all of a sudden passion suddenly

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where are my keys
where are my keys
where are my fucking keys

:confused: :confused: :confused:

my keys
my keys
my kingdom and
a 2 pound bag of hallloween candy
for my keys

thank god I am not a brain sugeon (for many reasons) already 1.25 hours late for work.

:confused: :confused: :confused:
annaswirls said:
where are my keys
where are my keys
where are my fucking keys


keys are hiding
under that thing
over there

where you left them
where you right about
back then

left them
to not forget

so you did forget

when you did that
with that thing
in that room
over there

and that thing on your mind
that was just about
to slip attention blind and slip

like a breeze
whisper candy wrappers
scattered here and there

which is
either which...


where they are

where what are?
the keys
keys found, work, skipped! play day with the baby!

:give him something to carry:
they say it might keep him on track

so he gets the light bag
with the chips and extra paper plates
which he promptly


to the ground
half way down the walk to take a turn
for the worse

"wait a minute, Mister!!!"

impatience takes hold
as I lose mine

and the keys fall into the leaves

where the bag of chips
and scolding spilled down

(the universe is always on the side of the kid who doesn't want to carry the damn bag)


Liar and T, you crack me up!
It would be funnier if it did not happen to me all the freakin time.

annaswirls said:
where are my keys
where are my keys
where are my fucking keys

:confused: :confused: :confused:

my keys
my keys
my kingdom and
a 2 pound bag of hallloween candy
for my keys

thank god I am not a brain sugeon (for many reasons) already 1.25 hours late for work.

:confused: :confused: :confused:
my confession
or sacrificial offr
sacremento picles or pimento

just so you know

I did things to my last passion post

things not to be done

I cut and I pasted

I added a return



and hit backwspace to fix typos

my feet

up at 4am

free until 3

I am asleep

forgive me for the pickles and pimento

I used to be a deli girl


I forgot what I was doing

zzalready asleep
In the mourning moments
silence and still
without your presence
a sense of you pervades
every pore
every follicle
each molecule
that is me

An absence so deep
a thousand memories
don't begin to fill the void
instead I drift in darkness
bumping into versions of myself
I barely recognize

seeking assurance
that one day the fullness
of me
and my life
will return
as laughter shatters solitude
joys tears wash regrets
and love's hope overflows
really weird part sometimes

is during my silent periods I dont remember writing poems but looking through my book tonight I found a few

Here is one:

Faceless nightmares

with poet's hand light
stars mystique
swept rays across land
warmth and grace
grasping earth
revealing under dark
heartless rock
bland and gray
death in torchlight
shadowed gloom rise
inevitable doom
stones with teeth
a sleeping dragon
leers with soundless threat
silence foreboding
crouched hush
stillness disturbed
beating heart of
a waking beast
distant echoed drip
of slow liquid drops
predatory work
dark pools of chilled water

Welcome to the home
of the dwegar, kwo toa
the drew
living in caverns
roughly sloped stalactite
a cruel facade
hiding chaos and will
sharp and haunting
pain thrusting

Welcome to the valley
of death
the land of faceless

my nemesis waits by the door
as I sip my drink
in the cellar bar
and celebrate momentary escape
from his shadow

but he is patient
and knows I soon must emerge
defenseless against his
insistent urgings
as I drive home
to the tune of his whispers
hissing aloneness and despair

even climbing into bed with me
he is bad company
and crowds me in my sleep
elbowing me into awakeness
when all I want is peace
to rest and dream of possibilities
he says will never come
next time

passion condensed
small and distant
barely legible

a series of tight
secret circles
attached to sharpened
held tightly within

lush vowels dried
crinkled and parched
risen stem wilted

held together now
by only a thin
black cord
of telephone
trailing used roads
miles away

not directly attached yet
no longer feeling abandonned
just set aside
until the next time
the phone rings
odd jobs and excuses

husband leaves his change minus quarters
for her mason jar collection-
saving for a beach trip, whenever
they have time, all she has is time

a job, something to do, would be welcome diversion
but late night at convenience stores
"someone will shoot you, and what a waste of life
for only minimum wage"

afternoons to be spent waiting and playing
taxi driver, remember that movie, it comes to her
mind when she hears those words, tax E driver
drive her crazy, waiting on something to happen

"finish school" he says, but when its comfortable for him
supper shoudl be waiting, laundry needing done
someones, his hardon always waiting
excpet when she wants some

he always leaves his change, except for quarters
unless its for the motel maid, she deserves
two bits and a beer, she works hard
needs to be paid, dont worry bout wifey-
she is just an endentured slave
Hope, the grand illusion

Dr Phil told some lady
that she was in love with hope
who the fuck, is he to judge
he is a smart man, but what does he know

about living when all you have to get you up
everyday is that grand illusion?
ther are supposed to be princes, armoured up
gallpoing to rescue, but this castle was built
on imaginary lands and listed on invisible maps
he couldnt find me if he actually wanted to

Dr Phil told some lady she was living a lie-
at least she was living
at least she didnt want to die
she just did what she had to do
to stay sane, to get by
The Dude Abides

excuse me while I mosh
bumrush the blue grey
white shirt black tie beehive soul
bottom line bludgeoned squadron
yell Purlpe Haze through the
transparent transaction mist
at the top of my White Russian
marinated lungs

it's just about time now
they line up in conformed lines
a perfect triangle target
of easily knocked over ideals

and I a Big Lebowski hallucination
curled in fetal position
ready to roll
through an alley of can can dancers
towards the terrified lineup

excuse me while I riot
though not through sheer mass
but with the right
rhethorical sledgehammer
swinging to smash
any delicate defense

because I know I can
screw with their perceptions
and launch a screwball swing
to strike and score
and watchthe scattered pieces'
glorious parables

then return to my seat
smug and satisfied
mark it, Dude
then abide

words and phrases attack
a look, harmless,
confuses and maims
into a rush
on a hormonal race track
emotions neck to neck
faster and faster
leaving one open
as it whispers circles
of self doubt
of sanity
vague recollections
“what the hell just happened”
and “why”
shimmered backwards
then left
and we cry
without understanding
as sorrow engulfs
why fear back lashed
or anger reverberated
why we are so tired
come the end of the day…

:rolleyes: :p
"You said it wouldn't hurt"

"Sorry kid, I lied"

No matter how slow
you take off the Band-Aid
it's always going to hurt

Kisses and blowing on it
doesn't work either
but it's the thought and comfort
that takes away the pain
Slow motion in emotion
runs to freeze frame

Stopped here long enough
we melt into two

We play through
but the show is over

There is no going back
after rewind
neonurotic said:
Slow motion in emotion
runs to freeze frame

Stopped here long enough
we melt into two

We play through
but the show is over

There is no going back
after rewind

Go forward, ahead
and don't look behind
there is nothing left to see
just what used to be.

Ahead there is tomorrow
and yesterday and today
are a faded memory
of what used to be.

Come with me as I spin
a story from the now
the past is naught but history
and what used to be.
Originally posed by champagne1982
and photographed in neonurotic's mind
I want my av and your av
to get together
for a one-night-stand
full of tongue twisters

Raising A Stillborn Child

She set ink to paper,
another blue dot
embedding the same old digits
on the wall calendar.

They grow up so fast,
don't they? Don't they?
Yes, they do.

Traces yet a
chalk outline
of possibilities,
erosion blurred
at the edges.

Then smudges the white
with salt and semantics.

Only a blue dot remains.
this snake
perpindicular to the stone wall
head up six inches

it was a challenge if I ever saw w one
come on girl how long can you sit still



One step into traffic
and my guts paint I-5
accident or not
who knows?

Who the fuck cares?

Either way
I get only 1 minute
of fame with KIRO 4
news at eleven

~ The media is
one macabre ghoul
looking to pick
everyone over

... scavengers

Time to turn off the TV
kick the paperboy
and starve the vultures
An artful intent puts
runners in stockings
snaps garters,
makes a white
on black abstract
of a velvet Versace

titled "quick on the trigger"
signed by, yours truly
inserting the sero zero
place keeper place keeper
to turn us over ten fold
a hundred
fold the flag into neat triangles
"unfulr unfurl a flag that is clear"

dig earth
stick rocks back in
dig earth
stick a box back in
dig earth
plant secrets
guest at my table
two by three photograph with a sticky back
for gluing to chair

guest at my table
watches enriched enlarged vacuum packed and
from the field to table

photograpgh whisp


thats not food
thats not food!!!!!

counter turns


eight hundred eighty nune

submit to slow trains
submit to clean sheets
csubmit to the hunger runs yoiu in spirals lkike leaves in the allwyway
leaves in a corner
submit to the updraft submit to the shift key suibmit to the period at the end.
a flickered trace
of my love
keeps flowing
a constant blowing
of incandescent down
upon your face
catching breath
closed eyes
smile with softened
a flutter of air
kissing wetly
coy steal
of heartbeat
then exhale
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