all of a sudden passion suddenly

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I was her, but I fell
out of the mirror,
where days were peopled
with children, where once
upon a time fiction
was a man, a women
picking up dropping off
pieces of themselves,
the hollow heart
of a house, a hearth
where bread is broken
to bits small enough
to swallow without choking.

Years can pass this way,
in errands, through doorways,
and the irrefutable fact of small hands
destined to reach beyond
whatever you can give them.

I was her. I thought I was
someone. You can write "wife"
on a scap of paper. It's just
a word, a reference
to beds and bank accounts,
to someone else's name,
once upon a time, fiction
smooth as glass
until until until
the mirror shatters
your reflection.
twin engine dolphin

a drive-by tease
of stops and starts,
then back up,

swift brown sprints a package
to my door, nimble quick
over ibeji and assorted luba,
some punu
wood, cowry and fetish

i cling to inside, letting
god, i need it now
dash out the door

followed by bare feet,
nude desperation

little brown box,
tremble for the rip
little brown box,
crumple like tissue baby

little brown box,
butter-knifed like a bitch

blue ocean jelly rubber
all strappy and low
high speed

there will be no outing,
no lash flutter,
no post office johnny
(when I ship ibejis away)

without discretion of hushed tones
Two sparks

Too often bad things
happen to good people
Today, to good people
the spark of life
brought forth pure brilliance
a baby girl born
into the love
of a kind, hardworking family
who now have nowhere
to bring their child home to.
Another spark, ignited
hearth and house, brought it down
years of toil and sweat poured into it
for just such a day as today
to have a bed where love resided
she could lay her head and dream
these dreams this day
The full moon shifts into
a half cheesy smile
I laugh and think
where do I stuff
the next $1 bill?

~ She dances
pirouettes on stillettos
falls onto pillows
heels kicked up
with ruffled
skirts over head ~

And with those red berry
bee-sting lips
the lady proves she's
got some skills
close to cum suck-off

~ Turn and totter
on tight wire without fear
she knows it won't be pillows
to catch her every time
she falls; it will be me ~

"Hush, go to sleep"
your mumbled fantasies
run into mine
blowjob dreams

what follows
is silence
like stone
cold bone
no need
for needing
any feeling
just some
to sit

a black dress
Cerriwiden said:

what follows
is silence
like stone
cold bone
no need
for needing
any feeling
just some
to sit

a black dress

later a black dress
followed curved lines
red fingernails
pick redder wax drips from candles
dinner cools into a shell
as well
sinetinmes there is movement

knowing I wanted to say something more
First meal of the day

Waking up
Groggy head
you’ve prepared
my morning spread
legs and achin
fresh squeezed juice
don’t forget my bacon
I’ve already got
cream for the coffee

Tongue warms metal
And you settle comfort of down
Velveteen ears.
Thermostat clicks
You jump before the heat kicks in
You want me cold
Needing, goosebumped
Sheets fall lose and you
Need me and warm me
Until you forget my name
And everything is reduced to
Slut, whore, bitch
Until memory returns and again
I am the Velveteen rabbit with
Cold velvet nose nestled
Under your chin,
Rescued and made real.
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She is thick in the middle
but it's partly my doing
so I watch her rise

Every day, checking
rest an ear over navel

how's it goin'?"

You're baking still
and have far to go

but I'm waiting for you
to be done
so keep cooking, baby
and I'll watch the oven

how many times
i ran
skipping heartbeats
like flat stones
across the surface of anything
just to get away
frightened again

a gibbering child
over her first crush
rock star,
paddle shocking
arteries pounding
echoed silence

and that you laugh
with your arm around
surrounding me
pleased to see me
as if knowing
exactly how i feel
It's the Jenny dilemma
all over again,

a smooth spoof gone sour
to the tones
of an unapologetic tango,
trippy steps
in sawdust

hiding needles
and landmines

and avoiding them all
just to trip
on my own

all over again.

You don't know me.
I'm a hardstone hustler
in a ninja suit,

only able
to pull it off
for the most gullible.

So here goes
the Jenny dilemma,
as if I never ever learn.

I never
Mother Superior

Larger than life
She towers wife, mother, icon
Goddess of us all
Small in the shadows we beg
For crumbs that fall
From painted lips
Drink from the drips
Sneak morsels from pewter plate
We wait for the mold
Scape it for the feast that hides
In case her eyes turn to find
Us making due with her surplus.

Spanks us soundly
And puts us to bed.
Spanks us all soundly
And puts us to bed.
Rattley Rattley...
that's the sound the car is making
it is new
in addition to the three others
it probably shouldn't be making
but i have no clue

so i get the oil changed for the first time in
8,500 miles
it's a toyota, and they say they can't be killed
but it's killing me
cuz i have $12 to my name
and no savings whatsoever...
the sudden urge to deficate took place when
i heard someone on the radio talk
having liens put on his salary
the solid caramel colored logs settled gently
to the bottom of the toilet
and i heard bagpipes
playing "amazing grace"
Seattle1120 said:
the solid caramel colored logs settled gently
to the bottom of the toilet
and i heard bagpipes
playing "amazing grace"

lol! You are about the funniest thing
I have seen in here.
And I thought everyones smile
was infectious when talking
about sucking you off.

Not a poem
just a note
in disguise
she slowly removed her floral panties
staring deep into my eyes
and then i saw her
and she said,
"better fuck me fast so I can
get back before recess ends"
need to rehydrate
fluid thinck paste
chock on your own breath
choke on your own breath
blood clogs blood
sticky between fingers
someone get me a glass of water
my feet are stuck in my own thickness
and I just want to sleep

dont use the word I or me in a poem is that the rule I read

need to rehydrate
thick fluid, paste
choke on breath
own breath
blood clogs blood
sticky between fingers
get a glass of water
feet stuck in thickness
someone wants to sleep

he died four times and still
walked off the stage did oyu see that
still walked off the stage
Tathagata said:
the tenderness of the holy touch
is found in broken glass
as well as
careworn eyes

the heat of the holy torch
is found in the burning chalice
as well as flames of hell
that lick my soles
Tathagata said:
to save your soles
your soul
must firewalk
creating a glacier
of acceptance

fiery solstice
like walking on coals
turn to diamonds
soul faceted prisms
of then and now
again again

Tathagata said:
shine on
you crazy diamond


diamonds cut to the heart of the
what's the matter
sharp edged and goold pronged
catch my sweater
scratch my skin
caught in hair

crazy diamond golden ring
leave a dent in my finger
permenant fixture caught behind
jammed and swollen knuckles
no soap
no butter
no twist or cold water will
take this ring from me

shine on
crazy diamond
annaswirls said:
diamonds cut to the heart of the
what's the matter
sharp edged and goold pronged
catch my sweater
scratch my skin
caught in hair

crazy diamond golden ring
leave a dent in my finger
permenant fixture caught behind
jammed and swollen knuckles
no soap
no butter
no twist or cold water will
take this ring from me

shine on
crazy diamond

There is of course
the diamond sutra
Like a meteor, like darkness, as a flickering lamp, An illusion, like hoar-frost or a bubble, Like clouds, a flash of lightning, or a dream: So is all conditioned existence to be seen.

shine on
shine on
and then
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