all of a sudden passion suddenly

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to say is to not say
and to not say
is to say
so therefore if I don’t say
what I want to say
this is as good as saying
what’s said
even if the one I want to speak to

isn’t listening

which isn’t the same as not saying
because if I do say
and they don’t listen
then I might as well not spoken
at all but I did speak
and having spoken
I can’t take back what I said
but didn’t say
and didn’t say
but said

even though
there was no one listening to me in the first place.
must you be grainy
and pixel petite,
forcing me to create the scene?

I think it is appropriate
to have me on my knees,
sucking that cigar between my lips.

give this slut a moment
to send smoke in your direction
before you burn away the distraction--
just a la vieja habana delay.

now shuffle and deal,
slide a pair of ladies up your sleeve
and an ace in my mouth.
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brazen beauty
offering charms
in mock submissive fashion

start with fingertips gliding
over warm globes
of white velvet skin

Tickling traces
bring shudders
and silent sighs

silence shattered
a loud slap
echoing gasp

submissive beauty
not knowing

whispered words
of dominance
rhythmic in nature

sudden slaps
on quivering flesh
offer punctuation

counterpoint in touch
offered by caresses
of delicate locations

control lost
over time
is controlled

as the beat
of the beating
takes on heat

Final movement
of the music
her loud cry

wordless humiliation
pointless retribution
for imagined slights

beaten beauty
offering charms
in chastened submissive fashion

Finale kisses
and light touches
of pink velvet skin
I always knew there was poetry in the way you breathe.

I have found inspiration in elms and rain,
have written beauty on rustling grass,
with words gathered in quiet

when there are moments to recall
everything--raptures and tragedies
that compose a life.
doctor says
small sips
small sips sugar thick
lemon bite

to say silver would be a lie
despite poetic liscence I say

stainless steel
spoon parched lips
not too hot
not too cold

doctor says small sips
you are still not well
you could lose everything

I nod my head in agreement

and swallow it whole
hot and bitter


reaplly lipstick straighten skirt

look it is a beautiful day
drink it down

a prophet came
long hair, pony tail
shadowing eyes
he carried only burden
no cane to shake
or bear

he spoke of damned
disease plagues
barren earth
dead wisps
of ashes
moaned wail reminder

hushed search
seeking love
silent quest
softened sadness
colored trust
misted shroud
inhaled blossom
rushed sigh reminder
mind is
cappuchino cocoa thick
swirls like water
but unable to see through
made of beans
no, strike that

mind is
Montain Dew
bristling with erergy
rising bubbles
that pops to nothingness
on the surface
but only worth the effort
if caffeinated

mind is
mind does matter
and other times
we mind matter
but not the mind
that matters
and I mutter
and banter
as my syllables smatter
this mind
mind is random mode on
skipping CD
dont try to sing along mind is

hoto cocoa with marshmellows
no not really I just want some
please now

mind is
marvel of folding and unfolding origami swans
that flap while you are not looking

mind is a finger tracing the words
as you read the telephone book story of your day
multiplied by memory and interpretation
soaking in the light and vibration
chemicals in the air and on tongue
water color over watered
sprinkled with salt
Liar said:
mind is
cappuchino cocoa thick
swirls like water
but unable to see through
made of beans
no, strike that

mind is
Montain Dew
bristling with erergy
rising bubbles
that pops to nothingness
on the surface
but only worth the effort
if caffeinated

mind is
mind does matter
and other times
we mind matter
but not the mind
that matters
and I mutter
and banter
as my syllables smatter
this mind

you give good syllables
she whispers counting them

into what matters
mind is matter
like heart is matter
like sex is matter
really and
together glued with
something else
entirely different
@ work
onna Sunday
tho no I's around
2 C wut eye do
so I loggon 2 punch
sum poetry down
n 2 read sum by U
'tis a good fing
2 do
Overcast Attic

Skirt tumbles over head
like a fabric cartwheel,
surging dust
into shafts of light.

Through the gauze
and thin pane,
there are lines, shadows,
the way they've never been,

and I no longer see color.
You sink me into green,
let me wear its rustling.

Lover, I'm rising,
blades shooting from the earth!

Windows turn to rain
and dust settles.
My lips, calming
behind water, kiss the grass.
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Six wire hangers,
lots of twist-ties.
Lots, and don't
forget the masking

binds together.
When I spread
the hangers out
he says

It's industrial! Minimalist!

His eyes smile,

(my teasing boy
always makes
me giggle).

My eyes smile.

Tiny lights. Little jewels
twined in gold garland
It's a feathery necklace,
conical, too big to ship,
so it shines from a berth
on the speaker, and we

watch it shine.
He bends over me, says
You smell so good.
turbo poem
while coffee is brewing
and friend runs to the store
on an itsy bitsy chore

faith is a thread
a trip wire in a field of mud
that let us stagger on


and it's not only blood
that is spilling out
the corner of your mouth
but words
trickling like cold smoke
drips from your lips
and dissolves
before landing
on mine
coming closer
still closer
here below

we will merge
but in that moment
your words will
become mine

and your blood will smear
my tongue
with a scent of iron
that no faith no fantasy
can wash away

so why fight the night?
let me taste that descending exhale
and your downpour of mantra
sing the last song
tell the last tale

a tantric transcript sanskrit
soul searching stumble
in your murderous mumble
muffled in my mouth
at last
when I see your face again,
it will be beautiful
in its lines and wisdom.

and I will weep low
so to kiss the joy from your feet.

you have my adoration.
it is here so far away
but will travel with me in the spring.
I feel the movement
Of the muscles
In her calf
As she points her toes
Beneath my caresses

My fingertrails
Meander up her leg
Nibbling behind a knee
Feeling her flinch
At first

Eyes meet
In a way of speaking
That tells an amorous tale
Of two twined together
Wrapped in sheets and comfort
The word erotic
Holds no meaning
When I obsess
With my lust
For your body
Too primal my thoughts
Too urgent my needs
Foreplay is a torn sweater
Kisses miss more often
Than meet
Privacy becomes an afterthought
To the need to have you nude
Revel in your skin
Ravening with my teeth
Upon your most sensitive flesh
Always seeking entry
Always seeking release
With which drains away
The madness
For the moment
But only for the moment
I imprint your cheek with my mark,
ruby red,
a bruise,
or sweetest virginal pink
which would you prefer?

Have a taste of all
my flavours and tell me why
I haunt your mind.

A memory, all but forgotten,
a whisper, all but heard
a taste shared by tongues
twined in twisted torment.

Agony is joy and pain becomes
an ecstacy, chaotic
clamorous amour.

Kiss me again.

You are candy,
you know. A guilty pleasure,
crinkle-wrapped lust
in twisted stripes of whore
and bride. I want you sticky-wet,
trailing your violation
down my chin as I suck
sugar from your pores. Rattle
on my glowing edge,
remind me of your hard-crack
beauty. Choke me
if I don't subdue you first.
imprint on her cheek
of a shoelace left curled
on my kitchen table
where she fell asleep
and I didn't dare to wake her

when too much life
for one day
left her
stumbling into me
down at the corner

one step later
and I hadn't noticed

god only knows where
her cheek would had rested

now there is morning
in eyes charged
seven hour recovery
an accidental tattoo
enigmatic scripts
in a still pale face

coffee is on
Christmas is close

and I will ask her

if she doesn't flee
before the lace trail
has faded
Pornographic memory
Look what you’ve done to me
Lust is all that I want to see

To be continued
if something must crash down around us
let it be my body
broken for you
trace requests withy the spill
circle in closer but never
sign your name

if smoething must be sacrificied let it be my flesh
stretched and skybound
let your mouth taste pain from every pore
breathing my sweat from the cross

if something has to give
let it be me
let me give and give
it all until all passion fire and mistery
is boiled from my bones
pressed into the corner
glass bereaks and pretty packages
lose their wraps
confetti around us
your name on
my lips on my
lips your name
whipsered to noohne no one

your face on my lips
on my curl on my curve
your face

hold the smile hold
hold whispered to no one
a string theory simplified

in theory, this is life,
as mankind has defined
all matter infinite, matter indefinitive,
bundled fibers twisting, yet
they sing a spiritual harmony-
songs of birth, of being
songs of death and of breathing

in theory, something smaller,
more minute than atoms,
had Bohr ever imagined
a symphony harmonic, an orchestra subatomic
dancing to the rhythm of an unseen god

in theory, let us add five more dimensions-
let one of those be more than just existing,
more than strings of theory, bound and twisting
more than mortals wishing
for beads of understanding
that appear in form of words
and shallow consolation-

we are section of song and son
in theory, and will be,
as we were today, unlike the past,
the morrow is yet unsung
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