all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Pearls scattered
Across the floor
Tell the tale
Of wanton desire

Torn clothes
Speak of need
Reek of lust
Thrown with abandon

Wrecked bedding
Sets the stage
Frames the scene
Carnal colors

Frantic motion
Separate and together
Screams of need
Moans of desire
the color of black

my eyes the color of black
no color
all color flaring
blood rushing
throughout my head
constant invigoration
heady salivation
and the growl
keeps rumbling low
within my throat
tumbled run
as my body coils
in anticipation,
just looking at you,
echoes_s said:
a flickered trace
of my love
keeps flowing
a constant blowing
of incandescent down
upon your face
catching breath
closed eyes
smile with softened
a flutter of air
kissing wetly
coy steal
of heartbeat
then exhale

Candle flickers in the breeze
Dim light for distant shadows
Wax tears trail down the taper
Speak of time, speak of timeless moments
Fingers trail over lips
Lips trail over curves
Constant breathing, even breath
Languorous motion, lingering kiss
Breath in
Breath out
Music just a memory
Lost in counting heartbeats
Counting breaths
Losing count of kisses
Candle flickers in the breeze
Candle flickers out
echoes of last Friday
anothr night alone
better forgotten

recorded, catalogued
and filed
according to the dewey eyed decimal system
Laid out
open and vulnerable



The intensity
makes us tremble

Sometimes we pull back
but left with want for more

In between fear and love
is passion
Two phone calls
and suddenly
life reverses itself
from sinking to rising
riding the crest
of a wave of sound
of daughter's voices
and an u8nknown first date
endless possibilities
suddenly apparent
hope is hard tyo suppress
and why would you want to?
and in this dream it is foun four hands
over me none touch me

with a feighned protest

beg for ease and breathe

neighter comes
come soon enough

four hands none with mercy
sc hrim scraw scrithc scraw metal

pop top finger
takes a pinch forgetting

shirts vs skins

high five
slap assed towel snap and muffled
have me you have me malleability tested
simple harmonic motion resounds stainless steel reflects
minerts miners hat lantern

signs of life
pulse below feet in oozing tidal pools

something snaps
tungtied2u said:
Two phone calls
and suddenly
life reverses itself
from sinking to rising
riding the crest
of a wave of sound
of daughter's voices
and an u8nknown first date
endless possibilities
suddenly apparent
hope is hard tyo suppress
and why would you want to?

I have no desire
To live vicariously
Through my child
Their laughter
Makes me smile
Young tears
Cause me pain
First love
Creates concern,
But also brings back memories
Fledgling freedom
Sets me free
Their achievements
Let me know
I’ve done well
Make me proud.
The_Fool said:
I have no desire
To live vicariously
Through my child
Their laughter
Makes me smile
Young tears
Cause me pain
First love
Creates concern,
But also brings back memories
Fledgling freedom
Sets me free
Their achievements
Let me know
I’ve done well
Make me proud.

Amen to that my friend

and I've realized
I've committed the cardinal sin
and not read my words from
your point of view
andf you've misconstrued

It's I who have a date
and not my daughter's
lucky bastard
that I am

there is no way
to compress
any single thought
any given idea
any felt emotion
into 10 words
or 10,000 words
writers only offer
shadows of feelings
frameworks of thoughts
outlines of memories
the eyes of another
color it differently
as does time
for the writer
As old as I am,
maybe older,
a faithful companion,
a true childhood friend.

With age came seperation,
I moved away from my adolescence,
from you,
and tried to forgot everything.
I knew you were sick,
tried to keep distant,
aloof, unaffected,
keep the distance that has grown.

Remembrance Day,
when I found out,
tonight would be your last,
your time had finally come.

Unable to keep away,
I returned against better judgement,
frothing mouth, glazed eyes,
will form my latest nightmares.

Powerful for so long,
I held you as you fell,
the needle relieved your suffering,
You were to go peacefully.

Minutes later,
still twitching,
Shhh, just shh, let go.

Eyes finally closed,
your pain subsides,
may you find the Summerland
and graze on greener pastures.

Goodnight sweet prince, may you run wild & free forevermore.
advice for poets

hold on
don't release
your pigeon flock ephiphany
to scatter in the sky
to chatter in the void
to coo their when
and how
and why

hold on
let it simmer for a while
answer itself
in echo mirrored
match the shards
through vacancies
with what was left
on the workshop floor
where you assemble
in pressure panic
power pleasure
in a climax
a maximum
climb to an altitude
of invincible attitude
when in vitro you
left behind dust
that was meant to travel
by your side

hold on
and breathe anew
take this inhale
to call the flock
from the sky
so you can carry
the impact of words
spoken in time
and no notion
left behind

hold on
beat my heart
just beat
open your eyes


(advice not appliable on current thread)
I'm tired of writing and crying
watching tears drop like words
splattering and spreading
soaking paper with heartbreak

ink running like mascara across
a white expanse
leaving a blurred trail of lost opportunity
and broken promises

as one by one
professed lovers and friends
fade from view
like the last few letters crammed
onto the bottom of a sheet
growing smaller and smaller
having run out of time and space

and then they are no more
full stop.

where do I go now?
I'm entertaining thoughts
of knots and nots
of twisted tight
and come undone
the slow but steady unravelling
of all that's gone before
to keep it all contained
compressed and under wraps
perhaps a sudden snap
and then no more
just remains
of sinew and skin
nothing left within
Under the poppy snow you lay me
down drifting under we shrink
to the sixe of the shadows
your paws pull me close,
secured, claws reminding me secure is

Sleepo sleep now I know
the man of metal will soon wake us with
his reflections and scrape
oiling our parts for the next roll and show.

I sleep knowing I want every
memory to bear your imprint
childhood fantasy replaced with your script.
Skinned knnees.
First day without braces it is your tongue across
unexpected smoothness.

Bed knobs, broomsticks, everything becomes
SEX with you in the scene.

I relive days and write you in.
Stage left.
Snow White waits for your tongue.
And fingers
and climb in charming what
are you waiting for
a snake and an apple?
tried and tied something makes me want to say 47
always the prine prime numbers that haunt me
that tackle my consciousness


march me in my dreams and the hood
protects me fro m the rain
pulled tight hood protects

this is what happens when I just want to say

and the wrds deny me passage
making me promise to use numerics to use websters apprived list

when something right below my chest presses up against ribs and I press it down

down back inside with prime numbers


they are final
the do not move
uncrushable on top of that lust for more that rises rises
from from from whence it was born



I wanna be the hand that makes the adjustments

comfort changes
wanna be the hand that leads you away

to where hands are open
to suggestion
It is all presumption. That thinking. Know
this: pain is no more than a moment's kiss
of sorrow. Manipulate me. Ebb. Flow
with the tides of day. Time passes and bliss
is not stationary, but mutable.
I am a breeze. I wind about the trees,
and my logic is irrefutable.
It doesn't exist. I'll drift in my seas
of belief. Believe what you please. I'm here
and there. Love is real or not. Do you care
about me? It's naught but words. Have no fear
of this. I'm metaphor, dust mote in air,
warmed by sun and yes even now his arms
lift me up. Our secret world. No alarms.
there is a stick with a Y at the top

she uses it to hold up the wash line
that sags lower as heavy wet clothes
pull towards the grass

rope between the arms of the Y
she lifts it up, wet denim sways

the only thing holding up the rope is the stick
the only thing holding up the stick
is the weight
of the rope

stick and rope

stick swaysin wind that blows cloth dry
stick rests on ground
except for the very weight it holds up

I cannot get this image out of my head

and things dry
and rise
stick loses the support of what it supports
rope loses the need for the support

I cannot get this out of my head

she removes the clothes
puts pins into cloth bag
moves the stick back against the pole
until it is needed to hold his clothes
off the ground again

we cannot stop thinking about this

someday we will figure out why
even losing ma poems :(

maybe for good reason...:confused:

lifeless calm
reverbrating silence
quivering quiet in the
eye of the storm

a complete
forgot what i was
going to say
all the time

drawing blankness
a dry brush
scratching canvas
even then
a tired drag

yet relief
an endless second
knowing you
made it this far
life will be once again
bereaved hope
sways once
rushed heartbeat
as concentration,
focus returns

only snapshot
slowly graduating
to conscious

yet exhaustion
pushes gravity
condensing space
heavy air

a continual battle
for consistency
to remember
what day it is
If I raise my hand
:Like this:
Will you take me over
And then again?
When it moves me to
Move you must I let go
Unclench both fists for you?

Is there room in the plan
I see the flicker behind your eyes
Reel to reel reality show
Where everyone
Gets the girl
Come get me.
Bite me behind the neck
Like mamma and her kitten
Carry me back to the nest.
My eyes are open
I catch heat in my hand
Demand motion palm and
Wrist :twisted: sliding as
You receed into the softness
I fall into again
The heat spreads
The taste of cherry
covers your salty seduction
burning my mouth
enflaming your body.

Leather bindings encircle me
as the night progresses
ensuring your dominance
enforcing my submission.

I scream in ecsatsy
as you fill all my wholes
hard flesh, tongue, & synthetic perfection
pounding out a beautiful rhythm.

Purchasing extras
to raise our stimulation
enhance our pleasure
make up for the love we have lost.

I explode into the night
am left feeling hollow
with the taste of salted cherries
making me want to gag.

Suddenly empty inside
You remove the ties
clean yourself off
and retreat to your side of the bed.

Miles apart
dieing a little more each day
We refuse to admit the truth
instead we purchase another toy
buying ourselves more time together.
asked to perform feats of coordingation
coordination and strength
double palms pressed to leather horse
legs lifted by strings of magic somehow
landing on the other side

promises that there is healing while interpreting spectrum of fall colors only
bright orange drains through yellow, white
and dances past the corners in bare wall rooms

like a transparent Chinese New Year Dragon
biting the ass of the spirits that come to haunt us

I fail all tests and still they say

you are okay

move on, next!

but but

did not you hear my incantations
of a language I do not speak

did you not hear my gurgle of amniotic fluid
still between lungs and air

someone has made some serious miscalculations

at least
point me to the train schedule
what platform
and can I get a window seat
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