many pets'
I come here every other week in case the nurse forgets
to feed a single one, cause then, Jane Andersson will sack her.
So somebody please, give Polly a motherfucking cracker.

Edited to add: Lovely old woman, but completely mad. She has no parrot named Polly, but the rest is true. Name altered for privacy and verse rhythm.
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Loving, chaste

I take rays from the sun
and braid gentled wisps
then lean, extended
tender touch your face
a wistful caress
from white willowy clouds
a whispered wish puffing breeze
to see you smile in your sleep

In dream-filled meadows of deep
to sprout a grass length
and tickle the nape
of your neck as you lay
where infant hair curls
in baby browned tendrils
to kiss wet with dew
and sighingly breathe
then evaporate, condensed into you

How I ache your embrace
a misty trickled teemed pain
bleeding heart-wrenching deep
shivered wolves’ howls by the bay
reflecting shimmered delight
in the morning hushed rise
I doting kiss your closed eyes
loving, chaste
Liar said:
And some, oh some, seems to get their rocks off
from the simple habit of tearing people's socks off.

Fido, you runt, bad dog, I said no!
Sit, stay, go fetch, for god's sake let go!

Roll over, play dead, anything but this.
Come over here, and give mistress a kiss.

Bitches and bones, anything will be yours,
I'll make you the king of all things on all fours,

I'll bring you the paper, I'll answer your calls.
Please Fido, let go of your master's balls!

Ok, this isn't new. A little cheat, but I thought it was appropriate.
I will speak to you, not of love and loss,
heartache, war and vengeance.
I have no tale of erecting monuments
heroes blood spilt, and horizonless journeys.

I will speak to you, not of symphonies,
blues, psychedelica, religion, none of those I can give words.

I will speak, not of flesh, no words of wanton,
excruciating erotica exhibtions, flying, fucking,
flowing free on fifth dimensional carriers.

But I will speak,
of frogs, ferns and grindstones.
Dew at sunrise, breeze at sunset.
Soil, seeds and sandalwood.

Come closer child, and I will tell you,
all that matters.
Tathagata said:
yeah but we're suppose to blame Eve
Because she's got the bigger hat?'

Big hats on a windy day.
That's what we were.

Only trying to keep cool,
our heads together somehow,
observe and enjoy the parade
of days passing by.

But big hats, proud as we may,
can not hold still
against the simplest breeze.
And fluttering we swirled
in the sudden weather blush
of adventure,
forgetting our heads,
to soar for a while.

And we did, and big hats do,
and spun in madness
a second or two.

Before landing, always so.

Always fall,
into the muddiest puddle
of them all.
Living in the Valley

Mayacamas rise feminine
to our west
soft, tree-covered
like supple earth breasts

Vaca Mountains jut masculine
to the east
sculpted in bronze
strong shoulders, biceps to hold us

Beside silver river on richest soil
in the valley between am I
fertile and lush
admiring and desiring both
Altar of Flesh

Take me in the vineyard.
Let me brace myself
against rungs
of wind-machine ladder
as I become altar,
doorway to Divinity.

Bury in me all your tensions,
stresses, the hardness of your day.
Fill me with your need
to connect with Goddess,
ground yourself in my flesh.

Lay me naked on the Earth
so voyeur moon can see
me open,
my breasts sway to the rhythm
of your prayer.

Let wind dance across our skin,
caressing us with lover hands
to stoke the ancient fire
in our souls
to raging desire,
until you spill your offering seed
into the furrow of me.

Use me well.
Connect to the great mystery
through my flesh.
Observe the Great Rite
connecting us both to the spiral of life.
poems flow in meaning
blown feathered
in phrases dandelion slow
sailing wishes like stars

speaking to love
or the culture of moments
unthinking but knowing
like lips form a kiss
near unaware but glowing
upon the skin of night

poetry sings
slowing darkness
denying denial
to flicker like candles
that burn in the soul

to fall into stanzas
like loss of control
tolling triumphant
for those who will listen
believing that growing
is quiet and opens
like blossoms in sun
is a card to play
horseshit illusory
broken chairs
and commentary and
endless waisted time and

denail, nailed to the floor.

how do you like my muse

minute details
and mountains
of pergatory and
scrawny legs

under wait
and weight
a happy dance
in hell,

broad daylight
if you only knew.

illusory footprints
run like
falsehoods and white tail
primadonna and dewdrop
false prints deer that is,
chicken feet
slide like

surrender has always been my
giving in
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first a cleft
of bubbled moist seep
a slow spreading pool
bathing history clean
sluiced rubble
rinsed stream
gentle relief

emotions flow
a crinkled creek
gurgle through grass
in meadows deep
skipping pebbles
altered path meek
a whispered speak

with her heart
the very first time
now a swelling current
unrushed, pouring sweet
succulent life
river refined
life redefined
Radio Tradition

Loretta Lynn croons
in backyard, Memorial Day,
for the Eddle's.

Mr. Eddle is red-chested,
belly further over his belt
than Mrs. Eddle prefers.

His Marlboro disintegrates
between fingers
as he yells above Loretta.

The dogs are burnt and day is scorched.

No disrespect Miss Loretta,
but you'd be in better company
down at the Red Lantern.
The Rape of Master

This is not a "sudden" poem, because it's rather difficult to suddenly write a terzanelle. But I'm posting it here to see if there are any suggestions for improvement before I submit it.

Shadows loom me in surreal night,
near slumber surface and dreamy sighs.
I no longer kneel in begging light.

Striking memories slick my thighs
as I ease along his edge of breath,
near slumber surface and dreamy sighs.

It was his pleasure--my little death.
Submission trembles now with power
as I ease along his edge of breath.

Leather that left my flesh to cower,
taut around the screw-shaped turnings.
Submission trembles now with power.

My skin presses controlled yearnings.
Domme surges when I take the reins,
taut around the screw-shaped turnings.

I fall enraptured in his pains.
Shadows loom me in surreal night.
Domme surges when I take the reins.
I no longer kneel in begging light.
valley angels
titter tatter
on fig twigs
and tea leafs

rainbow shards
of feathers and flutter
as incoming
inaudible thunder
of old elephant feet
lulls by

no shrill, no shrieks
they know their place
and know better
than to stay in her way

they follow her
along the way
to feast on what else
she stir from sleep

a big old grey
a cloud of yellow dust
and a hundred
saluting soarers
Tathagata said:
Me hor... sorry, wrong thread.

Ehm...a poem then...


Oh to rewind
to those monosyllable marvels
and try them out once more.

- gaa faa baa
- goo poo doo

Oh to rewind to discovery
of words, giving sound to shape,
and forever connect abstracts
with analog impressions.

Someone somewhere
come hit me on the head!
Light, just right,
so that I might
forget eloquence
and remember meaning.

Oh to rewind,
and start that journey
all over again.
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